#include "stdafx.h" #include "global.h" #include "CPathfinder.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "hch\CAmbarCendamo.h" #include "mapHandler.h" int3 CPath::startPos() { return int3(nodes[nodes.size()-1].coord.x,nodes[nodes.size()-1].coord.y,nodes[nodes.size()-1].coord.z); } int3 CPath::endPos() { return int3(nodes[0].coord.x,nodes[0].coord.y,nodes[0].coord.z); } CPath * CPathfinder::getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CHeroInstance * hero, unsigned char type) //TODO: test it (seems to be finished, but relies on unwritten functions :() { if(src.z!=dest.z) //first check return NULL; if(type==1) //calibrating { src.x-=1; } //graph initialization graph.resize(CGI->ac->map.width); for(int i=0; iac->map.height); for(int j=0; jaccesible = !CGI->mh->ttiles[i][j][src.z].blocked; if(i==dest.x && j==dest.y && CGI->mh->ttiles[i][j][src.z].visitable) graph[i][j]->accesible = true; //for allowing visiting objects graph[i][j]->dist = -1; graph[i][j]->theNodeBefore = NULL; graph[i][j]->visited = false; graph[i][j]->coord.x = i; graph[i][j]->coord.y = j; graph[i][j]->coord.z = dest.z; } } //graph initialized graph[src.x][src.y]->dist = 0; std::queue mq; mq.push(graph[src.x][src.y]); unsigned int curDist = 4000000000; while(!mq.empty()) { CPathNode * cp = mq.front(); mq.pop(); if ((cp->coord.x == dest.x) && (cp->coord.y==dest.y)) { if (cp->dist < curDist) curDist=cp->dist; } else { if (cp->dist > curDist) continue; } if(cp->coord.x>0) { CPathNode * dp = graph[cp->coord.x-1][cp->coord.y]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.y>0) { CPathNode * dp = graph[cp->coord.x][cp->coord.y-1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y-1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.x>0 && cp->coord.y>0) { CPathNode * dp = graph[cp->coord.x-1][cp->coord.y-1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y-1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y-1, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.xcoord.x+1][cp->coord.y]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.ycoord.x][cp->coord.y+1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.xcoord.ycoord.x+1][cp->coord.y+1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.x>0 && cp->coord.ycoord.x-1][cp->coord.y+1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x-1, cp->coord.y+1, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } if(cp->coord.xcoord.y>0) { CPathNode * dp = graph[cp->coord.x+1][cp->coord.y-1]; if((dp->dist==-1 || (dp->dist > cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y-1, src.z), hero))) && dp->accesible) { dp->dist = cp->dist + CGI->mh->getCost(int3(cp->coord.x, cp->coord.y, src.z), int3(cp->coord.x+1, cp->coord.y-1, src.z), hero); dp->theNodeBefore = cp; mq.push(dp); } } } CPathNode * curNode = graph[dest.x][dest.y]; CPath * ret = new CPath; while(curNode!=graph[src.x][src.y] && curNode != NULL) { ret->nodes.push_back(*curNode); curNode = curNode->theNodeBefore; } ret->nodes.push_back(*graph[src.x][src.y]); for(int i=0; i