#ifndef __STACK_FEATURE_H__ #define __STACK_FEATURE_H__ struct StackFeature { //general list of stack abilities and effects enum ECombatFeatures { NO_TYPE, DOUBLE_WIDE, FLYING, SHOOTER, CHARGE_IMMUNITY, ADDITIONAL_ATTACK, UNLIMITED_RETAILATIONS, NO_MELEE_PENALTY, JOUSTING /*for champions*/, RAISING_MORALE /*value - how much raises*/, HATE /*eg. angels hate devils, subtype - ID of hated creature*/, KING1, KING2, KING3, MAGIC_RESISTANCE /*in % (value)*/, CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY /*in mana points (value) , eg. mage*/, CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY /*in mana points (value) , eg. pegasus */, SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK /* subtype - spell id, value - spell level, (aditional info)%100 - chance in %; eg. dendroids, (additional info)/100 -> [0 - all attacks, 1 - shot only, 2 - melee only*/, SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA /*eg. unicorns, value - resistance bonus in % for adjacent creatures*/, LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY /*creature is immune to all spell with level below or equal to value of this bonus*/, TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH /*eg. dragons*/, SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION /*eg. golems; value - reduction in %, subtype - spell school; -1 - all, 0 - air, 1 - fire, 2 - water, 3 - earth*/, NO_WALL_PENALTY, NON_LIVING /*eg. gargoyle*/, RANDOM_GENIE_SPELLCASTER /*eg. master genie*/, BLOCKS_RETAILATION /*eg. naga*/, SPELL_IMMUNITY /*subid - spell id*/, MANA_CHANNELING /*value in %, eg. familiar*/, SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK /*value - spell id; range is taken from spell, but damage from creature; eg. magog*/, THREE_HEADED_ATTACK /*eg. cerberus*/, DEAMON_SUMMONING /*pit lord*/, FIRE_IMMUNITY, FIRE_SHIELD, ENEMY_MORALE_DECREASING /*value - how much it decreases*/, ENEMY_LUCK_DECREASING, UNDEAD, REGENERATION, MANA_DRAIN /*value - spell points per turn*/, LIFE_DRAIN, DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE /*value in %, eg. dread knight*/, RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE, SELF_MORALE /*eg. minotaur*/, SPELLCASTER /*subtype - spell id, value - level of school, additional info - spell power*/, CATAPULT, ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION /*in % (value), eg. behemots*/, GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION /*eg. while stoned or blinded - in %, subtype: -1 - any damage, 0 - melee damage, 1 - ranged damage*/, ATTACKS_ALL_ADAJCENT /*eg. hydra*/, MORE_DAMEGE_FROM_SPELL /*value - damage increase in %, subtype - spell id*/, CASTS_SPELL_WHEN_KILLED /*similar to spell after attack*/, FEAR, FEARLESS, NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY, NO_OBSTACLES_PENALTY, SELF_LUCK /*halfling*/, ATTACK_BONUS /*subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged*/, DEFENCE_BONUS /*subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged*/, SPEED_BONUS /*additional info - percent of speed bonus applied after direct bonuses; >0 - added, <0 - substracted to this part*/, HP_BONUS, ENCHANTER, HEALER, SIEGE_WEAPON, LUCK_BONUS, MORALE_BONUS, HYPNOTIZED, ADDITIONAL_RETAILATION /*value - number of additional retailations*/, MAGIC_MIRROR /* value - chance of redirecting in %*/, SUMMONED, ALWAYS_MINUMUM_DAMAGE /*unit does its minimum damage from range; subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged, value: additional damage, additional info - multiplicative anti-bonus for dmg in % [eg 20 means that creature will inflict 80% of normal dmg]*/, ALWAYS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE /*eg. bless effect, subtype: -1 - any attack, 0 - melee, 1 - ranged, value: additional damage, additional info - multiplicative bonus for dmg in %*/, ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE /*while in berserk*/, IN_FRENZY /*value - level*/, SLAYER /*value - level*/, FORGETFULL /*forgetfullnes spell effect, value - level*/, CLONED, NOT_ACTIVE }; enum EDuration { WHOLE_BATTLE, N_TURNS, UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED,/*removed after attack and counterattacks are performed*/ UNTIL_ATTACK /*removed after attack and counterattacks are performed*/ }; enum ESource { CREATURE_ABILITY, BONUS_FROM_HERO, SPELL_EFFECT }; ECombatFeatures type; EDuration duration; ESource source; ui16 turnsRemain; //if duration is N_TURNS it describes how long the effect will last si16 subtype; //subtype of bonus/feature si32 value; si32 additionalInfo; inline bool operator == (const ECombatFeatures & cf) const { return type == cf; } StackFeature() : type(NO_TYPE) {} template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & type & duration & source & turnsRemain & subtype & value & additionalInfo; } }; //generates StackFeature from given data inline StackFeature makeFeature(StackFeature::ECombatFeatures type, StackFeature::EDuration duration, si16 subtype, si32 value, StackFeature::ESource source, ui16 turnsRemain = 0, si32 additionalInfo = 0) { StackFeature sf; sf.type = type; sf.duration = duration; sf.source = source; sf.turnsRemain = turnsRemain; sf.subtype = subtype; sf.value = value; sf.additionalInfo = additionalInfo; return sf; } inline StackFeature makeCreatureAbility(StackFeature::ECombatFeatures type, si32 value, si16 subtype = 0, si32 additionalInfo = 0) { return makeFeature(type, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, subtype, value, StackFeature::CREATURE_ABILITY, 0, additionalInfo); } #endif //__STACK_FEATURE_H__