#include "CSpellWindow.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "../hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../hch/CVideoHandler.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "CBattleInterface.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include #include /* * CSpellWindow.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ extern SDL_Surface * screen; extern SDL_Color tytulowy, zwykly ; extern TTF_Font *GEOR16; SpellbookInteractiveArea::SpellbookInteractiveArea(const SDL_Rect & myRect, boost::function funcL, const std::string & textR, boost::function funcHon, boost::function funcHoff) { pos = myRect; onLeft = funcL; textOnRclick = textR; onHoverOn = funcHon; onHoverOff = funcHoff; } void SpellbookInteractiveArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down) { onLeft(); } } void SpellbookInteractiveArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { LOCPLINT->adventureInt->handleRightClick(textOnRclick, down, this); } void SpellbookInteractiveArea::hover(bool on) { //Hoverable::hover(on); if(on) { onHoverOn(); } else { onHoverOff(); } } void SpellbookInteractiveArea::activate() { activateLClick(); activateRClick(); activateHover(); } void SpellbookInteractiveArea::deactivate() { deactivateLClick(); deactivateRClick(); deactivateHover(); } CSpellWindow::CSpellWindow(const SDL_Rect & myRect, const CGHeroInstance * _myHero, bool openOnBattleSpells): battleSpellsOnly(openOnBattleSpells), selectedTab(4), spellSite(0), myHero(_myHero) { //initializing castable spells for(ui32 v=0; vspellh->spells.size(); ++v) { if( !CGI->spellh->spells[v].creatureAbility && myHero->canCastThisSpell(&CGI->spellh->spells[v]) ) mySpells.insert(v); } //initializing schools' levels for(int b=0; b<4; ++b) schoolLvls[b] = 0; for(size_t b=0; bsecSkills.size(); ++b) { switch(myHero->secSkills[b].first) { case 14: //fire magic schoolLvls[1] = myHero->secSkills[b].second; break; case 15: //air magic schoolLvls[0] = myHero->secSkills[b].second; break; case 16: //water magic schoolLvls[2] = myHero->secSkills[b].second; break; case 17: //earth magic schoolLvls[3] = myHero->secSkills[b].second; break; } } //initializing sizes of spellbook's parts for(int b=0; b<5; ++b) sitesPerTabAdv[b] = 0; for(int b=0; b<5; ++b) sitesPerTabBattle[b] = 0; for(std::set::const_iterator g = mySpells.begin(); g!=mySpells.end(); ++g) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].combatSpell) { ++(sitesPerTabBattle[4]); } else { ++(sitesPerTabAdv[4]); } if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].air) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].combatSpell) { ++(sitesPerTabBattle[0]); } else { ++(sitesPerTabAdv[0]); } } if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].fire) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].combatSpell) { ++(sitesPerTabBattle[1]); } else { ++(sitesPerTabAdv[1]); } } if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].water) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].combatSpell) { ++(sitesPerTabBattle[2]); } else { ++(sitesPerTabAdv[2]); } } if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].earth) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*g].combatSpell) { ++(sitesPerTabBattle[3]); } else { ++(sitesPerTabAdv[3]); } } } if(sitesPerTabAdv[4] % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabAdv[4]/=12; else sitesPerTabAdv[4] = sitesPerTabAdv[4]/12 + 1; for(int v=0; v<4; ++v) { if(sitesPerTabAdv[v] <= 10) sitesPerTabAdv[v] = 1; else { if((sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabAdv[v] = (sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) / 12 + 1; else sitesPerTabAdv[v] = (sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) / 12 + 2; } } if(sitesPerTabBattle[4] % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabBattle[4]/=12; else sitesPerTabBattle[4] = sitesPerTabBattle[4]/12 + 1; for(int v=0; v<4; ++v) { if(sitesPerTabBattle[v] <= 10) sitesPerTabBattle[v] = 1; else { if((sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabBattle[v] = (sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) / 12 + 1; else sitesPerTabBattle[v] = (sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) / 12 + 2; } } //numbers of spell pages computed pos = myRect; background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("SpelBack.bmp"); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(background, myHero->tempOwner); std::ostringstream mana; mana<mana; CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(mana.str(), 434, 425, GEOR16, tytulowy, background); leftCorner = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("SpelTrnL.bmp", true); rightCorner = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("SpelTrnR.bmp", true); spells = CDefHandler::giveDef("Spells.def"); spellTab = CDefHandler::giveDef("SpelTab.def"); schools = CDefHandler::giveDef("Schools.def"); schoolBorders[0] = CDefHandler::giveDef("SplevA.def"); schoolBorders[1] = CDefHandler::giveDef("SplevF.def"); schoolBorders[2] = CDefHandler::giveDef("SplevW.def"); schoolBorders[3] = CDefHandler::giveDef("SplevE.def"); statusBar = new CStatusBar(7 + pos.x, 569 + pos.y, "Spelroll.bmp"); SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(45, 35, 479 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y); exitBtn = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fexitb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[460].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[460].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(45, 35, 221 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y); battleSpells = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fbattleSpellsb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[453].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[453].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(45, 35, 355 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y); adventureSpells = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fadvSpellsb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[452].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[452].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(45, 35, 418 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y); manaPoints = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fmanaPtsb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[459].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[459].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(36, 56, 549 + pos.x, 94 + pos.y); selectSpellsA = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fspellsAb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[454].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[454].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(36, 56, 549 + pos.x, 151 + pos.y); selectSpellsE = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fspellsEb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[457].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[457].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(36, 56, 549 + pos.x, 210 + pos.y); selectSpellsF = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fspellsFb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[455].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[455].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(36, 56, 549 + pos.x, 270 + pos.y); selectSpellsW = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fspellsWb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[456].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[456].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(36, 56, 549 + pos.x, 330 + pos.y); selectSpellsAll = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fspellsAllb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[458].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[458].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(leftCorner->h, leftCorner->w, 97 + pos.x, 77 + pos.y); lCorner = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fLcornerb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[450].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[450].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); temp_rect = genRect(rightCorner->h, rightCorner->w, 487 + pos.x, 72 + pos.y); rCorner = new SpellbookInteractiveArea(temp_rect, boost::bind(&CSpellWindow::fRcornerb, this), CGI->generaltexth->zelp[451].second, boost::bind(&CStatusBar::print, statusBar, (CGI->generaltexth->zelp[451].first)), boost::bind(&CStatusBar::clear, statusBar)); //areas for spells int xpos = 117 + pos.x, ypos = 90 + pos.y; for(int v=0; v<12; ++v) { temp_rect = genRect(65, 78, xpos, ypos); spellAreas[v] = new SpellArea(temp_rect, this); if(v == 5) //to right page { xpos = 336 + pos.x; ypos = 90 + pos.y; } else { if(v%2 == 0) { xpos+=85; } else { xpos -= 85; ypos+=97; } } } computeSpellsPerArea(); } CSpellWindow::~CSpellWindow() { SDL_FreeSurface(background); SDL_FreeSurface(leftCorner); SDL_FreeSurface(rightCorner); delete spells; delete spellTab; delete schools; for(int b=0; b<4; ++b) delete schoolBorders[b]; delete exitBtn; delete battleSpells; delete adventureSpells; delete manaPoints; delete statusBar; delete selectSpellsA; delete selectSpellsE; delete selectSpellsF; delete selectSpellsW; delete selectSpellsAll; delete lCorner; delete rCorner; for(int g=0; g<12; ++g) { delete spellAreas[g]; } } void CSpellWindow::fexitb() { GH.popIntTotally(this); } void CSpellWindow::fadvSpellsb() { if (battleSpellsOnly == true) { turnPageRight(); battleSpellsOnly = false; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fbattleSpellsb() { if (battleSpellsOnly == false) { turnPageLeft(); battleSpellsOnly = true; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fmanaPtsb() { } void CSpellWindow::fspellsAb() { if (selectedTab != 0) { turnPageRight(); selectedTab = 0; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fspellsEb() { if (selectedTab != 3) { turnPageRight(); selectedTab = 3; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fspellsFb() { if (selectedTab != 1) { turnPageRight(); selectedTab = 1; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fspellsWb() { if (selectedTab != 2) { turnPageRight(); selectedTab = 2; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fspellsAllb() { if (selectedTab != 4) { turnPageRight(); selectedTab = 4; spellSite = 0; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fLcornerb() { if(spellSite>0) { turnPageLeft(); --spellSite; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fRcornerb() { if((spellSite + 1) < (battleSpellsOnly ? sitesPerTabBattle[selectedTab] : sitesPerTabAdv[selectedTab])) { turnPageRight(); ++spellSite; } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::show(SDL_Surface *to) { SDL_BlitSurface(background, NULL, to, &pos); blitAt(spellTab->ourImages[selectedTab].bitmap, 524 + pos.x, 88 + pos.y, to); statusBar->show(to); //printing school images if(selectedTab!=4 && spellSite == 0) { blitAt(schools->ourImages[selectedTab].bitmap, 117 + pos.x, 74 + pos.y, to); } //printing corners if(spellSite!=0) { blitAt(leftCorner, lCorner->pos.x, lCorner->pos.y, to); } if((spellSite+1) < (battleSpellsOnly ? sitesPerTabBattle[selectedTab] : sitesPerTabAdv[selectedTab]) ) { blitAt(rightCorner, rCorner->pos.x, rCorner->pos.y, to); } //printing spell info for(int b=0; b<12; ++b) { if(spellAreas[b]->mySpell == -1) continue; //int b2 = -1; //TODO use me blitAt(spells->ourImages[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].bitmap, spellAreas[b]->pos.x, spellAreas[b]->pos.y, to); Uint8 bestSchool = -1, bestslvl = myHero->getSpellSchoolLevel( &CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell] ); if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].air) bestSchool = 0; if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].fire) bestSchool = 1; if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].water) bestSchool = 2; if(CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].earth) bestSchool = 3; //printing border (indicates level of magic school) blitAt(schoolBorders[bestSchool]->ourImages[bestslvl].bitmap, spellAreas[b]->pos.x, spellAreas[b]->pos.y, to); //printing spell's name CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].name, spellAreas[b]->pos.x + 39, spellAreas[b]->pos.y + 70, GEORM, tytulowy, to); //printing lvl CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[171 + CGI->spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].level], spellAreas[b]->pos.x + 39, spellAreas[b]->pos.y + 82, GEORM, zwykly, to); //printing cost std::ostringstream ss; ss<generaltexth->allTexts[387]<<": "<spellh->spells[spellAreas[b]->mySpell].costs[bestslvl]; CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(ss.str(), spellAreas[b]->pos.x + 39, spellAreas[b]->pos.y + 94, GEORM, zwykly, to); } } class SpellbookSpellSorter { public: bool operator()(const int & a, const int & b) { CSpell A = CGI->spellh->spells[a]; CSpell B = CGI->spellh->spells[b]; if(A.levelB.level) return false; if(A.air && !B.air) return true; if(!A.air && B.air) return false; if(A.fire && !B.fire) return true; if(!A.fire && B.fire) return false; if(A.water && !B.water) return true; if(!A.water && B.water) return false; if(A.earth && !B.earth) return true; if(!A.earth && B.earth) return false; return A.name < B.name; } } spellsorter; void CSpellWindow::computeSpellsPerArea() { std::vector spellsCurSite; for(std::set::const_iterator it = mySpells.begin(); it != mySpells.end(); ++it) { if(CGI->spellh->spells[*it].combatSpell ^ !battleSpellsOnly && ((CGI->spellh->spells[*it].air && selectedTab == 0) || (CGI->spellh->spells[*it].fire && selectedTab == 1) || (CGI->spellh->spells[*it].water && selectedTab == 2) || (CGI->spellh->spells[*it].earth && selectedTab == 3) || selectedTab == 4 ) ) { spellsCurSite.push_back(*it); } } std::sort(spellsCurSite.begin(), spellsCurSite.end(), spellsorter); if(selectedTab == 4) { if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite = std::vector(spellsCurSite.begin() + spellSite*12, spellsCurSite.end()); if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+12, spellsCurSite.end()); } } } else //selectedTab == 0, 1, 2 or 3 { if(spellsCurSite.size() > 10) { if(spellSite == 0) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+10, spellsCurSite.end()); } else { spellsCurSite = std::vector(spellsCurSite.begin() + (spellSite-1)*12 + 10, spellsCurSite.end()); if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+12, spellsCurSite.end()); } } } } //applying if(selectedTab == 4 || spellSite != 0) { for(size_t c=0; c<12; ++c) { if(cmySpell = spellsCurSite[c]; } else { spellAreas[c]->mySpell = -1; } } } else { spellAreas[0]->mySpell = -1; spellAreas[1]->mySpell = -1; for(size_t c=0; c<10; ++c) { if(cmySpell = spellsCurSite[c]; else spellAreas[c+2]->mySpell = -1; } } } void CSpellWindow::activate() { activateKeys(); exitBtn->activate(); battleSpells->activate(); adventureSpells->activate(); manaPoints->activate(); selectSpellsA->activate(); selectSpellsE->activate(); selectSpellsF->activate(); selectSpellsW->activate(); selectSpellsAll->activate(); lCorner->activate(); rCorner->activate(); for(int g=0; g<12; ++g) { spellAreas[g]->activate(); } } void CSpellWindow::deactivate() { deactivateKeys(); exitBtn->deactivate(); battleSpells->deactivate(); adventureSpells->deactivate(); manaPoints->deactivate(); selectSpellsA->deactivate(); selectSpellsE->deactivate(); selectSpellsF->deactivate(); selectSpellsW->deactivate(); selectSpellsAll->deactivate(); lCorner->deactivate(); rCorner->deactivate(); for(int g=0; g<12; ++g) { spellAreas[g]->deactivate(); } } void CSpellWindow::turnPageLeft() { CGI->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("PGTRNLFT.SMK", pos.x+13, pos.y+15, screen); } void CSpellWindow::turnPageRight() { CGI->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("PGTRNRGH.SMK", pos.x+13, pos.y+15, screen); } void CSpellWindow::keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) { if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE || key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) fexitb(); } CSpellWindow::SpellArea::SpellArea(SDL_Rect pos, CSpellWindow * owner) { this->pos = pos; this->owner = owner; } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && mySpell!=-1) { //we will cast a spell if(LOCPLINT->battleInt) //if battle window is open { LOCPLINT->battleInt->castThisSpell(mySpell); } owner->fexitb(); } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down && mySpell != -1) { CInfoPopup *vinya = new CInfoPopup(); vinya->free = true; vinya->bitmap = CMessage::drawBoxTextBitmapSub( LOCPLINT->playerID, CGI->spellh->spells[mySpell].descriptions[0], this->owner->spells->ourImages[mySpell].bitmap, CGI->spellh->spells[mySpell].name,30,30); vinya->pos.x = screen->w/2 - vinya->bitmap->w/2; vinya->pos.y = screen->h/2 - vinya->bitmap->h/2; GH.pushInt(vinya); } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::hover(bool on) { //Hoverable::hover(on); if(mySpell != -1) { if(on) { std::ostringstream ss; ss<spellh->spells[mySpell].name<<" ("<generaltexth->allTexts[171+CGI->spellh->spells[mySpell].level]<<")"; owner->statusBar->print(ss.str()); } else { owner->statusBar->clear(); } } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::activate() { activateLClick(); activateRClick(); activateHover(); } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::deactivate() { deactivateLClick(); deactivateRClick(); deactivateHover(); }