#include "StdInc.h" #include "CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "filesystem/CResourceLoader.h" #include "../client/CGameInfo.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "GameConstants.h" /* * CDefObjInfoHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ bool CGDefInfo::isVisitable() const { for (auto & elem : visitMap) { if (elem) return true; } return false; } CGDefInfo::CGDefInfo() { visitDir = (8|16|32|64|128); //4,5,6,7,8 - any not-from-up direction width = height = -1; } void CGDefInfo::fetchInfoFromMSK() { auto msk = CResourceHandler::get()->loadData(ResourceID(std::string("SPRITES/") + name, EResType::MASK)); width = msk.first.get()[0]; height = msk.first.get()[1]; for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) { coverageMap[i] = msk.first.get()[i+2]; shadowCoverage[i] = msk.first.get()[i+8]; } } CDefObjInfoHandler::CDefObjInfoHandler() { VLC->dobjinfo = this; auto textFile = CResourceHandler::get()->loadData(ResourceID("DATA/OBJECTS.TXT")); std::istringstream inp(std::string((char*)textFile.first.get(), textFile.second)); int objNumber; inp>>objNumber; std::string mapStr; for(int hh=0; hh>nobj->name; std::transform(nobj->name.begin(), nobj->name.end(), nobj->name.begin(), (int(*)(int))toupper); for(int o=0; o<6; ++o) { nobj->blockMap[o] = 0xff; nobj->visitMap[o] = 0x00; nobj->coverageMap[o] = 0x00; nobj->shadowCoverage[o] = 0x00; } inp>>mapStr; std::reverse(mapStr.begin(), mapStr.end()); for(int v=0; vblockMap[v/8] &= 255 - (128 >> (v%8)); } } inp>>mapStr; std::reverse(mapStr.begin(), mapStr.end()); for(int v=0; vvisitMap[v/8] |= (128 >> (v%8)); } } for(int yy=0; yy<2; ++yy) //first - on which types of terrain object can be placed; inp>>dump; //second -in which terrains' menus object in the editor will be available (?) si32 id; inp >> id; nobj->id = Obj(id); inp>>nobj->subid; inp>>nobj->type; nobj->visitDir = (8|16|32|64|128); //disabled visiting from the top if(nobj->type == 2 || nobj->type == 3 || nobj->type == 4 || nobj->type == 5) //creature, hero, artifact, resource { nobj->visitDir = 0xff; } else { static const Obj visitableFromTop[] = {Obj::FLOTSAM, Obj::SEA_CHEST, Obj::SHIPWRECK_SURVIVOR, Obj::BUOY, Obj::OCEAN_BOTTLE, Obj::BOAT, Obj::WHIRLPOOL, Obj::GARRISON, Obj::SCHOLAR, Obj::CAMPFIRE, Obj::BORDERGUARD, Obj::BORDER_GATE, Obj::QUEST_GUARD, Obj::CORPSE}; for(auto & elem : visitableFromTop) { if(elem == nobj->id) { nobj->visitDir = 0xff; break; } } } inp >> nobj->printPriority; //coverageMap calculating nobj->fetchInfoFromMSK(); auto dest = nobj->id.toDefObjInfo(); if (dest.find(nobj->subid) != dest.end() && dest[nobj->subid] != nullptr) { // there is just too many of these. Note that this data is almost unused // exceptions are: town(village-capitol) and creation of new objects (holes, creatures, heroes, etc) //logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: overwriting def info for " << dest[nobj->subid]->name << " with " << nobj->name; dest[nobj->subid].dellNull(); // do not leak } nobj->id.toDefObjInfo()[nobj->subid] = nobj; } for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { static const char *holeDefs[] = {"AVLHOLD0.DEF", "AVLHLDS0.DEF", "AVLHOLG0.DEF", "AVLHLSN0.DEF", "AVLHOLS0.DEF", "AVLHOLR0.DEF", "AVLHOLX0.DEF", "AVLHOLL0.DEF"}; if(i) { gobjs[Obj::HOLE][i] = new CGDefInfo(*gobjs[Obj::HOLE][0]); } gobjs[Obj::HOLE][i]->name = holeDefs[i]; } } CDefObjInfoHandler::~CDefObjInfoHandler() { for(auto & elem : gobjs) for(auto j=elem.second.begin(); j!=elem.second.end(); j++) j->second.dellNull(); }