// macros: // ${val} - value of bonuses; Selector: type,subtype // ${subtype.creature} - creature name // ${subtype.spell} - spell name // ${MR} - magic resistance of bearer { "ADDITIONAL_ATTACK": { "name": "Double Strike", "description": "Attacks twice" }, "ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION": { "name": "Additional retaliations", "description": "May Retaliate ${val} extra times" }, "AIR_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to Air", "description": "" }, "ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT": { "name": "Attack all around", "description": "Attacks all adjacent enemies" }, "BLOCKS_RETALIATION": { "name": "No retaliation", "description": "Enemy cannot Retaliate" }, "CATAPULT": { "name": "Catapult", "description": "Attacks siege walls" }, "CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY": { "name": "Reduce Casting Cost (${val})", "description": "Reduce Casting Cost for hero" }, "CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY": { "name": "Magic Damper (${val})", "description": "Increase Cost of enemy spells" }, "CHARGE_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to Charge", "description": "Immune to Champion charge" }, "DAEMON_SUMMONING": { "name": "Summoner (${subtype.creature})", "description": "Can rise creatures from corpses" }, "DARKNESS": { "name": "Darness cover", "description": "Adds ${val} darkness radius" }, "DEATH_STARE": { "name": "Death Stare (${val}%)", "description": "Chance to kill single creature" }, "DEFENSIVE_STANCE": { "name": "Defense Bonus", "description": "+${val} Defense when defending" }, "DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE": { "name": "Death Blow", "description": "${val}% chance for double damage" }, "DRAGON_NATURE": { "name": "Dragon", "description": "Creature has a Dragon Nature" }, "DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Direct Damage Immunity", "description": "Immune to direct damage spells" }, "EARTH_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to Earth", "description": "" }, "ENCHANTER": { "name": "Enchanter (${subtype.spell})", "description": "Casts mass spell every turn" }, "ENCHANTED": { "name": "Enchanted (${subtype.spell})", "description": "Affected by permanent spell" }, "ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION": { "name": "Reduce Enemy Defense (${val}%)", "description": "Reduces Defense for one attack" }, "GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION": { "name": "Reduce Damage (${val}%)", "description": "Reduces physical damage" }, "FIRE_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to Fire", "description": "" }, "FIRE_SHIELD": { "name": "Fire Shield (${val}%)", "description": "Reflects melee damage" }, "FEAR": { "name": "Fear", "description": "Causes Fear on an enemy stack" }, "FEARLESS": { "name": "Fearless", "description": "Immune to Fear ability" }, "FLYING": { "name": "Fly", "description": "Can Fly (ignores obstacles)" }, "FREE_SHOOTING": { "name": "Shoot Close", "description": "Can shoot in Close Combat" }, "FULL_HP_REGENERATION": { "name": "Regeneration", "description": "May Regenerate full Health" }, "HATE": { "name": "Hates ${subtype.creature}", "description": "Does ${val}% more damage" }, "HEALER": { "name": "Healer", "description": "Heals allied units" }, "HP_REGENERATION": { "name": "Regeneration", "description": "Heals ${val} hit points every round" }, "JOUSTING": { "name": "Champion Charge", "description": "+5% damage per hex travelled" }, "KING1": { }, "KING2": { }, "KING3": { }, "LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Spell immunity 1-${val}", "description": "Immune to spells levels 1-${val}" }, "LIFE_DRAIN": { "name": "Drain life (${val}%)", "description": "Drains ${val}% of damage dealt" }, "MANA_CHANNELING": { "name": "Magic Channel ${val}%", "description": "Gives mana spent by enemy" }, "MANA_DRAIN": { "name": "Mana Drain", "description": "Drains ${val} mana every turn" }, "MAGIC_MIRROR": { "name": "Magic Mirror (${val}%)", "description": "${val}% chance to redirects offensive spell to enemy" }, "MAGIC_RESISTANCE": { "name": "Magic Resistance(${MR}%)", "description": "${MR}% chance to resist enemy spell" }, "MIND_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to mind spells", "description": "" }, "NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY": { "name": "No distance penalty", "description": "Full damage from any distance" }, "NO_MELEE_PENALTY": { "name": "No melee penalty", "description": "Creature has no Melee Penalty" }, "NO_MORALE": { }, "NO_WALL_PENALTY": { "name": "No wall penalty", "description": "Full damage during siege" }, "NON_LIVING": { "name": "Non living", "description": "Immunity to many effects" }, "RANDOM_SPELLCASTER": { "name": "Random spellcaster", "description": "Can cast random spell" }, "RECEPTIVE": { "name": "Receptive", "description": "No Immunity to Friendly Spells" }, "REBIRTH": { "name": "Rebirth (${val}%)", "description": "${val}% of stack will rise after death" }, "RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE": { "name": "Attack and Return", "description": "Returns after melee attack" }, "SELF_LUCK": { "name": "Positive luck", "description": "Always has Positive Luck" }, "SELF_MORALE": { "name": "Positive morale", "description": "Always has Positive Morale" }, "SHOOTER": { "name": "Ranged", "description": "Creature can shoot" }, "SPELLCASTER": { "name": "Spellcaster (${subtype.spell})", "description": "Can cast spells" }, "SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK": { "name": "Caster - ${subtype.spell}", "description": "${val}% chance to cast after attack" }, "SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK": { "name": "Caster - ${subtype.spell}", "description": "${val}% chance to cast before attack" }, "SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION": { "name": "Spell Resistance", "description": "Damage from spells reduced ${val}%." }, "SPELL_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to ${subtype.spell}", "description": "" }, "SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK": { "name": "Spell-like attack", "description": "Attacks with ${subtype.spell}" }, "SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA": { "name": "Aura of Resistance", "description": "Nearby stacks get ${val}% resistance" }, "TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH": { "name": "Breath", "description": "Breath Attack (2-hex range)" }, "THREE_HEADED_ATTACK": { "name": "Three-headed attack", "description": "Attacks three adjacent units" }, "UNDEAD": { "name": "Undead", "description": "Creature is Undead" }, "UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS": { "name": "Unlimited retaliations", "description": "Retaliate any number of attacks" }, "WATER_IMMUNITY": { "name": "Immune to Water", "description": "" } }