ArmyWidgetArmy settingsWide formationTight formationEventSettingsFormTimed eventsAddRemoveNew eventGeneralSettingsFormMap nameMap descriptionAuthorAuthor contact (e.g. email)Map Creation TimeMap VersionLimit maximum heroes levelDifficultyGeneratorProgressGenerating mapHeroSkillsWidgetHero skillsTextLabelAddRemoveSkillLevelCustomize skillsHeroSpellWidgetSpellsCustomize spellsLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5LoseConditionsFormDefeat message7 days without townParametersNo special lossLose castleLose heroTime expiredDays without townMainWindowVCMI Map EditorFileMapEditViewPlayerToolbarMinimapMap Objects ViewBrowserInspectorPropertyValueToolsPaintingTerrainsRoadsRiversPreviewOpenSaveNewSave as...Ctrl+Shift+SU/GView undergroundPassCutCopyPasteFillFills the selection with obstaclesGridGeneralMap title and descriptionPlayers settingsUndoRedoEraseNeutralValidateUpdate appearanceRecreate obstaclesPlayer 1Player 2Player 3Player 4Player 5Player 6Player 7Player 8Export as...TranslationsCtrl+Th3m converterLockLock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesCtrl+LUnlockUnlock all objects on the mapCtrl+Shift+LZoom inCtrl+=Zoom outCtrl+-Zoom resetCtrl+Shift+=ConfirmationUnsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Open mapAll supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Save mapVCMI maps (*.vmap)TypeView surfaceNo objects selectedThis operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedSave to imageSelect maps to convertHoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Choose directory to save converted mapsOperation completedSuccessfully converted %1 mapsFailed to convert the map. Abort operationMapSettingsMap settingsGeneralModsEventsVictoryLossTimedRumorsAbilitiesSpellsArtifactsHeroesOkMapViewCan't place objectMessageWidgetMessageModSettingsFormMandatory mods to play this mapMod nameVersionAutomatic assignmentSet required mods based on objects placed on the map. This method may cause problems if you have customized rewards, garrisons, etc from modsMap objects modsSet all mods having a game content as mandatoryFull content modsPlayerParamsHuman/CPUCPU onlyTeamMain townColor...Random factionGenerate hero at main(default)Player ID: %1PlayerSettingsPlayer settingsPlayers1OkPortraitWidgetPortrait...DefaultQObjectBeginnerAdvancedExpertCompliantFriendlyAggressiveHostileSavageNo patrol%n tile(s)neutralUNFLAGGABLECan't place objectThere can only be one grail object on the map.Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.QuestWidgetMission goalDay of weekDays passedHero levelHero experienceSpell points%Kill hero/monster...Primary skillsAttackDefenceSpell powerKnowledgeResourcesArtifactsSpellsSkillsCreaturesAddRemoveHeroesHero classesPlayersNoneDay %1RewardsWidgetRewardsAddRemoveVisit modeSelect modeOn select textCan refuseReset parametersPeriod daysReset visitorsReset rewardsWindow typeEvent infoMessage to be displayed on granting of this rewardRewardHero levelHero experienceSpell points%OverflowMovementRemove objectPrimary skillsAttackDefenceSpell powerKnowledgeResourcesArtifactsSpellsSkillsCreaturesBonusesDurationTypeValueCastCast an adventure map spellSpellMagic school levelLimiterDay of weekDays passedHeroesHero classesPlayersNoneDay %1Reward %1RumorSettingsFormTavern rumorsAddRemoveNew rumorTimedEventTimed eventEvent nameType event message textaffects humanaffects AIDay of first occurrenceRepeat after (0 = no repeat)Affected playersResourcestypeqtyOkTownBuildingsWidgetBuildingsBuild allDemolish allEnable allDisable allTypeEnabledBuiltTownEventDialogTown eventGeneralEvent nameType event message textDay of first occurrenceRepeat after (0 = no repeat)Affected playersaffects humanaffects AIResourcesBuildingsCreaturesOKCreature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeDay %1 - %2TownEventsWidgetTown eventsTimed eventsAddRemoveDay %1 - %2New eventTownSpellsWidgetSpellsCustomize spellsLevel 1Spell that may appear in mage guildSpell that must appear in mage guildLevel 2Level 3Level 4Level 5TranslationsMap translationsLanguageSupportedString IDTextRemove translationDefault language cannot be removedAll existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?ValidatorMap validation resultsMap is not loadedNo factions allowed for player %1No players allowed to play this mapMap is allowed for one player and cannot be startedNo human players allowed to play this mapArmored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerObject %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedArtifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsPlayer %1 has no towns and heroes assignedPrison %1 must be a NEUTRALHero %1 must have an ownerHero %1 is prohibited by map settingsHero %1 has duplicate on mapHero %1 has an empty type and must be removedSpell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsPlayer %1 doesn't have any starting townMap name is not specifiedMap description is not specifiedMap contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itException occurs during validation: %1Unknown exception occurs during validationVictoryConditionsFormVictory messageOnly for human playersAllow standard victoryParametersNo special victoryCapture artifactHire creaturesAccumulate resourcesConstruct buildingCapture townDefeat heroTransport artifactKill monsterWindowNewMapCreate new mapMap sizeTwo level mapHeightWidthXL (144x144)Random mapPlayers0Human/ComputerS (36x36)M (72x72)L (108x108)H (180x180)XH (216x216)G (252x252)RandomComputer onlyHuman teamsComputer teamsMonster strengthWeakNormalStrongWater contentNoneIslandsRoadsDirtGravelCobblestoneTemplateCustom seedGenerate random mapOkCancelNo templateNo template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.RMG failuremainFilepath of the map to open.Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.