/* * TurnOrderProcessor.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "TurnOrderProcessor.h" #include "PlayerMessageProcessor.h" #include "../queries/QueriesProcessor.h" #include "../queries/MapQueries.h" #include "../CGameHandler.h" #include "../CVCMIServer.h" #include "../../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGObjectInstance.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/pathfinder/CPathfinder.h" #include "../../lib/pathfinder/PathfinderOptions.h" TurnOrderProcessor::TurnOrderProcessor(CGameHandler * owner): gameHandler(owner) { } int TurnOrderProcessor::simturnsTurnsMaxLimit() const { if (simturnsMaxDurationDays) return *simturnsMaxDurationDays; return gameHandler->getStartInfo()->simturnsInfo.optionalTurns; } int TurnOrderProcessor::simturnsTurnsMinLimit() const { if (simturnsMinDurationDays) return *simturnsMinDurationDays; return gameHandler->getStartInfo()->simturnsInfo.requiredTurns; } std::vector<TurnOrderProcessor::PlayerPair> TurnOrderProcessor::computeContactStatus() const { std::vector<PlayerPair> result; assert(actedPlayers.empty()); assert(actingPlayers.empty()); for (auto left : awaitingPlayers) { for(auto right : awaitingPlayers) { if (left == right) continue; if (computeCanActSimultaneously(left, right)) result.push_back({left, right}); } } return result; } void TurnOrderProcessor::updateAndNotifyContactStatus() { auto newBlockedContacts = computeContactStatus(); if (newBlockedContacts.empty()) { // Simturns between all players have ended - send single global notification if (!blockedContacts.empty()) gameHandler->playerMessages->broadcastSystemMessage(MetaString::createFromTextID("vcmi.broadcast.simturn.end")); } else { // Simturns between some players have ended - notify each pair for (auto const & contact : blockedContacts) { if (vstd::contains(newBlockedContacts, contact)) continue; MetaString message; message.appendTextID("vcmi.broadcast.simturn.endBetween"); message.replaceName(contact.a); message.replaceName(contact.b); gameHandler->playerMessages->broadcastSystemMessage(message); } } blockedContacts = newBlockedContacts; } bool TurnOrderProcessor::playersInContact(PlayerColor left, PlayerColor right) const { // TODO: refactor, cleanup and optimize boost::multi_array<bool, 3> leftReachability; boost::multi_array<bool, 3> rightReachability; int3 mapSize = gameHandler->getMapSize(); leftReachability.resize(boost::extents[mapSize.z][mapSize.x][mapSize.y]); rightReachability.resize(boost::extents[mapSize.z][mapSize.x][mapSize.y]); const auto * leftInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(left, false); const auto * rightInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(right, false); for (auto obj : gameHandler->gameState()->map->objects) { if (obj && obj->isVisitable()) { int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); if (obj->tempOwner == left) leftReachability[pos.z][pos.x][pos.y] = true; if (obj->tempOwner == right) rightReachability[pos.z][pos.x][pos.y] = true; } } for(const auto & hero : leftInfo->getHeroes()) { CPathsInfo out(mapSize, hero); auto config = std::make_shared<SingleHeroPathfinderConfig>(out, gameHandler->gameState(), hero); config->options.ignoreGuards = true; config->options.turnLimit = 1; CPathfinder pathfinder(gameHandler->gameState(), config); pathfinder.calculatePaths(); for (int z = 0; z < mapSize.z; ++z) for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; ++x) if (out.getNode({x,y,z})->reachable()) leftReachability[z][x][y] = true; } for(const auto & hero : rightInfo->getHeroes()) { CPathsInfo out(mapSize, hero); auto config = std::make_shared<SingleHeroPathfinderConfig>(out, gameHandler->gameState(), hero); config->options.ignoreGuards = true; config->options.turnLimit = 1; CPathfinder pathfinder(gameHandler->gameState(), config); pathfinder.calculatePaths(); for (int z = 0; z < mapSize.z; ++z) for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; ++x) if (out.getNode({x,y,z})->reachable()) rightReachability[z][x][y] = true; } for (int z = 0; z < mapSize.z; ++z) for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; ++x) if (leftReachability[z][x][y] && rightReachability[z][x][y]) return true; return false; } bool TurnOrderProcessor::isContactAllowed(PlayerColor active, PlayerColor waiting) const { assert(active != waiting); return !vstd::contains(blockedContacts, PlayerPair{active, waiting}); } bool TurnOrderProcessor::computeCanActSimultaneously(PlayerColor active, PlayerColor waiting) const { const auto * activeInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(active, false); const auto * waitingInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(waiting, false); assert(active != waiting); assert(activeInfo); assert(waitingInfo); if (activeInfo->human != waitingInfo->human) { // only one AI and one human can play simultaneously from single connection if (!gameHandler->getStartInfo()->simturnsInfo.allowHumanWithAI) return false; } else { // two AI or two humans in hotseat can't play at the same time if (gameHandler->hasBothPlayersAtSameConnection(active, waiting)) return false; } if (gameHandler->getDate(Date::DAY) < simturnsTurnsMinLimit()) return true; if (gameHandler->getDate(Date::DAY) > simturnsTurnsMaxLimit()) return false; if (gameHandler->getStartInfo()->simturnsInfo.ignoreAlliedContacts && activeInfo->team == waitingInfo->team) return true; if (playersInContact(active, waiting)) return false; return true; } bool TurnOrderProcessor::mustActBefore(PlayerColor left, PlayerColor right) const { const auto * leftInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(left, false); const auto * rightInfo = gameHandler->getPlayerState(right, false); assert(left != right); assert(leftInfo && rightInfo); if (!leftInfo) return false; if (!rightInfo) return true; if (leftInfo->isHuman() && !rightInfo->isHuman()) return true; if (!leftInfo->isHuman() && rightInfo->isHuman()) return false; return false; } bool TurnOrderProcessor::canStartTurn(PlayerColor which) const { for (auto player : awaitingPlayers) { if (player != which && mustActBefore(player, which)) return false; } for (auto player : actingPlayers) { if (player != which && isContactAllowed(player, which)) return false; } return true; } void TurnOrderProcessor::doStartNewDay() { assert(awaitingPlayers.empty()); assert(actingPlayers.empty()); bool activePlayer = false; for (auto player : actedPlayers) { if (gameHandler->getPlayerState(player)->status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME) activePlayer = true; } if(!activePlayer) { gameHandler->gameLobby()->setState(EServerState::SHUTDOWN); return; } std::swap(actedPlayers, awaitingPlayers); gameHandler->onNewTurn(); updateAndNotifyContactStatus(); tryStartTurnsForPlayers(); } void TurnOrderProcessor::doStartPlayerTurn(PlayerColor which) { assert(gameHandler->getPlayerState(which)); assert(gameHandler->getPlayerState(which)->status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME); // Only if player is actually starting his turn (and not loading from save) if (!actingPlayers.count(which)) gameHandler->onPlayerTurnStarted(which); actingPlayers.insert(which); awaitingPlayers.erase(which); auto turnQuery = std::make_shared<TimerPauseQuery>(gameHandler, which); gameHandler->queries->addQuery(turnQuery); PlayerStartsTurn pst; pst.player = which; pst.queryID = turnQuery->queryID; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pst); assert(!actingPlayers.empty()); } void TurnOrderProcessor::doEndPlayerTurn(PlayerColor which) { assert(isPlayerMakingTurn(which)); assert(gameHandler->getPlayerStatus(which) == EPlayerStatus::INGAME); actingPlayers.erase(which); actedPlayers.insert(which); PlayerEndsTurn pet; pet.player = which; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pet); if (!awaitingPlayers.empty()) tryStartTurnsForPlayers(); if (actingPlayers.empty()) doStartNewDay(); assert(!actingPlayers.empty()); } void TurnOrderProcessor::addPlayer(PlayerColor which) { awaitingPlayers.insert(which); } void TurnOrderProcessor::onPlayerEndsGame(PlayerColor which) { awaitingPlayers.erase(which); actingPlayers.erase(which); actedPlayers.erase(which); if (!awaitingPlayers.empty()) tryStartTurnsForPlayers(); if (actingPlayers.empty()) doStartNewDay(); } bool TurnOrderProcessor::onPlayerEndsTurn(PlayerColor which) { if (!isPlayerMakingTurn(which)) { gameHandler->complain("Can not end turn for player that is not acting!"); return false; } if(gameHandler->getPlayerStatus(which) != EPlayerStatus::INGAME) { gameHandler->complain("Can not end turn for player that is not in game!"); return false; } if(gameHandler->queries->topQuery(which) != nullptr) { gameHandler->complain("Cannot end turn before resolving queries!"); return false; } gameHandler->onPlayerTurnEnded(which); // it is possible that player have lost - e.g. spent 7 days without town // in this case - don't call doEndPlayerTurn - turn transfer was already handled by onPlayerEndsGame if(gameHandler->getPlayerStatus(which) == EPlayerStatus::INGAME) doEndPlayerTurn(which); return true; } void TurnOrderProcessor::onGameStarted() { if (actingPlayers.empty()) blockedContacts = computeContactStatus(); // this may be game load - send notification to players that they can act auto actingPlayersCopy = actingPlayers; for (auto player : actingPlayersCopy) doStartPlayerTurn(player); tryStartTurnsForPlayers(); } void TurnOrderProcessor::tryStartTurnsForPlayers() { auto awaitingPlayersCopy = awaitingPlayers; for (auto player : awaitingPlayersCopy) { if (canStartTurn(player)) doStartPlayerTurn(player); } } bool TurnOrderProcessor::isPlayerAwaitsTurn(PlayerColor which) const { return vstd::contains(awaitingPlayers, which); } bool TurnOrderProcessor::isPlayerMakingTurn(PlayerColor which) const { return vstd::contains(actingPlayers, which); } bool TurnOrderProcessor::isPlayerAwaitsNewDay(PlayerColor which) const { return vstd::contains(actedPlayers, which); } void TurnOrderProcessor::setMinSimturnsDuration(int days) { simturnsMinDurationDays = gameHandler->getDate(Date::DAY) + days; } void TurnOrderProcessor::setMaxSimturnsDuration(int days) { simturnsMaxDurationDays = gameHandler->getDate(Date::DAY) + days; }