ArmyWidget Army settings Wide formation Tight formation GeneratorProgress Generating map MainWindow VCMI Map Editor File Map Edit View Player Toolbar Minimap Map Objects View Browser Inspector Property Value Terrains View Brush Terrains Roads Rivers Open Save New Save as... Ctrl+Shift+S U/G View underground Pass Cut Copy Paste Fill Fills the selection with obstacles Grid General Map title and description Players settings Undo Redo Erase Neutral Validate Update appearance Recreate obstacles Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Export as... Confirmation Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure? Failed to open map Cannot open map from this folder Open map All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m) Save map VCMI maps (*.vmap) Type View surface No objects selected This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue? Errors occured. %1 objects were not updated Save to image MapSettings Map settings General Map name Map description Limit maximum heroes level Difficulty Mods Mandatory mods for playing this map Mod name Version Automatic assignment Set required mods based on objects placed on the map. This method may cause problems if you have customized rewards, garrisons, etc from mods Map objects mods Set all mods having a game content as mandatory Full content mods Events Victory Victory message Only for human players Allow standard victory Parameters Loss 7 days without town Defeat message Abilities Spells Artifacts Heroes Ok No special victory Capture artifact Hire creatures Accumulate resources Construct building Capture town Defeat hero Transport artifact No special loss Lose castle Lose hero Time expired Days without town MapView Can't place object MessageWidget Message PlayerParams Human/CPU CPU only Team Main town Color Random faction Generate hero at main (default) Player ID: %1 PlayerSettings Player settings Players 1 Ok QuestWidget Mission goal RewardsWidget Rewards Remove selected Delete all Add or change TownBulidingsWidget Buildings Validator Map validation results Map is not loaded No factions allowed for player %1 No players allowed to play this map Map is allowed for one player and cannot be started No human players allowed to play this map Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player owner Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2 Town %1 has undefined owner %2 Prison %1 must be a NEUTRAL Hero %1 must have an owner Hero %1 is prohibited by map settings Hero %1 has duplicate on map Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removed Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settings Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings Player %1 doesn't have any starting town Map name is not specified Map description is not specified Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require it Exception occurs during validation: %1 Unknown exception occurs during validation WindowNewMap Create new map Map size Two level map Height Width S (36x36) M (72x72) L (108x108) XL (144x144) Random map Players 0 Human/Computer Random Computer only Human teams Computer teams Monster strength Weak Normal Strong Water content None Islands Template Custom seed Generate random map Ok Cancel No template No template for parameters scecified. Random map cannot be generated. RMG failure main Filepath of the map to open. Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder. From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's. From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png. Delete original files, for the ones splitted / converted.