/* * CUnitState.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "Unit.h" #include "../bonuses/BonusCache.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class JsonSerializeFormat; class UnitChanges; namespace vstd { class RNG; } namespace battle { class CUnitState; class DLL_LINKAGE CAmmo { public: explicit CAmmo(const battle::Unit * Owner, CSelector totalSelector); CAmmo & operator=(const CAmmo & other); CAmmo & operator=(CAmmo && other) = delete; int32_t available() const; bool canUse(int32_t amount = 1) const; virtual bool isLimited() const; virtual void reset(); virtual int32_t total() const; virtual void use(int32_t amount = 1); virtual void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); protected: int32_t used; const battle::Unit * owner; BonusValueCache totalProxy; }; class DLL_LINKAGE CShots : public CAmmo { public: explicit CShots(const battle::Unit * Owner); bool isLimited() const override; int32_t total() const override; void setEnv(const IUnitEnvironment * env_); private: const IUnitEnvironment * env; BonusValueCache shooter; }; class DLL_LINKAGE CCasts : public CAmmo { public: explicit CCasts(const battle::Unit * Owner); }; class DLL_LINKAGE CRetaliations : public CAmmo { public: explicit CRetaliations(const battle::Unit * Owner); bool isLimited() const override; int32_t total() const override; void reset() override; void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) override; private: mutable int32_t totalCache; BonusValueCache noRetaliation; BonusValueCache unlimited; }; class DLL_LINKAGE CHealth { public: explicit CHealth(const battle::Unit * Owner); CHealth(const CHealth & other) = default; CHealth & operator=(const CHealth & other); void init(); void reset(); void damage(int64_t & amount); HealInfo heal(int64_t & amount, EHealLevel level, EHealPower power); int32_t getCount() const; int32_t getFirstHPleft() const; int32_t getResurrected() const; /// returns total remaining health int64_t available() const; /// returns total initial health int64_t total() const; void takeResurrected(); void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); private: void addResurrected(int32_t amount); void setFromTotal(const int64_t totalHealth); const battle::Unit * owner; int32_t firstHPleft; int32_t fullUnits; int32_t resurrected; }; class DLL_LINKAGE CUnitState : public Unit { public: bool cloned; bool defending; bool defendingAnim; bool drainedMana; bool fear; bool hadMorale; bool castSpellThisTurn; bool ghost; bool ghostPending; bool movedThisRound; bool summoned; bool waiting; bool waitedThisTurn; //"waited()" that stays true for full turn after wait - needed as UI button hackfix CCasts casts; CRetaliations counterAttacks; CHealth health; CShots shots; ///id of alive clone of this stack clone if any si32 cloneID; ///position on battlefield; -2 - keep, -3 - lower tower, -4 - upper tower BattleHex position; CUnitState(); CUnitState(const CUnitState & other) = delete; CUnitState(CUnitState && other) = delete; CUnitState & operator= (const CUnitState & other); CUnitState & operator= (CUnitState && other) = delete; bool doubleWide() const override; int32_t creatureIndex() const override; CreatureID creatureId() const override; int32_t creatureLevel() const override; int32_t creatureCost() const override; int32_t creatureIconIndex() const override; int32_t getCasterUnitId() const override; int32_t getSpellSchoolLevel(const spells::Spell * spell, SpellSchool * outSelectedSchool = nullptr) const override; int32_t getEffectLevel(const spells::Spell * spell) const override; int64_t getSpellBonus(const spells::Spell * spell, int64_t base, const Unit * affectedStack) const override; int64_t getSpecificSpellBonus(const spells::Spell * spell, int64_t base) const override; int32_t getEffectPower(const spells::Spell * spell) const override; int32_t getEnchantPower(const spells::Spell * spell) const override; int64_t getEffectValue(const spells::Spell * spell) const override; PlayerColor getCasterOwner() const override; const CGHeroInstance * getHeroCaster() const override; void getCasterName(MetaString & text) const override; void getCastDescription(const spells::Spell * spell, const battle::Units & attacked, MetaString & text) const override; int32_t manaLimit() const override; bool ableToRetaliate() const override; bool alive() const override; bool isGhost() const override; bool isFrozen() const override; bool isValidTarget(bool allowDead = false) const override; bool isHypnotized() const override; bool isInvincible() const override; bool isClone() const override; bool hasClone() const override; bool canCast() const override; bool isCaster() const override; bool canShootBlocked() const override; bool canShoot() const override; bool isShooter() const override; int32_t getKilled() const override; int32_t getCount() const override; int32_t getFirstHPleft() const override; int64_t getAvailableHealth() const override; int64_t getTotalHealth() const override; uint32_t getMaxHealth() const override; BattleHex getPosition() const override; void setPosition(const BattleHex & hex) override; int32_t getInitiative(int turn = 0) const override; uint8_t getRangedFullDamageDistance() const; uint8_t getShootingRangeDistance() const; ui32 getMovementRange(int turn) const override; ui32 getMovementRange() const override; bool canMove(int turn = 0) const override; bool defended(int turn = 0) const override; bool moved(int turn = 0) const override; bool willMove(int turn = 0) const override; bool waited(int turn = 0) const override; std::shared_ptr acquire() const override; std::shared_ptr acquireState() const override; BattlePhases::Type battleQueuePhase(int turn) const override; int getTotalAttacks(bool ranged) const override; int getMinDamage(bool ranged) const override; int getMaxDamage(bool ranged) const override; int getAttack(bool ranged) const override; int getDefense(bool ranged) const override; void save(JsonNode & data) override; void load(const JsonNode & data) override; void damage(int64_t & amount) override; HealInfo heal(int64_t & amount, EHealLevel level, EHealPower power) override; void localInit(const IUnitEnvironment * env_); void serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler); FactionID getFactionID() const override; void afterAttack(bool ranged, bool counter); void afterNewRound(); void afterGetsTurn(); void makeGhost(); void onRemoved(); private: const IUnitEnvironment * env; BonusCachePerTurn immobilizedPerTurn; BonusCachePerTurn stackSpeedPerTurn; UnitBonusValuesProxy bonusCache; void reset(); }; class DLL_LINKAGE CUnitStateDetached final : public CUnitState { public: explicit CUnitStateDetached(const IUnitInfo * unit_, const IBonusBearer * bonus_); CUnitStateDetached & operator= (const CUnitState & other); TConstBonusListPtr getAllBonuses(const CSelector & selector, const CSelector & limit, const std::string & cachingStr = "") const override; int32_t getTreeVersion() const override; uint32_t unitId() const override; BattleSide unitSide() const override; const CCreature * unitType() const override; PlayerColor unitOwner() const override; SlotID unitSlot() const override; int32_t unitBaseAmount() const override; void spendMana(ServerCallback * server, const int spellCost) const override; private: const IUnitInfo * unit; const IBonusBearer * bonus; }; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END