/* * int3.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /// Class which consists of three integer values. Represents position on adventure map. class int3 { public: si32 x; si32 y; si32 z; //c-tor: x, y, z initialized to 0 constexpr int3() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {} // I think that x, y, z should be left uninitialized. //c-tor: x, y, z initialized to i explicit constexpr int3(const si32 i) : x(i), y(i), z(i) {} //c-tor: x, y, z initialized to X, Y, Z constexpr int3(const si32 X, const si32 Y, const si32 Z) : x(X), y(Y), z(Z) {} constexpr int3(const int3 & c) = default; constexpr int3 & operator=(const int3 & c) = default; constexpr int3 operator-() const { return int3(-x, -y, -z); } constexpr int3 operator+(const int3 & i) const { return int3(x + i.x, y + i.y, z + i.z); } constexpr int3 operator-(const int3 & i) const { return int3(x - i.x, y - i.y, z - i.z); } //returns int3 with coordinates increased by given number constexpr int3 operator+(const si32 i) const { return int3(x + i, y + i, z + i); } //returns int3 with coordinates decreased by given number constexpr int3 operator-(const si32 i) const { return int3(x - i, y - i, z - i); } //returns int3 with coordinates multiplied by given number constexpr int3 operator*(const double i) const { return int3((int)(x * i), (int)(y * i), (int)(z * i)); } //returns int3 with coordinates divided by given number constexpr int3 operator/(const double i) const { return int3((int)(x / i), (int)(y / i), (int)(z / i)); } //returns int3 with coordinates multiplied by given number constexpr int3 operator*(const si32 i) const { return int3(x * i, y * i, z * i); } //returns int3 with coordinates divided by given number constexpr int3 operator/(const si32 i) const { return int3(x / i, y / i, z / i); } constexpr int3 & operator+=(const int3 & i) { x += i.x; y += i.y; z += i.z; return *this; } constexpr int3 & operator-=(const int3 & i) { x -= i.x; y -= i.y; z -= i.z; return *this; } //increases all coordinates by given number constexpr int3 & operator+=(const si32 i) { x += i; y += i; z += i; return *this; } //decreases all coordinates by given number constexpr int3 & operator-=(const si32 i) { x -= i; y -= i; z -= i; return *this; } constexpr bool operator==(const int3 & i) const { return (x == i.x && y == i.y && z == i.z); } constexpr bool operator!=(const int3 & i) const { return (x != i.x || y != i.y || z != i.z); } constexpr bool operator<(const int3 & i) const { if (z != i.z) return z < i.z; if (y != i.y) return y < i.y; return x < i.x; } enum EDistanceFormula { DIST_2D = 0, DIST_MANHATTAN, // patrol distance DIST_CHEBYSHEV, // ambient sound distance DIST_2DSQ }; ui32 dist(const int3 & o, EDistanceFormula formula) const { switch(formula) { case DIST_2D: return std::round(dist2d(o)); case DIST_MANHATTAN: return static_cast<ui32>(mandist2d(o)); case DIST_CHEBYSHEV: return static_cast<ui32>(chebdist2d(o)); case DIST_2DSQ: return dist2dSQ(o); default: return 0; } } //returns squared distance on Oxy plane (z coord is not used) constexpr ui32 dist2dSQ(const int3 & o) const { const si32 dx = (x - o.x); const si32 dy = (y - o.y); return (ui32)(dx*dx) + (ui32)(dy*dy); } //returns distance on Oxy plane (z coord is not used) double dist2d(const int3 & o) const { return std::sqrt((double)dist2dSQ(o)); } //manhattan distance used for patrol radius (z coord is not used) constexpr double mandist2d(const int3 & o) const { return vstd::abs(o.x - x) + vstd::abs(o.y - y); } //chebyshev distance used for ambient sounds (z coord is not used) constexpr double chebdist2d(const int3 & o) const { return std::max(vstd::abs(o.x - x), vstd::abs(o.y - y)); } constexpr bool areNeighbours(const int3 & o) const { return (dist2dSQ(o) < 4) && (z == o.z); } //returns "(x y z)" string std::string toString() const { //Performance is important here std::string result = "(" + std::to_string(x) + " " + std::to_string(y) + " " + std::to_string(z) + ")"; return result; } constexpr bool valid() const //Should be named "isValid"? { return z >= 0; //minimal condition that needs to be fulfilled for tiles in the map } template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & x; h & y; h & z; } constexpr static std::array<int3, 8> getDirs() { return { { int3(0,1,0),int3(0,-1,0),int3(-1,0,0),int3(+1,0,0), int3(1,1,0),int3(-1,1,0),int3(1,-1,0),int3(-1,-1,0) } }; } // Solution by ChatGPT // Assume values up to +- 1000 friend std::size_t hash_value(const int3& v) { // Since the range is [-1000, 1000], offsetting by 1000 maps it to [0, 2000] std::size_t hx = v.x + 1000; std::size_t hy = v.y + 1000; std::size_t hz = v.z + 1000; // Combine the hash values, multiplying them by prime numbers return ((hx * 4000037u) ^ (hy * 2003u)) + hz; } }; template<typename Container> int3 findClosestTile (Container & container, int3 dest) { static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Container::value_type, int3>, "findClosestTile requires <int3> container."); int3 result(-1, -1, -1); ui32 distance = std::numeric_limits<ui32>::max(); for (const int3& tile : container) { const ui32 currentDistance = dest.dist2dSQ(tile); if (currentDistance < distance) { result = tile; distance = currentDistance; } } return result; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END template<> struct std::hash<VCMI_LIB_WRAP_NAMESPACE(int3)> { std::size_t operator()(VCMI_LIB_WRAP_NAMESPACE(int3) const& pos) const noexcept { return hash_value(pos); } };