@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set argc=0 set valid="no" for %%a in (%*) do ( set /A argc+=1 if /I "%%a"=="help" ( call:usage goto:eof ) if /I "%%a"=="all" set valid="yes" if /I "%%a"=="release" set valid="yes" if /I "%%a"=="debug" set valid="yes" if /I "%%a"=="clean" set valid="yes" if !valid!=="no" ( echo Invalid option: %%a call:usage goto:eof ) ) if %argc%==0 echo Building schedule: all if not %argc%==0 echo Building schedule: %* echo Starting in 3 seconds... ping -n 1 -w 3000 > nul rem sleep 3 ::This function makes command line DOS-esque C:\Archiv~1 if %argc%==0 (call:all) for %%a in (%*) do (call:%%a) goto:eof :debug echo. echo. echo **************************************** echo STARTING: debug if not exist debug mkdir debug cd debug cmake .. -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DFL_BACKTRACE=ON -DFL_USE_FLOAT=OFF -DFL_CPP11=OFF nmake cd .. echo. echo FINISHED: debug echo **************************************** goto:eof :release echo. echo. echo **************************************** echo STARTING: release if not exist release mkdir release cd release cmake .. -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFL_BACKTRACE=OFF -DFL_USE_FLOAT=OFF -DFL_CPP11=OFF nmake cd .. echo. echo FINISHED: release echo **************************************** goto:eof :all echo. echo. echo **************************************** echo STARTING: all call:debug call:release echo. echo FINISHED: all echo **************************************** goto:eof :clean echo. echo. echo **************************************** echo STARTING: clean if exist debug rmdir /S /Q debug if exist release rmdir /S /Q release echo. echo FINISHED: clean echo **************************************** goto:eof :usage echo Usage: build.bat [options] echo where [options] can be any of the following: echo ^ all builds fuzzylite in debug and release mode (default) echo ^ debug builds fuzzylite in debug mode echo ^ release builds fuzzylite in release mode echo ^ clean erases previous builds echo ^ help shows this information echo. ENDLOCAL