StartGameTab 0 0 757 372 Form 0 0 0 0 true Game Data Files Qt::AlignCenter true true Mod Preset Qt::AlignCenter true true Qt::AlignCenter true QFrame::Sunken Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff true 0 0 246 350 0 30 16777215 30 Unsupported or corrupted game data detected! true 40 30 40 30 ? 40 30 40 30 ? 0 30 16777215 30 true 40 30 40 30 ? 40 30 40 30 ? 0 30 16777215 30 Install Translation 0 30 16777215 30 Armaggedon's Blade campaigns are missing! true Qt::Vertical 0 0 0 30 16777215 30 No video files detected! true 0 30 16777215 30 Import files 0 30 16777215 30 40 30 40 30 ? 40 30 40 30 ? 0 30 16777215 30 No soundtrack detected! true 40 30 40 30 ? 0 30 16777215 30 Activate Translation 40 30 40 30 ? 40 30 40 30 ? Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff true 0 0 247 350 0 30 16777215 30 Export to Clipboard 0 30 16777215 30 Create New Preset 0 30 16777215 30 Current Preset 0 30 16777215 30 Delete Current Preset Qt::Vertical 0 0 0 30 16777215 30 Import from Clipboard 0 30 16777215 30 Rename Current Preset Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff true 0 0 272 350 0 30 16777215 30 You are using the latest version true 0 30 16777215 30 true 0 30 16777215 30 Check For Updates 0 30 16777215 30 Go to Downloads Page 0 30 16777215 30 Go to Changelog Page Qt::Vertical 0 0 0 0 80 80 Resume 64 64 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon 0 0 80 80 Editor 64 64 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon 0 0 80 80 true Play 64 64 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon