/* * CMap.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../ConstTransitivePtr.h" #include "../CObjectHandler.h" #include "../ResourceSet.h" #include "../int3.h" #include "../GameConstants.h" class CArtifactInstance; class CGDefInfo; class CGObjectInstance; class CGHeroInstance; class CCommanderInstance; class CGCreature; class CQuest; class CGTownInstance; class IModableArt; class IQuestObject; class CInputStream; /** * The hero name struct consists of the hero id and the hero name. */ struct DLL_LINKAGE SHeroName { /** * Default c-tor. */ SHeroName(); /** the id of the hero */ int heroId; /** the name of the hero */ std::string heroName; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & heroId & heroName; } }; namespace EAiTactic { enum EAiTactic { NONE = -1, RANDOM, WARRIOR, BUILDER, EXPLORER }; } /** * The player info constains data about which factions are allowed, AI tactical settings, * the main hero name, where to generate the hero, whether the faction should be selected randomly,... */ struct DLL_LINKAGE PlayerInfo { /** * Default constructor. */ PlayerInfo(); /** * Gets the default faction id or -1 for a random faction. * * @return the default faction id or -1 for a random faction */ si8 defaultCastle() const; /** * Gets -1 for random hero. * * @return -1 for random hero */ si8 defaultHero() const; /** True if the player can be played by a human. */ bool canHumanPlay; /** True if th player can be played by the computer */ bool canComputerPlay; /** Defines the tactical setting of the AI. The default value is EAiTactic::RANDOM. */ EAiTactic::EAiTactic aiTactic; /** A list of unique IDs of allowed factions. */ std::set allowedFactions; /** Unused. True if the faction should be chosen randomly. */ bool isFactionRandom; /** Specifies the ID of the main hero with chosen portrait. The default value is -1. */ si32 mainHeroPortrait; /** The name of the main hero. */ std::string mainHeroName; /** The list of renamed heroes. */ std::vector heroesNames; /** True if the player has a main town. The default value is true. */ bool hasMainTown; /** True if the main hero should be generated at the main town. The default value is true. */ bool generateHeroAtMainTown; /** The position of the main town. */ int3 posOfMainTown; /** The team id to which the player belongs to. The default value is 255 representing that the player belongs to no team. */ ui8 team; /** Unused. True if a hero should be generated. */ bool generateHero; /** Unknown and unused. */ si32 p7; /** Player has a (custom?) hero */ bool hasHero; /** ID of custom hero, -1 if none */ si32 customHeroID; /** * Unused. Count of hero placeholders containing hero type. * WARNING: powerPlaceholders sometimes gives false 0 (eg. even if there is one placeholder), * maybe different meaning ??? */ ui8 powerPlaceholders; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & p7 & hasHero & customHeroID & canHumanPlay & canComputerPlay & aiTactic & allowedFactions & isFactionRandom & mainHeroPortrait & mainHeroName & heroesNames & hasMainTown & generateHeroAtMainTown & posOfMainTown & team & generateHero; } }; /** * The loss condition describes the condition to lose the game. (e.g. lose all own heroes/castles) */ struct DLL_LINKAGE LossCondition { /** * Default constructor. */ LossCondition(); /** specifies the condition type */ ELossConditionType::ELossConditionType typeOfLossCon; /** the position of an object which mustn't be lost */ int3 pos; /** time limit in days, -1 if not used */ si32 timeLimit; /** set during map parsing: hero/town (depending on typeOfLossCon); nullptr if not used */ const CGObjectInstance * obj; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & typeOfLossCon & pos & timeLimit & obj; } }; /** * The victory condition describes the condition to win the game. (e.g. defeat all enemy heroes/castles, * receive a specific artifact, ...) */ struct DLL_LINKAGE VictoryCondition { /** * Default constructor. */ VictoryCondition(); /** specifies the condition type */ EVictoryConditionType::EVictoryConditionType condition; /** true if a normal victory is allowed (defeat all enemy towns, heroes) */ bool allowNormalVictory; /** true if this victory condition also applies to the AI */ bool appliesToAI; /** pos of city to upgrade (3); pos of town to build grail, {-1,-1,-1} if not relevant (4); hero pos (5); town pos(6); monster pos (7); destination pos(8) */ int3 pos; /** artifact ID (0); monster ID (1); resource ID (2); needed fort level in upgraded town (3); artifact ID (8) */ si32 objectId; /** needed count for creatures (1) / resource (2); upgraded town hall level (3); */ si32 count; /** object of specific monster / city / hero instance (NULL if not used); set during map parsing */ const CGObjectInstance * obj; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & condition & allowNormalVictory & appliesToAI & pos & objectId & count & obj; } }; /** * The rumor struct consists of a rumor name and text. */ struct DLL_LINKAGE Rumor { /** the name of the rumor */ std::string name; /** the content of the rumor */ std::string text; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & name & text; } }; /** * The disposed hero struct describes which hero can be hired from which player. */ struct DLL_LINKAGE DisposedHero { /** * Default c-tor. */ DisposedHero(); /** the id of the hero */ ui32 heroId; /** the portrait id of the hero, 0xFF is default */ ui16 portrait; /** the name of the hero */ std::string name; /** who can hire this hero (bitfield) */ ui8 players; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & heroId & portrait & name & players; } }; /// Class which manages map events. /** * The map event is an event which gives or takes resources for a specific * amount of players and can appear regularly or once a time. */ class DLL_LINKAGE CMapEvent { public: /** * Default c-tor. */ CMapEvent(); /** * Returns true if this map event occurs earlier than the other map event for the first time. * * @param other the other map event to compare with * @return true if this event occurs earlier than the other map event, false if not */ bool earlierThan(const CMapEvent & other) const; /** * Returns true if this map event occurs earlier than or at the same day than the other map event for the first time. * * @param other the other map event to compare with * @return true if this event occurs earlier than or at the same day than the other map event, false if not */ bool earlierThanOrEqual(const CMapEvent & other) const; /** the name of the event */ std::string name; /** the message to display */ std::string message; /** gained or taken resources */ TResources resources; /** affected players */ ui8 players; /** affected humans */ ui8 humanAffected; /** affacted computer players */ ui8 computerAffected; /** the day counted continously when the event happens */ ui32 firstOccurence; /** specifies after how many days the event will occur the next time; 0 if event occurs only one time */ ui32 nextOccurence; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & name & message & resources & players & humanAffected & computerAffected & firstOccurence & nextOccurence; } }; /** * The castle event builds/adds buildings/creatures for a specific town. */ class DLL_LINKAGE CCastleEvent: public CMapEvent { public: /** * Default c-tor. */ CCastleEvent(); /** build specific buildings */ std::set buildings; /** additional creatures in i-th level dwelling */ std::vector creatures; /** owner of this event */ CGTownInstance * town; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & static_cast(*this); h & buildings & creatures; } }; namespace ETerrainType { enum ETerrainType { BORDER = -1, DIRT, SAND, GRASS, SNOW, SWAMP, ROUGH, SUBTERRANEAN, LAVA, WATER, ROCK }; } namespace ERiverType { enum ERiverType { NO_RIVER, CLEAR_RIVER, ICY_RIVER, MUDDY_RIVER, LAVA_RIVER }; } namespace ERoadType { enum ERoadType { NO_ROAD, DIRT_ROAD, GRAVEL_ROAD, COBBLESTONE_ROAD }; } /** * The terrain tile describes the terrain type and the visual representation of the terrain. * Furthermore the struct defines whether the tile is visitable or/and blocked and which objects reside in it. */ struct DLL_LINKAGE TerrainTile { /** * Default c-tor. */ TerrainTile(); /** * Gets true if the terrain is not a rock. If from is water/land, same type is also required. * * @param from * @return */ bool entrableTerrain(const TerrainTile * from = NULL) const; /** * Gets true if the terrain is not a rock. If from is water/land, same type is also required. * * @param allowLand * @param allowSea * @return */ bool entrableTerrain(bool allowLand, bool allowSea) const; /** * Checks for blocking objects and terraint type (water / land). * * @param from * @return */ bool isClear(const TerrainTile * from = NULL) const; /** * Gets the ID of the top visitable object or -1 if there is none. * * @return the ID of the top visitable object or -1 if there is none */ int topVisitableId() const; /** * Gets true if the terrain type is water. * * @return true if the terrain type is water */ bool isWater() const; /** * Gets true if the terrain tile is coastal. * * @return true if the terrain tile is coastal */ bool isCoastal() const; /** * Gets true if the terrain tile has favourable winds. * * @return true if the terrain tile has favourable winds */ bool hasFavourableWinds() const; /** the type of terrain */ ETerrainType::ETerrainType terType; /** the visual representation of the terrain */ ui8 terView; /** the type of the river. 0 if there is no river */ ERiverType::ERiverType riverType; /** the direction of the river */ ui8 riverDir; /** the type of the road. 0 if there is no river */ ERoadType::ERoadType roadType; /** the direction of the road */ ui8 roadDir; /** * first two bits - how to rotate terrain graphic (next two - river graphic, next two - road); * 7th bit - whether tile is coastal (allows disembarking if land or block movement if water); 8th bit - Favourable Winds effect */ ui8 extTileFlags; /** true if it is visitable, false if not */ bool visitable; /** true if it is blocked, false if not */ bool blocked; /** pointers to objects which the hero can visit while being on this tile */ std::vector visitableObjects; /** pointers to objects that are blocking this tile */ std::vector blockingObjects; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & terType & terView & riverType & riverDir & roadType &roadDir & extTileFlags & blocked; if(!h.saving) { visitable = false; //these flags (and obj vectors) will be restored in map serialization } } }; namespace EMapFormat { enum EMapFormat { INVALID, WOG=0x33, AB=0x15, ROE=0x0e, SOD=0x1c }; } /** * The map header holds information about loss/victory condition, * map format, version, players, height, width,... */ class DLL_LINKAGE CMapHeader { public: /** * Default constructor. */ CMapHeader(); /** * D-tor. */ virtual ~CMapHeader(); /** The version of the map. The default value is EMapFormat::SOD. */ EMapFormat::EMapFormat version; /** The height of the map. The default value is 72. */ si32 height; /** The width of the map. The default value is 72. */ si32 width; /** Specifies if the map has two levels. The default value is true. */ bool twoLevel; /** The name of the map. */ std::string name; /** The description of the map. */ std::string description; /** * Specifies the difficulty of the map ranging from 0 easy to 4 impossible. * The default value is 1 representing a normal map difficulty. */ ui8 difficulty; /** * Specifies the maximum level to reach for a hero. A value of 0 states that there is no * maximum level for heroes. */ ui8 levelLimit; /** Specifies the loss condition. The default value is lose all your towns and heroes. */ LossCondition lossCondition; /** Specifies the victory condition. The default value is defeat all enemies. */ VictoryCondition victoryCondition; /** A list containing information about players. */ std::vector players; /** The number of teams. */ ui8 howManyTeams; /** * A list of allowed heroes. The index is the hero id and the value is either 0 for not allowed or 1 for allowed. * The default value is a list of default allowed heroes. See CHeroHandler::getDefaultAllowedHeroes for more info. */ std::vector allowedHeroes; /** A list of placeholded heroes. The index is the id of a hero type. */ std::vector placeholdedHeroes; /** Unused. True if there are any playable players on the map. */ bool areAnyPlayers; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler & h, const int Version) { h & version & name & description & width & height & twoLevel & difficulty & levelLimit & areAnyPlayers; h & players & lossCondition & victoryCondition & howManyTeams & allowedHeroes; } }; /** * The map contains the map header, the tiles of the terrain, objects, * heroes, towns, rumors... */ class DLL_LINKAGE CMap : public CMapHeader { public: /** * Default constructor. */ CMap(); /** * Destructor. */ ~CMap(); /** * Erases an artifact instance. * * @param art the artifact to erase */ void eraseArtifactInstance(CArtifactInstance * art); /** * Gets the topmost object or the lowermost object depending on the flag * lookForHero from the specified position. * * @param pos the position of the tile * @param lookForHero true if you want to get the lowermost object, false if * you want to get the topmost object * @return the object at the given position and level */ const CGObjectInstance * getObjectiveObjectFrom(int3 pos, bool lookForHero); /** * Sets the victory/loss condition objectives. */ void checkForObjectives(); /** * Adds an visitable/blocking object to a terrain tile. * * @param obj the visitable/blocking object to add to a tile */ void addBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj); /** * Removes an visitable/blocking object from a terrain tile. * * @param obj the visitable/blocking object to remove from a tile * @param total */ void removeBlockVisTiles(CGObjectInstance * obj, bool total = false); /** * Gets the terrain tile of the specified position. * * @param tile the position of the tile * @return the terrain tile of the specified position */ TerrainTile & getTile(const int3 & tile); /** * Gets the terrain tile as a const of the specified position. * * @param tile the position of the tile * @return the terrain tile as a const of the specified position */ const TerrainTile & getTile(const int3 & tile) const; /** * Gets the hero with the given id. * @param heroId the hero id * @return the hero with the given id */ CGHeroInstance * getHero(int heroId); /** * Validates if the position is in the bounds of the map. * * @param pos the position to test * @return true if the position is in the bounds of the map */ bool isInTheMap(const int3 & pos) const; /** * Validates if the tile at the given position is a water terrain type. * * @param pos the position to test * @return true if the tile at the given position is a water terrain type */ bool isWaterTile(const int3 & pos) const; /** * Adds the specified artifact instance to the list of artifacts of this map. * * @param art the artifact which should be added to the list of artifacts */ void addNewArtifactInstance(CArtifactInstance * art); /** the checksum of the map */ ui32 checksum; /** a 3-dimensional array of terrain tiles, access is as follows: x, y, level */ TerrainTile*** terrain; /** list of rumors */ std::vector rumors; /** list of disposed heroes */ std::vector disposedHeroes; /** list of predefined heroes */ std::vector > predefinedHeroes; /** list of .def files with definitions from .h3m (may be custom) */ std::vector > customDefs; /** list of allowed spells, index is the spell id */ std::vector allowedSpell; /** list of allowed artifacts, index is the artifact id */ std::vector allowedArtifact; /** list of allowed abilities, index is the ability id */ std::vector allowedAbilities; /** list of map events */ std::list > events; /** specifies the position of the grail */ int3 grailPos; /** specifies the radius of the grail */ int grailRadious; /** list of objects */ std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr > objects; /** list of heroes */ std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr > heroes; /** list of towns */ std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr > towns; /** list of artifacts */ std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr > artInstances; /** list of quests */ std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr > quests; /** associative list to identify which hero/creature id belongs to which object id(index for objects) */ bmap questIdentifierToId; /** * Serialize method. */ template void serialize(Handler &h, const int formatVersion) { h & static_cast(*this); h & rumors & allowedSpell & allowedAbilities & allowedArtifact & events & grailPos; h & artInstances & quests; h & questIdentifierToId; //TODO: viccondetails if(h.saving) { // Save terrain for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < height ; ++j) { for(int k = 0; k < (twoLevel ? 2 : 1); ++k) { h & terrain[i][j][k]; } } } } else { // Load terrain terrain = new TerrainTile**[width]; for(int ii = 0; ii < width; ++ii) { terrain[ii] = new TerrainTile*[height]; for(int jj = 0; jj < height; ++jj) { terrain[ii][jj] = new TerrainTile[twoLevel ? 2 : 1]; } } for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i) { for(int j = 0; j < height ; ++j) { for(int k = 0; k < (twoLevel ? 2 : 1); ++k) { h & terrain[i][j][k]; } } } } h & customDefs & objects; // static members h & CGTeleport::objs; h & CGTeleport::gates; h & CGKeys::playerKeyMap; h & CGMagi::eyelist; h & CGObelisk::obeliskCount & CGObelisk::visited; h & CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts; h & CGTownInstance::universitySkills; if(!h.saving) { for(ui32 i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { if(!objects[i]) continue; switch (objects[i]->ID) { case Obj::HERO: heroes.push_back (static_cast(+objects[i])); break; case Obj::TOWN: towns.push_back (static_cast(+objects[i])); break; } // recreate blockvis map addBlockVisTiles(objects[i]); } // if hero is visiting/garrisoned in town set appropriate pointers for(ui32 i = 0; i < heroes.size(); ++i) { int3 vistile = heroes[i]->pos; vistile.x++; for(ui32 j = 0; j < towns.size(); ++j) { // hero stands on the town entrance if(vistile == towns[j]->pos) { if(heroes[i]->inTownGarrison) { towns[j]->garrisonHero = heroes[i]; removeBlockVisTiles(heroes[i]); } else { towns[j]->visitingHero = heroes[i]; } heroes[i]->visitedTown = towns[j]; break; } } vistile.x -= 2; //manifest pos const TerrainTile & t = getTile(vistile); if(t.terType != ETerrainType::WATER) continue; //hero stands on the water - he must be in the boat for(ui32 j = 0; j < t.visitableObjects.size(); ++j) { if(t.visitableObjects[j]->ID == Obj::BOAT) { CGBoat * b = static_cast(t.visitableObjects[j]); heroes[i]->boat = b; b->hero = heroes[i]; removeBlockVisTiles(b); break; } } } } } };