#pragma once #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "FunctionList.h" #include "../lib/CGameInterface.h" #include "UIFramework/CIntObject.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define sprintf_s snprintf #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #ifdef min #undef min #endif /* * CPlayerInterface.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CDefEssential; class CAdventureMapButton; class CHighlightableButtonsGroup; class CDefHandler; struct TryMoveHero; class CDefEssential; class CGHeroInstance; class CAdvMapInt; class CCastleInterface; class CBattleInterface; class CStack; class CComponent; class CCreature; struct SDL_Surface; struct CGPath; class CCreatureAnimation; class CSelectableComponent; class CCreatureSet; class CGObjectInstance; class CSlider; struct UpgradeInfo; template struct CondSh; class CInGameConsole; class CGarrisonInt; class CInGameConsole; union SDL_Event; class IStatusBar; class CInfoWindow; class IShowActivatable; class ClickableL; class ClickableR; class Hoverable; class KeyInterested; class MotionInterested; class TimeInterested; class IShowable; struct CPathsInfo; namespace boost { class mutex; class recursive_mutex; }; enum {CHANGE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION = 1, RETURN_TO_MAIN_MENU = 2, STOP_CLIENT = 3, RESTART_GAME, RETURN_TO_MENU_LOAD}; /// Central class for managing user interface logic class CPlayerInterface : public CGameInterface, public IUpdateable { public: bool observerInDuelMode; //minor interfaces CondSh *showingDialog; //indicates if dialog box is displayed static boost::recursive_mutex *pim; bool makingTurn; //if player is already making his turn int firstCall; // -1 - just loaded game; 1 - just started game; 0 otherwise int autosaveCount; static const int SAVES_COUNT = 5; static int howManyPeople; CCastleInterface * castleInt; //NULL if castle window isn't opened static CBattleInterface * battleInt; //NULL if no battle CInGameConsole * cingconsole; CCallback * cb; //to communicate with engine const BattleAction *curAction; //during the battle - action currently performed by active stack (or NULL) std::list dialogs; //queue of dialogs awaiting to be shown (not currently shown!) std::vector wanderingHeroes; //our heroes on the adventure map (not the garrisoned ones) std::vector towns; //our heroes on the adventure map (not the garrisoned ones) std::map paths; //maps hero => selected path in adventure map std::vector sleepingHeroes; //if hero is in here, he's sleeping struct SpellbookLastSetting { int spellbookLastPageBattle, spellbokLastPageAdvmap; //on which page we left spellbook int spellbookLastTabBattle, spellbookLastTabAdvmap; //on which page we left spellbook SpellbookLastSetting(); template void serialize( Handler &h, const int version ) { h & spellbookLastPageBattle & spellbokLastPageAdvmap & spellbookLastTabBattle & spellbookLastTabAdvmap; } } spellbookSettings; void update(); void recreateHeroTownList(); const CGHeroInstance *getWHero(int pos); //returns NULL if position is not valid int getLastIndex(std::string namePrefix); //overridden funcs from CGameInterface void buildChanged(const CGTownInstance *town, int buildingID, int what) OVERRIDE; //what: 1 - built, 2 - demolished void stackChagedCount(const StackLocation &location, const TQuantity &change, bool isAbsolute) OVERRIDE; //if absolute, change is the new count; otherwise count was modified by adding change void stackChangedType(const StackLocation &location, const CCreature &newType) OVERRIDE; //used eg. when upgrading creatures void stacksErased(const StackLocation &location) OVERRIDE; //stack removed from previously filled slot void stacksSwapped(const StackLocation &loc1, const StackLocation &loc2) OVERRIDE; void newStackInserted(const StackLocation &location, const CStackInstance &stack) OVERRIDE; //new stack inserted at given (previously empty position) void stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation &src, const StackLocation &dst, TQuantity count) OVERRIDE; //moves creatures from src stack to dst slot, may be used for merging/splittint/moving stacks void artifactPut(const ArtifactLocation &al); void artifactRemoved(const ArtifactLocation &al); void artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation &src, const ArtifactLocation &dst); void artifactAssembled(const ArtifactLocation &al); void artifactDisassembled(const ArtifactLocation &al); void heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance* hero) OVERRIDE; void heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector &skills, boost::function &callback) OVERRIDE; void heroInGarrisonChange(const CGTownInstance *town) OVERRIDE; void heroMoved(const TryMoveHero & details) OVERRIDE; void heroPrimarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, si64 val) OVERRIDE; void heroSecondarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, int val) OVERRIDE; void heroManaPointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) OVERRIDE; void heroMovePointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) OVERRIDE; void heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance* hero, const CGTownInstance * town) OVERRIDE; void receivedResource(int type, int val) OVERRIDE; void showInfoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, int soundID) OVERRIDE; void showRecruitmentDialog(const CGDwelling *dwelling, const CArmedInstance *dst, int level) OVERRIDE; void showShipyardDialog(const IShipyard *obj) OVERRIDE; //obj may be town or shipyard; void showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID, int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) OVERRIDE; //Show a dialog, player must take decision. If selection then he has to choose between one of given components, if cancel he is allowed to not choose. After making choice, CCallback::selectionMade should be called with number of selected component (1 - n) or 0 for cancel (if allowed) and askID. void showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, boost::function &onEnd) OVERRIDE; void showPuzzleMap() OVERRIDE; void showMarketWindow(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) OVERRIDE; void showUniversityWindow(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) OVERRIDE; void showHillFortWindow(const CGObjectInstance *object, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) OVERRIDE; void showTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern) OVERRIDE; void showThievesGuildWindow (const CGObjectInstance * obj) OVERRIDE; void advmapSpellCast(const CGHeroInstance * caster, int spellID) OVERRIDE; //called when a hero casts a spell void tileHidden(const boost::unordered_set &pos) OVERRIDE; //called when given tiles become hidden under fog of war void tileRevealed(const boost::unordered_set &pos) OVERRIDE; //called when fog of war disappears from given tiles void newObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) OVERRIDE; void availableArtifactsChanged(const CGBlackMarket *bm = NULL) OVERRIDE; //bm may be NULL, then artifacts are changed in the global pool (used by merchants in towns) void yourTurn() OVERRIDE; void availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling *town) OVERRIDE; void heroBonusChanged(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const Bonus &bonus, bool gain) OVERRIDE;//if gain hero received bonus, else he lost it void playerBonusChanged(const Bonus &bonus, bool gain) OVERRIDE; void requestRealized(PackageApplied *pa) OVERRIDE; void heroExchangeStarted(si32 hero1, si32 hero2) OVERRIDE; void centerView (int3 pos, int focusTime) OVERRIDE; void objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty * sop) OVERRIDE; void objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance *obj) OVERRIDE; void gameOver(ui8 player, bool victory) OVERRIDE; void playerStartsTurn(ui8 player) OVERRIDE; //called before yourTurn on active itnerface void showComp(const CComponent &comp) OVERRIDE; //display component in the advmapint infobox void serialize(COSer &h, const int version) OVERRIDE; //saving void serialize(CISer &h, const int version) OVERRIDE; //loading //for battles void actionFinished(const BattleAction* action) OVERRIDE;//occurs AFTER action taken by active stack or by the hero void actionStarted(const BattleAction* action) OVERRIDE;//occurs BEFORE action taken by active stack or by the hero BattleAction activeStack(const CStack * stack) OVERRIDE; //called when it's turn of that stack void battleAttack(const BattleAttack *ba) OVERRIDE; //stack performs attack void battleEnd(const BattleResult *br) OVERRIDE; //end of battle void battleNewRoundFirst(int round) OVERRIDE; //called at the beginning of each turn before changes are applied; used for HP regen handling void battleNewRound(int round) OVERRIDE; //called at the beginning of each turn, round=-1 is the tactic phase, round=0 is the first "normal" turn void battleStackMoved(const CStack * stack, std::vector dest, int distance) OVERRIDE; void battleSpellCast(const BattleSpellCast *sc) OVERRIDE; void battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse) OVERRIDE; //called when a specific effect is set to stacks void battleTriggerEffect(const BattleTriggerEffect & bte) OVERRIDE; //various one-shot effect void battleStacksAttacked(const std::vector & bsa) OVERRIDE; void battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) OVERRIDE; //called by engine when battle starts; side=0 - left, side=1 - right void battleStacksHealedRes(const std::vector > & healedStacks, bool lifeDrain, bool tentHeal, si32 lifeDrainFrom) OVERRIDE; //called when stacks are healed / resurrected void battleNewStackAppeared(const CStack * stack) OVERRIDE; //not called at the beginning of a battle or by resurrection; called eg. when elemental is summoned void battleObstaclesRemoved(const std::set & removedObstacles) OVERRIDE; //called when a certain set of obstacles is removed from batlefield; IDs of them are given void battleCatapultAttacked(const CatapultAttack & ca) OVERRIDE; //called when catapult makes an attack void battleStacksRemoved(const BattleStacksRemoved & bsr) OVERRIDE; //called when certain stack is completely removed from battlefield void yourTacticPhase(int distance) OVERRIDE; //-------------// void showArtifactAssemblyDialog(ui32 artifactID, ui32 assembleTo, bool assemble, CFunctionList onYes, CFunctionList onNo); void garrisonChanged(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool updateInfobox = true); void heroKilled(const CGHeroInstance* hero); void waitWhileDialog(bool unlockPim = true); void waitForAllDialogs(bool unlockPim = true); bool shiftPressed() const; //determines if shift key is pressed (left or right or both) bool ctrlPressed() const; //determines if ctrl key is pressed (left or right or both) bool altPressed() const; //determines if alt key is pressed (left or right or both) void redrawHeroWin(const CGHeroInstance * hero); void openTownWindow(const CGTownInstance * town); //shows townscreen void openHeroWindow(const CGHeroInstance * hero); //shows hero window with given hero SDL_Surface * infoWin(const CGObjectInstance * specific); //specific=0 => draws info about selected town/hero void updateInfo(const CGObjectInstance * specific); void init(CCallback * CB); int3 repairScreenPos(int3 pos); //returns position closest to pos we can center screen on void showInfoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector & components = std::vector(), int soundID = 0, bool delComps = false); void showYesNoDialog(const std::string &text, CFunctionList onYes, CFunctionList onNo, bool DelComps = false, const std::vector & components = std::vector()); //deactivateCur - whether current main interface should be deactivated; delComps - if components will be deleted on window close void stopMovement(); bool moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, CGPath path); void initMovement(const TryMoveHero &details, const CGHeroInstance * ho, const int3 &hp );//initializing objects and performing first step of move void movementPxStep( const TryMoveHero &details, int i, const int3 &hp, const CGHeroInstance * ho );//performing step of movement void finishMovement( const TryMoveHero &details, const int3 &hp, const CGHeroInstance * ho ); //finish movement void eraseCurrentPathOf( const CGHeroInstance * ho, bool checkForExistanceOfPath = true ); void removeLastNodeFromPath(const CGHeroInstance *ho); CGPath *getAndVerifyPath( const CGHeroInstance * h ); void acceptTurn(); //used during hot seat after your turn message is close void tryDiggging(const CGHeroInstance *h); void showShipyardDialogOrProblemPopup(const IShipyard *obj); //obj may be town or shipyard; void requestReturningToMainMenu(); void requestStoppingClient(); void sendCustomEvent(int code); void proposeLoadingGame(); CPlayerInterface(int Player);//c-tor ~CPlayerInterface();//d-tor CondSh terminate_cond; // confirm termination ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void serializeTempl(Handler &h, const int version); }; extern CPlayerInterface * LOCPLINT;