#pragma once #include <SDL.h> #include "../lib/StartInfo.h" #include "GUIClasses.h" #include "FunctionList.h" #include "../lib/CMapInfo.h" /* * CPreGame.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CMusicHandler; class CMapHeader; class CCampaignHeader; class CTextInput; class CCampaign; class CGStatusBar; class CTextBox; class CCampaignState; class CConnection; class JsonNode; struct CPackForSelectionScreen; struct PlayerInfo; struct FileInfo; namespace boost{ class thread; class recursive_mutex;} enum ESortBy{_playerAm, _size, _format, _name, _viccon, _loscon, _numOfMaps}; //_numOfMaps is for campaigns /// Class which handles map sorting by different criteria class mapSorter { public: ESortBy sortBy; bool operator()(const CMapInfo *aaa, const CMapInfo *bbb); mapSorter(ESortBy es):sortBy(es){}; }; /// The main menu screens listed in the EState enum class CMenuScreen : public CIntObject { const JsonNode& config; CTabbedInt *tabs; std::vector<CPicture*> images; CIntObject *createTab(size_t index); public: std::vector<std::string> menuNameToEntry; enum EState { //where are we? mainMenu, newGame, loadGame, campaignMain, saveGame, scenarioInfo, campaignList }; enum EMultiMode { SINGLE_PLAYER = 0, MULTI_HOT_SEAT, MULTI_NETWORK_HOST, MULTI_NETWORK_GUEST }; CMenuScreen(const JsonNode& configNode); void show(SDL_Surface * to); void activate(); void deactivate(); void switchToTab(size_t index); }; class CMenuEntry : public CIntObject { std::vector<CPicture*> images; std::vector<CAdventureMapButton*> buttons; CAdventureMapButton* createButton(CMenuScreen* parent, const JsonNode& button); public: CMenuEntry(CMenuScreen* parent, const JsonNode &config); }; class CreditsScreen : public CIntObject { CTextBox* credits; public: CreditsScreen(); void show(SDL_Surface * to); void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); }; /// Implementation of the chat box class CChatBox : public CIntObject { public: CTextBox *chatHistory; CTextInput *inputBox; CChatBox(const Rect &rect); void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void addNewMessage(const std::string &text); }; class InfoCard : public CIntObject { public: CPicture *bg; CMenuScreen::EState type; bool network; bool chatOn; //if chat is shown, then description is hidden CTextBox *mapDescription; CChatBox *chat; CPicture *playerListBg; CHighlightableButtonsGroup *difficulty; CDefHandler *sizes, *sFlags;; void changeSelection(const CMapInfo *to); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); void showTeamsPopup(); void toggleChat(); void setChat(bool activateChat); InfoCard(bool Network = false); ~InfoCard(); }; /// The selection tab which is shown at the map selection screen class SelectionTab : public CIntObject { private: CDefHandler *format; //map size void parseMaps(std::vector<FileInfo> &files, int start = 0, int threads = 1); void parseGames(std::vector<FileInfo> &files, bool multi); void parseCampaigns( std::vector<FileInfo> & files ); void getFiles(std::vector<FileInfo> &out, const std::string &dirname, const std::string &ext); CMenuScreen::EState tabType; public: int positions; //how many entries (games/maps) can be shown CPicture *bg; //general bg image CSlider *slider; std::vector<CMapInfo> allItems; std::vector<CMapInfo*> curItems; size_t selectionPos; boost::function<void(CMapInfo *)> onSelect; ESortBy sortingBy; bool ascending; CTextInput *txt; void filter(int size, bool selectFirst = false); //0 - all void select(int position); //position: <0 - positions> position on the screen void selectAbs(int position); //position: absolute position in curItems vector int getPosition(int x, int y); //convert mouse coords to entry position; -1 means none void sliderMove(int slidPos); void sortBy(int criteria); void sort(); void printMaps(SDL_Surface *to); int getLine(); void selectFName(const std::string &fname); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); void onDoubleClick(); SelectionTab(CMenuScreen::EState Type, const boost::function<void(CMapInfo *)> &OnSelect, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode MultiPlayer = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER); ~SelectionTab(); }; /// The options tab which is shown at the map selection phase. class OptionsTab : public CIntObject { CPicture *bg; public: enum SelType {TOWN, HERO, BONUS}; struct SelectedBox : public CIntObject //img with current town/hero/bonus { SelType which; ui8 player; //serial nr SDL_Surface *getImg() const; const std::string *getText() const; SelectedBox(SelType Which, ui8 Player); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); }; struct PlayerOptionsEntry : public CIntObject { PlayerInfo π PlayerSettings &s; CPicture *bg; CAdventureMapButton *btns[6]; //left and right for town, hero, bonus CAdventureMapButton *flag; SelectedBox *town; SelectedBox *hero; SelectedBox *bonus; enum {HUMAN_OR_CPU, HUMAN, CPU} whoCanPlay; PlayerOptionsEntry(OptionsTab *owner, PlayerSettings &S); void selectButtons(); //hides unavailable buttons void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); }; CSlider *turnDuration; std::set<int> usedHeroes; struct PlayerToRestore { int color, id; void reset() { color = id = -1; } PlayerToRestore(){ reset(); } } playerToRestore; std::map<int, PlayerOptionsEntry *> entries; //indexed by color void nextCastle(int player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1 void nextHero(int player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1 void nextBonus(int player, int dir); //dir == -1 or +1 void setTurnLength(int npos); void flagPressed(int player); void recreate(); OptionsTab(); ~OptionsTab(); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); int nextAllowedHero( int min, int max, int incl, int dir ); bool canUseThisHero( int ID ); }; /// Interface for selecting a map. class ISelectionScreenInfo { public: CMenuScreen::EMultiMode multiPlayer; CMenuScreen::EState screenType; //new/save/load#Game const CMapInfo *current; StartInfo sInfo; std::map<ui32, std::string> playerNames; // id of player <-> player name; 0 is reserved as ID of AI "players" ISelectionScreenInfo(const std::map<ui32, std::string> *Names = NULL); virtual ~ISelectionScreenInfo(); virtual void update(){}; virtual void propagateOptions() {}; virtual void postRequest(ui8 what, ui8 dir) {}; virtual void postChatMessage(const std::string &txt){}; void setPlayer(PlayerSettings &pset, unsigned player); void updateStartInfo( std::string filename, StartInfo & sInfo, const CMapHeader * mapHeader ); int getIdOfFirstUnallocatedPlayer(); //returns 0 if none bool isGuest() const; bool isHost() const; }; /// The actual map selection screen which consists of the options and selection tab class CSelectionScreen : public CIntObject, public ISelectionScreenInfo { public: CPicture *bg; //general bg image InfoCard *card; OptionsTab *opt; CAdventureMapButton *start, *back; SelectionTab *sel; CIntObject *curTab; boost::thread *serverHandlingThread; boost::recursive_mutex *mx; std::list<CPackForSelectionScreen *> upcomingPacks; //protected by mx CConnection *serv; //connection to server, used in MP mode bool ongoingClosing; ui8 myNameID; //used when networking - otherwise all player are "mine" CSelectionScreen(CMenuScreen::EState Type, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode MultiPlayer = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER, const std::map<ui32, std::string> *Names = NULL); ~CSelectionScreen(); void toggleTab(CIntObject *tab); void changeSelection(const CMapInfo *to); void startCampaign(); void startGame(); void difficultyChange(int to); void handleConnection(); void processPacks(); void setSInfo(const StartInfo &si); void update() OVERRIDE; void propagateOptions() OVERRIDE; void postRequest(ui8 what, ui8 dir) OVERRIDE; void postChatMessage(const std::string &txt) OVERRIDE; void propagateNames(); }; /// Save game screen class CSavingScreen : public CSelectionScreen { public: const CMapInfo *ourGame; CSavingScreen(bool hotseat = false); ~CSavingScreen(); }; /// Scenario information screen shown during the game (thus not really a "pre-game" but fits here anyway) class CScenarioInfo : public CIntObject, public ISelectionScreenInfo { public: CAdventureMapButton *back; InfoCard *card; OptionsTab *opt; CScenarioInfo(const CMapHeader *mapHeader, const StartInfo *startInfo); ~CScenarioInfo(); }; /// Multiplayer mode class CMultiMode : public CIntObject { public: CPicture *bg; CTextInput *txt; CAdventureMapButton *btns[7]; //0 - hotseat, 6 - cancel CGStatusBar *bar; CMultiMode(); void openHotseat(); void hostTCP(); void joinTCP(); }; /// Hot seat player window class CHotSeatPlayers : public CIntObject { CPicture *bg; CTextBox *title; CTextInput* txt[8]; CAdventureMapButton *ok, *cancel; CGStatusBar *bar; void onChange(std::string newText); void enterSelectionScreen(); public: CHotSeatPlayers(const std::string &firstPlayer); }; /// Campaign screen where you can choose one out of three starting bonuses class CBonusSelection : public CIntObject { SDL_Surface * background; CAdventureMapButton * startB, * backB; //campaign & map descriptions: CTextBox * cmpgDesc, * mapDesc; struct SCampPositions { std::string campPrefix; int colorSuffixLength; struct SRegionDesc { std::string infix; int xpos, ypos; }; std::vector<SRegionDesc> regions; }; std::vector<SCampPositions> campDescriptions; class CRegion : public CIntObject { CBonusSelection * owner; SDL_Surface* graphics[3]; //[0] - not selected, [1] - selected, [2] - striped bool accessible; //false if region should be striped bool selectable; //true if region should be selectable int myNumber; //number of region public: std::string rclickText; CRegion(CBonusSelection * _owner, bool _accessible, bool _selectable, int _myNumber); ~CRegion(); void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); void show(SDL_Surface * to); }; std::vector<CRegion *> regions; CRegion * highlightedRegion; void loadPositionsOfGraphics(); CCampaignState * ourCampaign; CMapHeader *ourHeader; CDefHandler *sizes; //icons of map sizes SDL_Surface* diffPics[5]; //pictures of difficulties, user-selectable (or not if campaign locks this) CAdventureMapButton * diffLb, * diffRb; //buttons for changing difficulty void changeDiff(bool increase); //if false, then decrease //bonus selection void updateBonusSelection(); CHighlightableButtonsGroup * bonuses; public: void bonusSelectionChanges(int choosenBonus); StartInfo sInfo; CDefHandler *sFlags; void selectMap(int whichOne); void selectBonus(int id); CBonusSelection(CCampaignState * _ourCampaign); ~CBonusSelection(); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); void show(SDL_Surface * to); void goBack(); void startMap(); }; /// Campaign selection screen class CCampaignScreen : public CIntObject { public: enum CampaignStatus {DEFAULT = 0, ENABLED, DISABLED, COMPLETED}; // the status of the campaign private: /// A button which plays a video when you move the mouse cursor over it class CCampaignButton : public CIntObject { private: CPicture *image; CPicture *checkMark; CLabel *hoverLabel; CampaignStatus status; std::string campFile; // the filename/resourcename of the campaign std::string video; // the resource name of the video std::string hoverText; void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); void hover(bool on); public: CCampaignButton(const JsonNode &config ); void show(SDL_Surface * to); }; CAdventureMapButton *back; std::vector<CCampaignButton*> campButtons; std::vector<CPicture*> images; CAdventureMapButton* createExitButton(const JsonNode& button); public: enum CampaignSet {ROE, AB, SOD, WOG}; CCampaignScreen(const JsonNode &config); }; /// Handles background screen, loads graphics for victory/loss condition and random town or hero selection class CGPreGame : public CIntObject, public IUpdateable { const JsonNode * const pregameConfig; public: CMenuScreen* menu; SDL_Surface *nHero, *rHero, *nTown, *rTown; // none/random hero/town imgs CDefHandler *bonuses; CDefHandler *victory, *loss; CGPreGame(); ~CGPreGame(); void update(); void openSel(CMenuScreen::EState type, CMenuScreen::EMultiMode multi = CMenuScreen::SINGLE_PLAYER); void loadGraphics(); void disposeGraphics(); void openCampaignScreen(std::string name); static void createIfNotPresent(); }; extern ISelectionScreenInfo *SEL; extern CGPreGame *CGP;