#include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleState.h" #include #include #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "CObjectHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/JsonNode.h" /* * BattleState.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ extern boost::rand48 ran; const CStack * BattleInfo::getNextStack() const { std::vector hlp; getStackQueue(hlp, 1, -1); if(hlp.size()) return hlp[0]; else return NULL; } static const CStack *takeStack(std::vector &st, int &curside, int turn) { const CStack *ret = NULL; unsigned i, //fastest stack j; //fastest stack of the other side for(i = 0; i < st.size(); i++) if(st[i]) break; //no stacks left if(i == st.size()) return NULL; const CStack *fastest = st[i], *other = NULL; int bestSpeed = fastest->Speed(turn); if(fastest->attackerOwned != curside) { ret = fastest; } else { for(j = i + 1; j < st.size(); j++) { if(!st[j]) continue; if(st[j]->attackerOwned != curside || st[j]->Speed(turn) != bestSpeed) break; } if(j >= st.size()) { ret = fastest; } else { other = st[j]; if(other->Speed(turn) != bestSpeed) ret = fastest; else ret = other; } } assert(ret); if(ret == fastest) st[i] = NULL; else st[j] = NULL; curside = ret->attackerOwned; return ret; } CStack * BattleInfo::getStack(int stackID, bool onlyAlive) { for(ui32 g=0; gID == stackID && (!onlyAlive || stacks[g]->alive())) return stacks[g]; } return NULL; } const CStack * BattleInfo::getStack(int stackID, bool onlyAlive) const { return const_cast(this)->getStack(stackID, onlyAlive); } CStack * BattleInfo::getStackT(BattleHex tileID, bool onlyAlive) { for(ui32 g=0; gposition == tileID || (stacks[g]->doubleWide() && stacks[g]->attackerOwned && stacks[g]->position-1 == tileID) || (stacks[g]->doubleWide() && !stacks[g]->attackerOwned && stacks[g]->position+1 == tileID)) { if(!onlyAlive || stacks[g]->alive()) { return stacks[g]; } } } return NULL; } const CStack * BattleInfo::getStackT(BattleHex tileID, bool onlyAlive) const { return const_cast(this)->getStackT(tileID, onlyAlive); } void BattleInfo::getAccessibilityMap(bool *accessibility, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool addOccupiable, std::set & occupyable, bool flying, const CStack * stackToOmmit) const { memset(accessibility, 1, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE); //initialize array with trues //removing accessibility for side columns of hexes for(int v = 0; v < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++v) { if( v % GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == 0 || v % GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == (GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1) ) accessibility[v] = false; } for(ui32 g=0; galive() || (stackToOmmit && stacks[g]->ID==stackToOmmit->ID) || stacks[g]->position < 0) //we don't want to lock position of this stack (eg. if it's a turret) continue; accessibility[stacks[g]->position] = false; if(stacks[g]->doubleWide()) //if it's a double hex creature { if(stacks[g]->attackerOwned) accessibility[stacks[g]->position-1] = false; else accessibility[stacks[g]->position+1] = false; } } //obstacles for(ui32 b=0; b blocked = obstacles[b].getBlocked(); for(ui32 c=0; c=0 && blocked[c] < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE) accessibility[blocked[c]] = false; } } //walls if(siege > 0) { static const int permanentlyLocked[] = {12, 45, 78, 112, 147, 165}; for(int b=0; b lockedIfNotDestroyed[] = //(which part of wall, which hex is blocked if this part of wall is not destroyed {std::make_pair(2, BattleHex(182)), std::make_pair(3, BattleHex(130)), std::make_pair(4, BattleHex(62)), std::make_pair(5, BattleHex(29))}; for(int b=0; b rem; //tiles to unlock for(int h=0; h::const_iterator it = rem.begin(); it != rem.end(); ++it) { accessibility[*it] = true; }*/ } } bool BattleInfo::isAccessible(BattleHex hex, bool * accessibility, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool flying, bool lastPos) { if(flying && !lastPos) return true; if(twoHex) { //if given hex is accessible and appropriate adjacent one is free too return accessibility[hex] && accessibility[hex + (attackerOwned ? -1 : 1 )]; } else { return accessibility[hex]; } } void BattleInfo::makeBFS(BattleHex start, bool *accessibility, BattleHex *predecessor, int *dists, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned, bool flying, bool fillPredecessors) const //both pointers must point to the at least 187-elements int arrays { //inits for(int b=0; b > hexq; //bfs queue (second filed used only if fillPredecessors is true) hexq.push(std::make_pair(start, true)); dists[hexq.front().first] = 0; int curNext = -1; //for bfs loop only (helper var) while(!hexq.empty()) //bfs loop { std::pair curHex = hexq.front(); std::vector neighbours = curHex.first.neighbouringTiles(); hexq.pop(); for(ui32 nr=0; nr=dists[curNext]) bool accessible = isAccessible(curNext, accessibility, twoHex, attackerOwned, flying, dists[curHex.first]+1 == dists[curNext]); if( dists[curHex.first]+1 >= dists[curNext] ) continue; if(accessible && curHex.second) { hexq.push(std::make_pair(curNext, true)); dists[curNext] = dists[curHex.first] + 1; } else if(fillPredecessors && !(accessible && !curHex.second)) { hexq.push(std::make_pair(curNext, false)); dists[curNext] = dists[curHex.first] + 1; } predecessor[curNext] = curHex.first; } } }; std::vector BattleInfo::getAccessibility( const CStack * stack, bool addOccupiable, std::vector * attackable /*= NULL*/, bool forPassingBy /*= false*/ ) const { std::vector ret; bool ac[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; if(stack->position < 0) //turrets return std::vector(); std::set occupyable; getAccessibilityMap(ac, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, addOccupiable, occupyable, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), stack); BattleHex pr[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; int dist[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; makeBFS(stack->position, ac, pr, dist, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), false); if(stack->doubleWide()) { if(!addOccupiable) { std::vector rem; for(int b=0; battackerOwned ? ac[b-1] : ac[b+1]) ) { rem.push_back(b); } } for(ui32 g=0; gattackerOwned ? (v%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)==1 : (v%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)==(GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2)) ac[v] = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++i) { bool rangeFits; if (tacticDistance) { rangeFits = pr[i] >= 0; //reachable in terms of obstacles if(!forPassingBy) //only if we're passing through, we may step out of the tactic range -> otherwise check range rangeFits = rangeFits && isInTacticRange(i); } else rangeFits = dist[i] <= stack->Speed(0, true); //we can reach the stack if( ( !addOccupiable && rangeFits && ac[i] ) || ( addOccupiable && rangeFits && isAccessible(i, ac, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), true) )//we can reach it || (vstd::contains(occupyable, i) && (!tacticDistance && dist[ i + (stack->attackerOwned ? 1 : -1 ) ] <= stack->Speed(0, true) ) && ac[i + (stack->attackerOwned ? 1 : -1 )] ) //it's occupyable and we can reach adjacent hex ) { ret.push_back(i); } } if(attackable) { struct HLP { static bool meleeAttackable(BattleHex hex, const std::vector & baseRng) { BOOST_FOREACH(BattleHex h, baseRng) { if(BattleHex::mutualPosition(h, hex) > 0) return true; } return false; } }; BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack * otherSt, stacks) { if(otherSt->owner == stack->owner || !otherSt->isValidTarget(false)) continue; std::vector occupiedBySecond; occupiedBySecond.push_back(otherSt->position); if(otherSt->doubleWide()) occupiedBySecond.push_back(otherSt->occupiedHex()); if(battleCanShoot(stack, otherSt->position)) { attackable->insert(attackable->end(), occupiedBySecond.begin(), occupiedBySecond.end()); continue; } BOOST_FOREACH(BattleHex he, occupiedBySecond) { if(HLP::meleeAttackable(he, ret)) attackable->push_back(he); } } } return ret; } BattleHex BattleInfo::getClosestTile (bool attackerOwned, int initialPos, std::set & possibilities) const { std::vector sortedTiles (possibilities.begin(), possibilities.end()); //set can't be sorted properly :( BattleHex initialHex = BattleHex(initialPos); auto compareDistance = [initialPos, initialHex](const BattleHex left, const BattleHex right) -> bool { return initialHex.getDistance (initialHex, left) < initialHex.getDistance (initialHex, right); }; boost::sort (sortedTiles, compareDistance); //closest tiles at front int closestDistance = initialHex.getDistance(initialPos, sortedTiles.front()); //sometimes closest tiles can be many hexes away auto notClosest = [closestDistance, initialPos](const BattleHex here) -> bool { return closestDistance < here.getDistance (initialPos, here); }; boost::remove_if (sortedTiles, notClosest); //only closest tiles are interesting auto compareHorizontal = [attackerOwned](const BattleHex left, const BattleHex right) -> bool { if (attackerOwned) return left.getX() > right.getX(); //find furthest right else return left.getX() < right.getX(); //find furthest left }; boost::sort (sortedTiles, compareHorizontal); return sortedTiles.front(); } int BattleInfo::getAvaliableHex(TCreature creID, bool attackerOwned, int initialPos) const { int pos; if (initialPos > -1) pos = initialPos; else { if (attackerOwned) pos = 0; //top left else pos = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH; //top right } bool ac[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; std::set occupyable; bool twoHex = VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->isDoubleWide(); bool flying = VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->isFlying();// vstd::contains(VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->bonuses, Bonus::FLYING); getAccessibilityMap (ac, twoHex, attackerOwned, true, occupyable, flying); if (!occupyable.size()) return -1; //all tiles are covered return getClosestTile (attackerOwned, initialPos, occupyable); } bool BattleInfo::isStackBlocked(const CStack * stack) const { if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) //siege weapons cannot be blocked return false; BOOST_FOREACH(CStack * s, getAdjacentCreatures(stack)) { if (s->owner != stack->owner) //blocked by enemy stack return true; } return false; } std::pair< std::vector, int > BattleInfo::getPath(BattleHex start, BattleHex dest, bool*accessibility, bool flyingCreature, bool twoHex, bool attackerOwned) { BattleHex predecessor[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; //for getting the Path int dist[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; //calculated distances makeBFS(start, accessibility, predecessor, dist, twoHex, attackerOwned, flyingCreature, false); if(predecessor[dest] == -1) //cannot reach destination { return std::make_pair(std::vector(), 0); } //making the Path std::vector path; BattleHex curElem = dest; while(curElem != start) { path.push_back(curElem); curElem = predecessor[curElem]; } return std::make_pair(path, dist[dest]); } TDmgRange BattleInfo::calculateDmgRange( const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, TQuantity attackerCount, TQuantity defenderCount, const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, const CGHeroInstance * defendingHero, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg ) const { double additiveBonus = 1.0, multBonus = 1.0, minDmg = attacker->getMinDamage() * attackerCount, maxDmg = attacker->getMaxDamage() * attackerCount; if(attacker->getCreature()->idNumber == 149) //arrow turret { switch(attacker->position) { case -2: //keep minDmg = 15; maxDmg = 15; break; case -3: case -4: //turrets minDmg = 7.5; maxDmg = 7.5; break; } } if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON) && attacker->getCreature()->idNumber != 149) //any siege weapon, but only ballista can attack (second condition - not arrow turret) { //minDmg and maxDmg are multiplied by hero attack + 1 minDmg *= attackerHero->getPrimSkillLevel(0) + 1; maxDmg *= attackerHero->getPrimSkillLevel(0) + 1; } int attackDefenceDifference = 0; if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::GENERAL_ATTACK_REDUCTION)) { double multAttackReduction = attacker->valOfBonuses(Bonus::GENERAL_ATTACK_REDUCTION, -1024) / 100.0; attackDefenceDifference = attacker->Attack() * multAttackReduction; } else { attackDefenceDifference = attacker->Attack(); } if(attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION)) { double multDefenceReduction = (100 - attacker->valOfBonuses(Bonus::ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION, -1024)) / 100.0; attackDefenceDifference -= defender->Defense() * multDefenceReduction; } else { attackDefenceDifference -= defender->Defense(); } //calculating total attack/defense skills modifier if(shooting) //precision handling (etc.) attackDefenceDifference += attacker->getBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK), Selector::effectRange(Bonus::ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT))->totalValue(); else //bloodlust handling (etc.) attackDefenceDifference += attacker->getBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK), Selector::effectRange(Bonus::ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT))->totalValue(); if(attacker->getEffect(55)) //slayer handling { std::vector affectedIds; int spLevel = attacker->getEffect(55)->val; for(int g = 0; g < VLC->creh->creatures.size(); ++g) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *b, VLC->creh->creatures[g]->getBonusList()) { if ( (b->type == Bonus::KING3 && spLevel >= 3) || //expert (b->type == Bonus::KING2 && spLevel >= 2) || //adv + (b->type == Bonus::KING1 && spLevel >= 0) ) //none or basic + { affectedIds.push_back(g); break; } } } for(ui32 g=0; ggetCreature()->idNumber == affectedIds[g]) { attackDefenceDifference += VLC->spellh->spells[55]->powers[attacker->getEffect(55)->val]; break; } } } //bonus from attack/defense skills if(attackDefenceDifference < 0) //decreasing dmg { double dec = 0.025 * (-attackDefenceDifference); if(dec > 0.7) { multBonus *= 0.3; //1.0 - 0.7 } else { multBonus *= 1.0 - dec; } } else //increasing dmg { double inc = 0.05 * attackDefenceDifference; if(inc > 4.0) { additiveBonus += 4.0; } else { additiveBonus += inc; } } //applying jousting bonus if( attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::JOUSTING) && !defender->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::CHARGE_IMMUNITY) ) additiveBonus += charge * 0.05; //handling secondary abilities and artifacts giving premies to them if(attackerHero) { if(shooting) { additiveBonus += attackerHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::ARCHERY) / 100.0; } else { additiveBonus += attackerHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::OFFENCE) / 100.0; } } if(defendingHero) { multBonus *= (std::max(0, 100-defendingHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::ARMORER))) / 100.0; } //handling hate effect additiveBonus += attacker->valOfBonuses(Bonus::HATE, defender->getCreature()->idNumber) / 100.; //luck bonus if (lucky) { additiveBonus += 1.0; } //ballista double dmg if(ballistaDoubleDmg) { additiveBonus += 1.0; } if (deathBlow) //Dread Knight and many WoGified creatures { additiveBonus += 1.0; } //handling spell effects if(!shooting && defender->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0)) //eg. shield { multBonus *= defender->valOfBonuses(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0) / 100.0; } else if(shooting && defender->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1)) //eg. air shield { multBonus *= defender->valOfBonuses(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1) / 100.0; } TBonusListPtr curseEffects = attacker->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::ALWAYS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE)); //attacker->getEffect(42); TBonusListPtr blessEffects = attacker->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::ALWAYS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE)); //attacker->getEffect(43); int curseBlessAdditiveModifier = blessEffects->totalValue() - curseEffects->totalValue(); double curseMultiplicativePenalty = curseEffects->size() ? (*std::max_element(curseEffects->begin(), curseEffects->end(), &Bonus::compareByAdditionalInfo))->additionalInfo : 0; if(curseMultiplicativePenalty) //curse handling (partial, the rest is below) { multBonus *= 1.0 - curseMultiplicativePenalty/100; } class HLP { public: static bool hasAdvancedAirShield(const CStack * stack) { BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *it, stack->getBonusList()) { if (it->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && it->sid == 28 && it->val >= 2) { return true; } } return false; } }; //wall / distance penalty + advanced air shield bool distPenalty = !NBonus::hasOfType(attackerHero, Bonus::NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY) && hasDistancePenalty(attacker, defender->position); bool obstaclePenalty = hasWallPenalty(attacker, defender->position); if (shooting) { if (distPenalty || HLP::hasAdvancedAirShield(defender)) { multBonus *= 0.5; } if (obstaclePenalty) { multBonus *= 0.5; //cumulative } } if (!shooting && attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && !attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_MELEE_PENALTY)) { multBonus *= 0.5; } minDmg *= additiveBonus * multBonus; maxDmg *= additiveBonus * multBonus; TDmgRange returnedVal; if(curseEffects->size()) //curse handling (rest) { minDmg += curseBlessAdditiveModifier; returnedVal = std::make_pair(int(minDmg), int(minDmg)); } else if(blessEffects->size()) //bless handling { maxDmg += curseBlessAdditiveModifier; returnedVal = std::make_pair(int(maxDmg), int(maxDmg)); } else { returnedVal = std::make_pair(int(minDmg), int(maxDmg)); } //damage cannot be less than 1 vstd::amax(returnedVal.first, 1); vstd::amax(returnedVal.second, 1); return returnedVal; } TDmgRange BattleInfo::calculateDmgRange(const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, const CGHeroInstance * defendingHero, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg) const { return calculateDmgRange(attacker, defender, attacker->count, defender->count, attackerHero, defendingHero, shooting, charge, lucky, deathBlow, ballistaDoubleDmg); } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateDmg( const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, const CGHeroInstance * defendingHero, bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg ) { TDmgRange range = calculateDmgRange(attacker, defender, attackerHero, defendingHero, shooting, charge, lucky, deathBlow, ballistaDoubleDmg); if(range.first != range.second) { int valuesToAverage[10]; int howManyToAv = std::min(10, attacker->count); for (int g=0; g *casualties ) const { for(ui32 i=0; ialive() ? st->baseAmount - st->count : st->baseAmount); vstd::amax(killed, 0); if(killed) casualties[!st->attackerOwned][st->getCreature()->idNumber] += killed; } } std::set BattleInfo::getAttackedCreatures(const CSpell * s, int skillLevel, ui8 attackerOwner, BattleHex destinationTile ) { std::set attackedHexes = s->rangeInHexes(destinationTile, skillLevel); std::set attackedCres; /*std::set to exclude multiple occurrences of two hex creatures*/ bool onlyAlive = s->id != 38 && s->id != 39; //when casting resurrection or animate dead we should be allow to select dead stack if(s->id == Spells::DEATH_RIPPLE || s->id == Spells::DESTROY_UNDEAD || s->id == Spells::ARMAGEDDON) { for(int it=0; itid == Spells::DEATH_RIPPLE && !stacks[it]->getCreature()->isUndead()) //death ripple || (s->id == Spells::DESTROY_UNDEAD && stacks[it]->getCreature()->isUndead()) //destroy undead || (s->id == Spells::ARMAGEDDON) //Armageddon ) { if(stacks[it]->isValidTarget()) attackedCres.insert(stacks[it]); } } } else if (s->range[skillLevel].size() > 1) //custom many-hex range { for(std::set::iterator it = attackedHexes.begin(); it != attackedHexes.end(); ++it) { CStack * st = getStackT(*it, onlyAlive); if(st) { if (s->id == 76) //Death Cloud //TODO: fireball and fire immunity { if (st->isLiving() || st->coversPos(destinationTile)) //directly hit or alive { attackedCres.insert(st); } } else attackedCres.insert(st); } } } else if(s->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE_EXPERT_MASSIVE) { if(skillLevel < 3) /*not expert */ { CStack * st = getStackT(destinationTile, onlyAlive); if(st) attackedCres.insert(st); } else { for(int it=0; itisNegative() && stacks[it]->owner == attackerOwner) ||(!s->isPositive() && stacks[it]->owner != attackerOwner ) ) { if(stacks[it]->isValidTarget(!onlyAlive)) attackedCres.insert(stacks[it]); } } } //if(caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(s) < 3) } else if(s->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE) { CStack * st = getStackT(destinationTile, onlyAlive); if(st) attackedCres.insert(st); } else //custom range from attackedHexes { for(std::set::iterator it = attackedHexes.begin(); it != attackedHexes.end(); ++it) { CStack * st = getStackT(*it, onlyAlive); if(st) attackedCres.insert(st); } } return attackedCres; } void BattleInfo::getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(AttackableTiles &at, const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos) { const int WN = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH; ui16 hex = (attackerPos != BattleHex::INVALID) ? attackerPos.hex : attacker->position.hex; //real or hypothetical (cursor) position if (attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT)) { std::vector hexes = attacker->getSurroundingHexes(attackerPos); BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, hexes) { at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(tile); } } if (attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::THREE_HEADED_ATTACK)) { std::vector hexes = attacker->getSurroundingHexes(attackerPos); BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, hexes) { if ((BattleHex::mutualPosition(tile, destinationTile) > -1 && BattleHex::mutualPosition(tile, hex) > -1) //adjacent both to attacker's head and attacked tile || tile == destinationTile) //or simply attacked directly { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st && st->owner != attacker->owner) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? { at.hostileCreaturePositions.insert(tile); } } } } if (attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH)) { std::vector hexes; //only one, in fact int pseudoVector = destinationTile.hex - hex; switch (pseudoVector) { case 1: case -1: BattleHex::checkAndPush(destinationTile.hex + pseudoVector, hexes); break; case WN: //17 case WN + 1: //18 case -WN: //-17 case -WN + 1: //-16 BattleHex::checkAndPush(destinationTile.hex + pseudoVector + ((hex/WN)%2 ? 1 : -1 ), hexes); break; case WN-1: //16 case -WN-1: //-18 BattleHex::checkAndPush(destinationTile.hex + pseudoVector + ((hex/WN)%2 ? 1 : 0), hexes); break; } BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, hexes) { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st) //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath { at.friendlyCreaturePositions.insert(tile); } } } } std::set BattleInfo::getAttackedCreatures(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos) { //TODO: caching? AttackableTiles at; getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(at, attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); std::set attackedCres; BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, at.hostileCreaturePositions) //all around & three-headed attack { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st && st->owner != attacker->owner) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? { attackedCres.insert(st); } } BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, at.friendlyCreaturePositions) { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st) //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath { attackedCres.insert(st); } } return attackedCres; } std::set BattleInfo::getAttackedHexes(const CStack* attacker, BattleHex destinationTile, BattleHex attackerPos) { AttackableTiles at; getPotentiallyAttackableHexes(at, attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); std::set attackedHexes; BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, at.hostileCreaturePositions) { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st && st->owner != attacker->owner) //only hostile stacks - does it work well with Berserk? { attackedHexes.insert(tile); } } BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex tile, at.friendlyCreaturePositions) { CStack * st = getStackT(tile, true); if(st) //friendly stacks can also be damaged by Dragon Breath { attackedHexes.insert(tile); } } return attackedHexes; } std::set BattleInfo::getAdjacentCreatures (const CStack * stack) const { std::set stacks; CStack * localStack; BOOST_FOREACH (BattleHex hex, stack->getSurroundingHexes()) { localStack = const_cast(getStackT(hex, true)); //only alive? if (localStack) stacks.insert(localStack); } return stacks; } int BattleInfo::calculateSpellDuration( const CSpell * spell, const CGHeroInstance * caster, int usedSpellPower) { if(!caster) { if (!usedSpellPower) return 3; //default duration of all creature spells else return usedSpellPower; //use creature spell power } switch(spell->id) { case Spells::FRENZY: return 1; default: //other spells return caster->getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER) + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DURATION); } } CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(const CStackInstance &base, bool attackerOwned, int slot, BattleHex position) const { int stackID = getIdForNewStack(); int owner = attackerOwned ? sides[0] : sides[1]; assert((owner >= GameConstants::PLAYER_LIMIT) || (base.armyObj && base.armyObj->tempOwner == owner)); CStack * ret = new CStack(&base, owner, stackID, attackerOwned, slot); ret->position = position; return ret; } CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor &base, bool attackerOwned, int slot, BattleHex position) const { int stackID = getIdForNewStack(); int owner = attackerOwned ? sides[0] : sides[1]; CStack * ret = new CStack(&base, owner, stackID, attackerOwned, slot); ret->position = position; return ret; } ui32 BattleInfo::getSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const { ui32 ret = caster->getSpellCost(sp); //checking for friendly stacks reducing cost of the spell and //enemy stacks increasing it si32 manaReduction = 0; si32 manaIncrease = 0; for(int g=0; gowner == caster->tempOwner && stacks[g]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY) ) { vstd::amax(manaReduction, stacks[g]->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY)); } if( stacks[g]->owner != caster->tempOwner && stacks[g]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY) ) { vstd::amax(manaIncrease, stacks[g]->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY)); } } return ret - manaReduction + manaIncrease; } int BattleInfo::hexToWallPart(BattleHex hex) const { if(siege == 0) //there is no battle! return -1; static const std::pair attackable[] = //potentially attackable parts of wall {std::make_pair(50, 0), std::make_pair(183, 1), std::make_pair(182, 2), std::make_pair(130, 3), std::make_pair(62, 4), std::make_pair(29, 5), std::make_pair(12, 6), std::make_pair(95, 7), std::make_pair(96, 7), std::make_pair(45, -2), std::make_pair(78, -2), std::make_pair(112, -2), std::make_pair(147, -2)}; // -2 - indestructible walls for(int g = 0; g < ARRAY_COUNT(attackable); ++g) { if(attackable[g].first == hex) return attackable[g].second; } return -1; //not found! } int BattleInfo::lineToWallHex( int line ) const { static const int lineToHex[] = {12, 29, 45, 62, 78, 95, 112, 130, 147, 165, 182}; return lineToHex[line]; } std::pair BattleInfo::getNearestStack(const CStack * closest, boost::logic::tribool attackerOwned) const { bool ac[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; std::set occupyable; getAccessibilityMap(ac, closest->doubleWide(), closest->attackerOwned, false, occupyable, closest->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), closest); BattleHex predecessor[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; int dist[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; makeBFS(closest->position, ac, predecessor, dist, closest->doubleWide(), closest->attackerOwned, closest->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), true); std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, const CStack *> > stackPairs; //pairs <, stack> for(int g=0; gID == closest->ID) //if there is not stack or we are the closest one continue; if(boost::logic::indeterminate(attackerOwned) || atG->attackerOwned == attackerOwned) { if(predecessor[g] == -1) //TODO: is it really the best solution? continue; stackPairs.push_back( std::make_pair( std::make_pair(dist[predecessor[g]], g), atG) ); } } if(stackPairs.size() > 0) { std::vector< std::pair< std::pair, const CStack *> > minimalPairs; minimalPairs.push_back(stackPairs[0]); for(int b=1; b, const CStack *> minPair = minimalPairs[minimalPairs.size()/2]; return std::make_pair(minPair.second, predecessor[minPair.first.second]); } return std::make_pair(NULL, BattleHex::INVALID); } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateSpellBonus(ui32 baseDamage, const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CStack * affectedCreature) const { ui32 ret = baseDamage; //applying sorcery secondary skill if(caster) { ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::SORCERY)) / 100.0; ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE) + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE, sp->id)) / 100.0; if(sp->air) ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::AIR_SPELL_DMG_PREMY)) / 100.0; else if(sp->fire) //only one type of bonus for Magic Arrow ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY)) / 100.0; else if(sp->water) ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::WATER_SPELL_DMG_PREMY)) / 100.0; else if(sp->earth) ret *= (100.0 + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::EARTH_SPELL_DMG_PREMY)) / 100.0; if (affectedCreature && affectedCreature->getCreature()->level) //Hero specials like Solmyr, Deemer ret *= (100. + ((caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV, sp->id) * caster->level) / affectedCreature->getCreature()->level)) / 100.0; } return ret; } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateSpellDmg( const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CStack * affectedCreature, int spellSchoolLevel, int usedSpellPower ) const { ui32 ret = 0; //value to return //15 - magic arrows, 16 - ice bolt, 17 - lightning bolt, 18 - implosion, 20 - frost ring, 21 - fireball, 22 - inferno, 23 - meteor shower, //24 - death ripple, 25 - destroy undead, 26 - armageddon, 77 - thunderbolt //check if spell really does damage - if not, return 0 if(VLC->spellh->damageSpells.find(sp->id) == VLC->spellh->damageSpells.end()) return 0; ret = usedSpellPower * sp->power; ret += sp->powers[spellSchoolLevel]; //affected creature-specific part if(affectedCreature) { //applying protections - when spell has more then one elements, only one protection should be applied (I think) if(sp->air && affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0)) //air spell & protection from air { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0); ret /= 100; } else if(sp->fire && affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1)) //fire spell & protection from fire { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1); ret /= 100; } else if(sp->water && affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2)) //water spell & protection from water { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2); ret /= 100; } else if (sp->earth && affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3)) //earth spell & protection from earth { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3); ret /= 100; } //general spell dmg reduction if(sp->air && affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, -1)) //air spell & protection from air { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, -1); ret /= 100; } //dmg increasing if( affectedCreature->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, sp->id) ) { ret *= 100 + affectedCreature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, sp->id); ret /= 100; } } ret = calculateSpellBonus(ret, sp, caster, affectedCreature); return ret; } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateHealedHP(const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CSpell * spell, const CStack * stack) const { bool resurrect = resurrects(spell->id); int healedHealth = caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * spell->power + spell->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell)]; healedHealth = calculateSpellBonus(healedHealth, spell, caster, stack); return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + (resurrect ? stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth() : 0)); } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateHealedHP(int healedHealth, const CSpell * spell, const CStack * stack) const { bool resurrect = resurrects(spell->id); return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + (resurrect ? stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth() : 0)); } ui32 BattleInfo::calculateHealedHP(const CSpell * spell, int usedSpellPower, int spellSchoolLevel, const CStack * stack) const { bool resurrect = resurrects(spell->id); int healedHealth = usedSpellPower * spell->power + spell->powers[spellSchoolLevel]; return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + (resurrect ? stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth() : 0)); } bool BattleInfo::resurrects(TSpell spellid) const { return vstd::contains(VLC->spellh->risingSpells, spellid); } void BattleInfo::getStackQueue( std::vector &out, int howMany, int turn /*= 0*/, int lastMoved /*= -1*/ ) const { //we'll split creatures with remaining movement to 4 parts std::vector phase[4]; //0 - turrets/catapult, 1 - normal (unmoved) creatures, other war machines, 2 - waited cres that had morale, 3 - rest of waited cres int toMove = 0; //how many stacks still has move const CStack *active = getStack(activeStack); //active stack hasn't taken any action yet - must be placed at the beginning of queue, no matter what if(!turn && active && active->willMove() && !vstd::contains(active->state, EBattleStackState::WAITING)) { out.push_back(active); if(out.size() == howMany) return; } for(ui32 i=0; iwillMove()) //we are considering current round and stack won't move || (turn > 0 && !s->canMove(turn)) //stack won't be able to move in later rounds || (turn <= 0 && s == active && out.size() && s == out.front())) //it's active stack already added at the beginning of queue { continue; } int p = -1; //in which phase this tack will move? if(turn <= 0 && vstd::contains(s->state, EBattleStackState::WAITING)) //consider waiting state only for ongoing round { if(vstd::contains(s->state, EBattleStackState::HAD_MORALE)) p = 2; else p = 3; } else if(s->getCreature()->idNumber == 145 || s->getCreature()->idNumber == 149) //catapult and turrets are first { p = 0; } else { p = 1; } phase[p].push_back(s); toMove++; } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) std::sort(phase[i].begin(), phase[i].end(), CMP_stack(i, turn > 0 ? turn : 0)); for(size_t i = 0; i < phase[0].size() && i < howMany; i++) out.push_back(phase[0][i]); if(out.size() == howMany) return; if(lastMoved == -1) { if(active) { if(out.size() && out.front() == active) lastMoved = active->attackerOwned; else lastMoved = active->attackerOwned; } else { lastMoved = 0; } } int pi = 1; while(out.size() < howMany) { const CStack *hlp = takeStack(phase[pi], lastMoved, turn); if(!hlp) { pi++; if(pi > 3) { //if(turn != 2) getStackQueue(out, howMany, turn + 1, lastMoved); return; } } else { out.push_back(hlp); } } } si8 BattleInfo::hasDistancePenalty( const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex ) const { struct HLP { static bool lowerAnalyze(const CStack * stack, BattleHex hex) { int distance = BattleHex::getDistance(hex, stack->position); //I hope it's approximately correct return distance > 10 && !stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY); } }; const CStack * dstStack = getStackT(destHex, false); if (dstStack->doubleWide()) return HLP::lowerAnalyze(stack, destHex) && HLP::lowerAnalyze(stack, dstStack->occupiedHex()); else return HLP::lowerAnalyze(stack, destHex); } si8 BattleInfo::sameSideOfWall(int pos1, int pos2) const { int wallInStackLine = lineToWallHex(pos1/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH); int wallInDestLine = lineToWallHex(pos2/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH); bool stackLeft = pos1 < wallInStackLine; bool destLeft = pos2 < wallInDestLine; return stackLeft != destLeft; } si8 BattleInfo::hasWallPenalty( const CStack* stack, BattleHex destHex ) const { if (!siege || stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_WALL_PENALTY)) { return false; } int wallInStackLine = lineToWallHex(stack->position/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH); int wallInDestLine = lineToWallHex(destHex/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH); bool stackLeft = stack->position < wallInStackLine; bool destRight = destHex > wallInDestLine; if (stackLeft && destRight) //shooting from outside to inside { int row = (stack->position + destHex) / (2 * GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH); if (stack->position > destHex && ((destHex % GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - stack->position % GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH) < 2)) //shooting up high row -= 2; int wallPos = lineToWallHex(row); if (hexToWallPart(wallPos) != -1) //wall still exists or is indestructible return true; } return false; } si8 BattleInfo::canTeleportTo(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destHex, int telportLevel) const { bool ac[GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE]; std::set occupyable; getAccessibilityMap(ac, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, false, occupyable, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), stack); if (siege && telportLevel < 2) //check for wall { return ac[destHex] && sameSideOfWall(stack->position, destHex); } else { return ac[destHex]; } } bool BattleInfo::battleCanShoot(const CStack * stack, BattleHex dest) const { if(tacticDistance) //no shooting during tactics return false; const CStack *dst = getStackT(dest); if(!stack || !dst) return false; const CGHeroInstance * stackHero = battleGetOwner(stack); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FORGETFULL)) //forgetfulness return false; if(stack->getCreature()->idNumber == 145 && dst) //catapult cannot attack creatures return false; if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER)//it's shooter && stack->owner != dst->owner && dst->alive() && (!isStackBlocked(stack) || NBonus::hasOfType(stackHero, Bonus::FREE_SHOOTING)) && stack->shots ) return true; return false; } bool BattleInfo::battleCanFlee(int player) const { if (player == sides[0]) { if (!heroes[0]) return false;//current player have no hero } else { if (!heroes[1]) return false; } if( ( heroes[0] && heroes[0]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::ENEMY_CANT_ESCAPE) ) //eg. one of heroes is wearing shakles of war || ( heroes[1] && heroes[1]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::ENEMY_CANT_ESCAPE))) return false; if (player == sides[1] && siege //defender in siege && !(town->subID == 6 && vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, 17)))//without escape tunnel return false; return true; } const CStack * BattleInfo::battleGetStack(BattleHex pos, bool onlyAlive) { CStack * stack = NULL; for(ui32 g=0; gposition == pos || (stacks[g]->doubleWide() &&( (stacks[g]->attackerOwned && stacks[g]->position-1 == pos) || (!stacks[g]->attackerOwned && stacks[g]->position+1 == pos) ) ) ) { if (stacks[g]->alive()) return stacks[g]; //we prefer living stacks - there cna be only one stack on te tile, so return it imediately else if (!onlyAlive) stack = stacks[g]; //dead stacks are only accessible when there's no alive stack on this tile } } return stack; } const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetOwner(const CStack * stack) const { return heroes[!stack->attackerOwned]; } si8 BattleInfo::battleMinSpellLevel() const { si8 levelLimit = 0; if(const CGHeroInstance *h1 = heroes[0]) { vstd::amax(levelLimit, h1->valOfBonuses(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY)); } if(const CGHeroInstance *h2 = heroes[1]) { vstd::amax(levelLimit, h2->valOfBonuses(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY)); } return levelLimit; } void BattleInfo::localInit() { belligerents[0]->battle = belligerents[1]->battle = this; BOOST_FOREACH(CArmedInstance *b, belligerents) b->attachTo(this); BOOST_FOREACH(CStack *s, stacks) localInitStack(s); exportBonuses(); } void BattleInfo::localInitStack(CStack * s) { s->exportBonuses(); if(s->base) //stack originating from "real" stack in garrison -> attach to it { s->attachTo(const_cast(s->base)); } else //attach directly to obj to which stack belongs and creature type { CArmedInstance *army = belligerents[!s->attackerOwned]; s->attachTo(army); assert(s->type); s->attachTo(const_cast(s->type)); } s->postInit(); } namespace CGH { using namespace std; static void readBattlePositions(const JsonNode &node, vector< vector > & dest) { BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &level, node.Vector()) { std::vector pom; BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &value, level.Vector()) { pom.push_back(value.Float()); } dest.push_back(pom); } } } //RNG that works like H3 one struct RandGen { int seed; void srand(int s) { seed = s; } void srand(int3 pos) { srand(110291 * pos.x + 167801 * pos.y + 81569); } int rand() { seed = 214013 * seed + 2531011; return (seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF; } int rand(int min, int max) { if(min == max) return min; if(min > max) return min; return min + rand() % (max - min + 1); } }; struct RangeGenerator { class ExhaustedPossibilities : public std::exception { }; RangeGenerator(int _min, int _max, boost::function _myRand) { myRand = _myRand; min = _min; remainingCount = _max - _min + 1; remaining.resize(remainingCount, true); } int generateNumber() { if(!remainingCount) throw ExhaustedPossibilities(); if(remainingCount == 1) return 0; return myRand() % remainingCount; } //get number fulfilling predicate. Never gives the same number twice. int getSuchNumber(boost::function goodNumberPred = 0) { int ret = -1; do { int n = generateNumber(); int i = 0; for(;;i++) { assert(i < (int)remaining.size()); if(!remaining[i]) continue; if(!n) break; n--; } remainingCount--; remaining[i] = false; ret = i + min; } while(goodNumberPred && !goodNumberPred(ret)); return ret; } int min, remainingCount; std::vector remaining; boost::function myRand; }; BattleInfo * BattleInfo::setupBattle( int3 tile, int terrain, int terType, const CArmedInstance *armies[2], const CGHeroInstance * heroes[2], bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town ) { CMP_stack cmpst; BattleInfo *curB = new BattleInfo; curB->castSpells[0] = curB->castSpells[1] = 0; curB->sides[0] = armies[0]->tempOwner; curB->sides[1] = armies[1]->tempOwner; if(curB->sides[1] == 254) curB->sides[1] = 255; std::vector & stacks = (curB->stacks); curB->tile = tile; curB->battlefieldType = terType; curB->belligerents[0] = const_cast(armies[0]); curB->belligerents[1] = const_cast(armies[1]); curB->heroes[0] = const_cast(heroes[0]); curB->heroes[1] = const_cast(heroes[1]); curB->round = -2; curB->activeStack = -1; curB->enchanterCounter[0] = curB->enchanterCounter[1] = 0; //ready to cast if(town) { curB->town = town; curB->siege = town->fortLevel(); } else { curB->town = NULL; curB->siege = 0; } //reading battleStartpos //TODO: parse once to some structure std::vector< std::vector > attackerLoose, defenderLoose, attackerTight, defenderTight, attackerCreBank, defenderCreBank; std::vector commanderField, commanderBank; const JsonNode config(GameConstants::DATA_DIR + "/config/battleStartpos.json"); const JsonVector &positions = config["battle_positions"].Vector(); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[0]["levels"], attackerLoose); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[1]["levels"], defenderLoose); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[2]["levels"], attackerTight); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[3]["levels"], defenderTight); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[4]["levels"], attackerCreBank); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[5]["levels"], defenderCreBank); BOOST_FOREACH (auto position, config["commanderPositions"]["field"].Vector()) { commanderField.push_back (position.Float()); } BOOST_FOREACH (auto position, config["commanderPositions"]["creBank"].Vector()) { commanderBank.push_back (position.Float()); } //battleStartpos read int k = 0; //stack serial for(TSlots::const_iterator i = armies[0]->Slots().begin(); i!=armies[0]->Slots().end(); i++, k++) { int pos; if(creatureBank) pos = attackerCreBank[armies[0]->stacksCount()-1][k]; else if(armies[0]->formation) pos = attackerTight[armies[0]->stacksCount()-1][k]; else pos = attackerLoose[armies[0]->stacksCount()-1][k]; CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(*i->second, true, i->first, pos); stacks.push_back(stack); } k = 0; for(TSlots::const_iterator i = armies[1]->Slots().begin(); i!=armies[1]->Slots().end(); i++, k++) { int pos; if(creatureBank) pos = defenderCreBank[armies[1]->stacksCount()-1][k]; else if(armies[1]->formation) pos = defenderTight[armies[1]->stacksCount()-1][k]; else pos = defenderLoose[armies[1]->stacksCount()-1][k]; CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(*i->second, false, i->first, pos); stacks.push_back(stack); } //shifting positions of two-hex creatures for(unsigned g=0; gdoubleWide() && stacks[g]->attackerOwned) { stacks[g]->position += BattleHex::RIGHT; } else if(stacks[g]->doubleWide() && !stacks[g]->attackerOwned) { if (stacks[g]->position.getX() > 1) stacks[g]->position += BattleHex::LEFT; } } //adding war machines if(!creatureBank) { if(heroes[0]) { if(heroes[0]->getArt(13)) //ballista { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(146, 1), true, 255, 52); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(heroes[0]->getArt(14)) //ammo cart { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(148, 1), true, 255, 18); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(heroes[0]->getArt(15)) //first aid tent { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(147, 1), true, 255, 154); stacks.push_back(stack); } } if(heroes[1]) { //defending hero shouldn't receive ballista (bug #551) if(heroes[1]->getArt(13) && !town) //ballista { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(146, 1), false, 255, 66); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(heroes[1]->getArt(14)) //ammo cart { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(148, 1), false, 255, 32); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(heroes[1]->getArt(15)) //first aid tent { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(147, 1), false, 255, 168); stacks.push_back(stack); } } if(town && heroes[0] && town->hasFort()) //catapult { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(145, 1), true, 255, 120); stacks.push_back(stack); } } //war machines added //adding commanders for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (heroes[i] && heroes[i]->commander) { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack (*heroes[i]->commander, !i, 255, creatureBank ? commanderBank[i] : commanderField[i]); stacks.push_back(stack); } } if (curB->siege == 2 || curB->siege == 3) { // keep tower CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(149, 1), false, 255, -2); stacks.push_back(stack); if (curB->siege == 3) { // lower tower + upper tower CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(149, 1), false, 255, -4); stacks.push_back(stack); stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(149, 1), false, 255, -3); stacks.push_back(stack); } } std::stable_sort(stacks.begin(),stacks.end(),cmpst); //setting up siege if(town && town->hasFort()) { for(int b=0; bsi.wallState); ++b) { curB->si.wallState[b] = 1; } } //randomize obstacles if(town == NULL && !creatureBank) //do it only when it's not siege and not creature bank { const int ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLES_COUNT = 34, USUAL_OBSTACLES_COUNT = 91; //shouldn't be changes if we want H3-like obstacle placement RandGen r; auto ourRand = [&]{ return r.rand(); }; r.srand(tile); const int sound = r.rand(1,8); //battle sound ID to play... can't do anything with it here int tilesToBlock = r.rand(5,12); const int specialBattlefield = battlefieldTypeToBI(terType); std::vector blockedTiles; auto appropriateAbsoluteObstacle = [&](int id) { return VLC->heroh->absoluteObstacles[id].isAppropriate(terrain, specialBattlefield); }; auto appropriateUsualObstacle = [&](int id) -> bool { return VLC->heroh->obstacles[id].isAppropriate(terrain, specialBattlefield); }; if(r.rand(1,100) <= 40) //put cliff-like obstacle { RangeGenerator obidgen(0, ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLES_COUNT-1, ourRand); try { CObstacleInstance coi; coi.isAbsoluteObstacle = true; coi.ID = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateAbsoluteObstacle); coi.uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size(); curB->obstacles.push_back(coi); BOOST_FOREACH(BattleHex blocked, coi.getBlocked()) blockedTiles.push_back(blocked); tilesToBlock -= VLC->heroh->absoluteObstacles[coi.ID].blockedTiles.size() / 2; } catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &) { //silently ignore, if we can't place absolute obstacle, we'll go wityh the usual ones } } RangeGenerator obidgen(0, USUAL_OBSTACLES_COUNT-1, ourRand); try { while(tilesToBlock > 0) { const int obid = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateUsualObstacle); const CObstacleInfo &obi = VLC->heroh->obstacles[obid]; auto validPosition = [&](BattleHex pos) -> bool { if(obi.height >= pos.getY()) return false; if(pos.getX() == 0) return false; if(pos.getX() + obi.width > 15) return false; if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, pos)) return false; BOOST_FOREACH(BattleHex blocked, obi.getBlocked(pos)) { if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, blocked)) return false; int x = blocked.getX(); if(x <= 2 || x >= 14) return false; } return true; }; RangeGenerator posgenerator(18, 168, ourRand); CObstacleInstance oi; oi.ID = obid; oi.pos = posgenerator.getSuchNumber(validPosition); oi.uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size(); curB->obstacles.push_back(oi); BOOST_FOREACH(BattleHex blocked, oi.getBlocked()) blockedTiles.push_back(blocked); tilesToBlock -= obi.blockedTiles.size(); } } catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &) { } } //spell level limiting bonus curB->addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, Bonus::OTHER, 0, -1, -1, Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX)); //giving terrain overalay premies int bonusSubtype = -1; switch(terType) { case 9: //magic plains { bonusSubtype = 0; } case 14: //fiery fields { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 1; } case 15: //rock lands { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 8; } case 16: //magic clouds { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 2; } case 17: //lucid pools { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 4; } { //common part for cases 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 curB->addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY, 3, -1, "", bonusSubtype)); break; } case 18: //holy ground { curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared(EAlignment::GOOD))); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, -1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared(EAlignment::EVIL))); break; } case 19: //clover field { //+2 luck bonus for neutral creatures curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::LUCK, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +2, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared(-1))); break; } case 20: //evil fog { curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, -1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared(EAlignment::GOOD))); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared(EAlignment::EVIL))); break; } case 22: //cursed ground { curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::NO_MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 0, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::NO_LUCK, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 0, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)); Bonus * b = makeFeature(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY); b->valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX; curB->addNewBonus(b); break; } } //overlay premies given //native terrain bonuses if(town) //during siege always take premies for native terrain of faction terrain = VLC->heroh->nativeTerrains[town->town->typeID]; auto nativeTerrain = make_shared(terrain); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //tactics bool isTacticsAllowed = !creatureBank; //no tactics in crebanks int tacticLvls[2] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(tacticLvls); i++) { if(heroes[i]) tacticLvls[i] += heroes[i]->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::TACTICS); } int tacticsSkillDiff = tacticLvls[0] - tacticLvls[1]; if(tacticsSkillDiff && isTacticsAllowed) { curB->tacticsSide = tacticsSkillDiff < 0; curB->tacticDistance = std::abs(tacticsSkillDiff)*2 + 1; } else curB->tacticDistance = 0; // workaround — bonuses affecting only enemy for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { TNodes nodes; curB->belligerents[i]->getRedAncestors(nodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CBonusSystemNode *n, nodes) { BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus *b, n->getExportedBonusList()) { if(b->effectRange == Bonus::ONLY_ENEMY_ARMY/* && b->propagator && b->propagator->shouldBeAttached(curB)*/) { Bonus *bCopy = new Bonus(*b); bCopy->effectRange = Bonus::NO_LIMIT; bCopy->propagator.reset(); bCopy->limiter.reset(new StackOwnerLimiter(curB->sides[!i])); curB->addNewBonus(bCopy); } } } } return curB; } bool BattleInfo::isInTacticRange( BattleHex dest ) const { return ((!tacticsSide && dest.getX() > 0 && dest.getX() <= tacticDistance) || (tacticsSide && dest.getX() < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 && dest.getX() >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - tacticDistance - 1)); } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem BattleInfo::battleCanCastSpell(int player, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode) const { int side = sides[0] == player ? 0 : 1; switch (mode) { case ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING: { if(tacticDistance) return ESpellCastProblem::ONGOING_TACTIC_PHASE; if(castSpells[side] > 0) return ESpellCastProblem::ALREADY_CASTED_THIS_TURN; if(!heroes[side]) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL; if(!heroes[side]->getArt(17)) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_SPELLBOOK; } break; } return ESpellCastProblem::OK; } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem BattleInfo::battleCanCastThisSpell( int player, const CSpell * spell, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode ) const { ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem genProblem = battleCanCastSpell(player, mode); if(genProblem != ESpellCastProblem::OK) return genProblem; int cside = sides[0] == player ? 0 : 1; //caster's side switch(mode) { case ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING: { const CGHeroInstance * caster = heroes[cside]; if(!caster->canCastThisSpell(spell)) return ESpellCastProblem::HERO_DOESNT_KNOW_SPELL; if(caster->mana < getSpellCost(spell, caster)) //not enough mana return ESpellCastProblem::NOT_ENOUGH_MANA; } break; } if(spell->id < 10) //it's adventure spell (not combat)) return ESpellCastProblem::ADVMAP_SPELL_INSTEAD_OF_BATTLE_SPELL; if(NBonus::hasOfType(heroes[1-cside], Bonus::SPELL_IMMUNITY, spell->id)) //non - casting hero provides immunity for this spell return ESpellCastProblem::SECOND_HEROS_SPELL_IMMUNITY; if(battleMinSpellLevel() > spell->level) //non - casting hero stops caster from casting this spell return ESpellCastProblem::SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED; int spellIDs[] = {66, 67, 68, 69}; //IDs of summon elemental spells (fire, earth, water, air) int creIDs[] = {114, 113, 115, 112}; //(fire, earth, water, air) int * idp = std::find(spellIDs, spellIDs + ARRAY_COUNT(spellIDs), spell->id); int arpos = idp - spellIDs; if(arpos < ARRAY_COUNT(spellIDs)) { //check if there are summoned elementals of other type BOOST_FOREACH ( const CStack * st, stacks) { if (vstd::contains(st->state, EBattleStackState::SUMMONED) && st->getCreature()->idNumber != creIDs[arpos]) { return ESpellCastProblem::ANOTHER_ELEMENTAL_SUMMONED; } } } //checking if there exists an appropriate target switch(spell->getTargetType()) { case CSpell::CREATURE: case CSpell::CREATURE_EXPERT_MASSIVE: if(mode == ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING) { const CGHeroInstance * caster = getHero(player); bool targetExists = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack * stack, stacks) { switch (spell->positiveness) { case CSpell::POSITIVE: if(stack->owner == caster->getOwner()) { if(battleIsImmune(caster, spell, mode, stack->position) == ESpellCastProblem::OK) { targetExists = true; break; } } break; case CSpell::NEUTRAL: if(battleIsImmune(caster, spell, mode, stack->position) == ESpellCastProblem::OK) { targetExists = true; break; } break; case CSpell::NEGATIVE: if(stack->owner != caster->getOwner()) { if(battleIsImmune(caster, spell, mode, stack->position) == ESpellCastProblem::OK) { targetExists = true; break; } } break; } } if(!targetExists) { return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; } } break; case CSpell::OBSTACLE: break; } return ESpellCastProblem::OK; } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem BattleInfo::battleCanCastThisSpellHere( int player, const CSpell * spell, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode, BattleHex dest ) const { ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem moreGeneralProblem = battleCanCastThisSpell(player, spell, mode); if(moreGeneralProblem != ESpellCastProblem::OK) return moreGeneralProblem; if(spell->getTargetType() == CSpell::OBSTACLE && !isObstacleOnTile(dest)) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; //get dead stack if we cast resurrection or animate dead const CStack *deadStack = getStackIf([dest](const CStack *s) { return !s->alive() && s->position == dest; }); const CStack *aliveStack = getStackIf([dest](const CStack *s) { return s->alive() && s->position == dest; }); if(spell->isRisingSpell()) { if(!deadStack || aliveStack) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; if(spell->id == Spells::ANIMATE_DEAD && !deadStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD)) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; if(deadStack->owner != player) //you can resurrect only your own stacks return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; } else if(spell->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE || spell->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE_EXPERT_MASSIVE) { if(!aliveStack) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; if(spell->isNegative() && aliveStack->owner == player) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; if(spell->isPositive() && aliveStack->owner != player) return ESpellCastProblem::NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET; } if (mode != ECastingMode::CREATURE_ACTIVE_CASTING && mode != ECastingMode::ENCHANTER_CASTING) return battleIsImmune(getHero(player), spell, mode, dest); else return battleIsImmune(NULL, spell, mode, dest); } TSpell BattleInfo::getRandomBeneficialSpell(const CStack * subject) const { std::vector possibleSpells; CSpell * spell; for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::SPELLS_QUANTITY; ++i) //should not use future spells added by mods { spell = VLC->spellh->spells[i]; if (spell->isPositive()) //only positive { if (subject->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, i) || battleCanCastThisSpellHere(subject->owner, spell, ECastingMode::CREATURE_ACTIVE_CASTING, subject->position) != ESpellCastProblem::OK) continue; switch (i) { case Spells::SHIELD: case Spells::FIRE_SHIELD: // not if all enemy units are shooters { bool walkerPresent = false; BOOST_FOREACH (CStack * stack, stacks) { if ((stack->owner != subject->owner) && !stack->shots) { walkerPresent = true; break; } } if (!walkerPresent) continue; } break; case Spells::AIR_SHIELD: //only against active shooters { bool shooterPresent = false; BOOST_FOREACH (CStack * stack, stacks) { if ((stack->owner != subject->owner) && stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && stack->shots) { shooterPresent = true; break; } } if (!shooterPresent) continue; break; } case Spells::ANTI_MAGIC: case Spells::MAGIC_MIRROR: { if (!heroes[whatSide(theOtherPlayer(subject->owner))]) //only if there is enemy hero continue; } break; case Spells::CURE: //only damaged units - what about affected by curse? { if (subject->firstHPleft >= subject->MaxHealth()) continue; } break; case Spells::BLOODLUST: { if (subject->shots) //if can shoot - only if enemy uits are adjacent continue; } break; case Spells::PRECISION: { if (!(subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && subject->shots)) continue; } break; case Spells::SLAYER://only if monsters are present { bool monsterPresent = false; BOOST_FOREACH (CStack * stack, stacks) { if ((stack->owner != subject->owner) && (stack->hasBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::KING1) || Selector::type(Bonus::KING2) || Selector::type(Bonus::KING3)))) { monsterPresent = true; break; } } if (!monsterPresent) continue; } break; case Spells::CLONE: //not allowed continue; break; } possibleSpells.push_back(i); } } if (possibleSpells.size()) return possibleSpells[ran() % possibleSpells.size()]; else return -1; } TSpell BattleInfo::getRandomCastedSpell(const CStack * caster) const { TBonusListPtr bl = caster->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::SPELLCASTER)); if (!bl->size()) return -1; int totalWeight = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus * b, *bl) { totalWeight += std::max(b->additionalInfo, 1); //minimal chance to cast is 1 } int randomPos = ran() % totalWeight; BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus * b, *bl) { randomPos -= std::max(b->additionalInfo, 1); if(randomPos < 0) { return b->subtype; } } return -1; } const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::getHero( int player ) const { assert(sides[0] == player || sides[1] == player); if(heroes[0] && heroes[0]->getOwner() == player) return heroes[0]; return heroes[1]; } bool NegateRemover(const Bonus* b) { return b->source == Bonus::CREATURE_ABILITY; } bool BattleInfo::battleTestElementalImmunity(const CStack * subject, const CSpell * spell, Bonus::BonusType element, bool damageSpell) const //helper for battleisImmune { if (!spell->isPositive()) //negative or indifferent { if ((damageSpell && subject->hasBonusOfType(element, 2)) || subject->hasBonusOfType(element, 1)) return true; } else if (spell->isPositive()) //positive { if (subject->hasBonusOfType(element, 0)) //must be immune to all spells return true; } return false; } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem BattleInfo::battleIsImmune(const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CSpell * spell, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode, BattleHex dest) const { const CStack * subject; bool risingSpell = vstd::contains(VLC->spellh->risingSpells, spell->id); if (risingSpell) subject = getStackT(dest, false); //including dead stacks else subject = getStackT(dest, true); //only alive if(subject) { if (spell->isPositive() && subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::RECEPTIVE)) //accept all positive spells return ESpellCastProblem::OK; switch (spell->id) //TODO: more general logic for new spells? { case Spells::DESTROY_UNDEAD: if (!subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; break; case Spells::DEATH_RIPPLE: if (subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; //don't break here - undeads and war machines are immune, non-living are not case Spells::BLESS: case Spells::CURSE: //undeads are immune to bless & curse if (subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; break; case Spells::HASTE: case Spells::SLOW: case Spells::TELEPORT: case Spells::CLONE: if (subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; //war machines are immune to some spells than involve movement if (spell->id == Spells::CLONE && caster) //TODO: how about stacks casting Clone? { if (vstd::contains(subject->state, EBattleStackState::CLONED)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; //can't clone already cloned creature int maxLevel = (std::max(caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell), (ui8)1) + 4); int creLevel = subject->getCreature()->level; if (maxLevel < creLevel) //tier 1-5 for basic, 1-6 for advanced, 1-7 for expert return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } break; case Spells::FORGETFULNESS: if (!subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; break; case Spells::DISPEL_HELPFUL_SPELLS: { TBonusListPtr spellBon = subject->getSpellBonuses(); bool hasPositiveSpell = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus * b, *spellBon) { if(VLC->spellh->spells[b->sid]->isPositive()) { hasPositiveSpell = true; break; } } if(!hasPositiveSpell) { return ESpellCastProblem::NO_SPELLS_TO_DISPEL; } } break; } bool damageSpell = (vstd::contains(VLC->spellh->damageSpells, spell->id)); if (damageSpell && subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; if (spell->fire) { if (battleTestElementalImmunity(subject, spell, Bonus::FIRE_IMMUNITY, damageSpell)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } if (spell->water) { if (battleTestElementalImmunity(subject, spell, Bonus::WATER_IMMUNITY, damageSpell)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } if (spell->earth) { if (battleTestElementalImmunity(subject, spell, Bonus::EARTH_IMMUNITY, damageSpell)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } if (spell->air) { if (battleTestElementalImmunity(subject, spell, Bonus::AIR_IMMUNITY, damageSpell)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } if (vstd::contains(VLC->spellh->mindSpells, spell->id)) { if (subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MIND_IMMUNITY)) return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } if (risingSpell) { if (subject->count >= subject->baseAmount) //TODO: calculate potential hp raised return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } TBonusListPtr immunities = subject->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY)); if(subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NEGATE_ALL_NATURAL_IMMUNITIES)) { //std::remove_if(immunities->begin(), immunities->end(), NegateRemover); immunities->remove_if(NegateRemover); } if(subject->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_IMMUNITY, spell->id) || ( immunities->size() > 0 && immunities->totalValue() >= spell->level && spell->level)) { return ESpellCastProblem::STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL; } } else //no target stack on this tile { if(spell->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE || (spell->getTargetType() == CSpell::CREATURE_EXPERT_MASSIVE && mode == ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING && caster && caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell) < 3)) { return ESpellCastProblem::WRONG_SPELL_TARGET; } } return ESpellCastProblem::OK; } std::vector BattleInfo::calculateResistedStacks(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, const std::set affectedCreatures, int casterSideOwner, ECastingMode::ECastingMode mode, int usedSpellPower, int spellLevel) const { std::vector ret; for(std::set::const_iterator it = affectedCreatures.begin(); it != affectedCreatures.end(); ++it) { if(battleIsImmune(caster, sp, mode, (*it)->position) != ESpellCastProblem::OK) { ret.push_back((*it)->ID); continue; } //non-negative spells on friendly stacks should always succeed, unless immune if(!sp->isNegative() && (*it)->owner == casterSideOwner) continue; /* const CGHeroInstance * bonusHero; //hero we should take bonuses from if((*it)->owner == casterSideOwner) bonusHero = caster; else bonusHero = hero2;*/ int prob = (*it)->magicResistance(); //probability of resistance in % if(prob > 100) prob = 100; if(rand()%100 < prob) //immunity from resistance ret.push_back((*it)->ID); } if(sp->id == 60) //hypnotize { for(std::set::const_iterator it = affectedCreatures.begin(); it != affectedCreatures.end(); ++it) { if( (*it)->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_IMMUNITY, sp->id) //100% sure spell immunity || ( (*it)->count - 1 ) * (*it)->MaxHealth() + (*it)->firstHPleft > usedSpellPower * 25 + sp->powers[spellLevel] ) { ret.push_back((*it)->ID); } } } return ret; } int BattleInfo::getSurrenderingCost(int player) const { if(!battleCanFlee(player)) //to surrender, conditions of fleeing must be fulfilled return -1; if(!getHero(theOtherPlayer(player))) //additionally, there must be an enemy hero return -2; int ret = 0; double discount = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack *s, stacks) if(s->owner == player && s->base) //we pay for our stack that comes from our army (the last condition eliminates summoned cres and war machines) ret += s->getCreature()->cost[Res::GOLD] * s->count; if(const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(player)) discount += h->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT); ret *= (100.0 - discount) / 100.0; vstd::amax(ret, 0); //no negative costs for >100% discounts (impossible in original H3 mechanics, but some day...) return ret; } int BattleInfo::theOtherPlayer(int player) const { return sides[!whatSide(player)]; } ui8 BattleInfo::whatSide(int player) const { for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sides); i++) if(sides[i] == player) return i; tlog1 << "BattleInfo::whatSide: Player " << player << " is not in battle!\n"; return -1; } int BattleInfo::getIdForNewStack() const { if(stacks.size()) { //stacks vector may be sorted not by ID and they may be not contiguous -> find stack with max ID auto highestIDStack = *std::max_element(stacks.begin(), stacks.end(), [](const CStack *a, const CStack *b) { return a->ID < b->ID; }); return highestIDStack->ID + 1; } return 0; } bool BattleInfo::isObstacleOnTile(BattleHex tile) const { std::set coveredHexes; BOOST_FOREACH(const CObstacleInstance &obs, obstacles) { std::vector blocked = obs.getBlocked(); for(size_t w = 0; w < blocked.size(); ++w) coveredHexes.insert(blocked[w]); } return vstd::contains(coveredHexes, tile); } const CStack * BattleInfo::getStackIf(boost::function pred) const { auto stackItr = range::find_if(stacks, pred); return stackItr == stacks.end() ? NULL : *stackItr; } int BattleInfo::battlefieldTypeToBI(int bfieldType) { static const std::map theMap = boost::assign::map_list_of(19, BattlefieldBI::CLOVER_FIELD) (22, BattlefieldBI::CURSED_GROUND)(20, BattlefieldBI::EVIL_FOG)(21, BattlefieldBI::NONE) (14, BattlefieldBI::FIERY_FIELDS)(18, BattlefieldBI::HOLY_GROUND)(17, BattlefieldBI::LUCID_POOLS) (16, BattlefieldBI::MAGIC_CLOUDS)(9, BattlefieldBI::MAGIC_PLAINS)(15, BattlefieldBI::ROCKLANDS) (1, BattlefieldBI::COASTAL); auto itr = theMap.find(bfieldType); if(itr != theMap.end()) return itr->second; return BattlefieldBI::NONE; } CStack::CStack(const CStackInstance *Base, int O, int I, bool AO, int S) : base(Base), ID(I), owner(O), slot(S), attackerOwned(AO), counterAttacks(1) { assert(base); type = base->type; count = baseAmount = base->count; setNodeType(STACK_BATTLE); } CStack::CStack() { init(); setNodeType(STACK_BATTLE); } CStack::CStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor *stack, int O, int I, bool AO, int S) : base(NULL), ID(I), owner(O), slot(S), attackerOwned(AO), counterAttacks(1) { type = stack->type; count = baseAmount = stack->count; setNodeType(STACK_BATTLE); } void CStack::init() { base = NULL; type = NULL; ID = -1; count = baseAmount = -1; firstHPleft = -1; owner = 255; slot = 255; attackerOwned = false; position = BattleHex(); counterAttacks = -1; } void CStack::postInit() { assert(type); assert(getParentNodes().size()); firstHPleft = MaxHealth(); shots = getCreature()->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS); counterAttacks = 1 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION); casts = valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS); //TODO: set them in cr_abils.txt state.insert(EBattleStackState::ALIVE); //alive state indication } ui32 CStack::Speed( int turn /*= 0*/ , bool useBind /* = false*/) const { if(hasBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON) && Selector::turns(turn))) //war machines cannot move return 0; int speed = valOfBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED) && Selector::turns(turn)); int percentBonus = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *b, getBonusList()) { if(b->type == Bonus::STACKS_SPEED) { percentBonus += b->additionalInfo; } } speed = ((100 + percentBonus) * speed)/100; //bind effect check - doesn't influence stack initiative if (useBind && getEffect(72)) { return 0; } return speed; } si32 CStack::magicResistance() const { si32 magicResistance; if (base) //TODO: make war machines receive aura of magic resistance { magicResistance = base->magicResistance(); int auraBonus = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (CStack * stack, base->armyObj->battle->getAdjacentCreatures(this)) { if (stack->owner == owner) { vstd::amax(auraBonus, stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA)); //max value } } magicResistance += auraBonus; vstd::amin (magicResistance, 100); } else magicResistance = type->magicResistance(); return magicResistance; } const Bonus * CStack::getEffect( ui16 id, int turn /*= 0*/ ) const { BOOST_FOREACH(Bonus *it, getBonusList()) { if(it->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && it->sid == id) { if(!turn || it->turnsRemain > turn) return &(*it); } } return NULL; } void CStack::stackEffectToFeature(std::vector & sf, const Bonus & sse) { si32 power = VLC->spellh->spells[sse.sid]->powers[sse.val]; switch(sse.sid) { case 27: //shield sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 28: //air shield sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 29: //fire shield sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::FIRE_SHIELD, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 30: //protection from air sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 31: //protection from fire sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 32: //protection from water sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 33: //protection from earth sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 34: //anti-magic sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS, power - 1, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX; sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 36: //magic mirror sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::MAGIC_MIRROR, -1, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX; sf.back().sid = sse.sid; case 41: //bless sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::ALWAYS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE, -1, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX; sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 42: //curse sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::ALWAYS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE, -1, power, sse.turnsRemain, sse.val >= 2 ? 20 : 0)); sf.back().valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX; sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 43: //bloodlust sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, power, sse.turnsRemain, 0, Bonus::ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 44: //precision sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, power, sse.turnsRemain, 0, Bonus::ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 45: //weakness sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, -1 * power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 46: //stone skin sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 47: //disrupting ray sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, -1 * power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.back().valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; break; case 48: //prayer sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 49: //mirth sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::MORALE, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 50: //sorrow sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::MORALE, 0, -1 * power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 51: //fortune sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::LUCK, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 52: //misfortune sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::LUCK, 0, -1 * power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 53: //haste sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 54: //slow sf.push_back(featureGeneratorVT(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, 0, -1 * ( 100 - power ), sse.turnsRemain, Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 55: //slayer sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::SLAYER, 0, sse.val, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 56: //frenzy sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::IN_FRENZY, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[56]->powers[sse.val]/100.0, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 58: //counterstrike sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION, 0, power, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 59: //bersek sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE, 0, sse.val, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 60: //hypnotize sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::HYPNOTIZED, 0, sse.val, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 61: //forgetfulness sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::FORGETFULL, 0, sse.val, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case Spells::BLIND: //blind sf.push_back(makeFeatureVal(Bonus::NOT_ACTIVE, Bonus::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED | Bonus::N_TURNS, sse.sid, 0, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(makeFeatureVal(Bonus::GENERAL_ATTACK_REDUCTION, Bonus::UNTIL_ATTACK | Bonus::N_TURNS, 0, power, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(makeFeatureVal(Bonus::NO_RETALIATION, Bonus::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED, 0, 0, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0)); // don't retaliate after basilisk / unicorn attack sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case Spells::STONE_GAZE: //Stone Gaze case Spells::PARALYZE: //Paralyze sf.push_back(makeFeatureVal(Bonus::NOT_ACTIVE, Bonus::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED | Bonus::N_TURNS, sse.sid, 0, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(makeFeatureVal(Bonus::NO_RETALIATION, Bonus::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED, 0, 0, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0)); // don't retaliate after basilisk / unicorn attack sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 71: //Poison sf.push_back(featureGeneratorVT(Bonus::POISON, 0, 30, sse.turnsRemain, Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX)); //max hp penalty from this source sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(featureGeneratorVT(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH, 0, -10, sse.turnsRemain, Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 72: //Bind sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::BIND_EFFECT, 0, 0, 1)); //marker sf.back().duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 73: //Disease sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, -2 , sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, -2 , sse.turnsRemain)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 75: //Age sf.push_back(featureGeneratorVT(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH, 0, -50, sse.turnsRemain, Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; break; case 80: //Acid Breath sf.push_back(featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, -sse.turnsRemain, 1)); sf.back().sid = sse.sid; sf.back().duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; sf.back().valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; break; } } ui8 CStack::howManyEffectsSet(ui16 id) const { ui8 ret = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *it, getBonusList()) if(it->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && it->sid == id) //effect found { ++ret; } return ret; } bool CStack::willMove(int turn /*= 0*/) const { return ( turn ? true : !vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::DEFENDING) ) && !moved(turn) && canMove(turn); } bool CStack::canMove( int turn /*= 0*/ ) const { return alive() && !hasBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::NOT_ACTIVE) && Selector::turns(turn)); //eg. Ammo Cart or blinded creature } bool CStack::moved( int turn /*= 0*/ ) const { if(!turn) return vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::MOVED); else return false; } bool CStack::doubleWide() const { return getCreature()->doubleWide; } BattleHex CStack::occupiedHex() const { if (doubleWide()) { if (attackerOwned) return position - 1; else return position + 1; } else { return BattleHex::INVALID; } } std::vector CStack::getHexes() const { std::vector hexes; hexes.push_back(BattleHex(position)); BattleHex occupied = occupiedHex(); if(occupied.isValid()) hexes.push_back(occupied); return hexes; } bool CStack::coversPos(BattleHex pos) const { return vstd::contains(getHexes(), pos); } std::vector CStack::getSurroundingHexes(BattleHex attackerPos) const { BattleHex hex = (attackerPos != BattleHex::INVALID) ? attackerPos : position; //use hypothetical position std::vector hexes; if (doubleWide()) { const int WN = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH; if(attackerOwned) { //position is equal to front hex BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+2 : WN+1 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN-1 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - 2, hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + 1, hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-2 : WN-1 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN+1 ), hexes); } else { BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN-1 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN-2 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + 2, hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - 1, hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN+1 ), hexes); BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN+2 ), hexes); } return hexes; } else { return hex.neighbouringTiles(); } } std::vector CStack::activeSpells() const { std::vector ret; TBonusListPtr spellEffects = getSpellBonuses(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *it, *spellEffects) { if (!vstd::contains(ret, it->sid)) //do not duplicate spells with multiple effects ret.push_back(it->sid); } return ret; } CStack::~CStack() { detachFromAll(); } const CGHeroInstance * CStack::getMyHero() const { if(base) return dynamic_cast(base->armyObj); else //we are attached directly? BOOST_FOREACH(const CBonusSystemNode *n, getParentNodes()) if(n->getNodeType() == HERO) dynamic_cast(n); return NULL; } std::string CStack::nodeName() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Battle stack [" << ID << "]: " << count << " creatures of "; if(type) oss << type->namePl; else oss << "[UNDEFINED TYPE]"; oss << " from slot " << (int)slot; if(base && base->armyObj) oss << " of armyobj=" << base->armyObj->id; return oss.str(); } void CStack::prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked &bsa) const { bsa.killedAmount = bsa.damageAmount / MaxHealth(); unsigned damageFirst = bsa.damageAmount % MaxHealth(); if (bsa.damageAmount && vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::CLONED)) // block ability should not kill clone (0 damage) { bsa.killedAmount = count; bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::CLONE_KILLED; return; // no rebirth I believe } if( firstHPleft <= damageFirst ) { bsa.killedAmount++; bsa.newHP = firstHPleft + MaxHealth() - damageFirst; } else { bsa.newHP = firstHPleft - damageFirst; } if(count <= bsa.killedAmount) //stack killed { bsa.newAmount = 0; bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::KILLED; bsa.killedAmount = count; //we cannot kill more creatures than we have int resurrectFactor = valOfBonuses(Bonus::REBIRTH); if (resurrectFactor > 0 && casts) //there must be casts left { int resurrectedCount = base->count * resurrectFactor / 100; if (resurrectedCount) resurrectedCount += ((base->count * resurrectFactor / 100.0 - resurrectedCount) > ran()%100 / 100.0) ? 1 : 0; //last stack has proportional chance to rebirth else //only one unit resurrectedCount += ((base->count * resurrectFactor / 100.0) > ran()%100 / 100.0) ? 1 : 0; if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::REBIRTH, 1)) vstd::amax (resurrectedCount, 1); //resurrect at least one Sacred Phoenix if (resurrectedCount) { bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::REBIRTH; bsa.newAmount = resurrectedCount; //risky? bsa.newHP = MaxHealth(); //resore full health } } } else { bsa.newAmount = count - bsa.killedAmount; } } bool CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, BattleHex attackerPos /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/, BattleHex defenderPos /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/) { if (!attackerPos.isValid()) { attackerPos = attacker->position; } if (!defenderPos.isValid()) { defenderPos = defender->position; } return (BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, defenderPos) >= 0) //front <=> front || (attacker->doubleWide() //back <=> front && BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos + (attacker->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), defenderPos) >= 0) || (defender->doubleWide() //front <=> back && BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, defenderPos + (defender->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0) || (defender->doubleWide() && attacker->doubleWide()//back <=> back && BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos + (attacker->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), defenderPos + (defender->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0); } bool CStack::ableToRetaliate() const { return alive() && (counterAttacks > 0 || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS)) && !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON) && !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::HYPNOTIZED) && !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_RETALIATION); } std::string CStack::getName() const { return (count > 1) ? type->namePl : type->nameSing; //War machines can't use base } bool CStack::isValidTarget(bool allowDead/* = false*/) const /*alive non-turret stacks (can be attacked or be object of magic effect) */ { return (alive() || allowDead) && position.isValid(); } bool CStack::canBeHealed() const { return firstHPleft != MaxHealth() && alive() && !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON); } bool CMP_stack::operator()( const CStack* a, const CStack* b ) { switch(phase) { case 0: //catapult moves after turrets return a->getCreature()->idNumber > b->getCreature()->idNumber; //catapult is 145 and turrets are 149 case 1: //fastest first, upper slot first { int as = a->Speed(turn), bs = b->Speed(turn); if(as != bs) return as > bs; else return a->slot < b->slot; } case 2: //fastest last, upper slot first //TODO: should be replaced with order of receiving morale! case 3: //fastest last, upper slot first { int as = a->Speed(turn), bs = b->Speed(turn); if(as != bs) return as < bs; else return a->slot < b->slot; } default: assert(0); return false; } } CMP_stack::CMP_stack( int Phase /*= 1*/, int Turn ) { phase = Phase; turn = Turn; }