/* * AbstractGoal.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../AIUtility.h" namespace NKAI { struct HeroPtr; class AIGateway; class FuzzyHelper; class Nullkiller; namespace Goals { class AbstractGoal; class ITask; class RecruitHero; class BuildThis; class DigAtTile; class CollectRes; class BuyArmy; class BuildBoat; class Invalid; class Trade; class AdventureSpellCast; enum EGoals { INVALID = -1, WIN, CONQUER, BUILD, EXPLORE, GATHER_ARMY, BOOST_HERO, RECRUIT_HERO, RECRUIT_HERO_BEHAVIOR, BUILD_STRUCTURE, //if hero set, then in visited town COLLECT_RES, GATHER_TROOPS, // val of creatures with objid CAPTURE_OBJECTS, GET_ART_TYPE, DEFENCE, STARTUP, DIG_AT_TILE,//elementar with hero on tile BUY_ARMY, //at specific town TRADE, //val resID at object objid BUILD_BOAT, COMPLETE_QUEST, ADVENTURE_SPELL_CAST, EXECUTE_HERO_CHAIN, EXCHANGE_SWAP_TOWN_HEROES, DISMISS_HERO, COMPOSITION, CLUSTER_BEHAVIOR, UNLOCK_CLUSTER, HERO_EXCHANGE, ARMY_UPGRADE, DEFEND_TOWN, CAPTURE_OBJECT, SAVE_RESOURCES, STAY_AT_TOWN_BEHAVIOR, STAY_AT_TOWN, EXPLORATION_BEHAVIOR, EXPLORATION_POINT, EXPLORE_NEIGHBOUR_TILE }; class DLL_EXPORT TSubgoal : public std::shared_ptr<AbstractGoal> { public: bool operator==(const TSubgoal & rhs) const; bool operator<(const TSubgoal & rhs) const; }; using TTask = std::shared_ptr<ITask>; using TTaskVec = std::vector<TTask>; using TGoalVec = std::vector<TSubgoal>; //method chaining + clone pattern #define SETTER(type, field) AbstractGoal & set ## field(const type &rhs) {field = rhs; return *this;}; enum { LOW_PR = -1 }; DLL_EXPORT TSubgoal sptr(const AbstractGoal & tmp); DLL_EXPORT TTask taskptr(const AbstractGoal & tmp); class DLL_EXPORT AbstractGoal { public: bool isAbstract; SETTER(bool, isAbstract) int value; SETTER(int, value) ui64 goldCost; SETTER(ui64, goldCost) int resID; SETTER(int, resID) int objid; SETTER(int, objid) int aid; SETTER(int, aid) int3 tile; SETTER(int3, tile) const CGHeroInstance * hero; SETTER(CGHeroInstance *, hero) const CGTownInstance *town; SETTER(CGTownInstance *, town) int bid; SETTER(int, bid) AbstractGoal(EGoals goal = EGoals::INVALID): goalType(goal) { isAbstract = false; value = 0; aid = -1; resID = -1; objid = -1; tile = int3(-1, -1, -1); town = nullptr; hero = nullptr; bid = -1; goldCost = 0; } virtual ~AbstractGoal() {} //FIXME: abstract goal should be abstract, but serializer fails to instantiate subgoals in such case virtual AbstractGoal * clone() const { return const_cast<AbstractGoal *>(this); } virtual TGoalVec decompose(const Nullkiller * ai) const { return TGoalVec(); } EGoals goalType; virtual std::string toString() const; bool invalid() const; virtual bool operator==(const AbstractGoal & g) const; virtual bool isElementar() const { return false; } virtual bool hasHash() const { return false; } virtual uint64_t getHash() const { return 0; } virtual ITask * asTask() { throw std::runtime_error("Abstract goal is not a task"); } bool operator!=(const AbstractGoal & g) const { return !(*this == g); } }; class DLL_EXPORT ITask { public: float priority; ITask() : priority(0) {} ///Visitor pattern //TODO: make accept work for std::shared_ptr... somehow virtual void accept(AIGateway * ai) = 0; //unhandled goal will report standard error virtual std::string toString() const = 0; virtual const CGHeroInstance * getHero() const = 0; virtual ~ITask() {} virtual int getHeroExchangeCount() const = 0; virtual bool isObjectAffected(ObjectInstanceID h) const = 0; virtual std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> getAffectedObjects() const = 0; }; } class cannotFulfillGoalException : public std::exception { std::string msg; public: explicit cannotFulfillGoalException(const std::string & message) : msg(message) { } const char * what() const noexcept override { return msg.c_str(); } }; class goalFulfilledException : public std::exception { std::string msg; public: Goals::TSubgoal goal; explicit goalFulfilledException(Goals::TSubgoal Goal) : goal(Goal) { msg = goal->toString(); } const char * what() const noexcept override { return msg.c_str(); } }; }