#include "StdInc.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "CCastleInterface.h" #include "gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "CHeroWindow.h" #include "CKingdomInterface.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CBitmapHandler.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "CSpellWindow.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../lib/JsonNode.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include "CPreGame.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CSoundBase.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "gui/CIntObjectClasses.h" #include "../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable : 4355) #endif /* * CAdvMapInterface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #define ADVOPT (conf.go()->ac) using namespace boost::logic; using namespace boost::assign; using namespace CSDL_Ext; CAdvMapInt *adventureInt; CTerrainRect::CTerrainRect() :curHoveredTile(-1,-1,-1), currentPath(nullptr) { tilesw=(ADVOPT.advmapW+31)/32; tilesh=(ADVOPT.advmapH+31)/32; pos.x=ADVOPT.advmapX; pos.y=ADVOPT.advmapY; pos.w=ADVOPT.advmapW; pos.h=ADVOPT.advmapH; moveX = moveY = 0; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER | MOVE); } void CTerrainRect::deactivate() { CIntObject::deactivate(); curHoveredTile = int3(-1,-1,-1); //we lost info about hovered tile when disabling } void CTerrainRect::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if ((down==false) || indeterminate(down)) return; int3 mp = whichTileIsIt(); if (mp.x<0 || mp.y<0 || mp.x >= LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().x || mp.y >= LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().y) return; adventureInt->tileLClicked(mp); } void CTerrainRect::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { int3 mp = whichTileIsIt(); if (CGI->mh->map->isInTheMap(mp) && down) adventureInt->tileRClicked(mp); } void CTerrainRect::mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent) { int3 tHovered = whichTileIsIt(sEvent.x,sEvent.y); int3 pom = adventureInt->verifyPos(tHovered); if(tHovered != pom) //tile outside the map { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); return; } if (pom != curHoveredTile) curHoveredTile=pom; else return; adventureInt->tileHovered(curHoveredTile); } void CTerrainRect::hover(bool on) { if (!on) { adventureInt->statusbar.clear(); CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE,0); } //Hoverable::hover(on); } void CTerrainRect::showPath(const SDL_Rect * extRect, SDL_Surface * to) { const static int pns[9][9] = { {16, 17, 18, 7, -1, 19, 6, 5, -1}, { 8, 9, 18, 7, -1, 19, 6, -1, 20}, { 8, 1, 10, 7, -1, 19, -1, 21, 20}, {24, 17, 18, 15, -1, -1, 6, 5, 4}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, { 8, 1, 2, -1, -1, 11, 22, 21, 20}, {24, 17, -1, 23, -1, 3, 14, 5, 4}, {24, -1, 2, 23, -1, 3, 22, 13, 4}, {-1, 1, 2, 23, -1, 3, 22, 21, 12} }; //table of magic values TODO meaning, change variable name for (int i=0; i < (int)currentPath->nodes.size()-1; ++i) { const int3 &curPos = currentPath->nodes[i].coord, &nextPos = currentPath->nodes[i+1].coord; if(curPos.z != adventureInt->position.z) continue; int pn=-1;//number of picture if (i==0) //last tile { int x = 32*(curPos.x-adventureInt->position.x)+CGI->mh->offsetX + pos.x, y = 32*(curPos.y-adventureInt->position.y)+CGI->mh->offsetY + pos.y; if (x<0 || y<0 || x>pos.w || y>pos.h) continue; pn=0; } else { const int3 &prevPos = currentPath->nodes[i-1].coord; std::vector & cv = currentPath->nodes; /* Vector directions * 0 1 2 * \ | / * 3 - 4 - 5 * / | \ * 6 7 8 *For example: * | * |__\ * / * is id1=7, id2=5 (pns[7][5]) */ bool pathContinuous = curPos.areNeighbours(nextPos) && curPos.areNeighbours(prevPos); if(pathContinuous && cv[i].land == cv[i+1].land) { int id1=(curPos.x-nextPos.x+1)+3*(curPos.y-nextPos.y+1); //Direction of entering vector int id2=(cv[i-1].coord.x-curPos.x+1)+3*(cv[i-1].coord.y-curPos.y+1); //Direction of exiting vector pn=pns[id1][id2]; } else //path discontinuity or sea/land transition (eg. when moving through Subterranean Gate or Boat) { pn = 0; } } if (currentPath->nodes[i].turns) pn+=25; if (pn>=0) { CDefEssential * arrows = graphics->heroMoveArrows; int x = 32*(curPos.x-adventureInt->position.x)+CGI->mh->offsetX + pos.x, y = 32*(curPos.y-adventureInt->position.y)+CGI->mh->offsetY + pos.y; if (x< -32 || y< -32 || x>pos.w || y>pos.h) continue; int hvx = (x+arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w)-(pos.x+pos.w), hvy = (y+arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h)-(pos.y+pos.h); SDL_Rect prevClip; SDL_GetClipRect(to, &prevClip); SDL_SetClipRect(to, extRect); //preventing blitting outside of that rect if(ADVOPT.smoothMove) //version for smooth hero move, with pos shifts { if (hvx<0 && hvy<0) { Rect dstRect = genRect(32, 32, x + moveX, y + moveY); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, nullptr, to, &dstRect); } else if(hvx<0) { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w, x + moveX, y + moveY); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } else if (hvy<0) { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, x + moveX, y + moveY); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } else { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, x + moveX, y + moveY); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } } else //standard version { if (hvx<0 && hvy<0) { Rect dstRect = genRect(32, 32, x, y); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, nullptr, to, &dstRect); } else if(hvx<0) { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w, x, y); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } else if (hvy<0) { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, x, y); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } else { Rect srcRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, 0, 0); Rect dstRect = genRect(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->h-hvy, arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap->w-hvx, x, y); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(arrows->ourImages[pn].bitmap, &srcRect, to, &dstRect); } } SDL_SetClipRect(to, &prevClip); } } //for (int i=0;inodes.size()-1;i++) } void CTerrainRect::show(SDL_Surface * to) { if(ADVOPT.smoothMove) CGI->mh->terrainRect (adventureInt->position, adventureInt->anim, &LOCPLINT->cb->getVisibilityMap(), true, adventureInt->heroAnim, to, &pos, moveX, moveY, false, int3()); else CGI->mh->terrainRect (adventureInt->position, adventureInt->anim, &LOCPLINT->cb->getVisibilityMap(), true, adventureInt->heroAnim, to, &pos, 0, 0, false, int3()); //SDL_BlitSurface(teren,&genRect(pos.h,pos.w,0,0),screen,&genRect(547,594,7,6)); //SDL_FreeSurface(teren); if (currentPath/* && adventureInt->position.z==currentPath->startPos().z*/) //drawing path { showPath(&pos, to); } } int3 CTerrainRect::whichTileIsIt(const int & x, const int & y) { int3 ret; ret.x = adventureInt->position.x + ((GH.current->motion.x-CGI->mh->offsetX-pos.x)/32); ret.y = adventureInt->position.y + ((GH.current->motion.y-CGI->mh->offsetY-pos.y)/32); ret.z = adventureInt->position.z; return ret; } int3 CTerrainRect::whichTileIsIt() { return whichTileIsIt(GH.current->motion.x,GH.current->motion.y); } void CResDataBar::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { } CResDataBar::CResDataBar(const std::string &defname, int x, int y, int offx, int offy, int resdist, int datedist) { bg = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(defname); SDL_SetColorKey(bg,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,SDL_MapRGB(bg->format,0,255,255)); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bg,LOCPLINT->playerID); pos = genRect(bg->h, bg->w, pos.x+x, pos.y+y); txtpos.resize(8); for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { txtpos[i].first = pos.x + offx + resdist*i; txtpos[i].second = pos.y + offy; } txtpos[7].first = txtpos[6].first + datedist; datetext = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[62]+": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[63] + ": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[64] + ": %s"; addUsedEvents(RCLICK); } CResDataBar::CResDataBar() { bg = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(ADVOPT.resdatabarG); SDL_SetColorKey(bg,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,SDL_MapRGB(bg->format,0,255,255)); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bg,LOCPLINT->playerID); pos = genRect(bg->h,bg->w,ADVOPT.resdatabarX,ADVOPT.resdatabarY); txtpos.resize(8); for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { txtpos[i].first = pos.x + ADVOPT.resOffsetX + ADVOPT.resDist*i; txtpos[i].second = pos.y + ADVOPT.resOffsetY; } txtpos[7].first = txtpos[6].first + ADVOPT.resDateDist; datetext = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[62]+": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[63] + ": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[64] + ": %s"; } CResDataBar::~CResDataBar() { SDL_FreeSurface(bg); } void CResDataBar::draw(SDL_Surface * to) { blitAt(bg,pos.x,pos.y,to); for (auto i=Res::WOOD; i<=Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, 1)) { std::string text = boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getResourceAmount(i)); graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLeft(to, text, Colors::WHITE, Point(txtpos[i].first,txtpos[i].second)); } std::vector temp; temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::MONTH))); temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::WEEK))); temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK))); graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextLeft(to, processStr(datetext,temp), Colors::WHITE, Point(txtpos[7].first,txtpos[7].second)); } void CResDataBar::show(SDL_Surface * to) { } void CResDataBar::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { draw(to); } CAdvMapInt::CAdvMapInt(): minimap(Rect(ADVOPT.minimapX, ADVOPT.minimapY, ADVOPT.minimapW, ADVOPT.minimapH)), statusbar(ADVOPT.statusbarX,ADVOPT.statusbarY,ADVOPT.statusbarG), kingOverview(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[293].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[293].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fshowOverview,this),&ADVOPT.kingOverview, SDLK_k), underground(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[294].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[294].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fswitchLevel,this),&ADVOPT.underground, SDLK_u), questlog(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[295].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[295].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fshowQuestlog,this),&ADVOPT.questlog, SDLK_q), sleepWake(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[296].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[296].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fsleepWake,this), &ADVOPT.sleepWake, SDLK_w), moveHero(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[297].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[297].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fmoveHero,this), &ADVOPT.moveHero, SDLK_m), spellbook(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[298].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[298].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fshowSpellbok,this), &ADVOPT.spellbook, SDLK_c), advOptions(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[299].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[299].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fadventureOPtions,this), &ADVOPT.advOptions, SDLK_a), sysOptions(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[300].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[300].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fsystemOptions,this), &ADVOPT.sysOptions, SDLK_o), nextHero(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[301].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[301].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fnextHero,this), &ADVOPT.nextHero, SDLK_h), endTurn(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[302].first,CGI->generaltexth->zelp[302].second, boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::fendTurn,this), &ADVOPT.endTurn, SDLK_e), heroList(ADVOPT.hlistSize, Point(ADVOPT.hlistX, ADVOPT.hlistY), ADVOPT.hlistAU, ADVOPT.hlistAD), townList(ADVOPT.tlistSize, Point(ADVOPT.tlistX, ADVOPT.tlistY), ADVOPT.tlistAU, ADVOPT.tlistAD), infoBar(Rect(ADVOPT.infoboxX, ADVOPT.infoboxY, 192, 192) ) { duringAITurn = false; state = NA; spellBeingCasted = nullptr; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.w = screen->w; pos.h = screen->h; selection = nullptr; townList.onSelect = boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::selectionChanged,this); adventureInt=this; bg = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(ADVOPT.mainGraphic); scrollingDir = 0; updateScreen = false; anim=0; animValHitCount=0; //animation frame heroAnim=0; heroAnimValHitCount=0; // hero animation frame for (int g=0; gplayerID); underground.block(!CGI->mh->map->twoLevel); addUsedEvents(MOVE); } CAdvMapInt::~CAdvMapInt() { SDL_FreeSurface(bg); for(int i=0; imh->map->twoLevel) return; if (position.z) { position.z--; underground.setIndex(0,true); underground.showAll(screenBuf); } else { underground.setIndex(1,true); position.z++; underground.showAll(screenBuf); } updateScreen = true; minimap.setLevel(position.z); } void CAdvMapInt::fshowQuestlog() { LOCPLINT->showQuestLog(); } void CAdvMapInt::fsleepWake() { const CGHeroInstance *h = curHero(); if (!h) return; bool newSleep = !isHeroSleeping(h); setHeroSleeping(h, newSleep); updateSleepWake(h); if (newSleep) { fnextHero(); //moveHero.block(true); //uncomment to enable original HoMM3 behaviour: //move button is disabled for hero going to sleep, even though it's enabled when you reselect him } } void CAdvMapInt::fmoveHero() { const CGHeroInstance *h = curHero(); if (!h || !terrain.currentPath) return; LOCPLINT->moveHero(h, *terrain.currentPath); } void CAdvMapInt::fshowSpellbok() { if (!curHero()) //checking necessary values return; centerOn(selection); auto spellWindow = new CSpellWindow(genRect(595, 620, (screen->w - 620)/2, (screen->h - 595)/2), curHero(), LOCPLINT, false); GH.pushInt(spellWindow); } void CAdvMapInt::fadventureOPtions() { GH.pushInt(new CAdventureOptions); } void CAdvMapInt::fsystemOptions() { GH.pushInt(new CSystemOptionsWindow()); } void CAdvMapInt::fnextHero() { auto hero = dynamic_cast(selection); int next = getNextHeroIndex(vstd::find_pos(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes, hero)); if (next < 0) return; select(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[next], true); } void CAdvMapInt::fendTurn() { if(!LOCPLINT->makingTurn) return; if ( settings["adventure"]["heroReminder"].Bool()) { for (int i = 0; i < LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes.size(); i++) if (!isHeroSleeping(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i]) && (LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i]->movement > 0)) { LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[55], boost::bind(&CAdvMapInt::endingTurn, this), 0, false); return; } } endingTurn(); } void CAdvMapInt::updateSleepWake(const CGHeroInstance *h) { sleepWake.block(!h); if (!h) return; bool state = isHeroSleeping(h); sleepWake.setIndex(state ? 1 : 0, true); sleepWake.assignedKeys.clear(); sleepWake.assignedKeys.insert(state ? SDLK_w : SDLK_z); sleepWake.update(); } void CAdvMapInt::updateMoveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, tribool hasPath) { //default value is for everywhere but CPlayerInterface::moveHero, because paths are not updated from there immediately if (hasPath == boost::indeterminate) hasPath = LOCPLINT->paths[h].nodes.size() ? true : false; if (!h) { moveHero.block(true); return; } moveHero.block(!hasPath || (h->movement == 0)); } int CAdvMapInt::getNextHeroIndex(int startIndex) { if (LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes.size() == 0) return -1; if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; int i = startIndex; do { i++; if (i >= LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes.size()) i = 0; } while (((LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i]->movement == 0) || isHeroSleeping(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i])) && (i != startIndex)); if ((LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i]->movement != 0) && !isHeroSleeping(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[i])) return i; else return -1; } void CAdvMapInt::updateNextHero(const CGHeroInstance *h) { int start = vstd::find_pos(LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes, h); int next = getNextHeroIndex(start); if (next < 0) { nextHero.block(true); return; } const CGHeroInstance *nextH = LOCPLINT->wanderingHeroes[next]; bool noActiveHeroes = (next == start) && ((nextH->movement == 0) || isHeroSleeping(nextH)); nextHero.block(noActiveHeroes); } void CAdvMapInt::activate() { CIntObject::activate(); if (!(active & KEYBOARD)) CIntObject::activate(KEYBOARD); screenBuf = screen; GH.statusbar = &statusbar; if(!duringAITurn) { kingOverview.activate(); underground.activate(); questlog.activate(); sleepWake.activate(); moveHero.activate(); spellbook.activate(); sysOptions.activate(); advOptions.activate(); nextHero.activate(); endTurn.activate(); minimap.activate(); heroList.activate(); townList.activate(); terrain.activate(); infoBar.activate(); LOCPLINT->cingconsole->activate(); GH.fakeMouseMove(); //to restore the cursor } } void CAdvMapInt::deactivate() { CIntObject::deactivate(); if(!duringAITurn) { scrollingDir = 0; CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE,0); kingOverview.deactivate(); underground.deactivate(); questlog.deactivate(); sleepWake.deactivate(); moveHero.deactivate(); spellbook.deactivate(); advOptions.deactivate(); sysOptions.deactivate(); nextHero.deactivate(); endTurn.deactivate(); minimap.deactivate(); heroList.deactivate(); townList.deactivate(); terrain.deactivate(); infoBar.deactivate(); if(LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->cingconsole->deactivate(); } } void CAdvMapInt::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { blitAt(bg,0,0,to); if(state != INGAME) return; kingOverview.showAll(to); underground.showAll(to); questlog.showAll(to); sleepWake.showAll(to); moveHero.showAll(to); spellbook.showAll(to); advOptions.showAll(to); sysOptions.showAll(to); nextHero.showAll(to); endTurn.showAll(to); minimap.showAll(to); heroList.showAll(to); townList.showAll(to); updateScreen = true; show(to); resdatabar.draw(to); statusbar.show(to); infoBar.showAll(to); LOCPLINT->cingconsole->showAll(to); } bool CAdvMapInt::isHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero) { if (!hero) return false; return vstd::contains(LOCPLINT->sleepingHeroes, hero); } void CAdvMapInt::setHeroSleeping(const CGHeroInstance *hero, bool sleep) { if (sleep) LOCPLINT->sleepingHeroes += hero; else LOCPLINT->sleepingHeroes -= hero; updateNextHero(nullptr); } void CAdvMapInt::show(SDL_Surface * to) { if(state != INGAME) return; ++animValHitCount; //for animations if(animValHitCount == 8) { CGI->mh->updateWater(); animValHitCount = 0; ++anim; updateScreen = true; } ++heroAnim; int scrollSpeed = settings["adventure"]["scrollSpeed"].Float(); //if advmap needs updating AND (no dialog is shown OR ctrl is pressed) if((animValHitCount % (4/scrollSpeed)) == 0 && ( (GH.topInt() == this) || SDL_GetKeyState(nullptr)[SDLK_LCTRL] || SDL_GetKeyState(nullptr)[SDLK_RCTRL] ) ) { if( (scrollingDir & LEFT) && (position.x>-CGI->mh->frameW) ) position.x--; if( (scrollingDir & RIGHT) && (position.x < CGI->mh->map->width - CGI->mh->tilesW + CGI->mh->frameW) ) position.x++; if( (scrollingDir & UP) && (position.y>-CGI->mh->frameH) ) position.y--; if( (scrollingDir & DOWN) && (position.y < CGI->mh->map->height - CGI->mh->tilesH + CGI->mh->frameH) ) position.y++; if(scrollingDir) { updateScreen = true; minimap.redraw(); } } if(updateScreen) { terrain.show(to); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) blitAt(gems[i]->ourImages[LOCPLINT->playerID.getNum()].bitmap,ADVOPT.gemX[i],ADVOPT.gemY[i],to); updateScreen=false; LOCPLINT->cingconsole->showAll(to); } infoBar.show(to); statusbar.showAll(to); } void CAdvMapInt::selectionChanged() { const CGTownInstance *to = LOCPLINT->towns[townList.getSelectedIndex()]; if (selection != to) select(to); } void CAdvMapInt::centerOn(int3 on) { bool switchedLevels = on.z != position.z; on.x -= CGI->mh->frameW; on.y -= CGI->mh->frameH; on = LOCPLINT->repairScreenPos(on); position = on; updateScreen=true; underground.setIndex(on.z,true); //change underground switch button image underground.redraw(); if (switchedLevels) minimap.setLevel(position.z); } void CAdvMapInt::centerOn(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { centerOn(obj->getSightCenter()); } void CAdvMapInt::keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key) { ui8 Dir = 0; int k = key.keysym.sym; const CGHeroInstance *h = curHero(); //selected hero const CGTownInstance *t = curTown(); //selected town switch(k) { case SDLK_g: if(key.state != SDL_PRESSED || GH.topInt()->type & BLOCK_ADV_HOTKEYS) return; { //find first town with tavern auto itr = range::find_if(LOCPLINT->towns, [](const CGTownInstance * town) { return town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::TAVERN); }); if(itr != LOCPLINT->towns.end()) LOCPLINT->showThievesGuildWindow(*itr); else LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog("No available town with tavern!"); } return; case SDLK_i: if(isActive()) CAdventureOptions::showScenarioInfo(); return; case SDLK_l: if(isActive()) LOCPLINT->proposeLoadingGame(); return; case SDLK_s: if(isActive()) GH.pushInt(new CSavingScreen(CPlayerInterface::howManyPeople > 1)); return; case SDLK_d: { if(h && isActive() && key.state == SDL_PRESSED) LOCPLINT->tryDiggging(h); return; } case SDLK_p: if(isActive()) LOCPLINT->showPuzzleMap(); return; case SDLK_r: if(isActive() && LOCPLINT->ctrlPressed()) { LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog("Are you sure you want to restart game?", []{ LOCPLINT->sendCustomEvent(RESTART_GAME); }, []{}, true); } return; case SDLK_SPACE: //space - try to revisit current object with selected hero { if(!isActive()) return; if(h && key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { auto unlockPim = vstd::makeUnlockGuard(*LOCPLINT->pim); //TODO!!!!!!! possible freeze, when GS mutex is locked and network thread can't apply package //this thread leaves scope and tries to lock pim while holding gs, //network thread tries to lock gs (appluy cl) while holding pim //this thread should first lock pim, however gs locking/unlocking is done inside cb LOCPLINT->cb->moveHero(h,h->pos); } } return; case SDLK_RETURN: { if(!isActive() || !selection || key.state != SDL_PRESSED) return; if(h) LOCPLINT->openHeroWindow(h); else if(t) LOCPLINT->openTownWindow(t); return; } case SDLK_ESCAPE: { if(isActive() || GH.topInt() != this || !spellBeingCasted || key.state != SDL_PRESSED) return; leaveCastingMode(); return; } case SDLK_t: { //act on key down if marketplace windows is not already opened if(key.state != SDL_PRESSED || GH.topInt()->type & BLOCK_ADV_HOTKEYS) return; if(LOCPLINT->ctrlPressed()) //CTRL + T => open marketplace { //check if we have any marketplace const CGTownInstance *townWithMarket = nullptr; for(const CGTownInstance *t : LOCPLINT->cb->getTownsInfo()) { if(t->hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE)) { townWithMarket = t; break; } } if(townWithMarket) //if any town has marketplace, open window GH.pushInt(new CMarketplaceWindow(townWithMarket)); else //if not - complain LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog("No available marketplace!"); } else if(isActive()) //no ctrl, advmapint is on the top => switch to town { townList.selectNext(); } return; } default: { static const int3 directions[] = { int3(-1, +1, 0), int3(0, +1, 0), int3(+1, +1, 0), int3(-1, 0, 0), int3(0, 0, 0), int3(+1, 0, 0), int3(-1, -1, 0), int3(0, -1, 0), int3(+1, -1, 0) }; //numpad arrow if(CGuiHandler::isArrowKey(SDLKey(k))) k = CGuiHandler::arrowToNum(SDLKey(k)); k -= SDLK_KP0 + 1; if(k < 0 || k > 8) return; int3 dir = directions[k]; if(!isActive() || LOCPLINT->ctrlPressed())//ctrl makes arrow move screen, not hero { Dir = (dir.x<0 ? LEFT : 0) | (dir.x>0 ? RIGHT : 0) | (dir.y<0 ? UP : 0) | (dir.y>0 ? DOWN : 0) ; break; } if(!h || key.state != SDL_PRESSED) break; if(k == 4) { centerOn(h); return; } CGPath &path = LOCPLINT->paths[h]; terrain.currentPath = &path; if(!LOCPLINT->cb->getPath2(h->getPosition(false) + dir, path)) { terrain.currentPath = nullptr; return; } if (path.nodes.size() > 2) updateMoveHero(h); else if(!path.nodes[0].turns) LOCPLINT->moveHero(h, path); } return; } if(Dir && key.state == SDL_PRESSED //arrow is pressed && LOCPLINT->ctrlPressed() ) scrollingDir |= Dir; else scrollingDir &= ~Dir; } void CAdvMapInt::handleRightClick(std::string text, tribool down) { if(down) { CRClickPopup::createAndPush(text); } } int3 CAdvMapInt::verifyPos(int3 ver) { if (ver.x<0) ver.x=0; if (ver.y<0) ver.y=0; if (ver.z<0) ver.z=0; if (ver.x>=CGI->mh->sizes.x) ver.x=CGI->mh->sizes.x-1; if (ver.y>=CGI->mh->sizes.y) ver.y=CGI->mh->sizes.y-1; if (ver.z>=CGI->mh->sizes.z) ver.z=CGI->mh->sizes.z-1; return ver; } void CAdvMapInt::select(const CArmedInstance *sel, bool centerView /*= true*/) { assert(sel); LOCPLINT->cb->setSelection(sel); selection = sel; if (LOCPLINT->battleInt == nullptr && LOCPLINT->makingTurn) { auto pos = sel->visitablePos(); auto tile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(pos); if(tile) CCS->musich->playMusicFromSet("terrain", tile->terType, true); } if(centerView) centerOn(sel); terrain.currentPath = nullptr; if(sel->ID==Obj::TOWN) { auto town = dynamic_cast(sel); infoBar.showTownSelection(town); townList.select(town); heroList.select(nullptr); updateSleepWake(nullptr); updateMoveHero(nullptr); } else //hero selected { auto hero = dynamic_cast(sel); infoBar.showHeroSelection(hero); heroList.select(hero); townList.select(nullptr); terrain.currentPath = LOCPLINT->getAndVerifyPath(hero); updateSleepWake(hero); updateMoveHero(hero); } townList.redraw(); heroList.redraw(); } void CAdvMapInt::mouseMoved( const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent ) { //adventure map scrolling with mouse if(!SDL_GetKeyState(nullptr)[SDLK_LCTRL] && isActive()) { if(sEvent.x<15) { scrollingDir |= LEFT; } else { scrollingDir &= ~LEFT; } if(sEvent.x>screen->w-15) { scrollingDir |= RIGHT; } else { scrollingDir &= ~RIGHT; } if(sEvent.y<15) { scrollingDir |= UP; } else { scrollingDir &= ~UP; } if(sEvent.y>screen->h-15) { scrollingDir |= DOWN; } else { scrollingDir &= ~DOWN; } } } bool CAdvMapInt::isActive() { return active & ~CIntObject::KEYBOARD; } void CAdvMapInt::startHotSeatWait(PlayerColor Player) { state = WAITING; } void CAdvMapInt::setPlayer(PlayerColor Player) { player = Player; graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bg,player); kingOverview.setPlayerColor(player); underground.setPlayerColor(player); questlog.setPlayerColor(player); sleepWake.setPlayerColor(player); moveHero.setPlayerColor(player); spellbook.setPlayerColor(player); sysOptions.setPlayerColor(player); advOptions.setPlayerColor(player); nextHero.setPlayerColor(player); endTurn.setPlayerColor(player); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(resdatabar.bg,player); //heroList.updateHList(); //townList.genList(); } void CAdvMapInt::startTurn() { state = INGAME; if(LOCPLINT->cb->getCurrentPlayer() == LOCPLINT->playerID) { adjustActiveness(false); minimap.setAIRadar(false); } } void CAdvMapInt::endingTurn() { if(LOCPLINT->cingconsole->active) LOCPLINT->cingconsole->deactivate(); LOCPLINT->makingTurn = false; LOCPLINT->cb->endTurn(); } const CGObjectInstance* CAdvMapInt::getBlockingObject(const int3 &mapPos) { std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > bobjs = LOCPLINT->cb->getBlockingObjs(mapPos); //blocking objects at tile if (bobjs.empty()) return nullptr; if (bobjs.back()->ID == Obj::HERO) return bobjs.back(); else return bobjs.front(); } void CAdvMapInt::tileLClicked(const int3 &mapPos) { if(!LOCPLINT->cb->isVisible(mapPos) || !LOCPLINT->makingTurn) return; const TerrainTile *tile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(mapPos); const CGObjectInstance *topBlocking = getBlockingObject(mapPos); int3 selPos = selection->getSightCenter(); if(spellBeingCasted && isInScreenRange(selPos, mapPos)) { const TerrainTile *heroTile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(selPos); switch(spellBeingCasted->id) { case SpellID::SCUTTLE_BOAT: //Scuttle Boat if(topBlocking && topBlocking->ID == Obj::BOAT) leaveCastingMode(true, mapPos); break; case SpellID::DIMENSION_DOOR: if(!tile || tile->isClear(heroTile)) leaveCastingMode(true, mapPos); break; } return; } //check if we can select this object bool canSelect = topBlocking && topBlocking->ID == Obj::HERO && topBlocking->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID; canSelect |= topBlocking && topBlocking->ID == Obj::TOWN && LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations(LOCPLINT->playerID, topBlocking->tempOwner); if (selection->ID != Obj::HERO) //hero is not selected (presumably town) { assert(!terrain.currentPath); //path can be active only when hero is selected if(selection == topBlocking) //selected town clicked LOCPLINT->openTownWindow(static_cast(topBlocking)); else if ( canSelect ) select(static_cast(topBlocking), false); return; } else if(const CGHeroInstance * currentHero = curHero()) //hero is selected { const CGPathNode *pn = LOCPLINT->cb->getPathInfo(mapPos); if(currentHero == topBlocking) //clicked selected hero { LOCPLINT->openHeroWindow(currentHero); return; } else if(canSelect && pn->turns == 255 ) //selectable object at inaccessible tile { select(static_cast(topBlocking), false); return; } else //still here? we need to move hero if we clicked end of already selected path or calculate a new path otherwise { if (terrain.currentPath && terrain.currentPath->endPos() == mapPos)//we'll be moving { LOCPLINT->moveHero(currentHero,*terrain.currentPath); return; } else/* if(mp.z == currentHero->pos.z)*/ //remove old path and find a new one if we clicked on the map level on which hero is present { CGPath &path = LOCPLINT->paths[currentHero]; terrain.currentPath = &path; bool gotPath = LOCPLINT->cb->getPath2(mapPos, path); //try getting path, erase if failed updateMoveHero(currentHero); if (!gotPath) LOCPLINT->eraseCurrentPathOf(currentHero); else return; } } } //end of hero is selected "case" else { throw std::runtime_error("Nothing is selected..."); } if(const IShipyard *shipyard = ourInaccessibleShipyard(topBlocking)) { LOCPLINT->showShipyardDialogOrProblemPopup(shipyard); } } void CAdvMapInt::tileHovered(const int3 &mapPos) { if(!LOCPLINT->cb->isVisible(mapPos)) { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); statusbar.clear(); return; } const CGObjectInstance *objAtTile = getBlockingObject(mapPos); //std::vector temp = LOCPLINT->cb->getObjDescriptions(mapPos); if (objAtTile) { std::string text = objAtTile->getHoverText(); boost::replace_all(text,"\n"," "); statusbar.setText(text); } else { std::string hlp; CGI->mh->getTerrainDescr(mapPos, hlp, false); statusbar.setText(hlp); } const CGPathNode *pnode = LOCPLINT->cb->getPathInfo(mapPos); int turns = pnode->turns; vstd::amin(turns, 3); if(!selection) //may occur just at the start of game (fake move before full intiialization) return; if(spellBeingCasted) { switch(spellBeingCasted->id) { case SpellID::SCUTTLE_BOAT: if(objAtTile && objAtTile->ID == Obj::BOAT) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 42); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); return; case SpellID::DIMENSION_DOOR: { const TerrainTile *t = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(mapPos, false); int3 hpos = selection->getSightCenter(); if((!t || t->isClear(LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(hpos))) && isInScreenRange(hpos, mapPos)) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 41); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); return; } } } const bool guardingCreature = CGI->mh->map->isInTheMap(LOCPLINT->cb->guardingCreaturePosition(mapPos)); if(selection->ID == Obj::TOWN) { if(objAtTile) { if(objAtTile->ID == Obj::TOWN && LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations(LOCPLINT->playerID, objAtTile->tempOwner) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 3); else if(objAtTile->ID == Obj::HERO && objAtTile->tempOwner == LOCPLINT->playerID) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 2); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } else if(const CGHeroInstance *h = curHero()) { bool accessible = pnode->turns < 255; if(objAtTile) { if(objAtTile->ID == Obj::HERO) { if(!LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations( LOCPLINT->playerID, objAtTile->tempOwner)) //enemy hero { if(accessible) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 5 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } else //our or ally hero { if(selection == objAtTile) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 2); else if(accessible) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 8 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 2); } } else if(objAtTile->ID == Obj::TOWN) { if(!LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations( LOCPLINT->playerID, objAtTile->tempOwner)) //enemy town { if(accessible) { const CGTownInstance* townObj = dynamic_cast(objAtTile); // Show movement cursor for unguarded enemy towns, otherwise attack cursor. if (townObj && !townObj->armedGarrison()) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 9 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 5 + turns*6); } else { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } } else //our or ally town { if(accessible) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 9 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 3); } } else if(objAtTile->ID == Obj::BOAT) { if(accessible) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 6 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } else if (objAtTile->ID == Obj::GARRISON || objAtTile->ID == Obj::GARRISON2) { if (accessible) { const CGGarrison* garrObj = dynamic_cast(objAtTile); //TODO evil evil cast! // Show battle cursor for guarded enemy garrisons, otherwise movement cursor. if (garrObj && garrObj->stacksCount() && !LOCPLINT->cb->getPlayerRelations( LOCPLINT->playerID, garrObj->tempOwner) ) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 5 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 9 + turns*6); } else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } else if (guardingCreature && accessible) //(objAtTile->ID == 54) //monster { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 5 + turns*6); } else { if(accessible) { if(pnode->land) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 9 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 28 + turns); } else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } } else //no objs { if(accessible/* && pnode->accessible != CGPathNode::FLYABLE*/) { if (guardingCreature) { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 5 + turns*6); } else { if(pnode->land) { if(LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(h->getPosition(false))->terType != ETerrainType::WATER) CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 4 + turns*6); else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 7 + turns*6); //anchor } else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 6 + turns*6); } } else CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } } if(ourInaccessibleShipyard(objAtTile)) { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 6); } } void CAdvMapInt::tileRClicked(const int3 &mapPos) { if(spellBeingCasted) { leaveCastingMode(); return; } if(!LOCPLINT->cb->isVisible(mapPos)) { CRClickPopup::createAndPush(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[61]); //Uncharted Territory return; } const CGObjectInstance * obj = getBlockingObject(mapPos); if(!obj) { // Bare or undiscovered terrain const TerrainTile * tile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(mapPos); if (tile) { std::string hlp; CGI->mh->getTerrainDescr(mapPos, hlp, true); CRClickPopup::createAndPush(hlp); } return; } CRClickPopup::createAndPush(obj, GH.current->motion, CENTER); } void CAdvMapInt::enterCastingMode(const CSpell * sp) { assert(sp->id == SpellID::SCUTTLE_BOAT || sp->id == SpellID::DIMENSION_DOOR); spellBeingCasted = sp; deactivate(); terrain.activate(); GH.fakeMouseMove(); } void CAdvMapInt::leaveCastingMode(bool cast /*= false*/, int3 dest /*= int3(-1, -1, -1)*/) { assert(spellBeingCasted); SpellID id = spellBeingCasted->id; spellBeingCasted = nullptr; terrain.deactivate(); activate(); if(cast) LOCPLINT->cb->castSpell(curHero(), id, dest); else LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[731]); //Spell cancelled } const CGHeroInstance * CAdvMapInt::curHero() const { if(selection && selection->ID == Obj::HERO) return static_cast(selection); else return nullptr; } const CGTownInstance * CAdvMapInt::curTown() const { if(selection && selection->ID == Obj::TOWN) return static_cast(selection); else return nullptr; } const IShipyard * CAdvMapInt::ourInaccessibleShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const { const IShipyard *ret = IShipyard::castFrom(obj); if(!ret || obj->tempOwner != player || CCS->curh->type || (CCS->curh->frame != 6 && CCS->curh->frame != 0)) return nullptr; return ret; } void CAdvMapInt::aiTurnStarted() { adjustActiveness(true); CCS->musich->playMusicFromSet("enemy-turn", true); adventureInt->minimap.setAIRadar(true); adventureInt->infoBar.startEnemyTurn(LOCPLINT->cb->getCurrentPlayer()); adventureInt->infoBar.showAll(screen);//force refresh on inactive object } void CAdvMapInt::adjustActiveness(bool aiTurnStart) { bool wasActive = isActive(); if(wasActive) deactivate(); adventureInt->duringAITurn = aiTurnStart; if(wasActive) activate(); } CAdventureOptions::CAdventureOptions(): CWindowObject(PLAYER_COLORED, "ADVOPTS") { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; exit = new CAdventureMapButton("","",boost::bind(&CAdventureOptions::close, this), 204, 313, "IOK6432.DEF",SDLK_RETURN); exit->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); scenInfo = new CAdventureMapButton("","", boost::bind(&CAdventureOptions::close, this), 24, 198, "ADVINFO.DEF",SDLK_i); scenInfo->callback += CAdventureOptions::showScenarioInfo; //viewWorld = new CAdventureMapButton("","",boost::bind(&CGuiHandler::popIntTotally, &GH, this), 204, 313, "IOK6432.DEF",SDLK_RETURN); puzzle = new CAdventureMapButton("","", boost::bind(&CAdventureOptions::close, this), 24, 81, "ADVPUZ.DEF"); puzzle->callback += boost::bind(&CPlayerInterface::showPuzzleMap, LOCPLINT); dig = new CAdventureMapButton("","", boost::bind(&CAdventureOptions::close, this), 24, 139, "ADVDIG.DEF"); if(const CGHeroInstance *h = adventureInt->curHero()) dig->callback += boost::bind(&CPlayerInterface::tryDiggging, LOCPLINT, h); else dig->block(true); } void CAdventureOptions::showScenarioInfo() { auto campState = LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo()->campState; if(campState) { GH.pushInt(new CBonusSelection(campState)); } else { GH.pushInt(new CScenarioInfo(LOCPLINT->cb->getMapHeader(), LOCPLINT->cb->getStartInfo())); } }