/* * SDLImage.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "SDLImage.h" #include "SDLImageLoader.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../render/ColorFilter.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../render/CBitmapHandler.h" #include "../render/CDefFile.h" #include "../render/Graphics.h" #include "../xBRZ/xbrz.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../render/IScreenHandler.h" #include #include #include class SDLImageLoader; //First 8 colors in def palette used for transparency static constexpr std::array sourcePalette = {{ {0, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {255, 150, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {255, 100, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {255, 50, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {255, 0, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {255, 255, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {180, 0, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE}, {0, 255, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} }}; static constexpr std::array targetPalette = {{ {0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 0 - transparency ( used in most images ) {0, 0, 0, 64 }, // 1 - shadow border ( used in battle, adventure map def's ) {0, 0, 0, 64 }, // 2 - shadow border ( used in fog-of-war def's ) {0, 0, 0, 128}, // 3 - shadow body ( used in fog-of-war def's ) {0, 0, 0, 128}, // 4 - shadow body ( used in battle, adventure map def's ) {0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 5 - selection / owner flag ( used in battle, adventure map def's ) {0, 0, 0, 128}, // 6 - shadow body below selection ( used in battle def's ) {0, 0, 0, 64 } // 7 - shadow border below selection ( used in battle def's ) }}; static ui8 mixChannels(ui8 c1, ui8 c2, ui8 a1, ui8 a2) { return c1*a1 / 256 + c2*a2*(255 - a1) / 256 / 256; } static ColorRGBA addColors(const ColorRGBA & base, const ColorRGBA & over) { return ColorRGBA( mixChannels(over.r, base.r, over.a, base.a), mixChannels(over.g, base.g, over.a, base.a), mixChannels(over.b, base.b, over.a, base.a), static_cast(over.a + base.a * (255 - over.a) / 256) ); } static bool colorsSimilar (const SDL_Color & lhs, const SDL_Color & rhs) { // it seems that H3 does not requires exact match to replace colors -> (255, 103, 255) gets interpreted as shadow // exact logic is not clear and requires extensive testing with image editing // potential reason is that H3 uses 16-bit color format (565 RGB bits), meaning that 3 least significant bits are lost in red and blue component static const int threshold = 8; int diffR = static_cast(lhs.r) - rhs.r; int diffG = static_cast(lhs.g) - rhs.g; int diffB = static_cast(lhs.b) - rhs.b; int diffA = static_cast(lhs.a) - rhs.a; return std::abs(diffR) < threshold && std::abs(diffG) < threshold && std::abs(diffB) < threshold && std::abs(diffA) < threshold; } int IImage::width() const { return dimensions().x; } int IImage::height() const { return dimensions().y; } SDLImageShared::SDLImageShared(const CDefFile * data, size_t frame, size_t group, int preScaleFactor) : surf(nullptr), margins(0, 0), fullSize(0, 0), originalPalette(nullptr), preScaleFactor(preScaleFactor) { SDLImageLoader loader(this); data->loadFrame(frame, group, loader); savePalette(); } SDLImageShared::SDLImageShared(SDL_Surface * from, int preScaleFactor) : surf(nullptr), margins(0, 0), fullSize(0, 0), originalPalette(nullptr), preScaleFactor(preScaleFactor) { surf = from; if (surf == nullptr) return; savePalette(); surf->refcount++; fullSize.x = surf->w; fullSize.y = surf->h; } SDLImageShared::SDLImageShared(const ImagePath & filename, int preScaleFactor) : surf(nullptr), margins(0, 0), fullSize(0, 0), originalPalette(nullptr), preScaleFactor(preScaleFactor) { surf = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(filename); if(surf == nullptr) { logGlobal->error("Error: failed to load image %s", filename.getOriginalName()); return; } else { savePalette(); fullSize.x = surf->w; fullSize.y = surf->h; optimizeSurface(); } } void SDLImageShared::draw(SDL_Surface * where, SDL_Palette * palette, const Point & dest, const Rect * src, const ColorRGBA & colorMultiplier, uint8_t alpha, EImageBlitMode mode) const { if (!surf) return; Rect sourceRect(0, 0, surf->w, surf->h); Point destShift(0, 0); if(src) { if(src->x < margins.x) destShift.x += margins.x - src->x; if(src->y < margins.y) destShift.y += margins.y - src->y; sourceRect = Rect(*src).intersect(Rect(margins.x, margins.y, surf->w, surf->h)); sourceRect -= margins; } else destShift = margins; destShift += dest; SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod(surf, colorMultiplier.r, colorMultiplier.g, colorMultiplier.b); SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(surf, alpha); if (alpha != SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE || (mode != EImageBlitMode::OPAQUE && surf->format->Amask != 0)) SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surf, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); else SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surf, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); if (palette && surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, palette); if(surf->format->palette && mode != EImageBlitMode::OPAQUE && mode != EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(surf, sourceRect, where, destShift, alpha); } else { CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(surf, sourceRect, where, destShift); } if (surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, originalPalette); } void SDLImageShared::optimizeSurface() { if (!surf) return; int left = surf->w; int top = surf->h; int right = 0; int bottom = 0; // locate fully-transparent area around image // H3 hadles this on format level, but mods or images scaled in runtime do not if (surf->format->palette) { for (int y = 0; y < surf->h; ++y) { const uint8_t * row = static_cast(surf->pixels) + y * surf->pitch; for (int x = 0; x < surf->w; ++x) { if (row[x] != 0) { // opaque or can be opaque (e.g. disabled shadow) top = std::min(top, y); left = std::min(left, x); right = std::max(right, x); bottom = std::max(bottom, y); } } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < surf->h; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < surf->w; ++x) { ColorRGBA color; SDL_GetRGBA(CSDL_Ext::getPixel(surf, x, y), surf->format, &color.r, &color.g, &color.b, &color.a); if (color.a != SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT) { // opaque top = std::min(top, y); left = std::min(left, x); right = std::max(right, x); bottom = std::max(bottom, y); } } } } if (left == surf->w) { // empty image - simply delete it SDL_FreeSurface(surf); surf = nullptr; return; } if (left != 0 || top != 0 || right != surf->w - 1 || bottom != surf->h - 1) { // non-zero border found Rect newDimensions(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1); SDL_Rect rectSDL = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(newDimensions); auto newSurface = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(newDimensions.dimensions(), surf); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(surf, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_BlitSurface(surf, &rectSDL, newSurface, nullptr); if (SDL_HasColorKey(surf)) { uint32_t colorKey; SDL_GetColorKey(surf, &colorKey); SDL_SetColorKey(newSurface, SDL_TRUE, colorKey); } SDL_FreeSurface(surf); surf = newSurface; margins.x += left; margins.y += top; } } std::shared_ptr SDLImageShared::scaleInteger(int factor, SDL_Palette * palette, EImageBlitMode mode) const { if (factor <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to scale by integer value of " + std::to_string(factor)); if (!surf) return shared_from_this(); if (palette && surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, palette); SDL_Surface * scaled = nullptr; if(preScaleFactor == factor) return shared_from_this(); else if(preScaleFactor == 1) { // dump heuristics to differentiate tileable UI elements from map object / combat assets if (mode == EImageBlitMode::OPAQUE || mode == EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY || mode == EImageBlitMode::SIMPLE) scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceIntegerFactor(surf, factor, EScalingAlgorithm::XBRZ_OPAQUE); else scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceIntegerFactor(surf, factor, EScalingAlgorithm::XBRZ_ALPHA); } else scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(surf, (int) round((float)surf->w * factor / preScaleFactor), (int) round((float)surf->h * factor / preScaleFactor)); auto ret = std::make_shared(scaled, preScaleFactor); ret->fullSize.x = fullSize.x * factor; ret->fullSize.y = fullSize.y * factor; ret->margins.x = (int) round((float)margins.x * factor / preScaleFactor); ret->margins.y = (int) round((float)margins.y * factor / preScaleFactor); ret->optimizeSurface(); // erase our own reference SDL_FreeSurface(scaled); if (surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, originalPalette); return ret; } std::shared_ptr SDLImageShared::scaleTo(const Point & size, SDL_Palette * palette) const { float scaleX = static_cast(size.x) / fullSize.x; float scaleY = static_cast(size.y) / fullSize.y; if (palette && surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, palette); auto scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(surf, (int)(surf->w * scaleX), (int)(surf->h * scaleY)); if (scaled->format && scaled->format->palette) // fix color keying, because SDL loses it at this point CSDL_Ext::setColorKey(scaled, scaled->format->palette->colors[0]); else if(scaled->format && scaled->format->Amask) SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(scaled, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);//just in case else CSDL_Ext::setDefaultColorKey(scaled);//just in case auto ret = std::make_shared(scaled, preScaleFactor); ret->fullSize.x = (int) round((float)fullSize.x * scaleX); ret->fullSize.y = (int) round((float)fullSize.y * scaleY); ret->margins.x = (int) round((float)margins.x * scaleX); ret->margins.y = (int) round((float)margins.y * scaleY); // erase our own reference SDL_FreeSurface(scaled); if (surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, originalPalette); return ret; } void SDLImageShared::exportBitmap(const boost::filesystem::path& path, SDL_Palette * palette) const { if (!surf) return; if (palette && surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, palette); IMG_SavePNG(surf, path.string().c_str()); if (palette && surf->format->palette) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surf, originalPalette); } void SDLImageIndexed::playerColored(PlayerColor player) { graphics->setPlayerPalette(currentPalette, player); } bool SDLImageShared::isTransparent(const Point & coords) const { if (surf) return CSDL_Ext::isTransparent(surf, coords.x - margins.x, coords.y - margins.y); else return true; } Rect SDLImageShared::contentRect() const { auto tmpMargins = margins / preScaleFactor; auto tmpSize = Point(surf->w, surf->h) / preScaleFactor; return Rect(tmpMargins, tmpSize); } Point SDLImageShared::dimensions() const { return fullSize / preScaleFactor; } std::shared_ptr SDLImageShared::createImageReference(EImageBlitMode mode) const { if (surf && surf->format->palette) return std::make_shared(shared_from_this(), originalPalette, mode); else return std::make_shared(shared_from_this(), mode); } std::shared_ptr SDLImageShared::horizontalFlip() const { if (!surf) return shared_from_this(); SDL_Surface * flipped = CSDL_Ext::horizontalFlip(surf); auto ret = std::make_shared(flipped, preScaleFactor); ret->fullSize = fullSize; ret->margins.x = margins.x; ret->margins.y = fullSize.y - surf->h - margins.y; ret->fullSize = fullSize; return ret; } std::shared_ptr SDLImageShared::verticalFlip() const { if (!surf) return shared_from_this(); SDL_Surface * flipped = CSDL_Ext::verticalFlip(surf); auto ret = std::make_shared(flipped, preScaleFactor); ret->fullSize = fullSize; ret->margins.x = fullSize.x - surf->w - margins.x; ret->margins.y = margins.y; ret->fullSize = fullSize; return ret; } // Keep the original palette, in order to do color switching operation void SDLImageShared::savePalette() { // For some images that don't have palette, skip this if(surf->format->palette == nullptr) return; if(originalPalette == nullptr) originalPalette = SDL_AllocPalette(surf->format->palette->ncolors); SDL_SetPaletteColors(originalPalette, surf->format->palette->colors, 0, surf->format->palette->ncolors); } void SDLImageIndexed::shiftPalette(uint32_t firstColorID, uint32_t colorsToMove, uint32_t distanceToMove) { std::vector shifterColors(colorsToMove); for(uint32_t i=0; icolors[firstColorID + i]; SDL_SetPaletteColors(currentPalette, shifterColors.data(), firstColorID, colorsToMove); } void SDLImageIndexed::adjustPalette(const ColorFilter & shifter, uint32_t colorsToSkipMask) { // If shadow is enabled, following colors must be skipped unconditionally if (blitMode == EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW || blitMode == EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY) colorsToSkipMask |= (1 << 0) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 4); // Note: here we skip first colors in the palette that are predefined in H3 images for(int i = 0; i < currentPalette->ncolors; i++) { if (i < std::size(sourcePalette) && colorsSimilar(sourcePalette[i], originalPalette->colors[i])) continue; if(i < std::numeric_limits::digits && ((colorsToSkipMask >> i) & 1) == 1) continue; currentPalette->colors[i] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(shifter.shiftColor(CSDL_Ext::fromSDL(originalPalette->colors[i]))); } } SDLImageIndexed::SDLImageIndexed(const std::shared_ptr & image, SDL_Palette * originalPalette, EImageBlitMode mode) :SDLImageBase::SDLImageBase(image, mode) ,originalPalette(originalPalette) { currentPalette = SDL_AllocPalette(originalPalette->ncolors); SDL_SetPaletteColors(currentPalette, originalPalette->colors, 0, originalPalette->ncolors); preparePalette(); } SDLImageIndexed::~SDLImageIndexed() { SDL_FreePalette(currentPalette); } void SDLImageIndexed::setShadowTransparency(float factor) { ColorRGBA shadow50(0, 0, 0, 128 * factor); ColorRGBA shadow25(0, 0, 0, 64 * factor); std::array colorsSDL = { originalPalette->colors[0], originalPalette->colors[1], originalPalette->colors[2], originalPalette->colors[3], originalPalette->colors[4] }; // seems to be used unconditionally colorsSDL[0] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::TRANSPARENCY); colorsSDL[1] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(shadow25); colorsSDL[4] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(shadow50); // seems to be used only if color matches if (colorsSimilar(originalPalette->colors[2], sourcePalette[2])) colorsSDL[2] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(shadow25); if (colorsSimilar(originalPalette->colors[3], sourcePalette[3])) colorsSDL[3] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(shadow50); SDL_SetPaletteColors(currentPalette, colorsSDL.data(), 0, colorsSDL.size()); } void SDLImageIndexed::setOverlayColor(const ColorRGBA & color) { currentPalette->colors[5] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(addColors(targetPalette[5], color)); for (int i : {6,7}) { if (colorsSimilar(originalPalette->colors[i], sourcePalette[i])) currentPalette->colors[i] = CSDL_Ext::toSDL(addColors(targetPalette[i], color)); } } void SDLImageIndexed::preparePalette() { switch(blitMode) { case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_SHADOW: case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_OVERLAY: adjustPalette(ColorFilter::genAlphaShifter(0), 0); break; } switch(blitMode) { case EImageBlitMode::SIMPLE: case EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW: case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_SHADOW: case EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY: setShadowTransparency(1.0); break; case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_BODY: case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_BODY_IGNORE_OVERLAY: case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_OVERLAY: setShadowTransparency(0.0); break; } switch(blitMode) { case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_OVERLAY: case EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY: setOverlayColor(Colors::WHITE_TRUE); break; case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_SHADOW: case EImageBlitMode::ONLY_BODY: setOverlayColor(Colors::TRANSPARENCY); break; } } SDLImageShared::~SDLImageShared() { SDL_FreeSurface(surf); SDL_FreePalette(originalPalette); } SDLImageBase::SDLImageBase(const std::shared_ptr & image, EImageBlitMode mode) :image(image) , alphaValue(SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE) , blitMode(mode) {} std::shared_ptr SDLImageBase::getSharedImage() const { return image; } void SDLImageRGB::draw(SDL_Surface * where, const Point & pos, const Rect * src) const { image->draw(where, nullptr, pos, src, Colors::WHITE_TRUE, alphaValue, blitMode); } void SDLImageIndexed::draw(SDL_Surface * where, const Point & pos, const Rect * src) const { image->draw(where, currentPalette, pos, src, Colors::WHITE_TRUE, alphaValue, blitMode); } void SDLImageIndexed::exportBitmap(const boost::filesystem::path & path) const { image->exportBitmap(path, currentPalette); } void SDLImageIndexed::scaleTo(const Point & size) { image = image->scaleTo(size, currentPalette); } void SDLImageRGB::scaleTo(const Point & size) { image = image->scaleTo(size, nullptr); } void SDLImageIndexed::scaleInteger(int factor) { image = image->scaleInteger(factor, currentPalette, blitMode); } void SDLImageRGB::scaleInteger(int factor) { image = image->scaleInteger(factor, nullptr, blitMode); } void SDLImageRGB::exportBitmap(const boost::filesystem::path & path) const { image->exportBitmap(path, nullptr); } bool SDLImageBase::isTransparent(const Point & coords) const { return image->isTransparent(coords); } Rect SDLImageBase::contentRect() const { return image->contentRect(); } Point SDLImageBase::dimensions() const { return image->dimensions(); } void SDLImageBase::setAlpha(uint8_t value) { alphaValue = value; } void SDLImageBase::setBlitMode(EImageBlitMode mode) { blitMode = mode; } void SDLImageRGB::setOverlayColor(const ColorRGBA & color) {} void SDLImageRGB::playerColored(PlayerColor player) {} void SDLImageRGB::shiftPalette(uint32_t firstColorID, uint32_t colorsToMove, uint32_t distanceToMove) {} void SDLImageRGB::adjustPalette(const ColorFilter & shifter, uint32_t colorsToSkipMask) {}