/* * AIhelper.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "AIhelper.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" boost::thread_specific_ptr ah; AIhelper::AIhelper() { resourceManager.reset(new ResourceManager); } AIhelper::~AIhelper() { } bool AIhelper::notifyGoalCompleted(Goals::TSubgoal goal) { return resourceManager->notifyGoalCompleted(goal); } void AIhelper::setCB(CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * CB) { resourceManager->setCB(CB); } void AIhelper::setAI(VCAI * AI) { resourceManager->setAI(AI); } Goals::TSubgoal AIhelper::whatToDo(TResources & res, Goals::TSubgoal goal) { return resourceManager->whatToDo(res, goal); } Goals::TSubgoal AIhelper::whatToDo() const { return resourceManager->whatToDo(); } bool AIhelper::containsObjective(Goals::TSubgoal goal) const { return resourceManager->containsObjective(goal); } bool AIhelper::hasTasksLeft() const { return resourceManager->hasTasksLeft(); } bool AIhelper::canAfford(const TResources & cost) const { return resourceManager->canAfford(cost); } TResources AIhelper::reservedResources() const { return resourceManager->reservedResources(); } TResources AIhelper::freeResources() const { return resourceManager->freeResources(); } TResource AIhelper::freeGold() const { return resourceManager->freeGold(); } TResources AIhelper::allResources() const { return resourceManager->allResources(); } TResource AIhelper::allGold() const { return resourceManager->allGold(); }