#include "StdInc.h" #include #include "CVideoHandler.h" #include "UIFramework/CGuiHandler.h" #include "UIFramework/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../lib/Filesystem/CResourceLoader.h" extern CGuiHandler GH; //global gui handler //reads events and returns true on key down static bool keyDown() { SDL_Event ev; while(SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) { if(ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || ev.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) return true; } return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 #include void checkForError(bool throwing = true) { int error = GetLastError(); if(!error) return; tlog1 << "Error " << error << " encountered!\n"; std::string msg; char* pTemp = NULL; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), (LPSTR)&pTemp, 1, NULL ); tlog1 << "Error: " << pTemp << std::endl; msg = pTemp; LocalFree( pTemp ); pTemp = NULL; if(throwing) throw std::runtime_error(msg); } void blitBuffer(char *buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h, SDL_Surface *dst) { const int bpp = dst->format->BytesPerPixel; char *dest; for(int i = h; i > 0; i--) { dest = (char*)dst->pixels + dst->pitch*(y+h-i) + x*dst->format->BytesPerPixel; memcpy(dest, buffer, bpp*w); buffer += bpp*w; } } void DLLHandler::Instantiate(const char *filename) { name = filename; dll = LoadLibraryA(filename); if(!dll) { tlog1 << "Failed loading " << filename << std::endl; checkForError(true); } } void *DLLHandler::FindAddress(const char *symbol) { void *ret; if(!dll) { tlog1 << "Cannot look for " << symbol << " because DLL hasn't been appropriately loaded!\n"; return NULL; } ret = (void*) GetProcAddress(dll,symbol); if(!ret) { tlog1 << "Failed to find " << symbol << " in " << name << std::endl; checkForError(); } return ret; } DLLHandler::~DLLHandler() { if(dll) { if(!FreeLibrary(dll)) { tlog1 << "Failed to free " << name << std::endl; checkForError(); } } } DLLHandler::DLLHandler() { dll = NULL; } CBIKHandler::CBIKHandler() { Instantiate("BINKW32.DLL"); //binkGetError = FindAddress("_BinkGetError@0"); binkOpen = (BinkOpen)FindAddress("_BinkOpen@8"); binkSetSoundSystem = (BinkSetSoundSystem)FindAddress("_BinkSetSoundSystem@8"); //getPalette = (BinkGetPalette)FindAddress("_BinkGetPalette@4"); binkNextFrame = (BinkNextFrame)FindAddress("_BinkNextFrame@4"); binkDoFrame = (BinkDoFrame)FindAddress("_BinkDoFrame@4"); binkCopyToBuffer = (BinkCopyToBuffer)FindAddress("_BinkCopyToBuffer@28"); binkWait = (BinkWait)FindAddress("_BinkWait@4"); binkClose = (BinkClose)FindAddress("_BinkClose@4"); hBinkFile = NULL; hBink = NULL; buffer = NULL; bufferSize = 0; } bool CBIKHandler::open(std::string name) { hBinkFile = CreateFileA ( name.c_str(), // file name GENERIC_READ, // access mode FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode NULL, // Security Descriptor OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,//FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, // file attributes 0 // handle to template file ); if(hBinkFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { tlog1 << "BIK handler: failed to open " << name << std::endl; goto checkErrorAndClean; } //GCC wants scope of waveout to dont cross labels/swith/goto { void *waveout = GetProcAddress(dll,"_BinkOpenWaveOut@4"); if(waveout) binkSetSoundSystem(waveout,NULL); } hBink = binkOpen(hBinkFile, 0x8a800000); if(!hBink) { tlog1 << "bink failed to open " << name << std::endl; goto checkErrorAndClean; } allocBuffer(); return true; checkErrorAndClean: CloseHandle(hBinkFile); hBinkFile = NULL; checkForError(); throw std::runtime_error("BIK failed opening video!"); } void CBIKHandler::show( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { const int w = hBink->width, h = hBink->height, Bpp = dst->format->BytesPerPixel; int mode = -1; //screen color depth might have changed... (eg. because F4) if(bufferSize != w * h * Bpp) { freeBuffer(); allocBuffer(Bpp); } switch(Bpp) { case 2: mode = 3; //565, mode 2 is 555 probably break; case 3: mode = 0; break; case 4: mode = 1; break; default: return; //not supported screen depth } binkDoFrame(hBink); binkCopyToBuffer(hBink, buffer, w*Bpp, h, 0, 0, mode); blitBuffer(buffer, x, y, w, h, dst); if(update) SDL_UpdateRect(dst, x, y, w, h); } bool CBIKHandler::nextFrame() { binkNextFrame(hBink); return true; } void CBIKHandler::close() { binkClose(hBink); hBink = NULL; CloseHandle(hBinkFile); hBinkFile = NULL; delete [] buffer; buffer = NULL; bufferSize = 0; } bool CBIKHandler::wait() { return binkWait(hBink); } int CBIKHandler::curFrame() const { return hBink->currentFrame; } int CBIKHandler::frameCount() const { return hBink->frameCount; } void CBIKHandler::redraw( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { int w = hBink->width, h = hBink->height; blitBuffer(buffer, x, y, w, h, dst); if(update) SDL_UpdateRect(dst, x, y, w, h); } void CBIKHandler::allocBuffer(int Bpp) { if(!Bpp) Bpp = screen->format->BytesPerPixel; bufferSize = hBink->width * hBink->height * Bpp; buffer = new char[bufferSize]; } void CBIKHandler::freeBuffer() { delete [] buffer; buffer = NULL; bufferSize = 0; } bool CSmackPlayer::nextFrame() { ptrSmackNextFrame(data); return true; } bool CSmackPlayer::wait() { return ptrSmackWait(data); } CSmackPlayer::CSmackPlayer() : data(NULL) { Instantiate("smackw32.dll"); ptrSmackNextFrame = (SmackNextFrame)FindAddress("_SmackNextFrame@4"); ptrSmackWait = (SmackWait)FindAddress("_SmackWait@4"); ptrSmackDoFrame = (SmackDoFrame)FindAddress("_SmackDoFrame@4"); ptrSmackToBuffer = (SmackToBuffer)FindAddress("_SmackToBuffer@28"); ptrSmackOpen = (SmackOpen)FindAddress("_SmackOpen@12"); ptrSmackSoundOnOff = (SmackSoundOnOff)FindAddress("_SmackSoundOnOff@8"); ptrSmackClose = (SmackClose)FindAddress("_SmackClose@4"); ptrVolumePan = (SmackVolumePan)FindAddress("_SmackVolumePan@16"); } CSmackPlayer::~CSmackPlayer() { if(data) close(); } void CSmackPlayer::close() { ptrSmackClose(data); data = NULL; } bool CSmackPlayer::open( std::string name ) { Uint32 flags[2] = {0xff400, 0xfe400}; data = ptrSmackOpen( (void*)name.c_str(), flags[1], -1); if (!data) { tlog1 << "Smack cannot open " << name << std::endl; checkForError(); throw std::runtime_error("SMACK failed opening video"); } buffer = new char[data->width*data->height*2]; buf = buffer+data->width*(data->height-1)*2; // adjust pointer position for later use by 'SmackToBuffer' //ptrVolumePan(data, 0xfe000, 3640 * GDefaultOptions.musicVolume / 11, 0x8000); //set volume return true; } void CSmackPlayer::show( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update) { int w = data->width; int stripe = (-w*2) & (~3); //put frame to the buffer ptrSmackToBuffer(data, 0, 0, stripe, w, buf, 0x80000000); ptrSmackDoFrame(data); redraw(x, y, dst, update); } int CSmackPlayer::curFrame() const { return data->currentFrame; } int CSmackPlayer::frameCount() const { return data->frameCount; } void CSmackPlayer::redraw( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { int w = std::min(data->width, dst->w - x), h = std::min(data->height, dst->h - y); /* Lock the screen for direct access to the pixels */ if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(dst) ) { if ( SDL_LockSurface(dst) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't lock screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } } // draw the frame Uint16* addr = (Uint16*) (buffer+w*(h-1)*2-2); if(dst->format->BytesPerPixel >= 3) { for( int j=0; j=0; i--) { Uint16 pixel = *addr; Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)dst->pixels + (j+y) * dst->pitch + (i + x) * dst->format->BytesPerPixel; p[2] = ((pixel & 0x7c00) >> 10) * 8; p[1] = ((pixel & 0x3e0) >> 5) * 8; p[0] = ((pixel & 0x1F)) * 8; addr--; } } } else if(dst->format->BytesPerPixel == 2) { for( int j=0; j=0; i--) { //convert rgb 555 to 565 Uint16 pixel = *addr; Uint16 *p = (Uint16 *)((Uint8 *)dst->pixels + (j+y) * dst->pitch + (i + x) * dst->format->BytesPerPixel); *p = (pixel & 0x1F) + ((pixel & 0x3e0) << 1) + ((pixel & 0x7c00) << 1); addr--; } } } if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(dst) ) { SDL_UnlockSurface(dst); } if(update) SDL_UpdateRect(dst, x, y, w, h); } CVideoPlayer::CVideoPlayer() { current = NULL; } CVideoPlayer::~CVideoPlayer() { } bool CVideoPlayer::open(std::string name) { if(boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, ".BIK")) current = &bikPlayer; else current = &smkPlayer; fname = name; first = true; try { // Extract video from video.vid so we can play it. // We can handle only videos in form of single file, no archive support yet. { auto myVideo = CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID("VIDEO/" + name, EResType::VIDEO)); unique_ptr data = unique_ptr(new char[myVideo->getSize()]); myVideo->read((ui8*)data.get(), myVideo->getSize()); std::ofstream out(name, std::ofstream::binary); out.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); out.write(data.get(), myVideo->getSize()); } current->open(name); return true; } catch(std::exception &e) { current = nullptr; tlog3 << "Failed to open video file " << name << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; } return false; } void CVideoPlayer::close() { if(!current) { tlog2 << "Closing no opened player...?" << std::endl; return; } current->close(); current = NULL; if(!DeleteFileA(fname.c_str())) { tlog1 << "Cannot remove temporarily extracted video file: " << fname; checkForError(false); } fname.clear(); } bool CVideoPlayer::nextFrame() { if(current) { current->nextFrame(); return true; } else return false; } void CVideoPlayer::show(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update) { if(current) current->show(x, y, dst, update); } bool CVideoPlayer::wait() { if(current) return current->wait(); else return false; } int CVideoPlayer::curFrame() const { if(current) return current->curFrame(); else return -1; } int CVideoPlayer::frameCount() const { if(current) return current->frameCount(); else return -1; } bool CVideoPlayer::openAndPlayVideo(std::string name, int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey) { if(!open(name)) return false; bool ret = playVideo(x, y, dst, stopOnKey); close(); return ret; } void CVideoPlayer::update( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool forceRedraw, bool update ) { if(!current) return; bool w = false; if(!first) { w = wait(); //check if should keep current frame if(!w) nextFrame(); } else { first = false; } if(!w) { show(x,y,dst,update); } else if (forceRedraw) { redraw(x, y, dst, update); } } void CVideoPlayer::redraw( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { if(current) current->redraw(x, y, dst, update); } bool CVideoPlayer::playVideo(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey) { if(!current) return false; int frame = 0; while(frame < frameCount()) //play all frames { if(stopOnKey && keyDown()) return false; if(!wait()) { show(x, y, dst); nextFrame(); frame++; } SDL_Delay(20); } return true; } #else #ifndef DISABLE_VIDEO #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > AV_VERSION_INT(52, 117, 0) // Define a set of functions to read data static int lodRead(void* opaque, uint8_t* buf, int size) { auto video = reinterpret_cast(opaque); vstd::amin(size, video->length - video->offset); if (size < 0) return -1; memcpy(buf, video->data + video->offset, size); video->offset += size; return size; } static si64 lodSeek(void * opaque, si64 pos, int whence) { auto video = reinterpret_cast(opaque); if (whence & AVSEEK_SIZE) return video->length; video->offset = pos; vstd::amin(video->offset, video->length); return video->offset; } #else static const char *protocol_name = "lod"; // Open a pseudo file. Name is something like 'lod:0x56432ab6c43df8fe' static int lodOpen(URLContext *context, const char *filename, int flags) { CVideoPlayer *video; // Retrieve pointer to CVideoPlayer object filename += strlen(protocol_name) + 1; video = (CVideoPlayer *)(uintptr_t)strtoull(filename, NULL, 16); // TODO: check flags ? context->priv_data = video; return 0; } static int lodClose(URLContext* h) { return 0; } // Define a set of functions to read data static int lodRead(URLContext *context, ui8 *buf, int size) { CVideoPlayer *video = (CVideoPlayer *)context->priv_data; vstd::amin(size, video->length - video->offset); if (size < 0) return -1; // TODO: can we avoid that copy ? memcpy(buf, video->data + video->offset, size); video->offset += size; return size; } static si64 lodSeek(URLContext *context, si64 pos, int whence) { CVideoPlayer *video = (CVideoPlayer *)context->priv_data; if (whence & AVSEEK_SIZE) return video->length; video->offset = pos; vstd::amin(video->offset, video->length); return video->offset; } static URLProtocol lod_protocol = { protocol_name, lodOpen, lodRead, NULL, // no write lodSeek, lodClose }; #endif CVideoPlayer::CVideoPlayer() { format = NULL; frame = NULL; codec = NULL; sws = NULL; overlay = NULL; dest = NULL; context = nullptr; buffer = nullptr; // Register codecs. TODO: May be overkill. Should call a // combination of av_register_input_format() / // av_register_output_format() / av_register_protocol() instead. av_register_all(); #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > AV_VERSION_INT(52, 117, 0) #elif LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > AV_VERSION_INT(52, 69, 0) // Register our protocol 'lod' so we can directly read from mmaped memory av_register_protocol2(&lod_protocol, sizeof(lod_protocol)); #else av_register_protocol(&lod_protocol); #endif } bool CVideoPlayer::open(std::string fname) { return open(fname, true, false); } // loop = to loop through the video // useOverlay = directly write to the screen. bool CVideoPlayer::open(std::string fname, bool loop, bool useOverlay) { close(); this->fname = fname; offset = 0; refreshWait = 3; refreshCount = -1; doLoop = loop; ResourceID resource(std::string("Video/") + fname, EResType::VIDEO); if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(resource)) { auto extracted = CResourceHandler::get()->loadData(resource); data = (char *)extracted.first.release(); length = extracted.second; } else { data = nullptr; length = 0; return false; } #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > AV_VERSION_INT(52, 117, 0) static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; buffer = (unsigned char *)av_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);// will be freed by ffmpeg context = avio_alloc_context( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, (void *)this, lodRead, NULL, lodSeek); format = avformat_alloc_context(); format->pb = context; // filename is not needed - file was already open and stored in this->data; int avfopen = avformat_open_input(&format, "dummyFilename", nullptr, nullptr); #else std::string filePath; filePath.resize(100); // Create our URL name with the 'lod' protocol as a prefix and a // back pointer to our object. Should be 32 and 64 bits compatible. sprintf(&filePath[0], "%s:0x%016llx", protocol_name, (unsigned long long)(uintptr_t)this); #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53, 0, 0) int avfopen = av_open_input_file(&format, filePath.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL); #else int avfopen = avformat_open_input(&format, filePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL); #endif #endif if (avfopen != 0) { return false; } // Retrieve stream information #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53, 17, 0) if (av_find_stream_info(format) < 0) #else if (avformat_find_stream_info(format, NULL) < 0) #endif return false; // Find the first video stream stream = -1; for(ui32 i=0; inb_streams; i++) { #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53, 0, 0) if (format->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) #else if (format->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) #endif { stream = i; break; } } if (stream < 0) // No video stream in that file return false; // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream codecContext = format->streams[stream]->codec; // Find the decoder for the video stream codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecContext->codec_id); if (codec == NULL) { // Unsupported codec return false; } // Open codec #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53, 6, 0) if ( avcodec_open(codecContext, codec) < 0 ) #else if ( avcodec_open2(codecContext, codec, NULL) < 0 ) #endif { // Could not open codec codec = NULL; return false; } // Allocate video frame frame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); // Allocate a place to put our YUV image on that screen if (useOverlay) { overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(codecContext->width, codecContext->height, SDL_YV12_OVERLAY, screen); } else { dest = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(codecContext->width, codecContext->height); destRect.x = destRect.y = 0; destRect.w = codecContext->width; destRect.h = codecContext->height; } if (overlay == NULL && dest == NULL) return false; // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses if (overlay) { sws = sws_getContext(codecContext->width, codecContext->height, codecContext->pix_fmt, codecContext->width, codecContext->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { PixelFormat screenFormat = PIX_FMT_NONE; switch(screen->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 2: screenFormat = PIX_FMT_RGB565; break; case 3: screenFormat = PIX_FMT_RGB24; break; case 4: screenFormat = PIX_FMT_RGB32; break; default: return false; } sws = sws_getContext(codecContext->width, codecContext->height, codecContext->pix_fmt, codecContext->width, codecContext->height, screenFormat, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (sws == NULL) return false; pos.w = codecContext->width; pos.h = codecContext->height; return true; } // Read the next frame. Return false on error/end of file. bool CVideoPlayer::nextFrame() { AVPacket packet; int frameFinished = 0; bool gotError = false; if (sws == NULL) return false; while(!frameFinished) { int ret = av_read_frame(format, &packet); if (ret < 0) { // Error. It's probably an end of file. if (doLoop && !gotError) { // Rewind if (av_seek_frame(format, stream, 0, 0) < 0) break; gotError = true; } else { break; } } else { // Is this a packet from the video stream? if (packet.stream_index == stream) { // Decode video frame #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(52, 25, 0) avcodec_decode_video(codecContext, frame, &frameFinished, packet.data, packet.size); #else avcodec_decode_video2(codecContext, frame, &frameFinished, &packet); #endif // Did we get a video frame? if (frameFinished) { AVPicture pict; if (overlay) { SDL_LockYUVOverlay(overlay); pict.data[0] = overlay->pixels[0]; pict.data[1] = overlay->pixels[2]; pict.data[2] = overlay->pixels[1]; pict.linesize[0] = overlay->pitches[0]; pict.linesize[1] = overlay->pitches[2]; pict.linesize[2] = overlay->pitches[1]; sws_scale(sws, frame->data, frame->linesize, 0, codecContext->height, pict.data, pict.linesize); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(overlay); } else { pict.data[0] = (ui8 *)dest->pixels; pict.linesize[0] = dest->pitch; sws_scale(sws, frame->data, frame->linesize, 0, codecContext->height, pict.data, pict.linesize); } } } av_free_packet(&packet); } } return frameFinished != 0; } void CVideoPlayer::show( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { if (sws == NULL) return; pos.x = x; pos.y = y; CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(dest, &destRect, dst, &pos); if (update) SDL_UpdateRect(dst, pos.x, pos.y, pos.w, pos.h); } void CVideoPlayer::redraw( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool update ) { show(x, y, dst, update); } void CVideoPlayer::update( int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool forceRedraw, bool update ) { if (sws == NULL) return; if (refreshCount <= 0) { refreshCount = refreshWait; if (nextFrame()) show(x,y,dst,update); else { open(fname); nextFrame(); // The y position is wrong at the first frame. // Note: either the windows player or the linux player is // broken. Compensate here until the bug is found. show(x, y--, dst, update); } } else { redraw(x, y, dst, update); } refreshCount --; } void CVideoPlayer::close() { fname = ""; if (sws) { sws_freeContext(sws); sws = NULL; } if (overlay) { SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(overlay); overlay = NULL; } if (dest) { SDL_FreeSurface(dest); dest = NULL; } if (frame) { av_free(frame); frame = NULL; } if (codec) { avcodec_close(codecContext); codec = NULL; codecContext = NULL; } if (format) { #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53, 17, 0) av_close_input_file(format); format = NULL; #else avformat_close_input(&format); #endif } #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > AV_VERSION_INT(52, 117, 0) if (context) { av_free(context); context = nullptr; } #endif } // Plays a video. Only works for overlays. bool CVideoPlayer::playVideo(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey) { // Note: either the windows player or the linux player is // broken. Compensate here until the bug is found. y--; pos.x = x; pos.y = y; while(nextFrame()) { if(stopOnKey && keyDown()) return false; SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &pos); // Wait 3 frames GH.mainFPSmng->framerateDelay(); GH.mainFPSmng->framerateDelay(); GH.mainFPSmng->framerateDelay(); } return true; } bool CVideoPlayer::openAndPlayVideo(std::string name, int x, int y, SDL_Surface *dst, bool stopOnKey) { open(name, false, true); bool ret = playVideo(x, y, dst, stopOnKey); close(); return ret; } CVideoPlayer::~CVideoPlayer() { close(); } #endif #endif