/* * CStatisticScreen.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CStatisticScreen.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/WindowHandler.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../render/Graphics.h" #include "../widgets/ComboBox.h" #include "../widgets/Images.h" #include "../widgets/GraphicalPrimitiveCanvas.h" #include "../widgets/TextControls.h" #include "../widgets/Buttons.h" #include "../windows/InfoWindows.h" #include "../widgets/Slider.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/GameStatistics.h" #include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include CStatisticScreen::CStatisticScreen(StatisticDataSet stat) : CWindowObject(BORDERED), statistic(stat) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; pos = center(Rect(0, 0, 800, 600)); filledBackground = std::make_shared(ImagePath::builtin("DiBoxBck"), Rect(0, 0, pos.w, pos.h)); filledBackground->setPlayerColor(PlayerColor(1)); auto contentArea = Rect(10, 40, 780, 510); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(400, 20, FONT_BIG, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.statistic"))); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(contentArea, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 64), ColorRGBA(64, 80, 128, 255), 1)); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(Point(725, 564), AnimationPath::builtin("MUBCHCK"), CButton::tooltip(), [this](){ close(); }, EShortcut::GLOBAL_ACCEPT)); buttonSelect = std::make_shared(Point(10, 564), AnimationPath::builtin("GSPBUT2"), CButton::tooltip(), [this](bool on){ std::vector texts = { "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4", "test5", "test6", "test7", "test8", "test9", "test10", "test11", "test12" }; GH.windows().createAndPushWindow(texts, [](int selectedIndex) { }); }); buttonSelect->setTextOverlay(CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.selectView"), EFonts::FONT_SMALL, Colors::YELLOW); buttonCsvSave = std::make_shared(Point(150, 564), AnimationPath::builtin("GSPBUT2"), CButton::tooltip(), [this](bool on){ std::string path = statistic.writeCsv(); CInfoWindow::showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.csvSaved") + "\n\n" + path, {}); }); buttonCsvSave->setTextOverlay(CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.csvSave"), EFonts::FONT_SMALL, Colors::YELLOW); //auto plotData = extractData(stat, [](StatisticDataSetEntry val){ return val.resources[EGameResID::GOLD]; }); //mainContent = std::make_shared(contentArea.resize(-5), "Total Gold", plotData); mainContent = std::make_shared(contentArea.resize(-15), stat); } std::map> CStatisticScreen::extractData(StatisticDataSet stat, std::function selector) { auto tmpData = stat.data; std::sort(tmpData.begin(), tmpData.end(), [](StatisticDataSetEntry v1, StatisticDataSetEntry v2){ return v1.player == v2.player ? v1.day < v2.day : v1.player < v2.player; }); PlayerColor tmpColor = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; std::vector tmpColorSet; std::map> plotData; for(auto & val : tmpData) { if(tmpColor != val.player) { if(tmpColorSet.size()) { plotData.emplace(graphics->playerColors[tmpColor.getNum()], std::vector(tmpColorSet)); tmpColorSet.clear(); } tmpColor = val.player; } if(val.status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME) tmpColorSet.push_back(selector(val)); } if(tmpColorSet.size()) plotData.emplace(graphics->playerColors[tmpColor.getNum()], std::vector(tmpColorSet)); return plotData; } StatisticSelector::StatisticSelector(std::vector texts, std::function cb) : CWindowObject(BORDERED), texts(texts), cb(cb) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; pos = center(Rect(0, 0, 128 + 16, std::min((int)texts.size(), LINES) * 40)); filledBackground = std::make_shared(ImagePath::builtin("DiBoxBck"), Rect(0, 0, pos.w, pos.h)); filledBackground->setPlayerColor(PlayerColor(1)); slider = std::make_shared(Point(pos.w - 16, 0), pos.h, [this](int to){ update(to); redraw(); }, LINES, texts.size(), 0, Orientation::VERTICAL, CSlider::BLUE); slider->setPanningStep(40); slider->setScrollBounds(Rect(-pos.w + slider->pos.w, 0, pos.w, pos.h)); update(0); } void StatisticSelector::update(int to) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; buttons.clear(); for(int i = to; i < LINES + to; i++) { if(i>=texts.size()) continue; auto button = std::make_shared(Point(0, 10 + (i - to) * 40), AnimationPath::builtin("GSPBUT2"), CButton::tooltip(), [this, i](bool on){ cb(i); close(); }); button->setTextOverlay(texts[i], EFonts::FONT_SMALL, Colors::WHITE); buttons.push_back(button); } } OverviewPanel::OverviewPanel(Rect position, StatisticDataSet data) : CIntObject() { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; pos = position + pos.topLeft(); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, 10, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.title.overview"))); int yOffs = 30; canvas = std::make_shared(Rect(0, yOffs, pos.w - 16, pos.h - yOffs)); int usedLines = 100; slider = std::make_shared(Point(pos.w - 16, yOffs), pos.h - yOffs, [this](int to){ update(); redraw(); }, LINES, usedLines, 0, Orientation::VERTICAL, CSlider::BLUE); slider->setPanningStep(canvas->pos.h / LINES); slider->setScrollBounds(Rect(-pos.w + slider->pos.w, 0, pos.w, canvas->pos.h)); update(); } void OverviewPanel::update() { Point fieldSize(canvas->pos.w / (graphics->playerColors.size() + 2), canvas->pos.h / LINES); for(int x = 0; x < graphics->playerColors.size() + 1; x++) for(int y = 0; y < LINES; y++) { int xStart = (x + (x == 0 ? 0 : 1)) * fieldSize.x; int yStart = y * fieldSize.y; if(x == 0 || y == 0) canvas->addBox(Point(xStart, yStart), Point(x == 0 ? 2 * fieldSize.x : fieldSize.x, fieldSize.y), ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 100)); canvas->addRectangle(Point(xStart, yStart), Point(x == 0 ? 2 * fieldSize.x : fieldSize.x, fieldSize.y), ColorRGBA(127, 127, 127, 255)); } } LineChart::LineChart(Rect position, std::string title, std::map> data) : CIntObject(), maxVal(0), maxDay(0) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | MOVE); pos = position + pos.topLeft(); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(pos.w / 2, 10, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, title)); chartArea = pos.resize(-50); chartArea.moveTo(Point(50, 50)); canvas = std::make_shared(Rect(0, 0, pos.w, pos.h)); statusBar = CGStatusBar::create(0, 0, ImagePath::builtin("radialMenu/statusBar")); statusBar->setEnabled(false); // additional calculations for(auto & line : data) { for(auto & val : line.second) if(maxVal < val) maxVal = val; if(maxDay < line.second.size()) maxDay = line.second.size(); } // draw for(auto & line : data) { Point lastPoint = Point(-1, -1); for(int i = 0; i < line.second.size(); i++) { float x = ((float)chartArea.w / (float)(maxDay-1)) * (float)i; float y = (float)chartArea.h - ((float)chartArea.h / maxVal) * line.second[i]; Point p = Point(x, y) + chartArea.topLeft(); if(lastPoint.x != -1) canvas->addLine(lastPoint, p, line.first); lastPoint = p; } } // Axis canvas->addLine(chartArea.topLeft() + Point(0, -10), chartArea.topLeft() + Point(0, chartArea.h + 10), Colors::WHITE); canvas->addLine(chartArea.topLeft() + Point(-10, chartArea.h), chartArea.topLeft() + Point(chartArea.w + 10, chartArea.h), Colors::WHITE); Point p = chartArea.topLeft() + Point(-5, chartArea.h + 10); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(p.x, p.y, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTERRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, "0")); p = chartArea.topLeft() + Point(chartArea.w + 10, chartArea.h + 10); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(p.x, p.y, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string(maxDay))); p = chartArea.topLeft() + Point(-5, -10); layout.push_back(std::make_shared(p.x, p.y, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTERRIGHT, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string((int)maxVal))); } void LineChart::updateStatusBar(const Point & cursorPosition) { statusBar->moveTo(cursorPosition + Point(-statusBar->pos.w / 2, 20)); Rect r(pos.x + chartArea.x, pos.y + chartArea.y, chartArea.w, chartArea.h); statusBar->setEnabled(r.isInside(cursorPosition)); if(r.isInside(cursorPosition)) { float x = ((float)maxDay / (float)chartArea.w) * ((float)cursorPosition.x - (float)r.x) + 1.0f; float y = maxVal - ((float)maxVal / (float)chartArea.h) * ((float)cursorPosition.y - (float)r.y); statusBar->write(CGI->generaltexth->translate("core.genrltxt.64") + ": " + std::to_string((int)x) + " " + CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.statisticWindow.value") + ": " + std::to_string((int)y)); } GH.windows().totalRedraw(); } void LineChart::mouseMoved(const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { updateStatusBar(cursorPosition); } void LineChart::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { updateStatusBar(cursorPosition); }