/* * AIGateway.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "../../lib/ArtifactUtils.h" #include "../../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "../../lib/StartInfo.h" #include "../../lib/entities/building/CBuilding.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/ObjectTemplate.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/IGameSettings.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/UpgradeInfo.h" #include "../../lib/serializer/CTypeList.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForClient.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForServer.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/StackLocation.h" #include "../../lib/battle/BattleStateInfoForRetreat.h" #include "../../lib/battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "../../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "AIGateway.h" #include "Goals/Goals.h" namespace NKAI { //one thread may be turn of AI and another will be handling a side effect for AI2 thread_local CCallback * cb = nullptr; thread_local AIGateway * ai = nullptr; //helper RAII to manage global ai/cb ptrs struct SetGlobalState { SetGlobalState(AIGateway * AI) { assert(!ai); assert(!cb); ai = AI; cb = AI->myCb.get(); } ~SetGlobalState() { //TODO: how to handle rm? shouldn't be called after ai is destroyed, hopefully //TODO: to ensure that, make rm unique_ptr ai = nullptr; cb = nullptr; } }; #define SET_GLOBAL_STATE(ai) SetGlobalState _hlpSetState(ai) #define NET_EVENT_HANDLER SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this) #define MAKING_TURN SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this) AIGateway::AIGateway() { LOG_TRACE(logAi); makingTurn = nullptr; destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID(); destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1); nullkiller.reset(new Nullkiller()); } AIGateway::~AIGateway() { LOG_TRACE(logAi); finish(); nullkiller.reset(); } void AIGateway::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling * town) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero & details, bool verbose) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; auto hero = cb->getHero(details.id); if(!hero) validateObject(details.id); //enemy hero may have left visible area nullkiller->invalidatePathfinderData(); const int3 from = hero ? hero->convertToVisitablePos(details.start) : (details.start - int3(0,1,0)); const int3 to = hero ? hero->convertToVisitablePos(details.end) : (details.end - int3(0,1,0)); const CGObjectInstance * o1 = vstd::frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(from, verbose)); const CGObjectInstance * o2 = vstd::frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(to, verbose)); if(details.result == TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION) { auto t1 = dynamic_cast(o1); auto t2 = dynamic_cast(o2); if(t1 && t2) { if(cb->isTeleportChannelBidirectional(t1->channel)) { if(o1->ID == Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE && o1->ID == o2->ID) // We need to only add subterranean gates in knownSubterraneanGates. Used for features not yet ported to use teleport channels { nullkiller->memory->addSubterraneanGate(o1, o2); } } } } else if(details.result == TryMoveHero::EMBARK && hero) { //make sure AI not attempt to visit used boat validateObject(hero->boat); } else if(details.result == TryMoveHero::DISEMBARK && o1) { auto boat = dynamic_cast(o1); if(boat) addVisitableObj(boat); } } void AIGateway::heroInGarrisonChange(const CGTownInstance * town) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::centerView(int3 pos, int focusTime) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "focusTime '%i'", focusTime); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation & src, const ArtifactLocation & dst) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::artifactAssembled(const ArtifactLocation & al) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance * object, const CGHeroInstance * visitor, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, "TavernWindow"); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::showThievesGuildWindow(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::playerBlocked(int reason, bool start) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "reason '%i', start '%i'", reason % start); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(start && reason == PlayerBlocked::UPCOMING_BATTLE) status.setBattle(UPCOMING_BATTLE); if(reason == PlayerBlocked::ONGOING_MOVEMENT) status.setMove(start); } void AIGateway::showPuzzleMap() { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showShipyardDialog(const IShipyard * obj) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::gameOver(PlayerColor player, const EVictoryLossCheckResult & victoryLossCheckResult) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "victoryLossCheckResult '%s'", victoryLossCheckResult.messageToSelf.toString()); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; logAi->debug("Player %d (%s): I heard that player %d (%s) %s.", playerID, playerID.toString(), player, player.toString(), (victoryLossCheckResult.victory() ? "won" : "lost")); // some whitespace to flush stream logAi->debug(std::string(200, ' ')); if(player == playerID) { if(victoryLossCheckResult.victory()) { logAi->debug("AIGateway: Player %d (%s) won. I won! Incredible!", player, player.toString()); logAi->debug("Turn nr %d", myCb->getDate()); } else { logAi->debug("AIGateway: Player %d (%s) lost. It's me. What a disappointment! :(", player, player.toString()); } // some whitespace to flush stream logAi->debug(std::string(200, ' ')); finish(); } } void AIGateway::artifactPut(const ArtifactLocation & al) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::artifactRemoved(const ArtifactLocation & al) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::artifactDisassembled(const ArtifactLocation & al) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * visitor, const CGObjectInstance * visitedObj, bool start) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "start '%i'; obj '%s'", start % (visitedObj ? visitedObj->getObjectName() : std::string("n/a"))); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(start && visitedObj) //we can end visit with null object, anyway { nullkiller->memory->markObjectVisited(visitedObj); nullkiller->objectClusterizer->invalidate(visitedObj->id); } status.heroVisit(visitedObj, start); } void AIGateway::availableArtifactsChanged(const CGBlackMarket * bm) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CGTownInstance * town) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::tileHidden(const std::unordered_set & pos) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; nullkiller->memory->removeInvisibleObjects(myCb.get()); } void AIGateway::tileRevealed(const std::unordered_set & pos) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; for(int3 tile : pos) { for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : myCb->getVisitableObjs(tile)) addVisitableObj(obj); } if (nullkiller->settings->isUpdateHitmapOnTileReveal() && !pos.empty()) nullkiller->dangerHitMap->resetTileOwners(); } void AIGateway::heroExchangeStarted(ObjectInstanceID hero1, ObjectInstanceID hero2, QueryID query) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; auto firstHero = cb->getHero(hero1); auto secondHero = cb->getHero(hero2); status.addQuery(query, boost::str(boost::format("Exchange between heroes %s (%d) and %s (%d)") % firstHero->getNameTranslated() % firstHero->tempOwner % secondHero->getNameTranslated() % secondHero->tempOwner)); requestActionASAP([=]() { auto transferFrom2to1 = [this](const CGHeroInstance * h1, const CGHeroInstance * h2) -> void { this->pickBestCreatures(h1, h2); this->pickBestArtifacts(h1, h2); }; //Do not attempt army or artifacts exchange if we visited ally player //Visits can still be useful if hero have skills like Scholar if(firstHero->tempOwner != secondHero->tempOwner) { logAi->debug("Heroes owned by different players. Do not exchange army or artifacts."); } else { if(nullkiller->isActive(firstHero)) transferFrom2to1(secondHero, firstHero); else transferFrom2to1(firstHero, secondHero); } answerQuery(query, 0); }); } void AIGateway::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, PrimarySkill which, si64 val) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "which '%i', val '%i'", static_cast(which) % val); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showRecruitmentDialog(const CGDwelling * dwelling, const CArmedInstance * dst, int level, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "level '%i'", level); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, "RecruitmentDialog"); requestActionASAP([=](){ recruitCreatures(dwelling, dst); answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::heroMovePointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::garrisonsChanged(ObjectInstanceID id1, ObjectInstanceID id2) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::newObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; nullkiller->invalidatePathfinderData(); if(obj->isVisitable()) addVisitableObj(obj); } //to prevent AI from accessing objects that got deleted while they became invisible (Cover of Darkness, enemy hero moved etc.) below code allows AI to know deletion of objects out of sight //see: RemoveObject::applyFirstCl, to keep AI "not cheating" do not use advantage of this and use this function just to prevent crashes void AIGateway::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const PlayerColor & initiator) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(!nullkiller) // crash protection return; nullkiller->memory->removeFromMemory(obj); nullkiller->objectClusterizer->onObjectRemoved(obj->id); if(nullkiller->baseGraph && nullkiller->isObjectGraphAllowed()) { nullkiller->baseGraph->removeObject(obj); } if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO && obj->tempOwner == playerID) { lostHero(cb->getHero(obj->id)); //we can promote, since objectRemoved is called just before actual deletion } if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO && cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, playerID) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) nullkiller->dangerHitMap->resetHitmap(); if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) nullkiller->dangerHitMap->resetTileOwners(); } void AIGateway::showHillFortWindow(const CGObjectInstance * object, const CGHeroInstance * visitor) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::playerBonusChanged(const Bonus & bonus, bool gain) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "gain '%i'", gain); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance * h) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::advmapSpellCast(const CGHeroInstance * caster, SpellID spellID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "spellID '%i", spellID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showInfoDialog(EInfoWindowMode type, const std::string & text, const std::vector & components, int soundID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "soundID '%i'", soundID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::requestRealized(PackageApplied * pa) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(status.haveTurn()) { if(pa->packType == CTypeList::getInstance().getTypeID(nullptr)) { if(pa->result) status.madeTurn(); } } if(pa->packType == CTypeList::getInstance().getTypeID(nullptr)) { status.receivedAnswerConfirmation(pa->requestID, pa->result); } } void AIGateway::receivedResource() { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showUniversityWindow(const IMarket * market, const CGHeroInstance * visitor, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, "UniversityWindow"); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::heroManaPointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, int val) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "which '%d', val '%d'", which % val); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::battleResultsApplied() { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; assert(status.getBattle() == ENDING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(NO_BATTLE); } void AIGateway::beforeObjectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty * sop) { } void AIGateway::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty * sop) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(sop->what == ObjProperty::OWNER) { auto relations = myCb->getPlayerRelations(playerID, sop->identifier.as()); auto obj = myCb->getObj(sop->id, false); if(!nullkiller) // crash protection return; if(obj) { if(relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) { //we want to visit objects owned by oppponents //addVisitableObj(obj); // TODO: Remove once save compatibility broken. In past owned objects were removed from this set nullkiller->memory->markObjectUnvisited(obj); } else if(relations == PlayerRelations::SAME_PLAYER && obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) { // reevaluate defence for a new town nullkiller->dangerHitMap->resetHitmap(); } } } } void AIGateway::buildChanged(const CGTownInstance * town, BuildingID buildingID, int what) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "what '%i'", what); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::heroBonusChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const Bonus & bonus, bool gain) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "gain '%i'", gain); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } void AIGateway::showMarketWindow(const IMarket * market, const CGHeroInstance * visitor, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, "MarketWindow"); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::showWorldViewEx(const std::vector & objectPositions, bool showTerrain) { //TODO: AI support for ViewXXX spell LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; } std::optional AIGateway::makeSurrenderRetreatDecision(const BattleID & battleID, const BattleStateInfoForRetreat & battleState) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; if(battleState.ourHero && battleState.ourHero->patrol.patrolling) { return std::nullopt; } double ourStrength = battleState.getOurStrength(); double fightRatio = ourStrength / (double)battleState.getEnemyStrength(); // if we have no towns - things are already bad, so retreat is not an option. if(cb->getTownsInfo().size() && ourStrength < nullkiller->settings->getRetreatThresholdAbsolute() && fightRatio < nullkiller->settings->getRetreatThresholdRelative() && battleState.canFlee) { return BattleAction::makeRetreat(battleState.ourSide); } return std::nullopt; } void AIGateway::initGameInterface(std::shared_ptr env, std::shared_ptr CB) { LOG_TRACE(logAi); myCb = CB; cbc = CB; this->env = env; NET_EVENT_HANDLER; playerID = *myCb->getPlayerID(); myCb->waitTillRealize = true; myCb->unlockGsWhenWaiting = true; nullkiller->init(CB, this); retrieveVisitableObjs(); } void AIGateway::yourTurn(QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "queryID '%i'", queryID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; nullkiller->invalidatePathfinderData(); status.addQuery(queryID, "YourTurn"); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); status.startedTurn(); makingTurn = std::make_unique(&AIGateway::makeTurn, this); } void AIGateway::heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance * hero, PrimarySkill pskill, std::vector & skills, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "queryID '%i'", queryID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Hero %s got level %d") % hero->getNameTranslated() % hero->level)); HeroPtr hPtr = hero; requestActionASAP([=]() { int sel = 0; if(hPtr.validAndSet()) { std::unique_lock lockGuard(nullkiller->aiStateMutex); nullkiller->heroManager->update(); sel = nullkiller->heroManager->selectBestSkill(hPtr, skills); } answerQuery(queryID, sel); }); } void AIGateway::commanderGotLevel(const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector skills, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "queryID '%i'", queryID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Commander %s of %s got level %d") % commander->name % commander->armyObj->nodeName() % (int)commander->level)); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::showBlockingDialog(const std::string & text, const std::vector & components, QueryID askID, const int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel, bool safeToAutoaccept) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "text '%s', askID '%i', soundID '%i', selection '%i', cancel '%i', autoaccept '%i'", text % askID % soundID % selection % cancel % safeToAutoaccept); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(askID, boost::str(boost::format("Blocking dialog query with %d components - %s") % components.size() % text)); auto hero = nullkiller->getActiveHero(); auto target = nullkiller->getTargetTile(); if(!selection && cancel) { requestActionASAP([=]() { //yes&no -> always answer yes, we are a brave AI :) bool answer = true; auto objects = cb->getVisitableObjs(target); if(hero.validAndSet() && target.valid() && objects.size()) { auto topObj = objects.front()->id == hero->id ? objects.back() : objects.front(); auto objType = topObj->ID; // top object should be our hero auto goalObjectID = nullkiller->getTargetObject(); auto danger = nullkiller->dangerEvaluator->evaluateDanger(target, hero.get()); auto ratio = static_cast(danger) / hero->getTotalStrength(); answer = true; if(topObj->id != goalObjectID && nullkiller->dangerEvaluator->evaluateDanger(topObj) > 0) { // no if we do not aim to visit this object answer = false; } logAi->trace("Query hook: %s(%s) by %s danger ratio %f", target.toString(), topObj->getObjectName(), hero.name(), ratio); if(cb->getObj(goalObjectID, false)) { logAi->trace("AI expected %s", cb->getObj(goalObjectID, false)->getObjectName()); } if(objType == Obj::BORDERGUARD || objType == Obj::QUEST_GUARD) { answer = true; } else if(objType == Obj::ARTIFACT || objType == Obj::RESOURCE) { bool dangerUnknown = danger == 0; bool dangerTooHigh = ratio * nullkiller->settings->getSafeAttackRatio() > 1; answer = !dangerUnknown && !dangerTooHigh; } } answerQuery(askID, answer ? 1 : 0); }); return; } requestActionASAP([=]() { int sel = 0; if(selection) //select from multiple components -> take the last one (they're indexed [1-size]) sel = components.size(); { std::unique_lock mxLock(nullkiller->aiStateMutex); // TODO: Find better way to understand it is Chest of Treasures if(hero.validAndSet() && components.size() == 2 && components.front().type == ComponentType::RESOURCE && (nullkiller->heroManager->getHeroRole(hero) != HeroRole::MAIN || nullkiller->buildAnalyzer->isGoldPressureHigh())) { sel = 1; } } answerQuery(askID, sel); }); } void AIGateway::showTeleportDialog(const CGHeroInstance * hero, TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(askID, boost::str(boost::format("Teleport dialog query with %d exits") % exits.size())); int chosenExit = -1; if(impassable) { nullkiller->memory->knownTeleportChannels[channel]->passability = TeleportChannel::IMPASSABLE; } else if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && destinationTeleportPos.valid()) { auto neededExit = std::make_pair(destinationTeleport, destinationTeleportPos); if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && vstd::contains(exits, neededExit)) chosenExit = vstd::find_pos(exits, neededExit); } for(auto exit : exits) { if(status.channelProbing() && exit.first == destinationTeleport) { chosenExit = vstd::find_pos(exits, exit); break; } else { // TODO: Implement checking if visiting that teleport will uncovert any FoW // So far this is the best option to handle decision about probing auto obj = cb->getObj(exit.first, false); if(obj == nullptr && !vstd::contains(teleportChannelProbingList, exit.first)) { if(exit.first != destinationTeleport) teleportChannelProbingList.push_back(exit.first); } } } requestActionASAP([=]() { answerQuery(askID, chosenExit); }); } void AIGateway::showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance * up, const CGHeroInstance * down, bool removableUnits, QueryID queryID) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "removableUnits '%i', queryID '%i'", removableUnits % queryID); NET_EVENT_HANDLER; std::string s1 = up->nodeName(); std::string s2 = down->nodeName(); status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Garrison dialog with %s and %s") % s1 % s2)); //you can't request action from action-response thread requestActionASAP([=]() { if(removableUnits && up->tempOwner == down->tempOwner && nullkiller->settings->isGarrisonTroopsUsageAllowed() && !cb->getStartInfo()->isRestorationOfErathiaCampaign()) { pickBestCreatures(down, up); } answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void AIGateway::showMapObjectSelectDialog(QueryID askID, const Component & icon, const MetaString & title, const MetaString & description, const std::vector & objects) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; status.addQuery(askID, "Map object select query"); requestActionASAP([=](){ answerQuery(askID, selectedObject.getNum()); }); } bool AIGateway::makePossibleUpgrades(const CArmedInstance * obj) { if(!obj) return false; bool upgraded = false; for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; i++) { if(const CStackInstance * s = obj->getStackPtr(SlotID(i))) { UpgradeInfo upgradeInfo(s->getId()); do { myCb->fillUpgradeInfo(obj, SlotID(i), upgradeInfo); if(upgradeInfo.hasUpgrades()) { // creature at given slot might have alternative upgrades, pick best one CreatureID upgID = *vstd::maxElementByFun(upgradeInfo.getAvailableUpgrades(), [](const CreatureID & id) { return id.toCreature()->getAIValue(); }); int oldValue = s->getCreature()->getAIValue(); int newValue = upgID.toCreature()->getAIValue(); if(newValue > oldValue && nullkiller->getFreeResources().canAfford(upgradeInfo.getUpgradeCostsFor(upgID) * s->count)) { myCb->upgradeCreature(obj, SlotID(i), upgID); upgraded = true; logAi->debug("Upgraded %d %s to %s", s->count, upgradeInfo.oldID.toCreature()->getNamePluralTranslated(), upgradeInfo.getUpgrade().toCreature()->getNamePluralTranslated()); } else break; } } while(upgradeInfo.hasUpgrades()); } } return upgraded; } void AIGateway::makeTurn() { MAKING_TURN; auto day = cb->getDate(Date::DAY); logAi->info("Player %d (%s) starting turn, day %d", playerID, playerID.toString(), day); boost::shared_lock gsLock(CGameState::mutex); setThreadName("AIGateway::makeTurn"); if(nullkiller->isOpenMap()) { cb->sendMessage("vcmieagles"); } retrieveVisitableObjs(); if(cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1) { for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : nullkiller->memory->visitableObjs) { if(isWeeklyRevisitable(nullkiller.get(), obj)) { nullkiller->memory->markObjectUnvisited(obj); } } } #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL == 0 try { #endif nullkiller->makeTurn(); //for debug purpose for (auto h : cb->getHeroesInfo()) { if (h->movementPointsRemaining()) logAi->info("Hero %s has %d MP left", h->getNameTranslated(), h->movementPointsRemaining()); } #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL == 0 } catch (boost::thread_interrupted & e) { (void)e; logAi->debug("Making turn thread has been interrupted. We'll end without calling endTurn."); return; } catch (std::exception & e) { logAi->debug("Making turn thread has caught an exception: %s", e.what()); } #endif endTurn(); } void AIGateway::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "Hero %s and object %s at %s", h->getNameTranslated() % obj->getObjectName() % obj->anchorPos().toString()); switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::TOWN: if(h->visitedTown) //we are inside, not just attacking { makePossibleUpgrades(h.get()); std::unique_lock lockGuard(nullkiller->aiStateMutex); if(!h->visitedTown->garrisonHero || !nullkiller->isHeroLocked(h->visitedTown->garrisonHero)) moveCreaturesToHero(h->visitedTown); if(nullkiller->heroManager->getHeroRole(h) == HeroRole::MAIN && !h->hasSpellbook() && nullkiller->getFreeGold() >= GameConstants::SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST) { if(h->visitedTown->hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_1)) cb->buyArtifact(h.get(), ArtifactID::SPELLBOOK); } } break; case Obj::HILL_FORT: makePossibleUpgrades(h.get()); break; } } void AIGateway::moveCreaturesToHero(const CGTownInstance * t) { if(t->visitingHero && t->armedGarrison() && t->visitingHero->tempOwner == t->tempOwner) { pickBestCreatures(t->visitingHero, t->getUpperArmy()); } } void AIGateway::pickBestCreatures(const CArmedInstance * destinationArmy, const CArmedInstance * source) { if(source->stacksCount() == 0) return; const CArmedInstance * armies[] = {destinationArmy, source}; auto bestArmy = nullkiller->armyManager->getBestArmy(destinationArmy, destinationArmy, source); for(auto army : armies) { // move first stack at first slot if empty to avoid can not take away last creature if(!army->hasStackAtSlot(SlotID(0)) && army->stacksCount() > 0) { cb->mergeOrSwapStacks( army, army, SlotID(0), army->Slots().begin()->first); } } //foreach best type -> iterate over slots in both armies and if it's the appropriate type, send it to the slot where it belongs for(SlotID i = SlotID(0); i.validSlot(); i.advance(1)) //i-th strongest creature type will go to i-th slot { if(i.getNum() >= bestArmy.size()) { if(destinationArmy->hasStackAtSlot(i)) { auto creature = destinationArmy->getCreature(i); auto targetSlot = source->getSlotFor(creature); if(targetSlot.validSlot()) { // remove unwanted creatures cb->mergeOrSwapStacks(destinationArmy, source, i, targetSlot); } else if(destinationArmy->getStack(i).getPower() < destinationArmy->getArmyStrength() / 100) { // dismiss creatures if the amount is small cb->dismissCreature(destinationArmy, i); } } continue; } const CCreature * targetCreature = bestArmy[i.getNum()].creature; for(auto armyPtr : armies) { for(SlotID j = SlotID(0); j.validSlot(); j.advance(1)) { if(armyPtr->getCreature(j) == targetCreature && (i != j || armyPtr != destinationArmy)) //it's a searched creature not in dst SLOT { //can't take away last creature without split. generate a new stack with 1 creature which is weak but fast if(armyPtr == source && source->needsLastStack() && source->stacksCount() == 1 && (!destinationArmy->hasStackAtSlot(i) || destinationArmy->getCreature(i) == targetCreature)) { auto weakest = nullkiller->armyManager->getWeakestCreature(bestArmy); if(weakest->creature == targetCreature) { if(1 == source->getStackCount(j)) break; // move all except 1 of weakest creature from source to destination cb->splitStack( source, destinationArmy, j, destinationArmy->getSlotFor(targetCreature), destinationArmy->getStackCount(i) + source->getStackCount(j) - 1); break; } else { // Source last stack is not weakest. Move 1 of weakest creature from destination to source cb->splitStack( destinationArmy, source, destinationArmy->getSlotFor(weakest->creature), source->getFreeSlot(), 1); } } cb->mergeOrSwapStacks(armyPtr, destinationArmy, j, i); } } } } //TODO - having now strongest possible army, we may want to think about arranging stacks } void AIGateway::pickBestArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * h, const CGHeroInstance * other) { auto equipBest = [](const CGHeroInstance * h, const CGHeroInstance * otherh, bool giveStuffToFirstHero) -> void { bool changeMade = false; do { changeMade = false; //we collect gear always in same order std::vector allArtifacts; if(giveStuffToFirstHero) { for(auto p : h->artifactsWorn) { if(p.second.artifact) allArtifacts.push_back(ArtifactLocation(h->id, p.first)); } } for(auto slot : h->artifactsInBackpack) allArtifacts.push_back(ArtifactLocation(h->id, h->getArtPos(slot.artifact))); if(otherh) { for(auto p : otherh->artifactsWorn) { if(p.second.artifact) allArtifacts.push_back(ArtifactLocation(otherh->id, p.first)); } for(auto slot : otherh->artifactsInBackpack) allArtifacts.push_back(ArtifactLocation(otherh->id, otherh->getArtPos(slot.artifact))); } //we give stuff to one hero or another, depending on giveStuffToFirstHero const CGHeroInstance * target = nullptr; if(giveStuffToFirstHero || !otherh) target = h; else target = otherh; for(auto location : allArtifacts) { if(location.artHolder == target->id && ArtifactUtils::isSlotEquipment(location.slot)) continue; //don't reequip artifact we already wear if(location.slot == ArtifactPosition::MACH4) // don't attempt to move catapult continue; auto artHolder = cb->getHero(location.artHolder); auto s = artHolder->getSlot(location.slot); if(!s || s->locked) //we can't move locks continue; auto artifact = s->artifact; if(!artifact) continue; //FIXME: why are the above possible to be null? bool emptySlotFound = false; for(auto slot : artifact->getType()->getPossibleSlots().at(target->bearerType())) { if(target->isPositionFree(slot) && artifact->canBePutAt(target, slot, true)) //combined artifacts are not always allowed to move { ArtifactLocation destLocation(target->id, slot); cb->swapArtifacts(location, destLocation); //just put into empty slot emptySlotFound = true; changeMade = true; break; } } if(!emptySlotFound) //try to put that atifact in already occupied slot { int64_t artifactScore = getArtifactScoreForHero(target, artifact); for(auto slot : artifact->getType()->getPossibleSlots().at(target->bearerType())) { auto otherSlot = target->getSlot(slot); if(otherSlot && otherSlot->artifact) //we need to exchange artifact for better one { int64_t otherArtifactScore = getArtifactScoreForHero(target, otherSlot->artifact); logAi->trace( "Comparing artifacts of %s: %s vs %s. Score: %d vs %d", target->getHeroTypeName(), artifact->getType()->getJsonKey(), otherSlot->artifact->getType()->getJsonKey(), artifactScore, otherArtifactScore); //if that artifact is better than what we have, pick it //combined artifacts are not always allowed to move if(artifactScore > otherArtifactScore && artifact->canBePutAt(target, slot, true)) { logAi->trace( "Exchange artifacts %s <-> %s", artifact->getType()->getJsonKey(), otherSlot->artifact->getType()->getJsonKey()); if(!otherSlot->artifact->canBePutAt(artHolder, location.slot, true)) { ArtifactLocation destLocation(target->id, slot); ArtifactLocation backpack(artHolder->id, ArtifactPosition::BACKPACK_START); cb->swapArtifacts(destLocation, backpack); cb->swapArtifacts(location, destLocation); } else { cb->swapArtifacts(location, ArtifactLocation(target->id, target->getArtPos(otherSlot->artifact))); } changeMade = true; break; } } } } if(changeMade) break; //start evaluating artifacts from scratch } } while(changeMade); }; equipBest(h, other, true); if(other) equipBest(h, other, false); } void AIGateway::recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling * d, const CArmedInstance * recruiter) { //now used only for visited dwellings / towns, not BuyArmy goal for(int i = 0; i < d->creatures.size(); i++) { if(!d->creatures[i].second.size()) continue; int count = d->creatures[i].first; CreatureID creID = d->creatures[i].second.back(); if(!recruiter->getSlotFor(creID).validSlot()) { for(auto stack : recruiter->Slots()) { if(!stack.second->getType()) continue; auto duplicatingSlot = recruiter->getSlotFor(stack.second->getCreature()); if(duplicatingSlot != stack.first) { cb->mergeStacks(recruiter, recruiter, stack.first, duplicatingSlot); break; } } if(!recruiter->getSlotFor(creID).validSlot()) { continue; } } vstd::amin(count, cb->getResourceAmount() / creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost()); if(count > 0) cb->recruitCreatures(d, recruiter, creID, count, i); } } void AIGateway::battleStart(const BattleID & battleID, const CCreatureSet * army1, const CCreatureSet * army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance * hero1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, BattleSide side, bool replayAllowed) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; assert(!playerID.isValidPlayer() || status.getBattle() == UPCOMING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(ONGOING_BATTLE); const CGObjectInstance * presumedEnemy = vstd::backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(tile)); //may be nullptr in some very are cases -> eg. visited monolith and fighting with an enemy at the FoW covered exit battlename = boost::str(boost::format("Starting battle of %s attacking %s at %s") % (hero1 ? hero1->getNameTranslated() : "a army") % (presumedEnemy ? presumedEnemy->getObjectName() : "unknown enemy") % tile.toString()); CAdventureAI::battleStart(battleID, army1, army2, tile, hero1, hero2, side, replayAllowed); } void AIGateway::battleEnd(const BattleID & battleID, const BattleResult * br, QueryID queryID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; assert(status.getBattle() == ONGOING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(ENDING_BATTLE); bool won = br->winner == myCb->getBattle(battleID)->battleGetMySide(); logAi->debug("Player %d (%s): I %s the %s!", playerID, playerID.toString(), (won ? "won" : "lost"), battlename); battlename.clear(); CAdventureAI::battleEnd(battleID, br, queryID); // gosolo if(queryID != QueryID::NONE && myCb->getPlayerState(playerID)->isHuman()) { status.addQuery(queryID, "Confirm battle query"); requestActionASAP([=]() { answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } } void AIGateway::waitTillFree() { auto unlock = vstd::makeUnlockSharedGuard(CGameState::mutex); status.waitTillFree(); } void AIGateway::retrieveVisitableObjs() { foreach_tile_pos([&](const int3 & pos) { for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : myCb->getVisitableObjs(pos, false)) { addVisitableObj(obj); } }); } std::vector AIGateway::getFlaggedObjects() const { std::vector ret; for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : nullkiller->memory->visitableObjs) { if(obj->tempOwner == playerID) ret.push_back(obj); } return ret; } void AIGateway::addVisitableObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(obj->ID == Obj::EVENT) return; nullkiller->memory->addVisitableObject(obj); if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO && cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, playerID) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) { nullkiller->dangerHitMap->resetHitmap(); } } bool AIGateway::moveHeroToTile(int3 dst, HeroPtr h) { if(h->inTownGarrison && h->visitedTown) { cb->swapGarrisonHero(h->visitedTown); moveCreaturesToHero(h->visitedTown); } //TODO: consider if blockVisit objects change something in our checks: AIUtility::isBlockVisitObj() auto afterMovementCheck = [&]() -> void { waitTillFree(); //movement may cause battle or blocking dialog if(!h) { lostHero(h); teleportChannelProbingList.clear(); if(status.channelProbing()) // if hero lost during channel probing we need to switch this mode off status.setChannelProbing(false); throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Hero was lost!"); } }; logAi->debug("Moving hero %s to tile %s", h->getNameTranslated(), dst.toString()); int3 startHpos = h->visitablePos(); bool ret = false; if(startHpos == dst) { //FIXME: this assertion fails also if AI moves onto defeated guarded object //assert(cb->getVisitableObjs(dst).size() > 1); //there's no point in revisiting tile where there is no visitable object cb->moveHero(*h, h->convertFromVisitablePos(dst), false); afterMovementCheck(); // TODO: is it feasible to hero get killed there if game work properly? // If revisiting, teleport probing is never done, and so the entries into the list would remain unused and uncleared teleportChannelProbingList.clear(); // not sure if AI can currently reconsider to attack bank while staying on it. Check issue 2084 on mantis for more information. ret = true; } else { CGPath path; nullkiller->getPathsInfo(h.get())->getPath(path, dst); if(path.nodes.empty()) { logAi->error("Hero %s cannot reach %s.", h->getNameTranslated(), dst.toString()); return true; } int i = (int)path.nodes.size() - 1; auto getObj = [&](int3 coord, bool ignoreHero) { auto tile = cb->getTile(coord, false); assert(tile); return tile->topVisitableObj(ignoreHero); //return cb->getTile(coord,false)->topVisitableObj(ignoreHero); }; auto isTeleportAction = [&](EPathNodeAction action) -> bool { if(action != EPathNodeAction::TELEPORT_NORMAL && action != EPathNodeAction::TELEPORT_BLOCKING_VISIT) { if(action != EPathNodeAction::TELEPORT_BATTLE) { return false; } } return true; }; auto getDestTeleportObj = [&](const CGObjectInstance * currentObject, const CGObjectInstance * nextObjectTop, const CGObjectInstance * nextObject) -> const CGObjectInstance * { if(CGTeleport::isConnected(currentObject, nextObjectTop)) return nextObjectTop; if(nextObjectTop && nextObjectTop->ID == Obj::HERO) { if(CGTeleport::isConnected(currentObject, nextObject)) return nextObject; } return nullptr; }; auto doMovement = [&](int3 dst, bool transit) { cb->moveHero(*h, h->convertFromVisitablePos(dst), transit); }; auto doTeleportMovement = [&](ObjectInstanceID exitId, int3 exitPos) { if(cb->getObj(exitId) && cb->getObj(exitId)->ID == Obj::WHIRLPOOL) { nullkiller->armyFormation->rearrangeArmyForWhirlpool(*h); } destinationTeleport = exitId; if(exitPos.valid()) destinationTeleportPos = exitPos; cb->moveHero(*h, h->pos, false); destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID(); destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1); afterMovementCheck(); }; auto doChannelProbing = [&]() -> void { auto currentPos = h->visitablePos(); auto currentTeleport = getObj(currentPos, true); if(currentTeleport) { auto currentExit = currentTeleport->id; status.setChannelProbing(true); for(auto exit : teleportChannelProbingList) doTeleportMovement(exit, int3(-1)); teleportChannelProbingList.clear(); status.setChannelProbing(false); doTeleportMovement(currentExit, currentPos); } else { logAi->debug("Unexpected channel probbing at " + currentPos.toString()); teleportChannelProbingList.clear(); status.setChannelProbing(false); } }; teleportChannelProbingList.clear(); status.setChannelProbing(false); for(; i > 0; i--) { int3 currentCoord = path.nodes[i].coord; int3 nextCoord = path.nodes[i - 1].coord; auto currentObject = getObj(currentCoord, currentCoord == h->visitablePos()); auto nextObjectTop = getObj(nextCoord, false); auto nextObject = getObj(nextCoord, true); auto destTeleportObj = getDestTeleportObj(currentObject, nextObjectTop, nextObject); if(isTeleportAction(path.nodes[i - 1].action) && destTeleportObj != nullptr) { //we use special login if hero standing on teleporter it's mean we need doTeleportMovement(destTeleportObj->id, nextCoord); if(teleportChannelProbingList.size()) doChannelProbing(); nullkiller->memory->markObjectVisited(destTeleportObj); //FIXME: Monoliths are not correctly visited continue; } //stop sending move requests if the next node can't be reached at the current turn (hero exhausted his move points) if(path.nodes[i - 1].turns) { //blockedHeroes.insert(h); //to avoid attempts of moving heroes with very little MPs return false; } int3 endpos = path.nodes[i - 1].coord; if(endpos == h->visitablePos()) continue; bool isConnected = false; bool isNextObjectTeleport = false; // Check there is node after next one; otherwise transit is pointless if(i - 2 >= 0) { isConnected = CGTeleport::isConnected(nextObjectTop, getObj(path.nodes[i - 2].coord, false)); isNextObjectTeleport = CGTeleport::isTeleport(nextObjectTop); } if(isConnected || isNextObjectTeleport) { // Hero should be able to go through object if it's allow transit doMovement(endpos, true); } else if(path.nodes[i - 1].layer == EPathfindingLayer::AIR) { doMovement(endpos, true); } else { doMovement(endpos, false); } afterMovementCheck(); if(teleportChannelProbingList.size()) doChannelProbing(); } if(path.nodes[0].action == EPathNodeAction::BLOCKING_VISIT || path.nodes[0].action == EPathNodeAction::BATTLE) { // when we take resource we do not reach its position. We even might not move // also guarded town is not get visited automatically after capturing ret = h && i == 0; } } if(h) { if(auto visitedObject = vstd::frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(h->visitablePos()))) //we stand on something interesting { if(visitedObject != *h) { performObjectInteraction(visitedObject, h); ret = true; } } } if(h) //we could have lost hero after last move { ret = ret || (dst == h->visitablePos()); if(startHpos == h->visitablePos() && !ret) //we didn't move and didn't reach the target { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Invalid path found!"); } logAi->debug("Hero %s moved from %s to %s. Returning %d.", h->getNameTranslated(), startHpos.toString(), h->visitablePos().toString(), ret); } return ret; } void AIGateway::buildStructure(const CGTownInstance * t, BuildingID building) { auto name = t->getTown()->buildings.at(building)->getNameTranslated(); logAi->debug("Player %d will build %s in town of %s at %s", ai->playerID, name, t->getNameTranslated(), t->anchorPos().toString()); cb->buildBuilding(t, building); //just do this; } void AIGateway::tryRealize(Goals::DigAtTile & g) { assert(g.hero->visitablePos() == g.tile); //surely we want to crash here? if(g.hero->diggingStatus() == EDiggingStatus::CAN_DIG) { cb->dig(g.hero); } else { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("A hero can't dig!\n"); } } void AIGateway::tryRealize(Goals::Trade & g) //trade { if(cb->getResourceAmount(GameResID(g.resID)) >= g.value) //goal is already fulfilled. Why we need this check, anyway? throw goalFulfilledException(sptr(g)); int acquiredResources = 0; if(const CGObjectInstance * obj = cb->getObj(ObjectInstanceID(g.objid), false)) { if(const auto * m = dynamic_cast(obj)) { auto freeRes = cb->getResourceAmount(); //trade only resources which are not reserved for(auto it = ResourceSet::nziterator(freeRes); it.valid(); it++) { auto res = it->resType; if(res.getNum() == g.resID) //sell any other resource continue; int toGive; int toGet; m->getOffer(res, g.resID, toGive, toGet, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE); toGive = static_cast(toGive * (it->resVal / toGive)); //round down //TODO trade only as much as needed if (toGive) //don't try to sell 0 resources { cb->trade(m->getObjInstanceID(), EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE, res, GameResID(g.resID), toGive); acquiredResources = static_cast(toGet * (it->resVal / toGive)); logAi->debug("Traded %d of %s for %d of %s at %s", toGive, res, acquiredResources, g.resID, obj->getObjectName()); } if (cb->getResourceAmount(GameResID(g.resID))) throw goalFulfilledException(sptr(g)); //we traded all we needed } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I cannot get needed resources by trade!"); } else { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I don't know how to use this object to raise resources!"); } } else { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No object that could be used to raise resources!"); } } void AIGateway::endTurn() { logAi->info("Player %d (%s) ends turn", playerID, playerID.toString()); if(!status.haveTurn()) { logAi->error("Not having turn at the end of turn???"); } logAi->debug("Resources at the end of turn: %s", cb->getResourceAmount().toString()); if(cb->getPlayerStatus(playerID) != EPlayerStatus::INGAME) { logAi->info("Ending turn is not needed because we already lost"); return; } do { cb->endTurn(); } while(status.haveTurn()); //for some reasons, our request may fail -> stop requesting end of turn only after we've received a confirmation that it's over logGlobal->info("Player %d (%s) ended turn", playerID, playerID.toString()); } void AIGateway::buildArmyIn(const CGTownInstance * t) { makePossibleUpgrades(t->visitingHero); makePossibleUpgrades(t); recruitCreatures(t, t->getUpperArmy()); moveCreaturesToHero(t); } void AIGateway::finish() { //we want to lock to avoid multiple threads from calling makingTurn->join() at same time boost::lock_guard multipleCleanupGuard(turnInterruptionMutex); if(makingTurn) { makingTurn->interrupt(); makingTurn->join(); makingTurn.reset(); } } void AIGateway::requestActionASAP(std::function whatToDo) { boost::thread newThread([this, whatToDo]() { setThreadName("AIGateway::requestActionASAP::whatToDo"); SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this); boost::shared_lock gsLock(CGameState::mutex); whatToDo(); }); newThread.detach(); } void AIGateway::lostHero(HeroPtr h) { logAi->debug("I lost my hero %s. It's best to forget and move on.", h.name()); } void AIGateway::answerQuery(QueryID queryID, int selection) { logAi->debug("I'll answer the query %d giving the choice %d", queryID, selection); if(queryID != QueryID(-1)) { cb->selectionMade(selection, queryID); } else { logAi->debug("Since the query ID is %d, the answer won't be sent. This is not a real query!", queryID); //do nothing } } void AIGateway::requestSent(const CPackForServer * pack, int requestID) { //BNLOG("I have sent request of type %s", typeid(*pack).name()); if(auto reply = dynamic_cast(pack)) { status.attemptedAnsweringQuery(reply->qid, requestID); } } std::string AIGateway::getBattleAIName() const { if(settings["server"]["enemyAI"].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRING) return settings["server"]["enemyAI"].String(); else return "BattleAI"; } void AIGateway::validateObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { validateObject(obj->id); } void AIGateway::validateObject(ObjectIdRef obj) { if(!obj) { nullkiller->memory->removeFromMemory(obj); } } AIStatus::AIStatus() { battle = NO_BATTLE; havingTurn = false; ongoingHeroMovement = false; ongoingChannelProbing = false; } AIStatus::~AIStatus() { } void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState BS) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "battle state=%d", (int)BS); battle = BS; cv.notify_all(); } BattleState AIStatus::getBattle() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return battle; } void AIStatus::addQuery(QueryID ID, std::string description) { if(ID == QueryID(-1)) { logAi->debug("The \"query\" has an id %d, it'll be ignored as non-query. Description: %s", ID, description); return; } assert(ID.getNum() >= 0); boost::unique_lock lock(mx); assert(!vstd::contains(remainingQueries, ID)); remainingQueries[ID] = description; cv.notify_all(); logAi->debug("Adding query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID, description, remainingQueries.size()); } void AIStatus::removeQuery(QueryID ID) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, ID)); std::string description = remainingQueries[ID]; remainingQueries.erase(ID); cv.notify_all(); logAi->debug("Removing query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID, description, remainingQueries.size()); } int AIStatus::getQueriesCount() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return static_cast(remainingQueries.size()); } void AIStatus::startedTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); havingTurn = true; cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::madeTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); havingTurn = false; cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::waitTillFree() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); while(battle != NO_BATTLE || !remainingQueries.empty() || !objectsBeingVisited.empty() || ongoingHeroMovement) cv.wait_for(lock, boost::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } bool AIStatus::haveTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return havingTurn; } void AIStatus::attemptedAnsweringQuery(QueryID queryID, int answerRequestID) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, queryID)); std::string description = remainingQueries[queryID]; logAi->debug("Attempted answering query %d - %s. Request id=%d. Waiting for results...", queryID, description, answerRequestID); requestToQueryID[answerRequestID] = queryID; } void AIStatus::receivedAnswerConfirmation(int answerRequestID, int result) { assert(vstd::contains(requestToQueryID, answerRequestID)); QueryID query = requestToQueryID[answerRequestID]; assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, query)); requestToQueryID.erase(answerRequestID); if(result) { removeQuery(query); } else { logAi->error("Something went really wrong, failed to answer query %d : %s", query.getNum(), remainingQueries[query]); //TODO safely retry } } void AIStatus::heroVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool started) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); if(started) { objectsBeingVisited.push_back(obj); } else { // There can be more than one object visited at the time (eg. hero visits Subterranean Gate // causing visit to hero on the other side. // However, we are guaranteed that start/end visit notification maintain stack order. assert(!objectsBeingVisited.empty()); objectsBeingVisited.pop_back(); } cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::setMove(bool ongoing) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); ongoingHeroMovement = ongoing; cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::setChannelProbing(bool ongoing) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); ongoingChannelProbing = ongoing; cv.notify_all(); } bool AIStatus::channelProbing() { return ongoingChannelProbing; } void AIGateway::invalidatePaths() { nullkiller->invalidatePaths(); } }