/* * Moat.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Moat.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "../ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../../NetPacks.h" #include "../../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../bonuses/Limiters.h" #include "../../battle/IBattleState.h" #include "../../battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "../../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace spells { namespace effects { static void serializeMoatHexes(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const std::string & fieldName, std::vector> & moatHexes) { { JsonArraySerializer outer = handler.enterArray(fieldName); outer.syncSize(moatHexes, JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR); for(size_t outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < outer.size(); outerIndex++) { JsonArraySerializer inner = outer.enterArray(outerIndex); inner.syncSize(moatHexes.at(outerIndex), JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_INTEGER); for(size_t innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < inner.size(); innerIndex++) inner.serializeInt(innerIndex, moatHexes.at(outerIndex).at(innerIndex)); } } } void Moat::serializeJsonEffect(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { handler.serializeBool("hidden", hidden); handler.serializeBool("trap", trap); handler.serializeBool("removeOnTrigger", removeOnTrigger); handler.serializeBool("dispellable", dispellable); handler.serializeInt("moatDamage", moatDamage); serializeMoatHexes(handler, "moatHexes", moatHexes); handler.serializeId("triggerAbility", triggerAbility, SpellID::NONE); handler.serializeStruct("defender", sideOptions); //Moats are defender only assert(!handler.saving); { auto guard = handler.enterStruct("bonus"); const JsonNode & data = handler.getCurrent(); for(const auto & p : data.Struct()) { //TODO: support JsonSerializeFormat in Bonus auto guard = handler.enterStruct(p.first); const JsonNode & bonusNode = handler.getCurrent(); auto b = JsonUtils::parseBonus(bonusNode); bonus.push_back(b); } } } void Moat::convertBonus(const Mechanics * m, std::vector & converted) const { for(const auto & b : bonus) { Bonus nb(*b); //Moat battlefield effect is always permanent nb.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; if(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown() && m->battle()->battleGetSiegeLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL) { nb.sid = Bonus::getSid32(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown()->getFaction(), BuildingID::CITADEL); nb.source = Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE; } else { nb.sid = m->getSpellIndex(); //for all nb.source = Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT;//for all } std::set flatMoatHexes; for(const auto & moatPatch : moatHexes) flatMoatHexes.insert(moatPatch.begin(), moatPatch.end()); nb.limiter = std::make_shared(std::move(flatMoatHexes)); converted.push_back(nb); } } void Moat::apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const { assert(m->isMassive()); assert(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown()); if(m->isMassive() && m->battle()->battleGetSiegeLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL) { EffectTarget moat; placeObstacles(server, m, moat); std::vector converted; convertBonus(m, converted); for(auto & b : converted) { GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::ETarget::BATTLE); gb.bonus = b; server->apply(&gb); } } } void Moat::placeObstacles(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const { assert(m->battle()->battleGetDefendedTown()); assert(m->casterSide == BattleSide::DEFENDER); // Moats are always cast by defender BattleObstaclesChanged pack; auto all = m->battle()->battleGetAllObstacles(BattlePerspective::ALL_KNOWING); int obstacleIdToGive = 1; for(auto & one : all) if(one->uniqueID >= obstacleIdToGive) obstacleIdToGive = one->uniqueID + 1; for(const auto & destination : moatHexes) //Moat hexes can be different obstacles { SpellCreatedObstacle obstacle; obstacle.uniqueID = obstacleIdToGive++; obstacle.pos = destination.at(0); obstacle.obstacleType = dispellable ? CObstacleInstance::SPELL_CREATED : CObstacleInstance::MOAT; obstacle.ID = m->getSpellIndex(); obstacle.turnsRemaining = -1; //Moat cannot be expired obstacle.casterSpellPower = m->getEffectPower(); obstacle.spellLevel = m->getEffectLevel(); //todo: level of indirect effect should be also configurable obstacle.casterSide = BattleSide::DEFENDER; // Moats are always cast by defender obstacle.minimalDamage = moatDamage; // Minimal moat damage obstacle.hidden = hidden; obstacle.passable = true; //Moats always passable obstacle.trigger = triggerAbility; obstacle.trap = trap; obstacle.removeOnTrigger = removeOnTrigger; obstacle.nativeVisible = false; //Moats is invisible for native terrain obstacle.appearSound = sideOptions.appearSound; //For dispellable moats obstacle.appearAnimation = sideOptions.appearAnimation; //For dispellable moats obstacle.animation = sideOptions.animation; obstacle.customSize.insert(obstacle.customSize.end(),destination.cbegin(), destination.cend()); obstacle.animationYOffset = sideOptions.offsetY; pack.changes.emplace_back(); obstacle.toInfo(pack.changes.back()); } if(!pack.changes.empty()) server->apply(&pack); } } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END