/* * CGHeroInstance.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" #include "../CModHandler.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../CGameState.h" #include "../CCreatureHandler.h" ///helpers static void showInfoDialog(const PlayerColor playerID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundID; iw.player = playerID; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,txtID); IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } static void showInfoDialog(const CGHeroInstance* h, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { const PlayerColor playerID = h->getOwner(); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); } static int lowestSpeed(const CGHeroInstance * chi) { if(!chi->Slots().size()) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error! Hero " << chi->id.getNum() << " ("<name<<") has no army!"; return 20; } auto i = chi->Slots().begin(); //TODO? should speed modifiers (eg from artifacts) affect hero movement? int ret = (i++)->second->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED); for (;i!=chi->Slots().end();i++) { ret = std::min(ret, i->second->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED)); } return ret; } ui32 CGHeroInstance::getTileCost(const TerrainTile &dest, const TerrainTile &from) const { //base move cost unsigned ret = 100; //if there is road both on dest and src tiles - use road movement cost if(dest.roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD && from.roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD) { int road = std::min(dest.roadType,from.roadType); //used road ID switch(road) { case ERoadType::DIRT_ROAD: ret = 75; break; case ERoadType::GRAVEL_ROAD: ret = 65; break; case ERoadType::COBBLESTONE_ROAD: ret = 50; break; default: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Unknown road type: " << road << "... Something wrong!"; break; } } else { //FIXME: in H3 presence of Nomad in army will remove terrain penalty for sand. Bonus not implemented in VCMI // NOTE: in H3 neutral stacks will ignore terrain penalty only if placed as topmost stack(s) in hero army. // This is clearly bug in H3 however intended behaviour is not clear. // Current VCMI behaviour will ignore neutrals in calculations so army in VCMI // will always have best penalty without any influence from player-defined stacks order bool nativeArmy = true; for(auto stack : stacks) { int nativeTerrain = VLC->townh->factions[stack.second->type->faction]->nativeTerrain; if (nativeTerrain != -1 && nativeTerrain != from.terType) { nativeArmy = false; break; } } if (!nativeArmy) { ret = VLC->heroh->terrCosts[from.terType]; ret-=getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::PATHFINDING)*25; ret = ret < 100 ? 100 : ret; } } return ret; } int3 CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(int3 src, bool toh3m) //toh3m=true: manifest->h3m; toh3m=false: h3m->manifest { if (toh3m) { src.x+=1; return src; } else { src.x-=1; return src; } } int3 CGHeroInstance::getPosition(bool h3m) const //h3m=true - returns position of hero object; h3m=false - returns position of hero 'manifestation' { if (h3m) { return pos; } else { return convertPosition(pos,false); } } bool CGHeroInstance::canWalkOnSea() const { return hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WATER_WALKING); } ui8 CGHeroInstance::getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill skill) const { for(auto & elem : secSkills) if(elem.first == skill) return elem.second; return 0; } void CGHeroInstance::setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill which, int val, bool abs) { if(getSecSkillLevel(which) == 0) { secSkills.push_back(std::pair(which, val)); updateSkill(which, val); } else { for (auto & elem : secSkills) { if(elem.first == which) { if(abs) elem.second = val; else elem.second += val; if(elem.second > 3) //workaround to avoid crashes when same sec skill is given more than once { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: Skill " << which << " increased over limit! Decreasing to Expert."; elem.second = 3; } updateSkill(which, elem.second); //when we know final value } } } } bool CGHeroInstance::canLearnSkill() const { return secSkills.size() < GameConstants::SKILL_PER_HERO; } int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePoints(bool onLand) const { int base; if(onLand) { // used function is f(x) = 66.6x + 1300, rounded to second digit, where x is lowest speed in army static const int baseSpeed = 1300; // base speed from creature with 0 speed int armySpeed = lowestSpeed(this) * 20 / 3; base = armySpeed * 10 + baseSpeed; // separate *10 is intentional to receive same rounding as in h3 vstd::abetween(base, 1500, 2000); // base speed is limited by these values } else { base = 1500; //on water base movement is always 1500 (speed of army doesn't matter) } const Bonus::BonusType bt = onLand ? Bonus::LAND_MOVEMENT : Bonus::SEA_MOVEMENT; const int bonus = valOfBonuses(Bonus::MOVEMENT) + valOfBonuses(bt); const int subtype = onLand ? SecondarySkill::LOGISTICS : SecondarySkill::NAVIGATION; const double modifier = valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, subtype) / 100.0; return int(base* (1+modifier)) + bonus; } CGHeroInstance::CGHeroInstance() : IBoatGenerator(this) { setNodeType(HERO); ID = Obj::HERO; tacticFormationEnabled = inTownGarrison = false; mana = movement = portrait = level = -1; isStanding = true; moveDir = 4; exp = 0xffffffff; visitedTown = nullptr; type = nullptr; boat = nullptr; commander = nullptr; sex = 0xff; secSkills.push_back(std::make_pair(SecondarySkill::DEFAULT, -1)); } void CGHeroInstance::initHero(HeroTypeID SUBID) { subID = SUBID.getNum(); initHero(); } void CGHeroInstance::setType(si32 ID, si32 subID) { assert(ID == Obj::HERO); // just in case type = VLC->heroh->heroes[subID]; portrait = type->imageIndex; CGObjectInstance::setType(ID, type->heroClass->id); randomizeArmy(type->heroClass->faction); } void CGHeroInstance::initHero() { assert(validTypes(true)); if(!type) type = VLC->heroh->heroes[subID]; if (ID == Obj::HERO) appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::HERO, type->heroClass->id)->getTemplates().front(); if(!vstd::contains(spells, SpellID::PRESET)) //hero starts with a spell { for(auto spellID : type->spells) spells.insert(spellID); } else //remove placeholder spells -= SpellID::PRESET; if(!getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH4) && !getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK) && type->haveSpellBook) //no catapult means we haven't read pre-existent set -> use default rules for spellbook putArtifact(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(0)); if(!getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH4)) putArtifact(ArtifactPosition::MACH4, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(3)); //everyone has a catapult if(portrait < 0 || portrait == 255) portrait = type->imageIndex; if(!hasBonus(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL))) { for(int g=0; g(g), type->heroClass->primarySkillInitial[g]); } } if(secSkills.size() == 1 && secSkills[0] == std::pair(SecondarySkill::DEFAULT, -1)) //set secondary skills to default secSkills = type->secSkillsInit; if (!name.length()) name = type->name; if (sex == 0xFF)//sex is default sex = type->sex; setFormation(false); if (!stacksCount()) //standard army//initial army { initArmy(); } assert(validTypes()); level = 1; if(exp == 0xffffffff) { initExp(); } else { levelUpAutomatically(); } if (VLC->modh->modules.COMMANDERS && !commander) { commander = new CCommanderInstance(type->heroClass->commander->idNumber); commander->setArmyObj (castToArmyObj()); //TODO: separate function for setting commanders commander->giveStackExp (exp); //after our exp is set } if (mana < 0) mana = manaLimit(); } void CGHeroInstance::initArmy(IArmyDescriptor *dst /*= nullptr*/) { if(!dst) dst = this; int howManyStacks = 0; //how many stacks will hero receives <1 - 3> int pom = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99); int warMachinesGiven = 0; if(pom < 9) howManyStacks = 1; else if(pom < 79) howManyStacks = 2; else howManyStacks = 3; vstd::amin(howManyStacks, type->initialArmy.size()); for(int stackNo=0; stackNo < howManyStacks; stackNo++) { auto & stack = type->initialArmy[stackNo]; int count = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(stack.minAmount, stack.maxAmount); if(stack.creature >= CreatureID::CATAPULT && stack.creature <= CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS) //war machine { warMachinesGiven++; if(dst != this) continue; int slot = -1; ArtifactID aid = ArtifactID::NONE; switch (stack.creature) { case CreatureID::CATAPULT: slot = ArtifactPosition::MACH4; aid = ArtifactID::CATAPULT; break; default: aid = CArtHandler::creatureToMachineID(stack.creature); slot = 9 + aid; break; } auto convSlot = ArtifactPosition(slot); if(!getArt(convSlot)) putArtifact(convSlot, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(aid)); else logGlobal->warnStream() << "Hero " << name << " already has artifact at " << slot << ", omitting giving " << aid; } else dst->setCreature(SlotID(stackNo-warMachinesGiven), stack.creature, count); } } CGHeroInstance::~CGHeroInstance() { commander.dellNull(); } bool CGHeroInstance::needsLastStack() const { return true; } void CGHeroInstance::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if(h == this) return; //exclude potential self-visiting if (ID == Obj::HERO) { if( cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations(tempOwner, h->tempOwner)) //our or ally hero { //exchange cb->heroExchange(h->id, id); } else //battle { if(visitedTown) //we're in town visitedTown->onHeroVisit(h); //town will handle attacking else cb->startBattleI(h, this); } } else if(ID == Obj::PRISON) { int txt_id; if (cb->getHeroCount(h->tempOwner, false) < VLC->modh->settings.MAX_HEROES_ON_MAP_PER_PLAYER)//GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER) //free hero slot { cb->changeObjPos(id,pos+int3(1,0,0),0); //update hero parameters SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = id; smp.val = maxMovePoints (true); //TODO: hota prison on water? cb->setMovePoints (&smp); cb->setManaPoints (id, manaLimit()); cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::ID, Obj::HERO); //set ID to 34 cb->giveHero(id,h->tempOwner); //recreates def and adds hero to player txt_id = 102; } else //already 8 wandering heroes { txt_id = 103; } showInfoDialog(h,txt_id,soundBase::ROGUE); } } std::string CGHeroInstance::getObjectName() const { if(ID != Obj::PRISON) { std::string hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[15]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s",name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s", type->heroClass->name); return hoverName; } else return CGObjectInstance::getObjectName(); } const std::string & CGHeroInstance::getBiography() const { if (biography.length()) return biography; return type->biography; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::maxlevelsToMagicSchool() const { return type->heroClass->isMagicHero() ? 3 : 4; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::maxlevelsToWisdom() const { return type->heroClass->isMagicHero() ? 3 : 6; } void CGHeroInstance::SecondarySkillsInfo::resetMagicSchoolCounter() { magicSchoolCounter = 1; } void CGHeroInstance::SecondarySkillsInfo::resetWisdomCounter() { wisdomCounter = 1; } void CGHeroInstance::initObj() { blockVisit = true; auto hs = new HeroSpecial(); hs->setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::SPECIALTY); attachTo(hs); //do we ever need to detach it? if(!type) initHero(); //TODO: set up everything for prison before specialties are configured skillsInfo.rand.setSeed(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt()); skillsInfo.resetMagicSchoolCounter(); skillsInfo.resetWisdomCounter(); if (ID != Obj::PRISON) { auto customApp = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, type->heroClass->id)->getOverride(cb->gameState()->getTile(visitablePos())->terType, this); if (customApp) appearance = customApp.get(); } for(const auto &spec : type->spec) //TODO: unfity with bonus system { auto bonus = new Bonus(); bonus->val = spec.val; bonus->sid = id.getNum(); //from the hero, specialty has no unique id bonus->duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; bonus->source = Bonus::HERO_SPECIAL; switch (spec.type) { case 1:// creature specialty { hs->growsWithLevel = true; const CCreature &specCreature = *VLC->creh->creatures[spec.additionalinfo]; //creature in which we have specialty //int creLevel = specCreature.level; //if(!creLevel) //{ // if(spec.additionalinfo == 146) // creLevel = 5; //treat ballista as 5-level // else // { // logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: unknown level of " << specCreature.namePl; // continue; // } //} //bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //creature id, should not be used again - this works only with limiter bonus->limiter.reset(new CCreatureTypeLimiter (specCreature, true)); //with upgrades bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); //values will be calculated later bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; bonus->val = 1; //+1 speed hs->addNewBonus(bonus); } break; case 2://secondary skill hs->growsWithLevel = true; bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL; //needs to be recalculated with level, based on this value bonus->valType = Bonus::BASE_NUMBER; // to receive nonzero value bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //skill id bonus->val = spec.val; //value per level, in percent hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); switch (spec.additionalinfo) { case 0: //normal bonus->valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_BASE; break; case 1: //when it's navigation or there's no 'base' at all bonus->valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL; break; } bonus->type = Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY; //value will be calculated later hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 3://spell damage bonus, level dependent but calculated elsewhere bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 4://creature stat boost switch (spec.subtype) { case 1://attack bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; break; case 2://defense bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; break; case 3: bonus->type = Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE; bonus->subtype = 0; //both min and max break; case 4://hp bonus->type = Bonus::STACK_HEALTH; break; case 5: bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; break; default: continue; } bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //creature id bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; bonus->limiter.reset(new CCreatureTypeLimiter (*VLC->creh->creatures[spec.additionalinfo], true)); hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 5://spell damage bonus in percent bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE; bonus->valType = Bonus::BASE_NUMBER; // current spell system is screwed bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 6://damage bonus for bless (Adela) bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id if you ever wanted to use it otherwise bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //damage factor hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 7://maxed mastery for spell bonus->type = Bonus::MAXED_SPELL; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell i hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 8://peculiar spells - enchantments bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo;//0, 1 for Coronius hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 9://upgrade creatures { const auto &creatures = VLC->creh->creatures; bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_UPGRADE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //base id bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //target id hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); for(auto cre_id : creatures[spec.subtype]->upgrades) { bonus->subtype = cre_id; //propagate for regular upgrades of base creature hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); } vstd::clear_pointer(bonus); break; } case 10://resource generation bonus->type = Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 11://starting skill with mastery (Adrienne) setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(spec.val), spec.additionalinfo, true); break; case 12://army speed bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 13://Dragon bonuses (Mutare) bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; switch (spec.subtype) { case 1: bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; break; case 2: bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; break; } bonus->limiter.reset(new HasAnotherBonusLimiter(Bonus::DRAGON_NATURE)); hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; default: logGlobal->warnStream() << "Unexpected hero specialty " << type; } } specialty.push_back(hs); //will it work? for (auto hs2 : type->specialty) //copy active (probably growing) bonuses from hero prootype to hero object { auto hs = new HeroSpecial(); attachTo(hs); //do we ever need to detach it? hs->setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::SPECIALTY); for (auto bonus : hs2.bonuses) { hs->addNewBonus (bonus); } hs->growsWithLevel = hs2.growsWithLevel; specialty.push_back(hs); //will it work? } //initialize bonuses recreateSecondarySkillsBonuses(); Updatespecialty(); mana = manaLimit(); //after all bonuses are taken into account, make sure this line is the last one type->name = name; } void CGHeroInstance::Updatespecialty() //TODO: calculate special value of bonuses on-the-fly? { for (auto hs : specialty) { if (hs->growsWithLevel) { //const auto &creatures = VLC->creh->creatures; for(Bonus * b : hs->getBonusList()) { switch (b->type) { case Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY: b->val = (hs->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL, b->subtype) * level); break; //use only hero skills as bonuses to avoid feedback loop case Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL: //for creatures, that is { const CCreature * cre = nullptr; int creLevel = 0; if (auto creatureLimiter = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(b->limiter)) //TODO: more general eveluation of bonuses? { cre = creatureLimiter->creature; creLevel = cre->level; if (!creLevel) { creLevel = 5; //treat ballista as tier 5 } } else //no creature found, can't calculate value { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Primary skill specialty growth supported only with creature type limiters"; break; } double primSkillModifier = (int)(level / creLevel) / 20.0; int param; switch (b->subtype) { case PrimarySkill::ATTACK: param = cre->Attack(); break; case PrimarySkill::DEFENSE: param = cre->Defense(); break; default: continue; } b->val = ceil(param * (1 + primSkillModifier)) - param; //yep, overcomplicated but matches original break; } } } } } } void CGHeroInstance::recreateSecondarySkillsBonuses() { auto secondarySkillsBonuses = getBonuses(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)); for(auto bonus : *secondarySkillsBonuses) removeBonus(bonus); for(auto skill_info : secSkills) updateSkill(SecondarySkill(skill_info.first), skill_info.second); } void CGHeroInstance::updateSkill(SecondarySkill which, int val) { if(which == SecondarySkill::LEADERSHIP || which == SecondarySkill::LUCK) { //luck-> VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[73+luckSkill]; VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[104+moraleSkill] bool luck = which == SecondarySkill::LUCK; Bonus::BonusType type[] = {Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::LUCK}; Bonus *b = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(type[luck]).And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL))); if(!b) { b = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, type[luck], Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, +val, which, which, Bonus::BASE_NUMBER); addNewBonus(b); } else b->val = +val; } else if(which == SecondarySkill::DIPLOMACY) //surrender discount: 20% per level { if(Bonus *b = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(Bonus::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT).And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)))) b->val = +val; else addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, val * 20, which)); } int skillVal = 0; switch (which) { case SecondarySkill::ARCHERY: switch (val) { case 1: skillVal = 10; break; case 2: skillVal = 25; break; case 3: skillVal = 50; break; } break; case SecondarySkill::LOGISTICS: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::NAVIGATION: skillVal = 50 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::MYSTICISM: skillVal = val; break; case SecondarySkill::EAGLE_EYE: skillVal = 30 + 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::LEARNING: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::OFFENCE: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::ARMORER: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::INTELLIGENCE: skillVal = 25 << (val-1); break; case SecondarySkill::SORCERY: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::RESISTANCE: skillVal = 5 << (val-1); break; case SecondarySkill::FIRST_AID: skillVal = 25 + 25*val; break; case SecondarySkill::ESTATES: skillVal = 125 << (val-1); break; } Bonus::ValueType skillValType = skillVal ? Bonus::BASE_NUMBER : Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MIN; if(Bonus * b = getBonusList().getFirst(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, which) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)))) //only local hero bonus { b->val = skillVal; b->valType = skillValType; } else { auto bonus = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, skillVal, id.getNum(), which, skillValType); bonus->source = Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL; addNewBonus(bonus); } } void CGHeroInstance::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { if(what == ObjProperty::PRIMARY_STACK_COUNT) setStackCount(SlotID(0), val); } double CGHeroInstance::getFightingStrength() const { return sqrt((1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::ATTACK)) * (1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::DEFENSE))); } double CGHeroInstance::getMagicStrength() const { return sqrt((1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE)) * (1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER))); } double CGHeroInstance::getHeroStrength() const { return sqrt(pow(getFightingStrength(), 2.0) * pow(getMagicStrength(), 2.0)); } ui64 CGHeroInstance::getTotalStrength() const { double ret = getFightingStrength() * getArmyStrength(); return (ui64) ret; } TExpType CGHeroInstance::calculateXp(TExpType exp) const { return exp * (100 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::LEARNING))/100.0; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::getSpellSchoolLevel(const CSpell * spell, int *outSelectedSchool) const { si16 skill = -1; //skill level spell->forEachSchool([&, this](const SpellSchoolInfo & cnf, bool & stop) { int thisSchool = std::max(getSecSkillLevel(cnf.skill), valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, 1 << ((ui8)cnf.id))); if(thisSchool > skill) { skill = thisSchool; if(outSelectedSchool) *outSelectedSchool = (ui8)cnf.id; } }); vstd::amax(skill, valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, 0)); //any school bonus vstd::amax(skill, valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL, spell->id.toEnum())); //given by artifact or other effect if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MAXED_SPELL, spell->id))//hero specialty (Daremyth, Melodia) skill = 3; assert(skill >= 0 && skill <= 3); return skill; } bool CGHeroInstance::canCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell) const { return spell->isCastableBy(this, nullptr !=getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK), spells); } /** * Calculates what creatures and how many to be raised from a battle. * @param battleResult The results of the battle. * @return Returns a pair with the first value indicating the ID of the creature * type and second value the amount. Both values are returned as -1 if necromancy * could not be applied. */ CStackBasicDescriptor CGHeroInstance::calculateNecromancy (const BattleResult &battleResult) const { const ui8 necromancyLevel = getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); // Hero knows necromancy or has Necromancer Cloak if (necromancyLevel > 0 || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::IMPROVED_NECROMANCY)) { double necromancySkill = valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY)/100.0; vstd::amin(necromancySkill, 1.0); //it's impossible to raise more creatures than all... const std::map &casualties = battleResult.casualties[!battleResult.winner]; ui32 raisedUnits = 0; // Figure out what to raise and how many. const CreatureID creatureTypes[] = {CreatureID::SKELETON, CreatureID::WALKING_DEAD, CreatureID::WIGHTS, CreatureID::LICHES}; const bool improvedNecromancy = hasBonusOfType(Bonus::IMPROVED_NECROMANCY); const CCreature *raisedUnitType = VLC->creh->creatures[creatureTypes[improvedNecromancy ? necromancyLevel : 0]]; const ui32 raisedUnitHP = raisedUnitType->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH); //calculate creatures raised from each defeated stack for (auto & casualtie : casualties) { // Get lost enemy hit points convertible to units. CCreature * c = VLC->creh->creatures[casualtie.first]; const ui32 raisedHP = c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH) * casualtie.second * necromancySkill; raisedUnits += std::min(raisedHP / raisedUnitHP, casualtie.second * necromancySkill); //limit to % of HP and % of original stack count } // Make room for new units. SlotID slot = getSlotFor(raisedUnitType->idNumber); if (slot == SlotID()) { // If there's no room for unit, try it's upgraded version 2/3rds the size. raisedUnitType = VLC->creh->creatures[*raisedUnitType->upgrades.begin()]; raisedUnits = (raisedUnits*2)/3; slot = getSlotFor(raisedUnitType->idNumber); } if (raisedUnits <= 0) raisedUnits = 1; return CStackBasicDescriptor(raisedUnitType->idNumber, raisedUnits); } return CStackBasicDescriptor(); } /** * Show the necromancy dialog with information about units raised. * @param raisedStack Pair where the first element represents ID of the raised creature * and the second element the amount. */ void CGHeroInstance::showNecromancyDialog(const CStackBasicDescriptor &raisedStack) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::pickup01 + cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(6); iw.player = tempOwner; iw.components.push_back(Component(raisedStack)); if (raisedStack.count > 1) // Practicing the dark arts of necromancy, ... (plural) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 145); iw.text.addReplacement(raisedStack.count); } else // Practicing the dark arts of necromancy, ... (singular) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 146); } iw.text.addReplacement(raisedStack); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } /* int3 CGHeroInstance::getSightCenter() const { return getPosition(false); }*/ int CGHeroInstance::getSightRadious() const { return 5 + getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::SCOUTING) + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SIGHT_RADIOUS); //default + scouting } si32 CGHeroInstance::manaRegain() const { if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FULL_MANA_REGENERATION)) return manaLimit(); return 1 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, 8) + valOfBonuses(Bonus::MANA_REGENERATION); //1 + Mysticism level } // /** // * Places an artifact in hero's backpack. If it's a big artifact equips it // * or discards it if it cannot be equipped. // */ // void CGHeroInstance::giveArtifact (ui32 aid) //use only for fixed artifacts // { // CArtifact * const artifact = VLC->arth->artifacts[aid]; //pointer to constant object // CArtifactInstance *ai = CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(artifact); // ai->putAt(this, ai->firstAvailableSlot(this)); // } int CGHeroInstance::getBoatType() const { switch(type->heroClass->getAlignment()) { case EAlignment::GOOD: return 1; case EAlignment::EVIL: return 0; case EAlignment::NEUTRAL: return 2; default: throw std::runtime_error("Wrong alignment!"); } } void CGHeroInstance::getOutOffsets(std::vector &offsets) const { offsets = { int3(0,1,0), int3(0,-1,0), int3(-1,0,0), int3(+1,0,0), int3(1,1,0), int3(-1,1,0), int3(1,-1,0), int3(-1,-1,0) }; } int CGHeroInstance::getSpellCost(const CSpell *sp) const { return sp->getCost(getSpellSchoolLevel(sp)); } void CGHeroInstance::pushPrimSkill( PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill which, int val ) { assert(!hasBonus(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, which) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL)))); addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL, val, id.getNum(), which)); } EAlignment::EAlignment CGHeroInstance::getAlignment() const { return type->heroClass->getAlignment(); } void CGHeroInstance::initExp() { exp = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(40, 89); } std::string CGHeroInstance::nodeName() const { return "Hero " + name; } void CGHeroInstance::putArtifact(ArtifactPosition pos, CArtifactInstance *art) { assert(!getArt(pos)); art->putAt(ArtifactLocation(this, pos)); } void CGHeroInstance::putInBackpack(CArtifactInstance *art) { putArtifact(art->firstBackpackSlot(this), art); } bool CGHeroInstance::hasSpellbook() const { return getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK); } void CGHeroInstance::deserializationFix() { artDeserializationFix(this); for (auto hs : specialty) { attachTo (hs); } } CBonusSystemNode * CGHeroInstance::whereShouldBeAttached(CGameState *gs) { if(visitedTown) { if(inTownGarrison) return visitedTown; else return &visitedTown->townAndVis; } else return CArmedInstance::whereShouldBeAttached(gs); } int CGHeroInstance::movementPointsAfterEmbark(int MPsBefore, int basicCost, bool disembark /*= false*/) const { if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FREE_SHIP_BOARDING)) return (MPsBefore - basicCost) * static_cast(maxMovePoints(disembark)) / maxMovePoints(!disembark); return 0; //take all MPs otherwise } CGHeroInstance::ECanDig CGHeroInstance::diggingStatus() const { if(movement < maxMovePoints(true)) return LACK_OF_MOVEMENT; else if(cb->getTile(getPosition(false))->terType == ETerrainType::WATER) return WRONG_TERRAIN; else { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(getPosition()); //TODO look for hole //CGI->mh->getTerrainDescr(h->getPosition(false), hlp, false); if(/*hlp.length() || */t->blockingObjects.size() > 1) return TILE_OCCUPIED; else return CAN_DIG; } } ArtBearer::ArtBearer CGHeroInstance::bearerType() const { return ArtBearer::HERO; } std::vector CGHeroInstance::getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills() const { std::vector obligatorySkills; //hero is offered magic school or wisdom if possible if (!skillsInfo.wisdomCounter) { if (cb->isAllowed(2, SecondarySkill::WISDOM) && !getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM)) obligatorySkills.push_back(SecondarySkill::WISDOM); } if (!skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter) { std::vector ss = { SecondarySkill::FIRE_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::AIR_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::WATER_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::EARTH_MAGIC }; std::shuffle(ss.begin(), ss.end(), skillsInfo.rand.getStdGenerator()); for (auto skill : ss) { if (cb->isAllowed(2, skill) && !getSecSkillLevel(skill)) //only schools hero doesn't know yet { obligatorySkills.push_back(skill); break; //only one } } } std::vector skills; //picking sec. skills for choice std::set basicAndAdv, expert, none; for(int i=0;iisAllowed(2,i)) none.insert(SecondarySkill(i)); for(auto & elem : secSkills) { if(elem.second < SecSkillLevel::EXPERT) basicAndAdv.insert(elem.first); else expert.insert(elem.first); none.erase(elem.first); } for (auto s : obligatorySkills) //don't duplicate them { none.erase (s); basicAndAdv.erase (s); expert.erase (s); } //first offered skill: // 1) give obligatory skill // 2) give any other new skill // 3) upgrade existing if (canLearnSkill() && obligatorySkills.size() > 0) { skills.push_back (obligatorySkills[0]); } else if(none.size() && canLearnSkill()) //hero have free skill slot { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none, skillsInfo.rand)); //new skill none.erase(skills.back()); } else if(!basicAndAdv.empty()) { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv, skillsInfo.rand)); //upgrade existing basicAndAdv.erase(skills.back()); } //second offered skill: //1) upgrade existing //2) give obligatory skill //3) give any other new skill if(!basicAndAdv.empty()) { SecondarySkill s = type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv, skillsInfo.rand);//upgrade existing skills.push_back(s); basicAndAdv.erase(s); } else if (canLearnSkill() && obligatorySkills.size() > 1) { skills.push_back (obligatorySkills[1]); } else if(none.size() && canLearnSkill()) { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none, skillsInfo.rand)); //give new skill none.erase(skills.back()); } if (skills.size() == 2) // Fix for #1868 to avoid changing logic (possibly causing bugs in process) std::swap(skills[0], skills[1]); return skills; } PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill CGHeroInstance::nextPrimarySkill() const { assert(gainsLevel()); int randomValue = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99), pom = 0, primarySkill = 0; const auto & skillChances = (level > 9) ? type->heroClass->primarySkillLowLevel : type->heroClass->primarySkillHighLevel; for(; primarySkill < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS; ++primarySkill) { pom += skillChances[primarySkill]; if(randomValue < pom) { break; } } logGlobal->traceStream() << "The hero gets the primary skill " << primarySkill << " with a probability of " << randomValue << "%."; return static_cast(primarySkill); } boost::optional CGHeroInstance::nextSecondarySkill() const { assert(gainsLevel()); boost::optional chosenSecondarySkill; const auto proposedSecondarySkills = getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills(); if(!proposedSecondarySkills.empty()) { std::vector learnedSecondarySkills; for(auto secondarySkill : proposedSecondarySkills) { if(getSecSkillLevel(secondarySkill) > 0) { learnedSecondarySkills.push_back(secondarySkill); } } auto & rand = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator(); if(learnedSecondarySkills.empty()) { // there are only new skills to learn, so choose anyone of them chosenSecondarySkill = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(proposedSecondarySkills, rand); } else { // preferably upgrade a already learned secondary skill chosenSecondarySkill = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(learnedSecondarySkills, rand); } } return chosenSecondarySkill; } void CGHeroInstance::setPrimarySkill(PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill primarySkill, si64 value, ui8 abs) { if(primarySkill < PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE) { Bonus * skill = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL) .And(Selector::subtype(primarySkill)) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL))); assert(skill); if(abs) { skill->val = value; } else { skill->val += value; } } else if(primarySkill == PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE) { if(abs) { exp = value; } else { exp += value; } } } bool CGHeroInstance::gainsLevel() const { return exp >= VLC->heroh->reqExp(level+1); } void CGHeroInstance::levelUp(std::vector skills) { ++level; //deterministic secondary skills skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter = (skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter + 1) % maxlevelsToMagicSchool(); skillsInfo.wisdomCounter = (skillsInfo.wisdomCounter + 1) % maxlevelsToWisdom(); if(vstd::contains(skills, SecondarySkill::WISDOM)) { skillsInfo.resetWisdomCounter(); } SecondarySkill spellSchools[] = { SecondarySkill::FIRE_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::AIR_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::WATER_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::EARTH_MAGIC}; for(auto skill : spellSchools) { if(vstd::contains(skills, skill)) { skillsInfo.resetMagicSchoolCounter(); break; } } //specialty Updatespecialty(); } void CGHeroInstance::levelUpAutomatically() { while(gainsLevel()) { const auto primarySkill = nextPrimarySkill(); setPrimarySkill(primarySkill, 1, false); auto proposedSecondarySkills = getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills(); const auto secondarySkill = nextSecondarySkill(); if(secondarySkill) { setSecSkillLevel(*secondarySkill, 1, false); } //TODO why has the secondary skills to be passed to the method? levelUp(proposedSecondarySkills); } } bool CGHeroInstance::hasVisions(const CGObjectInstance * target, const int subtype) const { //VISIONS spell support const std::string cached = boost::to_string((boost::format("type_%d__subtype_%d") % Bonus::VISIONS % subtype)); const int visionsMultiplier = valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::VISIONS,subtype), cached); int visionsRange = visionsMultiplier * getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); if (visionsMultiplier > 0) vstd::amax(visionsRange, 3); //minimum range is 3 tiles, but only if VISIONS bonus present const int distance = target->pos.dist2d(getPosition(false)); //logGlobal->debug(boost::to_string(boost::format("Visions: dist %d, mult %d, range %d") % distance % visionsMultiplier % visionsRange)); return (distance < visionsRange) && (target->pos.z == pos.z); }