/* * * CQuest.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CQuest.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../CGameState.h" std::map <PlayerColor, std::set <ui8> > CGKeys::playerKeyMap; ///helpers static void showInfoDialog(const PlayerColor playerID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundID; iw.player = playerID; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,txtID); IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } static void showInfoDialog(const CGHeroInstance* h, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { const PlayerColor playerID = h->getOwner(); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); } static std::string & visitedTxt(const bool visited) { int id = visited ? 352 : 353; return VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[id]; } bool CQuest::checkQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { switch (missionType) { case MISSION_NONE: return true; case MISSION_LEVEL: if (m13489val <= h->level) return true; return false; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS; ++i) { if (h->getPrimSkillLevel(static_cast<PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill>(i)) < m2stats[i]) return false; } return true; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: if (!h->cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(m13489val)) return true; return false; case MISSION_ART: for (auto & elem : m5arts) { if (h->hasArt(elem)) continue; return false; //if the artifact was not found } return true; case MISSION_ARMY: { std::vector<CStackBasicDescriptor>::const_iterator cre; TSlots::const_iterator it; ui32 count; for (cre = m6creatures.begin(); cre != m6creatures.end(); ++cre) { for (count = 0, it = h->Slots().begin(); it != h->Slots().end(); ++it) { if (it->second->type == cre->type) count += it->second->count; } if (count < cre->count) //not enough creatures of this kind return false; } } return true; case MISSION_RESOURCES: for (Res::ERes i = Res::WOOD; i <= Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, +1)) //including Mithril ? { //Quest has no direct access to callback if (h->cb->getResource (h->tempOwner, i) < m7resources[i]) return false; } return true; case MISSION_HERO: if (m13489val == h->type->ID.getNum()) return true; return false; case MISSION_PLAYER: if (m13489val == h->getOwner().getNum()) return true; return false; default: return false; } } void CQuest::getVisitText (MetaString &iwText, std::vector<Component> &components, bool isCustom, bool firstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { std::string text; bool failRequirements = (h ? !checkQuest(h) : true); if (firstVisit) { isCustom = isCustomFirst; iwText << (text = firstVisitText); } else if (failRequirements) { isCustom = isCustomNext; iwText << (text = nextVisitText); } switch (missionType) { case MISSION_LEVEL: components.push_back(Component (Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, m13489val, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(m13489val); break; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, i, m2stats[i], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: components.push_back(Component(Component::HERO_PORTRAIT, heroPortrait, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) addReplacements(iwText, text); break; case MISSION_HERO: //FIXME: portrait may not match hero, if custom portrait was set in map editor components.push_back(Component (Component::HERO_PORTRAIT, VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->imageIndex, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: { components.push_back(Component(stackToKill)); if (!isCustom) { addReplacements(iwText, text); } } break; case MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { components.push_back(Component (Component::ARTIFACT, elem, 0, 0)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { components.push_back(Component(elem)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { components.push_back(Component (Component::RESOURCE, i, m7resources[i], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_PLAYER: components.push_back(Component (Component::FLAG, m13489val, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; } } void CQuest::getRolloverText (MetaString &ms, bool onHover) const { // Quests with MISSION_NONE type don't have a text for them assert(missionType != MISSION_NONE); if (onHover) ms << "\n\n"; ms << VLC->generaltexth->quests[missionType-1][onHover ? 3 : 4][textOption]; switch (missionType) { case MISSION_LEVEL: ms.addReplacement(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m13489val)); break; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: ms.addReplacement(heroName); break; case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: ms.addReplacement(stackToKill); break; case MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_HERO: ms.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_PLAYER: ms.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; default: break; } } void CQuest::getCompletionText (MetaString &iwText, std::vector<Component> &components, bool isCustom, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { iwText << completedText; switch (missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_LEVEL: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(m13489val); break; case CQuest::MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: if (vstd::contains (completedText,'%')) //there's one case when there's nothing to replace { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: if (!isCustomComplete) addReplacements(iwText, completedText); break; case MISSION_HERO: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_PLAYER: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; } } CGSeerHut::CGSeerHut() : IQuestObject() { quest->lastDay = -1; quest->isCustomFirst = false; quest->isCustomNext = false; quest->isCustomComplete = false; } void CGSeerHut::setObjToKill() { if (quest->missionType == CQuest::MISSION_KILL_CREATURE) { quest->stackToKill = getCreatureToKill(false)->getStack(SlotID(0)); //FIXME: stacks tend to disappear (desync?) on server :? assert(quest->stackToKill.type); quest->stackToKill.count = 0; //no count in info window quest->stackDirection = checkDirection(); } else if (quest->missionType == CQuest::MISSION_KILL_HERO) { quest->heroName = getHeroToKill(false)->name; quest->heroPortrait = getHeroToKill(false)->portrait; } } void CGSeerHut::init() { seerName = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->generaltexth->seerNames, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); quest->textOption = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(2); } void CGSeerHut::initObj() { init(); quest->progress = CQuest::NOT_ACTIVE; if (quest->missionType) { if (!quest->isCustomFirst) quest->firstVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][0][quest->textOption]; if (!quest->isCustomNext) quest->nextVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][1][quest->textOption]; if (!quest->isCustomComplete) quest->completedText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][2][quest->textOption]; } else { quest->progress = CQuest::COMPLETE; quest->firstVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->seerEmpty[quest->textOption]; } } void CGSeerHut::getRolloverText (MetaString &text, bool onHover) const { quest->getRolloverText (text, onHover);//TODO: simplify? if (!onHover) text.addReplacement(seerName); } std::string CGSeerHut::getHoverText(PlayerColor player) const { std::string hoverName = getObjectName(); if (ID == Obj::SEER_HUT && quest->progress != CQuest::NOT_ACTIVE) { hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[347]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s", seerName); } if (quest->progress & quest->missionType) //rollover when the quest is active { MetaString ms; getRolloverText (ms, true); hoverName += ms.toString(); } return hoverName; } void CQuest::addReplacements(MetaString &out, const std::string &base) const { switch(missionType) { case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: out.addReplacement(stackToKill); if (std::count(base.begin(), base.end(), '%') == 2) //say where is placed monster { out.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[147+stackDirection]); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: out.addReplacement(heroName); break; } } bool IQuestObject::checkQuest(const CGHeroInstance* h) const { return quest->checkQuest(h); } void IQuestObject::getVisitText (MetaString &text, std::vector<Component> &components, bool isCustom, bool FirstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { quest->getVisitText (text,components, isCustom, FirstVisit, h); } void CGSeerHut::getCompletionText(MetaString &text, std::vector<Component> &components, bool isCustom, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { quest->getCompletionText (text, components, isCustom, h); switch (rewardType) { case EXPERIENCE: components.push_back(Component (Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, h->calculateXp(rVal), 0)); break; case MANA_POINTS: components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, 5, rVal, 0)); break; case MORALE_BONUS: components.push_back(Component (Component::MORALE, 0, rVal, 0)); break; case LUCK_BONUS: components.push_back(Component (Component::LUCK, 0, rVal, 0)); break; case RESOURCES: components.push_back(Component (Component::RESOURCE, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case PRIMARY_SKILL: components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: components.push_back(Component (Component::SEC_SKILL, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case ARTIFACT: components.push_back(Component (Component::ARTIFACT, rID, 0, 0)); break; case SPELL: components.push_back(Component (Component::SPELL, rID, 0, 0)); break; case CREATURE: components.push_back(Component (Component::CREATURE, rID, rVal, 0)); break; } } void CGSeerHut::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case 10: quest->progress = static_cast<CQuest::Eprogress>(val); break; } } void CGSeerHut::newTurn() const { if (quest->lastDay >= 0 && quest->lastDay < cb->getDate()-1) //time is up { cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::COMPLETE); } } void CGSeerHut::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if (quest->progress < CQuest::COMPLETE) { bool firstVisit = !quest->progress; bool failRequirements = !checkQuest(h); bool isCustom=false; if (firstVisit) { isCustom = quest->isCustomFirst; cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::IN_PROGRESS); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); //TODO: merge with setObjProperty? } else if (failRequirements) { isCustom = quest->isCustomNext; } if (firstVisit || failRequirements) { getVisitText (iw.text, iw.components, isCustom, firstVisit, h); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } if (!failRequirements) // propose completion, also on first visit { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::QUEST; getCompletionText (bd.text, bd.components, isCustom, h); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); return; } } else { iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->seerEmpty[quest->textOption]; if (ID == Obj::SEER_HUT) iw.text.addReplacement(seerName); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } int CGSeerHut::checkDirection() const { int3 cord = getCreatureToKill()->pos; if ((double)cord.x/(double)cb->getMapSize().x < 0.34) //north { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //northwest return 8; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //north return 1; else //northeast return 2; } else if ((double)cord.x/(double)cb->getMapSize().x < 0.67) //horizontal { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //west return 7; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //central return 9; else //east return 3; } else //south { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //southwest return 6; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //south return 5; else //southeast return 4; } } void CGSeerHut::finishQuest(const CGHeroInstance * h, ui32 accept) const { if (accept) { switch (quest->missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_ART: for (auto & elem : quest->m5arts) { cb->removeArtifact(ArtifactLocation(h, h->getArtPos(elem, false))); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: cb->takeCreatures(h->id, quest->m6creatures); break; case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { cb->giveResource(h->getOwner(), static_cast<Res::ERes>(i), -quest->m7resources[i]); } break; default: break; } cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::COMPLETE); //mission complete completeQuest(h); //make sure to remove QuestGuard at the very end } } void CGSeerHut::completeQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const //reward { switch (rewardType) { case EXPERIENCE: { TExpType expVal = h->calculateXp(rVal); cb->changePrimSkill(h, PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE, expVal, false); break; } case MANA_POINTS: { cb->setManaPoints(h->id, h->mana+rVal); break; } case MORALE_BONUS: case LUCK_BONUS: { Bonus hb(Bonus::ONE_WEEK, (rewardType == 3 ? Bonus::MORALE : Bonus::LUCK), Bonus::OBJECT, rVal, h->id.getNum(), "", -1); GiveBonus gb; gb.id = h->id.getNum(); gb.bonus = hb; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } break; case RESOURCES: cb->giveResource(h->getOwner(), static_cast<Res::ERes>(rID), rVal); break; case PRIMARY_SKILL: cb->changePrimSkill(h, static_cast<PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill>(rID), rVal, false); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: cb->changeSecSkill(h, SecondarySkill(rID), rVal, false); break; case ARTIFACT: cb->giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[rID],ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); break; case SPELL: { std::set<SpellID> spell; spell.insert (SpellID(rID)); cb->changeSpells(h, true, spell); } break; case CREATURE: { CCreatureSet creatures; creatures.setCreature(SlotID(0), CreatureID(rID), rVal); cb->giveCreatures(this, h, creatures, false); } break; default: break; } } const CGHeroInstance * CGSeerHut::getHeroToKill(bool allowNull) const { const CGObjectInstance *o = cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(quest->m13489val); if(allowNull && !o) return nullptr; assert(o && (o->ID == Obj::HERO || o->ID == Obj::PRISON)); return static_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(o); } const CGCreature * CGSeerHut::getCreatureToKill(bool allowNull) const { const CGObjectInstance *o = cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(quest->m13489val); if(allowNull && !o) return nullptr; assert(o && o->ID == Obj::MONSTER); return static_cast<const CGCreature*>(o); } void CGSeerHut::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { finishQuest(hero, answer); } void CGQuestGuard::init() { blockVisit = true; quest->textOption = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(3, 5); } void CGQuestGuard::completeQuest(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { cb->removeObject(this); } void CGKeys::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) //101-108 - enable key for player 1-8 { if (what >= 101 && what <= (100 + PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I)) { PlayerColor player(what-101); playerKeyMap[player].insert((ui8)val); } else logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::format("Unexpected properties requested to set: what=%d, val=%d") % (int)what % val; } bool CGKeys::wasMyColorVisited (PlayerColor player) const { if (vstd::contains(playerKeyMap[player], subID)) //creates set if it's not there return true; else return false; } std::string CGKeys::getHoverText(PlayerColor player) const { return getObjectName() + "\n" + visitedTxt(wasMyColorVisited(player)); } std::string CGKeys::getObjectName() const { return VLC->generaltexth->tentColors[subID] + " " + CGObjectInstance::getObjectName(); } bool CGKeymasterTent::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return wasMyColorVisited (player); } void CGKeymasterTent::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { int txt_id; if (!wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { cb->setObjProperty(id, h->tempOwner.getNum()+101, subID); txt_id=19; } else txt_id=20; showInfoDialog(h,txt_id,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); } void CGBorderGuard::initObj() { //ui32 m13489val = subID; //store color as quest info blockVisit = true; } void CGBorderGuard::getVisitText (MetaString &text, std::vector<Component> &components, bool isCustom, bool FirstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { text << std::pair<ui8,ui32>(11,18); } void CGBorderGuard::getRolloverText (MetaString &text, bool onHover) const { if (!onHover) text << VLC->generaltexth->tentColors[subID] << " " << VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(Obj::KEYMASTER); } bool CGBorderGuard::checkQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { return wasMyColorVisited (h->tempOwner); } void CGBorderGuard::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if (wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::QUEST; bd.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 17); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } else { showInfoDialog(h,18,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); //TODO: add this quest only once OR check for multiple instances later } } void CGBorderGuard::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) cb->removeObject(this); } void CGBorderGate::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const //TODO: passability { if (!wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { showInfoDialog(h,18,0); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); } } bool CGBorderGate::passableFor(PlayerColor color) const { return wasMyColorVisited(color); }