/* * ArtifactUtils.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "ArtifactUtils.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "GameSettings.h" #include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "mapping/CMap.h" #include "mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN DLL_LINKAGE ArtifactPosition ArtifactUtils::getArtAnyPosition(const CArtifactSet * target, const ArtifactID & aid) { const auto * art = aid.toArtifact(); for(const auto & slot : art->getPossibleSlots().at(target->bearerType())) { if(art->canBePutAt(target, slot)) return slot; } return getArtBackpackPosition(target, aid); } DLL_LINKAGE ArtifactPosition ArtifactUtils::getArtBackpackPosition(const CArtifactSet * target, const ArtifactID & aid) { const auto * art = aid.toArtifact(); if(art->canBePutAt(target, ArtifactPosition::BACKPACK_START)) { return ArtifactPosition::BACKPACK_START; } return ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST; } DLL_LINKAGE const std::vector & ArtifactUtils::unmovableSlots() { static const std::vector positions = { ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK, ArtifactPosition::MACH4 }; return positions; } DLL_LINKAGE const std::vector & ArtifactUtils::constituentWornSlots() { static const std::vector positions = { ArtifactPosition::HEAD, ArtifactPosition::SHOULDERS, ArtifactPosition::NECK, ArtifactPosition::RIGHT_HAND, ArtifactPosition::LEFT_HAND, ArtifactPosition::TORSO, ArtifactPosition::RIGHT_RING, ArtifactPosition::LEFT_RING, ArtifactPosition::FEET, ArtifactPosition::MISC1, ArtifactPosition::MISC2, ArtifactPosition::MISC3, ArtifactPosition::MISC4, ArtifactPosition::MISC5, }; return positions; } DLL_LINKAGE bool ArtifactUtils::isArtRemovable(const std::pair & slot) { return slot.second.artifact && !slot.second.locked && !vstd::contains(unmovableSlots(), slot.first); } DLL_LINKAGE bool ArtifactUtils::checkSpellbookIsNeeded(const CGHeroInstance * heroPtr, const ArtifactID & artID, const ArtifactPosition & slot) { // TODO what'll happen if Titan's thunder is equipped by pickin git up or the start of game? // Titan's Thunder creates new spellbook on equip if(artID == ArtifactID::TITANS_THUNDER && slot == ArtifactPosition::RIGHT_HAND) { if(heroPtr && !heroPtr->hasSpellbook()) { return true; } } return false; } DLL_LINKAGE bool ArtifactUtils::isSlotBackpack(const ArtifactPosition & slot) { return slot >= ArtifactPosition::BACKPACK_START; } DLL_LINKAGE bool ArtifactUtils::isSlotEquipment(const ArtifactPosition & slot) { return slot < ArtifactPosition::BACKPACK_START && slot >= ArtifactPosition(0); } DLL_LINKAGE bool ArtifactUtils::isBackpackFreeSlots(const CArtifactSet * target, const size_t reqSlots) { const auto backpackCap = VLC->settings()->getInteger(EGameSettings::HEROES_BACKPACK_CAP); if(backpackCap < 0) return true; else return target->artifactsInBackpack.size() + reqSlots <= backpackCap; } DLL_LINKAGE std::vector ArtifactUtils::assemblyPossibilities( const CArtifactSet * artSet, const ArtifactID & aid, bool equipped) { std::vector arts; const auto * art = aid.toArtifact(); if(art->isCombined()) return arts; for(const auto artifact : art->getPartOf()) { assert(artifact->isCombined()); bool possible = true; for(const auto constituent : artifact->getConstituents()) //check if all constituents are available { if(equipped) { // Search for equipped arts if(!artSet->hasArt(constituent->getId(), true, false, false)) { possible = false; break; } } else { // Search in backpack if(!artSet->hasArtBackpack(constituent->getId())) { possible = false; break; } } } if(possible) arts.push_back(artifact); } return arts; } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance * ArtifactUtils::createScroll(const SpellID & sid) { auto ret = new CArtifactInstance(VLC->arth->objects[ArtifactID::SPELL_SCROLL]); auto bonus = std::make_shared(BonusDuration::PERMANENT, BonusType::SPELL, BonusSource::ARTIFACT_INSTANCE, -1, ArtifactID::SPELL_SCROLL, sid); ret->addNewBonus(bonus); return ret; } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance * ArtifactUtils::createNewArtifactInstance(CArtifact * art) { assert(art); auto * artInst = new CArtifactInstance(art); if(art->isCombined()) { assert(art->isCombined()); for(const auto & part : art->getConstituents()) artInst->addPart(ArtifactUtils::createNewArtifactInstance(part), ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST); } if(art->isGrowing()) { auto bonus = std::make_shared(); bonus->type = BonusType::LEVEL_COUNTER; bonus->val = 0; artInst->addNewBonus(bonus); } return artInst; } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance * ArtifactUtils::createNewArtifactInstance(const ArtifactID & aid) { return ArtifactUtils::createNewArtifactInstance(VLC->arth->objects[aid]); } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance * ArtifactUtils::createArtifact(CMap * map, const ArtifactID & aid, SpellID spellID) { CArtifactInstance * art = nullptr; if(aid.getNum() >= 0) { if(spellID == SpellID::NONE) { art = ArtifactUtils::createNewArtifactInstance(aid); } else { art = ArtifactUtils::createScroll(spellID); } } else { art = new CArtifactInstance(); // random, empty } map->addNewArtifactInstance(art); if(art->artType && art->isCombined()) { for(auto & part : art->getPartsInfo()) { map->addNewArtifactInstance(part.art); } } return art; } DLL_LINKAGE void ArtifactUtils::insertScrrollSpellName(std::string & description, const SpellID & sid) { // We expect scroll description to be like this: This scroll contains the [spell name] spell which is added // into spell book for as long as hero carries the scroll. So we want to replace text in [...] with a spell name. // However other language versions don't have name placeholder at all, so we have to be careful auto nameStart = description.find_first_of('['); auto nameEnd = description.find_first_of(']', nameStart); if(sid.getNum() >= 0) { if(nameStart != std::string::npos && nameEnd != std::string::npos) description = description.replace(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart + 1, sid.toSpell(VLC->spells())->getNameTranslated()); } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END