/* * CModHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "CModInfo.h" #include "ModScope.h" #include "ContentTypeHandler.h" #include "IdentifierStorage.h" #include "ModIncompatibility.h" #include "../CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CStopWatch.h" #include "../GameSettings.h" #include "../Languages.h" #include "../ScriptHandler.h" #include "../constants/StringConstants.h" #include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static JsonNode loadModSettings(const JsonPath & path) { if (CResourceHandler::get("local")->existsResource(ResourcePath(path))) { return JsonNode(path); } // Probably new install. Create initial configuration CResourceHandler::get("local")->createResource(path.getOriginalName() + ".json"); return JsonNode(); } CModHandler::CModHandler() : content(std::make_shared()) , coreMod(std::make_unique()) { } CModHandler::~CModHandler() = default; // currentList is passed by value to get current list of depending mods bool CModHandler::hasCircularDependency(const TModID & modID, std::set currentList) const { const CModInfo & mod = allMods.at(modID); // Mod already present? We found a loop if (vstd::contains(currentList, modID)) { logMod->error("Error: Circular dependency detected! Printing dependency list:"); logMod->error("\t%s -> ", mod.getVerificationInfo().name); return true; } currentList.insert(modID); // recursively check every dependency of this mod for(const TModID & dependency : mod.dependencies) { if (hasCircularDependency(dependency, currentList)) { logMod->error("\t%s ->\n", mod.getVerificationInfo().name); // conflict detected, print dependency list return true; } } return false; } // Returned vector affects the resource loaders call order (see CFilesystemList::load). // The loaders call order matters when dependent mod overrides resources in its dependencies. std::vector CModHandler::validateAndSortDependencies(std::vector modsToResolve) const { // Topological sort algorithm. // TODO: Investigate possible ways to improve performance. boost::range::sort(modsToResolve); // Sort mods per name std::vector sortedValidMods; // Vector keeps order of elements (LIFO) sortedValidMods.reserve(modsToResolve.size()); // push_back calls won't cause memory reallocation std::set resolvedModIDs; // Use a set for validation for performance reason, but set does not keep order of elements // Mod is resolved if it has not dependencies or all its dependencies are already resolved auto isResolved = [&](const CModInfo & mod) -> CModInfo::EValidationStatus { if(mod.dependencies.size() > resolvedModIDs.size()) return CModInfo::PENDING; for(const TModID & dependency : mod.dependencies) { if(!vstd::contains(resolvedModIDs, dependency)) return CModInfo::PENDING; } return CModInfo::PASSED; }; while(true) { std::set resolvedOnCurrentTreeLevel; for(auto it = modsToResolve.begin(); it != modsToResolve.end();) // One iteration - one level of mods tree { if(isResolved(allMods.at(*it)) == CModInfo::PASSED) { resolvedOnCurrentTreeLevel.insert(*it); // Not to the resolvedModIDs, so current node childs will be resolved on the next iteration sortedValidMods.push_back(*it); it = modsToResolve.erase(it); continue; } it++; } if(!resolvedOnCurrentTreeLevel.empty()) { resolvedModIDs.insert(resolvedOnCurrentTreeLevel.begin(), resolvedOnCurrentTreeLevel.end()); continue; } // If there're no valid mods on the current mods tree level, no more mod can be resolved, should be end. break; } // Left mods have unresolved dependencies, output all to log. for(const auto & brokenModID : modsToResolve) { const CModInfo & brokenMod = allMods.at(brokenModID); for(const TModID & dependency : brokenMod.dependencies) { if(!vstd::contains(resolvedModIDs, dependency)) logMod->error("Mod '%s' will not work: it depends on mod '%s', which is not installed.", brokenMod.getVerificationInfo().name, dependency); } } return sortedValidMods; } std::vector CModHandler::getModList(const std::string & path) const { std::string modDir = boost::to_upper_copy(path + "MODS/"); size_t depth = boost::range::count(modDir, '/'); auto list = CResourceHandler::get("initial")->getFilteredFiles([&](const ResourcePath & id) -> bool { if (id.getType() != EResType::DIRECTORY) return false; if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(id.getName(), modDir)) return false; if (boost::range::count(id.getName(), '/') != depth ) return false; return true; }); //storage for found mods std::vector foundMods; for(const auto & entry : list) { std::string name = entry.getName(); name.erase(0, modDir.size()); //Remove path prefix if (!name.empty()) foundMods.push_back(name); } return foundMods; } void CModHandler::loadMods(const std::string & path, const std::string & parent, const JsonNode & modSettings, bool enableMods) { for(const std::string & modName : getModList(path)) loadOneMod(modName, parent, modSettings, enableMods); } void CModHandler::loadOneMod(std::string modName, const std::string & parent, const JsonNode & modSettings, bool enableMods) { boost::to_lower(modName); std::string modFullName = parent.empty() ? modName : parent + '.' + modName; if ( ModScope::isScopeReserved(modFullName)) { logMod->error("Can not load mod %s - this name is reserved for internal use!", modFullName); return; } if(CResourceHandler::get("initial")->existsResource(CModInfo::getModFile(modFullName))) { CModInfo mod(modFullName, modSettings[modName], JsonNode(CModInfo::getModFile(modFullName))); if (!parent.empty()) // this is submod, add parent to dependencies mod.dependencies.insert(parent); allMods[modFullName] = mod; if (mod.isEnabled() && enableMods) activeMods.push_back(modFullName); loadMods(CModInfo::getModDir(modFullName) + '/', modFullName, modSettings[modName]["mods"], enableMods && mod.isEnabled()); } } void CModHandler::loadMods(bool onlyEssential) { JsonNode modConfig; if(onlyEssential) { loadOneMod("vcmi", "", modConfig, true);//only vcmi and submods } else { modConfig = loadModSettings(JsonPath::builtin("config/modSettings.json")); loadMods("", "", modConfig["activeMods"], true); } coreMod = std::make_unique(ModScope::scopeBuiltin(), modConfig[ModScope::scopeBuiltin()], JsonNode(JsonPath::builtin("config/gameConfig.json"))); } std::vector CModHandler::getAllMods() { std::vector modlist; modlist.reserve(allMods.size()); for (auto & entry : allMods) modlist.push_back(entry.first); return modlist; } std::vector CModHandler::getActiveMods() { return activeMods; } const CModInfo & CModHandler::getModInfo(const TModID & modId) const { return allMods.at(modId); } static JsonNode genDefaultFS() { // default FS config for mods: directory "Content" that acts as H3 root directory JsonNode defaultFS; defaultFS[""].Vector().resize(2); defaultFS[""].Vector()[0]["type"].String() = "zip"; defaultFS[""].Vector()[0]["path"].String() = "/Content.zip"; defaultFS[""].Vector()[1]["type"].String() = "dir"; defaultFS[""].Vector()[1]["path"].String() = "/Content"; return defaultFS; } static ISimpleResourceLoader * genModFilesystem(const std::string & modName, const JsonNode & conf) { static const JsonNode defaultFS = genDefaultFS(); if (!conf["filesystem"].isNull()) return CResourceHandler::createFileSystem(CModInfo::getModDir(modName), conf["filesystem"]); else return CResourceHandler::createFileSystem(CModInfo::getModDir(modName), defaultFS); } static ui32 calculateModChecksum(const std::string & modName, ISimpleResourceLoader * filesystem) { boost::crc_32_type modChecksum; // first - add current VCMI version into checksum to force re-validation on VCMI updates modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast(GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.data()), GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.size()); // second - add mod.json into checksum because filesystem does not contains this file // FIXME: remove workaround for core mod if (modName != ModScope::scopeBuiltin()) { auto modConfFile = CModInfo::getModFile(modName); ui32 configChecksum = CResourceHandler::get("initial")->load(modConfFile)->calculateCRC32(); modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast(&configChecksum), sizeof(configChecksum)); } // third - add all detected text files from this mod into checksum auto files = filesystem->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourcePath & resID) { return (resID.getType() == EResType::TEXT || resID.getType() == EResType::JSON) && ( boost::starts_with(resID.getName(), "DATA") || boost::starts_with(resID.getName(), "CONFIG")); }); for (const ResourcePath & file : files) { ui32 fileChecksum = filesystem->load(file)->calculateCRC32(); modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast(&fileChecksum), sizeof(fileChecksum)); } return modChecksum.checksum(); } void CModHandler::loadModFilesystems() { CGeneralTextHandler::detectInstallParameters(); activeMods = validateAndSortDependencies(activeMods); coreMod->updateChecksum(calculateModChecksum(ModScope::scopeBuiltin(), CResourceHandler::get(ModScope::scopeBuiltin()))); for(std::string & modName : activeMods) { CModInfo & mod = allMods[modName]; CResourceHandler::addFilesystem("data", modName, genModFilesystem(modName, mod.config)); } } TModID CModHandler::findResourceOrigin(const ResourcePath & name) { for(const auto & modID : boost::adaptors::reverse(activeMods)) { if(CResourceHandler::get(modID)->existsResource(name)) return modID; } if(CResourceHandler::get("core")->existsResource(name)) return "core"; if(CResourceHandler::get("mapEditor")->existsResource(name)) return "core"; // Workaround for loading maps via map editor assert(0); return ""; } std::string CModHandler::getModLanguage(const TModID& modId) const { if ( modId == "core") return VLC->generaltexth->getInstalledLanguage(); return allMods.at(modId).baseLanguage; } std::set CModHandler::getModDependencies(const TModID & modId, bool & isModFound) const { auto it = allMods.find(modId); isModFound = (it != allMods.end()); if(isModFound) return it->second.dependencies; logMod->error("Mod not found: '%s'", modId); return {}; } void CModHandler::initializeConfig() { VLC->settingsHandler->load(coreMod->config["settings"]); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) { const auto & mod = allMods[modName]; if (!mod.config["settings"].isNull()) VLC->settingsHandler->load(mod.config["settings"]); } } CModVersion CModHandler::getModVersion(TModID modName) const { if (allMods.count(modName)) return allMods.at(modName).getVerificationInfo().version; return {}; } bool CModHandler::validateTranslations(TModID modName) const { bool result = true; const auto & mod = allMods.at(modName); { auto fileList = mod.config["translations"].convertTo >(); JsonNode json = JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(fileList); result |= VLC->generaltexth->validateTranslation(mod.baseLanguage, modName, json); } for(const auto & language : Languages::getLanguageList()) { if (!language.hasTranslation) continue; if (mod.config[language.identifier].isNull()) continue; if (mod.config[language.identifier]["skipValidation"].Bool()) continue; auto fileList = mod.config[language.identifier]["translations"].convertTo >(); JsonNode json = JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(fileList); result |= VLC->generaltexth->validateTranslation(language.identifier, modName, json); } return result; } void CModHandler::loadTranslation(const TModID & modName) { const auto & mod = allMods[modName]; std::string preferredLanguage = VLC->generaltexth->getPreferredLanguage(); std::string modBaseLanguage = allMods[modName].baseLanguage; auto baseTranslationList = mod.config["translations"].convertTo >(); auto extraTranslationList = mod.config[preferredLanguage]["translations"].convertTo >(); JsonNode baseTranslation = JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(baseTranslationList); JsonNode extraTranslation = JsonUtils::assembleFromFiles(extraTranslationList); VLC->generaltexth->loadTranslationOverrides(modBaseLanguage, modName, baseTranslation); VLC->generaltexth->loadTranslationOverrides(preferredLanguage, modName, extraTranslation); } void CModHandler::load() { CStopWatch totalTime; CStopWatch timer; logMod->info("\tInitializing content handler: %d ms", timer.getDiff()); content->init(); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) { logMod->trace("Generating checksum for %s", modName); allMods[modName].updateChecksum(calculateModChecksum(modName, CResourceHandler::get(modName))); } // first - load virtual builtin mod that contains all data // TODO? move all data into real mods? RoE, AB, SoD, WoG content->preloadData(*coreMod); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) content->preloadData(allMods[modName]); logMod->info("\tParsing mod data: %d ms", timer.getDiff()); content->load(*coreMod); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) content->load(allMods[modName]); #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED VLC->scriptHandler->performRegistration(VLC);//todo: this should be done before any other handlers load #endif content->loadCustom(); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) loadTranslation(modName); for(const TModID & modName : activeMods) if (!validateTranslations(modName)) allMods[modName].validation = CModInfo::FAILED; logMod->info("\tLoading mod data: %d ms", timer.getDiff()); VLC->creh->loadCrExpMod(); VLC->identifiersHandler->finalize(); logMod->info("\tResolving identifiers: %d ms", timer.getDiff()); content->afterLoadFinalization(); logMod->info("\tHandlers post-load finalization: %d ms ", timer.getDiff()); logMod->info("\tAll game content loaded in %d ms", totalTime.getDiff()); } void CModHandler::afterLoad(bool onlyEssential) { JsonNode modSettings; for (auto & modEntry : allMods) { std::string pointer = "/" + boost::algorithm::replace_all_copy(modEntry.first, ".", "/mods/"); modSettings["activeMods"].resolvePointer(pointer) = modEntry.second.saveLocalData(); } modSettings[ModScope::scopeBuiltin()] = coreMod->saveLocalData(); modSettings[ModScope::scopeBuiltin()]["name"].String() = "Original game files"; if(!onlyEssential) { std::fstream file(CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(ResourcePath("config/modSettings.json"))->c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); file << modSettings.toJson(); } } void CModHandler::trySetActiveMods(const std::vector> & modList) { auto searchVerificationInfo = [&modList](const TModID & m) -> const CModInfo::VerificationInfo* { for(auto & i : modList) if(i.first == m) return &i.second; return nullptr; }; std::vector missingMods, excessiveMods; ModIncompatibility::ModListWithVersion missingModsResult; ModIncompatibility::ModList excessiveModsResult; for(const auto & m : activeMods) { if(searchVerificationInfo(m)) continue; //TODO: support actual disabling of these mods if(getModInfo(m).checkModGameplayAffecting()) excessiveMods.push_back(m); } for(const auto & infoPair : modList) { auto & remoteModId = infoPair.first; auto & remoteModInfo = infoPair.second; bool modAffectsGameplay = remoteModInfo.impactsGameplay; //parent mod affects gameplay if child affects too for(const auto & subInfoPair : modList) modAffectsGameplay |= (subInfoPair.second.impactsGameplay && subInfoPair.second.parent == remoteModId); if(!allMods.count(remoteModId)) { if(modAffectsGameplay) missingMods.push_back(remoteModId); //mod is not installed continue; } auto & localModInfo = getModInfo(remoteModId).getVerificationInfo(); modAffectsGameplay |= getModInfo(remoteModId).checkModGameplayAffecting(); bool modVersionCompatible = localModInfo.version.isNull() || remoteModInfo.version.isNull() || localModInfo.version.compatible(remoteModInfo.version); bool modLocalyEnabled = vstd::contains(activeMods, remoteModId); if(modVersionCompatible && modAffectsGameplay && modLocalyEnabled) continue; if(modAffectsGameplay) missingMods.push_back(remoteModId); //incompatible mod impacts gameplay } //filter mods for(auto & m : missingMods) { if(auto * vInfo = searchVerificationInfo(m)) { assert(vInfo->parent != m); if(!vInfo->parent.empty() && vstd::contains(missingMods, vInfo->parent)) continue; missingModsResult.push_back({vInfo->name, vInfo->version.toString()}); } } for(auto & m : excessiveMods) { auto & vInfo = getModInfo(m).getVerificationInfo(); assert(vInfo.parent != m); if(!vInfo.parent.empty() && vstd::contains(excessiveMods, vInfo.parent)) continue; excessiveModsResult.push_back(vInfo.name); } if(!missingModsResult.empty() || !excessiveModsResult.empty()) throw ModIncompatibility(missingModsResult, excessiveModsResult); //TODO: support actual enabling of required mods } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END