/* * Nullkiller.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "DeepDecomposer.h" #include "../AIGateway.h" #include "../Behaviors/CaptureObjectsBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/RecruitHeroBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/BuyArmyBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/StartupBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/DefenceBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/BuildingBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/GatherArmyBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/ClusterBehavior.h" #include "../Goals/Invalid.h" #include "../Goals/Composition.h" namespace NKAI { using namespace Goals; DeepDecomposer::DeepDecomposer(const Nullkiller * ai) :ai(ai), depth(0) { } void DeepDecomposer::reset() { decompositionCache.clear(); goals.clear(); } Goals::TGoalVec DeepDecomposer::decompose(TSubgoal behavior, int depthLimit) { TGoalVec tasks; goals.clear(); goals.resize(depthLimit); decompositionCache.resize(depthLimit); depth = 0; goals[0] = {behavior}; while(goals[0].size()) { bool fromCache; TSubgoal current = goals[depth].back(); TGoalVec subgoals = decomposeCached(unwrapComposition(current), fromCache); #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Decomposition level %d returned %d goals", depth, subgoals.size()); #endif if(depth < depthLimit - 1) { goals[depth + 1].clear(); } for(TSubgoal subgoal : subgoals) { if(subgoal->invalid()) continue; if(subgoal->isElementar()) { // need to get rid of priority control in behaviors like Startup to avoid this check. // 0 - goals directly from behavior Goals::TSubgoal task = depth >= 1 ? aggregateGoals(0, subgoal) : subgoal; #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Found task %s", task->toString()); #endif if(!isCompositionLoop(subgoal)) { tasks.push_back(task); if(!fromCache) { addToCache(subgoal); } } } else if(depth < depthLimit - 1) { #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Found abstract goal %s", subgoal->toString()); #endif if(!isCompositionLoop(subgoal)) { // depth 0 gives reward, deepest goal - task to execute, all the rest is not important // so avoid details to reduce decomposition complexity but they can give some negative effect so auto goalToAdd = depth >= 1 ? unwrapComposition(subgoal) : subgoal; if(!vstd::contains(goals[depth + 1], goalToAdd)) { goals[depth + 1].push_back(subgoal); } } } } if(depth < depthLimit - 1 && goals[depth + 1].size()) { depth++; } else { goals[depth].pop_back(); while(depth > 0 && goals[depth].empty()) { depth--; goals[depth].pop_back(); } } } return tasks; } Goals::TSubgoal DeepDecomposer::aggregateGoals(int startDepth, TSubgoal last) { Goals::Composition composition; for(int i = 0; i <= depth; i++) { composition.addNext(goals[i].back()); } composition.addNext(last); return sptr(composition); } Goals::TSubgoal DeepDecomposer::unwrapComposition(Goals::TSubgoal goal) { return goal->goalType == Goals::COMPOSITION ? goal->decompose(ai).back() : goal; } bool isEquivalentGoals(TSubgoal goal1, TSubgoal goal2) { if(goal1 == goal2) return true; if(goal1->goalType == Goals::CAPTURE_OBJECT && goal2->goalType == Goals::CAPTURE_OBJECT) { auto o1 = cb->getObj(ObjectInstanceID(goal1->objid)); auto o2 = cb->getObj(ObjectInstanceID(goal2->objid)); return o1->ID == Obj::SHIPYARD && o1->ID == o2->ID; } return false; } bool DeepDecomposer::isCompositionLoop(TSubgoal goal) { auto goalsToTest = goal->goalType == Goals::COMPOSITION ? goal->decompose(ai) : TGoalVec{goal}; for(auto goalToTest : goalsToTest) { for(int i = depth; i >= 0; i--) { auto parent = unwrapComposition(goals[i].back()); if(isEquivalentGoals(parent, goalToTest)) { return true; } } } return false; } TGoalVec DeepDecomposer::decomposeCached(TSubgoal goal, bool & fromCache) { #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Decomposing %s, level %s", goal->toString(), depth); #endif if(goal->hasHash()) { for(int i = 0; i <= depth; i++) { auto cached = decompositionCache[i].find(goal); if(cached != decompositionCache[i].end()) { #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Use decomposition cache for %s, level: %d", goal->toString(), depth); #endif fromCache = true; return cached->second; } } decompositionCache[depth][goal] = {}; // if goal decomposition yields no goals we still need it in cache to not decompose again } #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Calling decompose on %s, level %s", goal->toString(), depth); #endif fromCache = false; return goal->decompose(ai); } void DeepDecomposer::addToCache(TSubgoal goal) { bool trusted = true; for(int parentDepth = 1; parentDepth <= depth; parentDepth++) { TSubgoal parent = unwrapComposition(goals[parentDepth].back()); if(parent->hasHash()) { auto solution = parentDepth < depth ? aggregateGoals(parentDepth + 1, goal) : goal; #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Adding %s to decomosition cache of %s at level %d", solution->toString(), parent->toString(), parentDepth); #endif decompositionCache[parentDepth][parent].push_back(solution); if(trusted && parentDepth != 0) { decompositionCache[0][parent].push_back(solution); trusted = false; } } } } }