#include "lobby_moc.h" #include "ui_lobby_moc.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" SocketLobby::SocketLobby(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { socket = new QTcpSocket(this); connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected())); connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected())); connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead())); connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64))); } void SocketLobby::connectServer(const QString & host, int port, const QString & usr) { const int connectionTimeout = 1000; username = usr; emit text("Connecting to " + host + ":" + QString::number(port)); socket->connectToHost(host, port); if(!socket->waitForDisconnected(connectionTimeout) && !isConnected) { emit text("Error: " + socket->errorString()); } } void SocketLobby::disconnectServer() { socket->disconnectFromHost(); } void SocketLobby::requestNewSession(const QString & session, int totalPlayers, const QString & pswd) { const QString sessionMessage = ProtocolStrings[CREATE].arg(session, pswd, QString::number(totalPlayers)); send(sessionMessage); } void SocketLobby::requestJoinSession(const QString & session, const QString & pswd) { const QString sessionMessage = ProtocolStrings[JOIN].arg(session, pswd); send(sessionMessage); } void SocketLobby::send(const QString & msg) { socket->write(qPrintable(msg)); } void SocketLobby::connected() { isConnected = true; emit text("Connected!"); const QString greetingConst = ProtocolStrings[GREETING].arg(username, QString::fromStdString(GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION)); send(greetingConst); } void SocketLobby::disconnected() { isConnected = false; emit text("Disconnected!"); } void SocketLobby::bytesWritten(qint64 bytes) { qDebug() << "We wrote: " << bytes; } void SocketLobby::readyRead() { qDebug() << "Reading..."; emit receive(socket->readAll()); } ServerCommand::ServerCommand(ProtocolConsts cmd, const QStringList & args): command(cmd), arguments(args) { } Lobby::Lobby(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Lobby) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(&socketLobby, SIGNAL(text(QString)), this, SLOT(chatMessage(QString))); connect(&socketLobby, SIGNAL(receive(QString)), this, SLOT(dispatchMessage(QString))); } Lobby::~Lobby() { delete ui; } void Lobby::serverCommand(const ServerCommand & command) try { //initialize variables outside of switch block const auto & args = command.arguments; int amount, tagPoint; QString joinStr; switch(command.command) { case ERROR: protocolAssert(args.size()); chatMessage("System error:" + args[0]); break; case CREATED: protocolAssert(args.size()); hostSession = args[0]; session = args[0]; chatMessage("System: new session started"); break; case SESSIONS: protocolAssert(args.size()); amount = args[0].toInt(); protocolAssert(amount * 4 == (args.size() - 1)); ui->sessionsTable->setRowCount(amount); tagPoint = 1; for(int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { QTableWidgetItem * sessionNameItem = new QTableWidgetItem(args[tagPoint++]); ui->sessionsTable->setItem(i, 0, sessionNameItem); int playersJoined = args[tagPoint++].toInt(); int playersTotal = args[tagPoint++].toInt(); QTableWidgetItem * sessionPlayerItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1/%2").arg(playersJoined).arg(playersTotal)); ui->sessionsTable->setItem(i, 1, sessionPlayerItem); QTableWidgetItem * sessionProtectedItem = new QTableWidgetItem(args[tagPoint++]); ui->sessionsTable->setItem(i, 2, sessionProtectedItem); } break; case JOINED: case KICKED: protocolAssert(args.size() == 2); joinStr = (command.command == JOINED ? "System: %1 joined to the session %2" : "System: %1 left session %2"); if(args[1] == username) { chatMessage(joinStr.arg("you", args[0])); } else { chatMessage(joinStr.arg(args[1], args[0])); } break; case CHAT: protocolAssert(args.size() > 1); QString msg; for(int i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) msg += args[i]; chatMessage(QString("%1: %2").arg(args[0], msg)); break; } } catch(const ProtocolError & e) { chatMessage(QString("System error: %1").arg(e.what())); } void Lobby::dispatchMessage(QString txt) try { if(txt.isEmpty()) return; QStringList parseTags = txt.split(":>>"); protocolAssert(parseTags.size() > 1 && parseTags[0].isEmpty() && !parseTags[1].isEmpty()); for(int c = 1; c < parseTags.size(); ++c) { QStringList parseArgs = parseTags[c].split(":"); protocolAssert(parseArgs.size() > 1); auto ctype = ProtocolStrings.key(parseArgs[0]); parseArgs.pop_front(); ServerCommand cmd(ctype, parseArgs); serverCommand(cmd); } } catch(const ProtocolError & e) { chatMessage(QString("System error: %1").arg(e.what())); } void Lobby::chatMessage(QString txt) { QTextCursor curs(ui->chat->document()); curs.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); curs.insertText(txt + "\n"); } void Lobby::protocolAssert(bool expr) { if(!expr) throw ProtocolError("Protocol error"); } void Lobby::on_messageEdit_returnPressed() { socketLobby.send(ProtocolStrings[MESSAGE].arg(ui->messageEdit->text())); ui->messageEdit->clear(); } void Lobby::on_connectButton_toggled(bool checked) { if(checked) { username = ui->userEdit->text(); socketLobby.connectServer(ui->hostEdit->text(), ui->portEdit->text().toInt(), username); } else { socketLobby.disconnectServer(); } } void Lobby::on_newButton_clicked() { bool ok; QString sessionName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New session"), tr("Session name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if(ok && !sessionName.isEmpty()) socketLobby.requestNewSession(sessionName, 2, ui->passwordInput->text()); } void Lobby::on_joinButton_clicked() { auto * item = ui->sessionsTable->item(ui->sessionsTable->currentRow(), 0); if(item) socketLobby.requestJoinSession(item->text(), ui->passwordInput->text()); }