#include "StdInc.h" #include "CKingdomInterface.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" //creatures name for objects list #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" //for buildings per turn #include "../lib/CObjectHandler.h" //Hero/Town objects #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" // only for calculating required xp? worth it? #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "CAnimation.h" //CAnimImage #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" //CResDataBar #include "CCastleInterface.h" //various town-specific classes #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" //LOCPLINT #include "UIFramework/CGuiHandler.h" #include "UIFramework/CIntObjectClasses.h" /* * CKingdomInterface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ extern SDL_Surface *screenBuf; InfoBox::InfoBox(Point position, InfoPos Pos, InfoSize Size, IInfoBoxData *Data): size(Size), infoPos(Pos), data(Data), value(NULL), name(NULL) { assert(data); addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK); EFonts font = (size < SIZE_MEDIUM)? FONT_SMALL: FONT_MEDIUM; OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; pos+=position; image = new CAnimImage(data->getImageName(size), data->getImageIndex()); pos = image->pos; if (infoPos == POS_CORNER) value = new CLabel(pos.w, pos.h, font, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getValueText()); if (infoPos == POS_INSIDE) value = new CLabel(pos.w/2, pos.h-6, font, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getValueText()); if (infoPos == POS_UP_DOWN || infoPos == POS_DOWN) value = new CLabel(pos.w/2, pos.h+8, font, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getValueText()); if (infoPos == POS_UP_DOWN) name = new CLabel(pos.w/2, -12, font, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getNameText()); if (infoPos == POS_RIGHT) { name = new CLabel(pos.w+6, 6, font, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getNameText()); value = new CLabel(pos.w+6, pos.h-16, font, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, data->getValueText()); } pos = image->pos; if (name) pos = pos | name->pos; if (value) pos = pos | value->pos; hover = new CHoverableArea; hover->hoverText = data->getHoverText(); hover->pos = pos; } InfoBox::~InfoBox() { delete data; } void InfoBox::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if (down) { CComponent *comp; std::string text; data->prepareMessage(text, &comp); if (comp) CRClickPopup::createAndPush(text, CInfoWindow::TCompsInfo(1, comp)); else adventureInt->handleRightClick(text, down); } } void InfoBox::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if((!down) && previousState) { CComponent *comp; std::string text; data->prepareMessage(text, &comp); std::vector compVector; if (comp) compVector.push_back(comp); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(text, compVector); } } //TODO? /* void InfoBox::update() { } */ IInfoBoxData::IInfoBoxData(InfoType Type): type(Type) { } InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::InfoBoxAbstractHeroData(InfoType Type): IInfoBoxData(Type) { } std::string InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getValueText() { switch (type) { case HERO_MANA: case HERO_EXPERIENCE: case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return boost::lexical_cast(getValue()); case HERO_SPECIAL: { std::string text = CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[5]; size_t begin = text.find('{'); size_t end = text.find('}', begin); return text.substr(begin, end-begin); } case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: { si64 value = getValue(); if (value) return CGI->generaltexth->levels[value]; } default: assert(0); } return ""; } std::string InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getNameText() { switch (type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[getSubID()]; case HERO_MANA: return CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[387]; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: { std::string text = CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[6]; size_t begin = text.find('{'); size_t end = text.find('}', begin); return text.substr(begin, end-begin); } case HERO_SPECIAL: return CGI->generaltexth->hTxts[getSubID()].bonusName; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: if (getValue()) return CGI->generaltexth->skillName[getSubID()]; else return ""; default: assert(0); } return ""; } std::string InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getImageName(InfoBox::InfoSize size) { //TODO: sizes switch(size) { case InfoBox::SIZE_SMALL: { switch(type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: case HERO_MANA: case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return "PSKIL32"; case HERO_SPECIAL: return "UN32"; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: return "SECSK32"; default: assert(0); } } case InfoBox::SIZE_BIG: { switch(type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: case HERO_MANA: case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return "PSKIL42"; case HERO_SPECIAL: return "UN44"; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: return "SECSKILL"; default: assert(0); } } default: assert(0); } return ""; } std::string InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getHoverText() { //TODO: any texts here? return ""; } size_t InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getImageIndex() { switch (type) { case HERO_SPECIAL: case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return getSubID(); case HERO_MANA: return 5; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return 4; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: { si64 value = getValue(); if (value) return getSubID()*3 + value + 2; else return 0;//FIXME: Should be transparent instead of empty } default: assert(0); return 0; } } bool InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::prepareMessage(std::string &text, CComponent **comp) { switch (type) { case HERO_SPECIAL: text = CGI->generaltexth->hTxts[getSubID()].longBonus; *comp = NULL; return true; case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: text = CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[2+getSubID()]; *comp =new CComponent(CComponent::primskill, getSubID(), getValue()); return true; case HERO_MANA: text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[149]; *comp = NULL; return true; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[241]; *comp = NULL; return true; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: { si64 value = getValue(); int subID = getSubID(); if (!value) return false; text = CGI->generaltexth->skillInfoTexts[subID][value-1]; *comp = new CComponent(CComponent::secskill, subID, value); return true; } default: assert(0); return false; } } InfoBoxHeroData::InfoBoxHeroData(InfoType Type, const CGHeroInstance * Hero, int Index): InfoBoxAbstractHeroData(Type), hero(Hero), index(Index) { } int InfoBoxHeroData::getSubID() { switch(type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return index; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: if (hero->secSkills.size() > index) return hero->secSkills[index].first; case HERO_MANA: case HERO_EXPERIENCE: case HERO_SPECIAL: return 0; default: assert(0); return 0; } } si64 InfoBoxHeroData::getValue() { switch(type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return hero->getPrimSkillLevel(index); case HERO_MANA: return hero->mana; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return hero->exp; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: if (hero->secSkills.size() > index) return hero->secSkills[index].second; case HERO_SPECIAL: return 0; default: assert(0); return 0; } } std::string InfoBoxHeroData::getHoverText() { switch (type) { case HERO_PRIMARY_SKILL: return boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[1]) % CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[index]); case HERO_MANA: return CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[22]; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[9]; case HERO_SPECIAL: return CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[27]; case HERO_SECONDARY_SKILL: { if (hero->secSkills.size() > index) { std::string level = CGI->generaltexth->levels[hero->secSkills[index].second-1]; std::string skill = CGI->generaltexth->skillName[hero->secSkills[index].first]; return boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[21]) % level % skill); } else return ""; } default: return InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getHoverText(); } } std::string InfoBoxHeroData::getValueText() { switch (type) { case HERO_MANA: if (hero) return boost::lexical_cast(hero->mana) + '/' + boost::lexical_cast(hero->manaLimit()); case HERO_EXPERIENCE: return boost::lexical_cast(hero->exp); default: return InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::getValueText(); } } bool InfoBoxHeroData::prepareMessage(std::string &text, CComponent**comp) { switch(type) { case HERO_MANA: text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[205]; boost::replace_first(text, "%s", boost::lexical_cast(hero->name)); boost::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(hero->mana)); boost::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(hero->manaLimit())); *comp = NULL; return true; case HERO_EXPERIENCE: text = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[2]; boost::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(hero->level)); boost::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(CGI->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1))); boost::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(hero->exp)); *comp = NULL; return true; default: return InfoBoxAbstractHeroData::prepareMessage(text, comp); } } InfoBoxCustomHeroData::InfoBoxCustomHeroData(InfoType Type, int SubID, si64 Value): InfoBoxAbstractHeroData(Type), subID(SubID), value(Value) { } int InfoBoxCustomHeroData::getSubID() { return subID; } si64 InfoBoxCustomHeroData::getValue() { return value; } InfoBoxCustom::InfoBoxCustom(std::string ValueText, std::string NameText, std::string ImageName, size_t ImageIndex, std::string HoverText): IInfoBoxData(CUSTOM), valueText(ValueText), nameText(NameText), imageName(ImageName), hoverText(HoverText), imageIndex(ImageIndex) { } std::string InfoBoxCustom::getHoverText() { return hoverText; } size_t InfoBoxCustom::getImageIndex() { return imageIndex; } std::string InfoBoxCustom::getImageName(InfoBox::InfoSize size) { return imageName; } std::string InfoBoxCustom::getNameText() { return nameText; } std::string InfoBoxCustom::getValueText() { return valueText; } bool InfoBoxCustom::prepareMessage(std::string &text, CComponent **comp) { return false; } CKingdomInterface::CKingdomInterface(): CWindowObject(PLAYER_COLORED | BORDERED, conf.go()->ac.overviewBg) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; ui32 footerPos = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize * 116; tabArea = new CTabbedInt(boost::bind(&CKingdomInterface::createMainTab, this, _1), CTabbedInt::DestroyFunc(), Point(4,4)); std::vector ownedObjects = LOCPLINT->cb->getMyObjects(); generateObjectsList(ownedObjects); generateMinesList(ownedObjects); generateButtons(); statusbar = new CGStatusBar(new CPicture("KSTATBAR", 10,pos.h - 45)); resdatabar= new CResDataBar("KRESBAR", 3, 111+footerPos, 32, 2, 76, 76); } void CKingdomInterface::generateObjectsList(const std::vector &ownedObjects) { ui32 footerPos = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize * 116; size_t dwellSize = (footerPos - 64)/57; //Map used to determine image number for several objects std::map,int> idToImage; idToImage[std::make_pair( 20, 1)] = 81;//Golem factory idToImage[std::make_pair( 42, 0)] = 82;//Lighthouse idToImage[std::make_pair( 33, 0)] = 83;//Garrison idToImage[std::make_pair(219, 0)] = 83;//Garrison idToImage[std::make_pair( 33, 1)] = 84;//Anti-magic Garrison idToImage[std::make_pair(219, 1)] = 84;//Anti-magic Garrison idToImage[std::make_pair( 53, 7)] = 85;//Abandoned mine idToImage[std::make_pair( 20, 0)] = 86;//Conflux idToImage[std::make_pair( 87, 0)] = 87;//Harbor std::map visibleObjects; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * object, ownedObjects) { //Dwellings if ( object->ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ) { OwnedObjectInfo &info = visibleObjects[object->subID]; if (info.count++ == 0) { info.hoverText = CGI->creh->creatures[CGI->objh->cregens.find(object->subID)->second]->namePl; info.imageID = object->subID; } } //Special objects from idToImage map that should be displayed in objects list std::map,int>::iterator iter = idToImage.find(std::make_pair(object->ID, object->subID)); if (iter != idToImage.end()) { OwnedObjectInfo &info = visibleObjects[iter->second]; if (info.count++ == 0) { info.hoverText = object->hoverName; info.imageID = iter->second; } } } objects.reserve(visibleObjects.size()); std::pair element; BOOST_FOREACH(element, visibleObjects) { objects.push_back(element.second); } dwellingsList = new CListBox(boost::bind(&CKingdomInterface::createOwnedObject, this, _1), CListBox::DestroyFunc(), Point(740,44), Point(0,57), dwellSize, visibleObjects.size()); } CIntObject* CKingdomInterface::createOwnedObject(size_t index) { if (index < objects.size()) { OwnedObjectInfo &obj = objects[index]; std::string value = boost::lexical_cast(obj.count); return new InfoBox(Point(), InfoBox::POS_CORNER, InfoBox::SIZE_SMALL, new InfoBoxCustom(value,"", "FLAGPORT", obj.imageID, obj.hoverText)); } return NULL; } CIntObject * CKingdomInterface::createMainTab(size_t index) { size_t size = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize; switch (index) { case 0: return new CKingdHeroList(size); case 1: return new CKingdTownList(size); default:return NULL; } } void CKingdomInterface::generateMinesList(const std::vector &ownedObjects) { ui32 footerPos = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize * 116; std::vector minesCount(GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY, 0); int totalIncome=0; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * object, ownedObjects) { //Mines if ( object->ID == Obj::MINE ) { const CGMine *mine = dynamic_cast(object); assert(mine); minesCount[mine->producedResource]++; if (mine->producedResource == Res::GOLD) totalIncome += mine->producedQuantity; } } //Heroes can produce gold as well - skill, speciality or arts std::vector heroes = LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroesInfo(true); for(size_t i=0; ivalOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::ESTATES)); totalIncome += heroes[i]->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE, Res::GOLD)); } //Add town income of all towns std::vector towns = LOCPLINT->cb->getTownsInfo(true); for(size_t i=0; idailyIncome(); } for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { std::string value = boost::lexical_cast(minesCount[i]); minesBox[i] = new InfoBox(Point(20+i*80, 31+footerPos), InfoBox::POS_INSIDE, InfoBox::SIZE_SMALL, new InfoBoxCustom(value, "", "OVMINES", i, CGI->generaltexth->mines[i].first)); minesBox[i]->removeUsedEvents(LCLICK|RCLICK); //fixes #890 - mines boxes ignore clicks } incomeArea = new CHoverableArea; incomeArea->pos = Rect(pos.x+580, pos.y+31+footerPos, 136, 68); incomeArea->hoverText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[255]; incomeAmount = new CLabel(628, footerPos + 70, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::lexical_cast(totalIncome)); } void CKingdomInterface::generateButtons() { ui32 footerPos = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize * 116; //Main control buttons btnHeroes = new CAdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->overview[11], CGI->generaltexth->overview[6], boost::bind(&CKingdomInterface::activateTab, this, 0),748,28+footerPos,"OVBUTN1.DEF", SDLK_h); btnHeroes->block(true); btnTowns = new CAdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->overview[12], CGI->generaltexth->overview[7], boost::bind(&CKingdomInterface::activateTab, this, 1),748,64+footerPos,"OVBUTN6.DEF", SDLK_t); btnExit = new CAdventureMapButton (CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[600],"", boost::bind(&CKingdomInterface::close, this),748,99+footerPos,"OVBUTN1.DEF", SDLK_RETURN); btnExit->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); btnExit->setOffset(3); //Object list control buttons dwellTop = new CAdventureMapButton ("", "", boost::bind(&CListBox::moveToPos, dwellingsList, 0), 733, 4, "OVBUTN4.DEF"); dwellBottom = new CAdventureMapButton ("", "", boost::bind(&CListBox::moveToPos, dwellingsList, -1), 733, footerPos+2, "OVBUTN4.DEF"); dwellBottom->setOffset(2); dwellUp = new CAdventureMapButton ("", "", boost::bind(&CListBox::moveToPrev, dwellingsList), 733, 24, "OVBUTN4.DEF"); dwellUp->setOffset(4); dwellDown = new CAdventureMapButton ("", "", boost::bind(&CListBox::moveToNext, dwellingsList), 733, footerPos-18, "OVBUTN4.DEF"); dwellDown->setOffset(6); } void CKingdomInterface::activateTab(size_t which) { btnHeroes->block(which == 0); btnTowns->block(which == 1); tabArea->setActive(which); } void CKingdomInterface::townChanged(const CGTownInstance *town) { if (CKingdTownList * townList = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) townList->townChanged(town); } void CKingdomInterface::updateGarrisons() { if (CGarrisonHolder * garrison = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) garrison->updateGarrisons(); } void CKingdomInterface::artifactAssembled(const ArtifactLocation& artLoc) { if (CArtifactHolder * arts = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) arts->artifactAssembled(artLoc); } void CKingdomInterface::artifactDisassembled(const ArtifactLocation& artLoc) { if (CArtifactHolder * arts = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) arts->artifactDisassembled(artLoc); } void CKingdomInterface::artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation& artLoc, const ArtifactLocation& destLoc) { if (CArtifactHolder * arts = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) arts->artifactMoved(artLoc, destLoc); } void CKingdomInterface::artifactRemoved(const ArtifactLocation& artLoc) { if (CArtifactHolder * arts = dynamic_cast(tabArea->getItem())) arts->artifactRemoved(artLoc); } CKingdHeroList::CKingdHeroList(size_t maxSize) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; title = new CPicture("OVTITLE",16,0); title->colorize(LOCPLINT->playerID); heroLabel = new CLabel(150, 10, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[0]); skillsLabel = new CLabel(500, 10, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[1]); ui32 townCount = LOCPLINT->cb->howManyHeroes(false); ui32 size = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize*116 + 19; heroes = new CListBox(boost::bind(&CKingdHeroList::createHeroItem, this, _1), boost::bind(&CKingdHeroList::destroyHeroItem, this, _1), Point(19,21), Point(0,116), maxSize, townCount, 0, 1, Rect(-19, -21, size, size) ); } void CKingdHeroList::updateGarrisons() { std::list list = heroes->getItems(); BOOST_FOREACH(CIntObject* object, list) { if (CGarrisonHolder * garrison = dynamic_cast(object) ) garrison->updateGarrisons(); } } CIntObject* CKingdHeroList::createHeroItem(size_t index) { ui32 picCount = conf.go()->ac.overviewPics; size_t heroesCount = LOCPLINT->cb->howManyHeroes(false); if (index < heroesCount) { CHeroItem * hero = new CHeroItem(LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroBySerial(index, false), &artsCommonPart); artsCommonPart.participants.insert(hero->heroArts); artSets.push_back(hero->heroArts); return hero; } else { return new CAnimImage("OVSLOT", (index-2) % picCount ); } } void CKingdHeroList::destroyHeroItem(CIntObject *object) { if (CHeroItem * hero = dynamic_cast(object)) { artSets.erase(std::find(artSets.begin(), artSets.end(), hero->heroArts)); artsCommonPart.participants.erase(hero->heroArts); } delete object; } CKingdTownList::CKingdTownList(size_t maxSize) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; title = new CPicture("OVTITLE",16,0); title->colorize(LOCPLINT->playerID); townLabel = new CLabel(146,10,FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[3]); garrHeroLabel = new CLabel(375,10,FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[4]); visitHeroLabel = new CLabel(608,10,FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[5]); ui32 townCount = LOCPLINT->cb->howManyTowns(); ui32 size = conf.go()->ac.overviewSize*116 + 19; towns = new CListBox(boost::bind(&CKingdTownList::createTownItem, this, _1), CListBox::DestroyFunc(), Point(19,21), Point(0,116), maxSize, townCount, 0, 1, Rect(-19, -21, size, size) ); } void CKingdTownList::townChanged(const CGTownInstance *town) { std::list list = towns->getItems(); BOOST_FOREACH(CIntObject* object, list) { CTownItem * townItem = dynamic_cast(object); if ( townItem && townItem->town == town) townItem->update(); } } void CKingdTownList::updateGarrisons() { std::list list = towns->getItems(); BOOST_FOREACH(CIntObject* object, list) { if (CGarrisonHolder * garrison = dynamic_cast(object) ) garrison->updateGarrisons(); } } CIntObject* CKingdTownList::createTownItem(size_t index) { ui32 picCount = conf.go()->ac.overviewPics; size_t townsCount = LOCPLINT->cb->howManyTowns(); if (index < townsCount) return new CTownItem(LOCPLINT->cb->getTownBySerial(index)); else return new CAnimImage("OVSLOT", (index-2) % picCount ); } CTownItem::CTownItem(const CGTownInstance* Town): town(Town) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; background = new CAnimImage("OVSLOT", 6); name = new CLabel(74, 8, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, town->name); income = new CLabel( 190, 60, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, boost::lexical_cast(town->dailyIncome())); hall = new CTownInfo( 69, 31, town, true); fort = new CTownInfo(111, 31, town, false); garr = new CGarrisonInt(313, 3, 4, Point(232,0), NULL, Point(313,2), town->getUpperArmy(), town->visitingHero, true, true, true); heroes = new HeroSlots(town, Point(244,6), Point(475,6), garr, false); size_t iconIndex = town->town->clientInfo.icons[town->hasFort()][town->builded >= CGI->modh->settings.MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN]; picture = new CAnimImage("ITPT", iconIndex, 0, 5, 6); townArea = new LRClickableAreaOpenTown; townArea->pos = Rect(pos.x+5, pos.y+6, 58, 64); townArea->town = town; for (size_t i=0; icreatures.size(); i++) { growth.push_back(new CCreaInfo(Point(401+37*i, 78), town, i, true, true)); available.push_back(new CCreaInfo(Point(48+37*i, 78), town, i, true, false)); } } void CTownItem::updateGarrisons() { garr->highlighted = NULL; garr->setArmy(town->getUpperArmy(), 0); garr->setArmy(town->visitingHero, 1); garr->recreateSlots(); } void CTownItem::update() { std::string incomeVal = boost::lexical_cast(town->dailyIncome()); if (incomeVal != income->text) income->setTxt(incomeVal); heroes->update(); for (size_t i=0; icreatures.size(); i++) { growth[i]->update(); available[i]->update(); } } class ArtSlotsTab : public CIntObject { public: CAnimImage * background; std::vector arts; ArtSlotsTab() { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; background = new CAnimImage("OVSLOT", 4); pos = background->pos; for (size_t i=0; i<9; i++) arts.push_back(new CArtPlace(Point(270+i*48, 65))); } }; class BackpackTab : public CIntObject { public: CAnimImage * background; std::vector arts; CAdventureMapButton *btnLeft; CAdventureMapButton *btnRight; BackpackTab() { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; background = new CAnimImage("OVSLOT", 5); pos = background->pos; btnLeft = new CAdventureMapButton(std::string(), std::string(), CFunctionList(), 269, 66, "HSBTNS3"); btnRight = new CAdventureMapButton(std::string(), std::string(), CFunctionList(), 675, 66, "HSBTNS5"); for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) arts.push_back(new CArtPlace(Point(295+i*48, 65))); } }; CHeroItem::CHeroItem(const CGHeroInstance* Hero, CArtifactsOfHero::SCommonPart * artsCommonPart): hero(Hero) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; artTabs.resize(3); ArtSlotsTab* arts1 = new ArtSlotsTab; ArtSlotsTab* arts2 = new ArtSlotsTab; BackpackTab* backpack = new BackpackTab; artTabs[0] = arts1; artTabs[1] = arts2; artTabs[2] = backpack; arts1->recActions = DISPOSE | SHARE_POS; arts2->recActions = DISPOSE | SHARE_POS; backpack->recActions = DISPOSE | SHARE_POS; name = new CLabel(75, 7, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, hero->name); std::vector arts; arts.insert(arts.end(), arts1->arts.begin(), arts1->arts.end()); arts.insert(arts.end(), arts2->arts.begin(), arts2->arts.end()); heroArts = new CArtifactsOfHero(arts, backpack->arts, backpack->btnLeft, backpack->btnRight, false); heroArts->commonInfo = artsCommonPart; heroArts->setHero(hero); artsTabs = new CTabbedInt(boost::bind(&CHeroItem::onTabSelected, this, _1), boost::bind(&CHeroItem::onTabDeselected, this, _1)); artButtons = new CHighlightableButtonsGroup(0); for (size_t it = 0; it<3; it++) { std::map tooltip; tooltip[0] = CGI->generaltexth->overview[13+it]; std::string overlay = CGI->generaltexth->overview[8+it]; artButtons->addButton(tooltip, overlay, "OVBUTN3",364+it*112, 46, it); size_t begin = overlay.find('{'); size_t end = overlay.find('}', begin); overlay = overlay.substr(begin+1, end - begin); artButtons->buttons[it]->addTextOverlay(overlay, FONT_SMALL, Colors::Jasmine); } artButtons->onChange += boost::bind(&CTabbedInt::setActive, artsTabs, _1); artButtons->onChange += boost::bind(&CHeroItem::onArtChange, this, _1); artButtons->select(0,0); garr = new CGarrisonInt(6, 78, 4, Point(), NULL, Point(), hero, NULL, true, true); portrait = new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", hero->subID, 0, 5, 6); heroArea = new CHeroArea(5, 6, hero); name = new CLabel(73, 7, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::Cornsilk, hero->name); artsText = new CLabel(320, 55, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::Cornsilk, CGI->generaltexth->overview[2]); for (size_t i=0; iset(hero); luck->set(hero); } CIntObject * CHeroItem::onTabSelected(size_t index) { return artTabs[index]; } void CHeroItem::onTabDeselected(CIntObject *object) { addChild(object, false); object->recActions = DISPOSE | SHARE_POS; } void CHeroItem::onArtChange(int tabIndex) { //redraw item after background change if (active) redraw(); }