#define VCMI_DLL #include "IGameCallback.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/map.h" #include "CObjectHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "../StartInfo.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "BattleState.h" #include #include "NetPacks.h" #include #include "CBuildingHandler.h" /* * IGameCallback.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ //TODO make clean #define ERROR_SILENT_RET_VAL_IF(cond, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){return retVal;}} while(0) #define ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(cond, verbose, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){if(verbose)tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return retVal;}} while(0) #define ERROR_RET_IF(cond, txt) do {if(cond){tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return;}} while(0) #define ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(cond, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){tlog1 << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": " << txt << std::endl; return retVal;}} while(0) extern boost::rand48 ran; boost::shared_mutex& CCallbackBase::getGsMutex() { return *gs->mx; } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasDistancePenalty( const CStack * stack, THex destHex ) { return gs->curB->hasDistancePenalty(stack, destHex); } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty( const CStack * stack, THex destHex ) { return gs->curB->hasWallPenalty(stack, destHex); } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanTeleportTo(const CStack * stack, THex destHex, int telportLevel) { return gs->curB->canTeleportTo(stack, destHex, telportLevel); } std::vector CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetDistances(const CStack * stack, THex hex /*= THex::INVALID*/, THex * predecessors /*= NULL*/) { if(!hex.isValid()) hex = stack->position; std::vector ret; bool ac[BFIELD_SIZE] = {0}; std::set occupyable; gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(ac, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, false, occupyable, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), stack); THex pr[BFIELD_SIZE]; int dist[BFIELD_SIZE]; gs->curB->makeBFS(stack->position, ac, pr, dist, stack->doubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned, stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), false); for(int i=0; i CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAttackedHexes(const CStack* attacker, THex destinationTile, THex attackerPos /*= THex::INVALID*/) { if(!gs->curB) { tlog1 << "battleGetAttackedHexes called when there is no battle!\n"; std::set set; return set; } return gs->curB->getAttackedHexes(attacker, destinationTile, attackerPos); } SpellCasting::ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastThisSpell( const CSpell * spell ) { if(!gs->curB) { tlog1 << "battleCanCastThisSpell called when there is no battle!\n"; return SpellCasting::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL; } return gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpell(player, spell, SpellCasting::HERO_CASTING); } si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetTacticDist() { if (!gs->curB) { tlog1 << "battleGetTacticDist called when no battle!\n"; return 0; } if (gs->curB->sides[gs->curB->tacticsSide] == player) { return gs->curB->tacticDistance; } return 0; } ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetMySide() { if (!gs->curB) { tlog1 << "battleGetMySide called when no battle!\n"; return 0; } return gs->curB->sides[1] == player; } int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSurrenderCost() { if (!gs->curB) { tlog1 << "battleGetSurrenderCost called when no battle!\n"; return -1; } return gs->curB->getSurrenderingCost(player); } int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetBattlefieldType() { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); //return gs->battleGetBattlefieldType(); if(!gs->curB) { tlog2<<"battleGetBattlefieldType called when there is no battle!"<curB->battlefieldType; } int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetObstaclesAtTile(THex tile) //returns bitfield { //TODO - write return -1; } std::vector CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAllObstacles() { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); if(gs->curB) return gs->curB->obstacles; else return std::vector(); } const CStack* CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); if(!gs->curB) return NULL; return gs->curB->getStack(ID, onlyAlive); } const CStack* CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackByPos(THex pos, bool onlyAlive) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return gs->curB->battleGetStack(pos, onlyAlive); } THex CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetPos(int stack) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); if(!gs->curB) { tlog2<<"battleGetPos called when there is no battle!"<curB->stacks.size(); ++g) { if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->ID == stack) return gs->curB->stacks[g]->position; } return THex::INVALID; } TStacks CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStacks(EStackOwnership whose /*= MINE_AND_ENEMY*/, bool onlyAlive /*= true*/) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); TStacks ret; if(!gs->curB) //there is no battle { tlog2<<"battleGetStacks called when there is no battle!"<curB->stacks) { bool ownerMatches = (whose == MINE_AND_ENEMY) || (whose == ONLY_MINE && s->owner == player) || (whose == ONLY_ENEMY && s->owner != player); bool alivenessMatches = s->alive() || !onlyAlive; if(ownerMatches && alivenessMatches) ret.push_back(s); } return ret; } void CBattleInfoCallback::getStackQueue( std::vector &out, int howMany ) { if(!gs->curB) { tlog2 << "battleGetStackQueue called when there is not battle!" << std::endl; return; } gs->curB->getStackQueue(out, howMany); } void CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetStackCountOutsideHexes(bool *ac) { if(!gs->curB) { tlog2<<"battleGetAvailableHexes called when there is no battle!"< ignored; gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(ac, false /*ignored*/, false, false, ignored, false /*ignored*/, NULL); } } std::vector CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetAvailableHexes(const CStack * stack, bool addOccupiable, std::vector * attackable) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); if(!gs->curB) { tlog2<<"battleGetAvailableHexes called when there is no battle!"<(); } return gs->curB->getAccessibility(stack, addOccupiable, attackable); //return gs->battleGetRange(ID); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanShoot(const CStack * stack, THex dest) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); if(!gs->curB) return false; return gs->curB->battleCanShoot(stack, dest); } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastSpell() { if(!gs->curB) //there is no battle return false; return gs->curB->battleCanCastSpell(player, SpellCasting::HERO_CASTING) == SpellCasting::OK; } bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanFlee() { return gs->curB->battleCanFlee(player); } const CGTownInstance *CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetDefendedTown() { if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->town == NULL) return NULL; return gs->curB->town; } ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetWallState(int partOfWall) { if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->siege == 0) { return 0; } return gs->curB->si.wallState[partOfWall]; } int CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetWallUnderHex(THex hex) { if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->siege == 0) { return -1; } return gs->curB->hexToWallPart(hex); } TDmgRange CBattleInfoCallback::battleEstimateDamage(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, TDmgRange * retaliationDmg) { if(!gs->curB) return std::make_pair(0, 0); const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, * defenderHero; bool shooting = battleCanShoot(attacker, defender->position); if(gs->curB->sides[0] == attacker->owner) { attackerHero = gs->curB->heroes[0]; defenderHero = gs->curB->heroes[1]; } else { attackerHero = gs->curB->heroes[1]; defenderHero = gs->curB->heroes[0]; } TDmgRange ret = gs->curB->calculateDmgRange(attacker, defender, attackerHero, defenderHero, shooting, 0, false, false, false); if(retaliationDmg) { if(shooting) { retaliationDmg->first = retaliationDmg->second = 0; } else { ui32 TDmgRange::* pairElems[] = {&TDmgRange::first, &TDmgRange::second}; for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { BattleStackAttacked bsa; bsa.damageAmount = ret.*pairElems[i]; retaliationDmg->*pairElems[!i] = gs->curB->calculateDmgRange(defender, attacker, bsa.newAmount, attacker->count, attackerHero, defenderHero, false, 0, false, false, false).*pairElems[!i]; } } } return ret; } ui8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetSiegeLevel() { if(!gs->curB) return 0; return gs->curB->siege; } const CGHeroInstance * CBattleInfoCallback::battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const { if(!gs->curB) return 0; return gs->curB->heroes[side]; } CGameState *const CPrivilagedInfoCallback::gameState () { return gs; } int CGameInfoCallback::getOwner(int heroID) const { const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(heroID); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!obj, "No such object!", -1); return gs->map->objects[heroID]->tempOwner; } int CGameInfoCallback::getResource(int Player, int which) const { const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(Player); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info!", -1); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(p->resources.size() <= which || which < 0, "No such resource!", -1); return p->resources[which]; } const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getSelectedHero( int Player ) const { const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(Player); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info!", NULL); return getHero(p->currentSelection); } const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getSelectedHero() const { return getSelectedHero(gs->currentPlayer); } const PlayerSettings * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerSettings(int color) const { return &gs->scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(color); } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getTilesInRange( boost::unordered_set &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, int player/*=-1*/, int mode/*=0*/ ) const { if(player >= PLAYER_LIMIT) { tlog1 << "Illegal call to getTilesInRange!\n"; return; } if (radious == -1) //reveal entire map getAllTiles (tiles, player, -1, 0); else { const TeamState * team = gs->getPlayerTeam(player); for (int xd = std::max(pos.x - radious , 0); xd <= std::min(pos.x + radious, gs->map->width - 1); xd++) { for (int yd = std::max(pos.y - radious, 0); yd <= std::min(pos.y + radious, gs->map->height - 1); yd++) { double distance = pos.dist2d(int3(xd,yd,pos.z)) - 0.5; if(distance <= radious) { if(player < 0 || (mode == 1 && team->fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][pos.z]==0) || (mode == -1 && team->fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][pos.z]==1) ) tiles.insert(int3(xd,yd,pos.z)); } } } } } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getAllTiles (boost::unordered_set &tiles, int Player/*=-1*/, int level, int surface ) const { if(Player >= PLAYER_LIMIT) { tlog1 << "Illegal call to getAllTiles !\n"; return; } bool water = surface == 0 || surface == 2, land = surface == 0 || surface == 1; std::vector floors; if(level == -1) { for (int xd = 0; xd <= gs->map->width - 1; xd++) for(int b=0; bmap->twoLevel + 1; ++b) //if gs->map->twoLevel is false then false (0) + 1 is 1, if it's true (1) then we have 2 { floors.push_back(b); } } else floors.push_back(level); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = floors.begin(); i!= floors.end(); i++) { register int zd = *i; for (int xd = 0; xd < gs->map->width; xd++) { for (int yd = 0; yd < gs->map->height; yd++) { if ((getTile (int3 (xd,yd,zd))->tertype == 8 && water) || (getTile (int3 (xd,yd,zd))->tertype != 8 && land)) tiles.insert(int3(xd,yd,zd)); } } } } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getFreeTiles (std::vector &tiles) const { std::vector floors; for (int b=0; bmap->twoLevel + 1; ++b) //if gs->map->twoLevel is false then false (0) + 1 is 1, if it's true (1) then we have 2 { floors.push_back(b); } const TerrainTile *tinfo; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = floors.begin(); i!= floors.end(); i++) { register int zd = *i; for (int xd = 0; xd < gs->map->width; xd++) { for (int yd = 0; yd < gs->map->height; yd++) { tinfo = getTile(int3 (xd,yd,zd)); if (tinfo->tertype != 8 && !tinfo->blocked) //land and free tiles.push_back (int3 (xd,yd,zd)); } } } } bool CGameInfoCallback::isAllowed( int type, int id ) { switch(type) { case 0: return gs->map->allowedSpell[id]; case 1: return gs->map->allowedArtifact[id]; case 2: return gs->map->allowedAbilities[id]; default: ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(1, "Wrong type!", false); } } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::pickAllowedArtsSet(std::vector &out) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) { out.push_back(VLC->arth->artifacts[getRandomArt(CArtifact::ART_TREASURE << i)]); } } out.push_back(VLC->arth->artifacts[getRandomArt(CArtifact::ART_MAJOR)]); } ui16 CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getRandomArt (int flags) { return VLC->arth->getRandomArt(flags); } ui16 CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getArtSync (ui32 rand, int flags) { return VLC->arth->getArtSync (rand, flags); } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::erasePickedArt (si32 id) { VLC->arth->erasePickedArt(id); } void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getAllowedSpells(std::vector &out, ui16 level) { CSpell *spell; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gs->map->allowedSpell.size(); i++) //spellh size appears to be greater (?) { spell = VLC->spellh->spells[i]; if (isAllowed (0, spell->id) && spell->level == level) { out.push_back(spell->id); } } } inline TerrainTile * CNonConstInfoCallback::getTile( int3 pos ) { if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(pos)) return NULL; return &gs->map->getTile(pos); } const PlayerState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(int color, bool verbose) const { ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!hasAccess(color), verbose, "Cannot access player " << color << "info!", NULL); ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->players,color), verbose, "Cannot find player " << color << "info!", NULL); return &gs->players[color]; } const CTown * CGameInfoCallback::getNativeTown(int color) const { const PlayerSettings *ps = getPlayerSettings(color); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!ps, "There is no such player!", NULL); return &VLC->townh->towns[ps->castle]; } const CGObjectInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getObjByQuestIdentifier(int identifier) const { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->map->questIdentifierToId, identifier), "There is no object with such quest identifier!", NULL); return getObj(gs->map->questIdentifierToId[identifier]); } /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ const CGObjectInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getObj(int objid, bool verbose) const { if(objid < 0 || objid >= gs->map->objects.size()) { if(verbose) tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << std::endl; return NULL; } const CGObjectInstance *ret = gs->map->objects[objid]; if(!ret) { if(verbose) tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << ". Object was removed.\n"; return NULL; } if(!isVisible(ret, player)) { if(verbose) tlog1 << "Cannot get object with id " << objid << ". Object is not visible.\n"; return NULL; } return ret; } const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getHero(int objid) const { const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false); if(obj) return dynamic_cast(obj); else return NULL; } const CGTownInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getTown(int objid) const { const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false); if(obj) return dynamic_cast(gs->map->objects[objid].get()); else return NULL; } void CGameInfoCallback::getUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos, UpgradeInfo &out) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_IF(!canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about not owned object!"); ERROR_RET_IF(!obj->hasStackAtSlot(stackPos), "There is no such stack!"); out = gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(stackPos)); //return gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(stackPos)); } const StartInfo * CGameInfoCallback::getStartInfo() const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return gs->scenarioOps; } int CGameInfoCallback::getSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(caster), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1); //if there is a battle if(gs->curB) return gs->curB->getSpellCost(sp, caster); //if there is no battle return caster->getSpellCost(sp); } int CGameInfoCallback::estimateSpellDamage(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(hero && !canGetFullInfo(hero), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1); if(!gs->curB) //no battle { if (hero) //but we see hero's spellbook return gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(sp, hero, NULL, hero->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp), hero->getPrimSkillLevel(2)); else return 0; //mage guild } //gs->getHero(gs->currentPlayer) //const CGHeroInstance * ourHero = gs->curB->heroes[0]->tempOwner == player ? gs->curB->heroes[0] : gs->curB->heroes[1]; const CGHeroInstance * ourHero = hero; return gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(sp, ourHero, NULL, ourHero->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp), ourHero->getPrimSkillLevel(2)); } void CGameInfoCallback::getThievesGuildInfo(SThievesGuildInfo & thi, const CGObjectInstance * obj) { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_IF(!obj, "No guild object!"); ERROR_RET_IF(obj->ID == TOWNI_TYPE && !canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about town guild object!"); //TODO: advmap object -> check if they're visited by our hero if(obj->ID == TOWNI_TYPE || obj->ID == 95) //it is a town or adv map tavern { gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, gs->players[obj->tempOwner].towns.size()); } else if(obj->ID == 97) //Den of Thieves { gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, 20); } } int CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(int Player) const { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!hasAccess(Player), "Access forbidden!", -1); return gs->players[Player].towns.size(); } bool CGameInfoCallback::getTownInfo( const CGObjectInstance *town, InfoAboutTown &dest ) const { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(town, player), "Town is not visible!", false); //it's not a town or it's not visible for layer bool detailed = hasAccess(town->tempOwner); //TODO vision support if(town->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) dest.initFromTown(static_cast(town), detailed); else if(town->ID == 33 || town->ID == 219) dest.initFromGarrison(static_cast(town), detailed); else return false; return true; } int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(pos), "Tile is not visible!", int3(-1,-1,-1)); return gs->guardingCreaturePosition(pos); } bool CGameInfoCallback::getHeroInfo( const CGObjectInstance *hero, InfoAboutHero &dest ) const { const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(hero); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!h, "That's not a hero!", false); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(h->getPosition(false)), "That hero is not visible!", false); //TODO vision support dest.initFromHero(h, hasAccess(h->tempOwner)); return true; } int CGameInfoCallback::getDate(int mode) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return gs->getDate(mode); } std::vector < std::string > CGameInfoCallback::getObjDescriptions(int3 pos) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); std::vector ret; const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile given!", ret); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->blockingObjects) ret.push_back(obj->getHoverText()); return ret; } bool CGameInfoCallback::verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea) const { for (size_t i=0; i < path->nodes.size(); ++i) { const TerrainTile *t = getTile(path->nodes[i].coord); //current tile ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Path contains not visible tile: " << path->nodes[i].coord << "!", false); if (t->blocked && !t->visitable) return false; //path is wrong - one of the tiles is blocked if (blockSea) { if (i==0) continue; const TerrainTile *prev = getTile(path->nodes[i-1].coord); //tile of previous node on the path if (( t->tertype == TerrainTile::water && prev->tertype != TerrainTile::water) || (t->tertype != TerrainTile::water && prev->tertype == TerrainTile::water) || prev->tertype == TerrainTile::rock ) return false; } } return true; } bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos, int Player) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return gs->map->isInTheMap(pos) && (Player == -1 || gs->isVisible(pos, Player)); } bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos) const { return isVisible(pos,player); } bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible( const CGObjectInstance *obj, int Player ) const { return gs->isVisible(obj, Player); } bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const { return isVisible(obj, player); } // const CCreatureSet* CInfoCallback::getGarrison(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const // { // //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); // if() // const CArmedInstance *armi = dynamic_cast(obj); // if(!armi) // return NULL; // else // return armi; // } std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getBlockingObjs( int3 pos ) const { std::vector ret; const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->blockingObjects) ret.push_back(obj); return ret; } std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs( int3 pos ) const { std::vector ret; const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret); //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, t->visitableObjects) ret.push_back(obj); return ret; } std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getFlaggableObjects(int3 pos) const { std::vector ret; const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, t->blockingObjects) if(obj->tempOwner != 254) ret.push_back(obj); // const std::vector < std::pair > & objs = CGI->mh->ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects; // for(size_t b=0; btempOwner!=254 && !((objs[b].first->defInfo->blockMap[pos.y - objs[b].first->pos.y + 5] >> (objs[b].first->pos.x - pos.x)) & 1)) // ret.push_back(CGI->mh->ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[b].first); // } return ret; } int3 CGameInfoCallback::getMapSize() const { return int3(gs->map->width, gs->map->height, gs->map->twoLevel+1); } std::vector CGameInfoCallback::getAvailableHeroes(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const { std::vector ret; //ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isOwnedOrVisited(townOrTavern), "Town or tavern must be owned or visited!", ret); //TODO: town needs to be owned, advmap tavern needs to be visited; to be reimplemented when visit tracking is done ret.resize(gs->players[player].availableHeroes.size()); std::copy(gs->players[player].availableHeroes.begin(),gs->players[player].availableHeroes.end(),ret.begin()); return ret; } const TerrainTile * CGameInfoCallback::getTile( int3 tile, bool verbose) const { ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(tile), verbose, tile << " is not visible!", NULL); //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return &gs->map->getTile(tile); } int CGameInfoCallback::canBuildStructure( const CGTownInstance *t, int ID ) { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(t), "Town is not owned!", -1); int ret = Buildings::ALLOWED; if(t->builded >= MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN) ret = Buildings::CANT_BUILD_TODAY; //building limit CBuilding * pom = VLC->buildh->buildings[t->subID][ID]; if(!pom) return Buildings::ERROR; //checking resources if(!pom->resources.canBeAfforded(getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->resources)) ret = Buildings::NO_RESOURCES; //lack of res //checking for requirements std::set reqs = getBuildingRequiments(t, ID);//getting all requirements for( std::set::iterator ri = reqs.begin(); ri != reqs.end(); ri++ ) { if(t->builtBuildings.find(*ri)==t->builtBuildings.end()) ret = Buildings::PREREQUIRES; //lack of requirements - cannot build } //can we build it? if(t->forbiddenBuildings.find(ID)!=t->forbiddenBuildings.end()) ret = Buildings::FORBIDDEN; //forbidden if(ID == 13) //capitol { const PlayerState *ps = getPlayer(t->tempOwner); if(ps) { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, ps->towns) { if(vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, 13)) { ret = Buildings::HAVE_CAPITAL; //no more than one capitol break; } } } } else if(ID == 6) //shipyard { const TerrainTile *tile = getTile(t->bestLocation()); if(!tile || tile->tertype != TerrainTile::water ) ret = Buildings::NO_WATER; //lack of water } if(t->builtBuildings.find(ID)!=t->builtBuildings.end()) //already built ret = Buildings::ALREADY_PRESENT; return ret; } std::set CGameInfoCallback::getBuildingRequiments( const CGTownInstance *t, int ID ) { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(t), "Town is not owned!", std::set()); std::set used; used.insert(ID); std::set reqs = VLC->townh->requirements[t->subID][ID]; while(true) { size_t noloop=0; for(std::set::iterator i=reqs.begin();i!=reqs.end();i++) { if(used.find(*i)==used.end()) //we haven't added requirements for this building { used.insert(*i); for( std::set::iterator j=VLC->townh->requirements[t->subID][*i].begin(); j!=VLC->townh->requirements[t->subID][*i].end(); j++) { reqs.insert(*j);//creating full list of requirements } } else { noloop++; } } if(noloop==reqs.size()) break; } return reqs; } const CMapHeader * CGameInfoCallback::getMapHeader() const { return gs->map; } bool CGameInfoCallback::hasAccess(int playerId) const { return player < 0 || gs->getPlayerRelations( playerId, player ); } int CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerStatus(int player) const { const PlayerState *ps = gs->getPlayer(player, false); if(!ps) return -1; return ps->status; } std::string CGameInfoCallback::getTavernGossip(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const { return "GOSSIP TEST"; } int CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerRelations( ui8 color1, ui8 color2 ) const { return gs->getPlayerRelations(color1, color2); } bool CGameInfoCallback::canGetFullInfo(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const { return !obj || hasAccess(obj->tempOwner); } int CGameInfoCallback::getHeroCount( int player, bool includeGarrisoned ) const { int ret = 0; const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No such player!", -1); if(includeGarrisoned) return p->heroes.size(); else for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p->heroes.size(); i++) if(!p->heroes[i]->inTownGarrison) ret++; return ret; } bool CGameInfoCallback::isOwnedOrVisited(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const { if(canGetFullInfo(obj)) return true; const TerrainTile *t = getTile(obj->visitablePos()); //get entrance tile const CGObjectInstance *visitor = t->visitableObjects.back(); //visitong hero if present or the obejct itself at last return visitor->ID == HEROI_TYPE && canGetFullInfo(visitor); //owned or allied hero is a visitor } int CGameInfoCallback::getCurrentPlayer() const { return gs->currentPlayer; } CGameInfoCallback::CGameInfoCallback() { } CGameInfoCallback::CGameInfoCallback(CGameState *GS, int Player) { gs = GS; player = Player; } const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > & CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getVisibilityMap() const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); return gs->getPlayerTeam(player)->fogOfWarMap; } int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyTowns() const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1); return CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(player); } std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownsInfo(bool onlyOur) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> ret = std::vector < const CGTownInstance *>(); for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < (*i).second.towns.size(); ++j) { if ((*i).first==player || (isVisible((*i).second.towns[j],player) && !onlyOur)) { ret.push_back((*i).second.towns[j]); } } } // for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) return ret; } std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroesInfo(bool onlyOur) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> ret; for(size_t i=0;imap->heroes.size();i++) { if( (gs->map->heroes[i]->tempOwner==player) || (isVisible(gs->map->heroes[i]->getPosition(false),player) && !onlyOur) ) { ret.push_back(gs->map->heroes[i]); } } return ret; } int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyColor() const { return player; } int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroSerial(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); for (size_t i=0; iplayers[player].heroes.size();i++) { if (gs->players[player].heroes[i]==hero) return i; } return -1; } int3 CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getGrailPos( float &outKnownRatio ) { if (CGObelisk::obeliskCount == 0) { outKnownRatio = 0.0f; } else { outKnownRatio = (float)CGObelisk::visited[gs->getPlayerTeam(player)->id] / CGObelisk::obeliskCount; } return gs->map->grailPos; } std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects() const { std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > ret; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, gs->map->objects) { if(obj && obj->tempOwner == player) ret.push_back(obj); } return ret; } std::vector < const CGDwelling * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyDwellings() const { std::vector < const CGDwelling * > ret; BOOST_FOREACH(CGDwelling * dw, gs->getPlayer(player)->dwellings) { ret.push_back(dw); } return ret; } int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyHeroes(bool includeGarrisoned) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1); return getHeroCount(player,includeGarrisoned); } const CGHeroInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroBySerial(int serialId, bool includeGarrisoned) const { const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(player); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", NULL); if (!includeGarrisoned) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p->heroes.size() && i<=serialId; i++) if(p->heroes[i]->inTownGarrison) serialId++; } ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->heroes.size(), "No player info", NULL); return p->heroes[serialId]; } const CGTownInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownBySerial(int serialId) const { const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(player); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", NULL); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->towns.size(), "No player info", NULL); return p->towns[serialId]; } int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount(int type) const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1); return getResource(player, type); } TResources CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount() const { //boost::shared_lock lock(*gs->mx); ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player == -1, "Applicable only for player callbacks", TResources()); return gs->players[player].resources; } CGHeroInstance *CNonConstInfoCallback::getHero(int objid) { return const_cast(CGameInfoCallback::getHero(objid)); } CGTownInstance *CNonConstInfoCallback::getTown(int objid) { return const_cast(CGameInfoCallback::getTown(objid)); } TeamState *CNonConstInfoCallback::getTeam(ui8 teamID) { return const_cast(CGameInfoCallback::getTeam(teamID)); } TeamState *CNonConstInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(ui8 color) { return const_cast(CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(color)); } PlayerState * CNonConstInfoCallback::getPlayer( ui8 color, bool verbose ) { return const_cast(CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(color, verbose)); } const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getTeam( ui8 teamID ) const { ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->teams, teamID), "Cannot find info for team " << int(teamID), NULL); const TeamState *ret = &gs->teams[teamID]; ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(player != -1 && !vstd::contains(ret->players, player), "Illegal attempt to access team data!", NULL); return ret; } const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam( ui8 teamID ) const { const PlayerState * ps = getPlayer(teamID); if (ps) return getTeam(ps->team); return NULL; } const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getHeroWithSubid( int subid ) const { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, gs->map->heroes) if(h->subID == subid) return h; return NULL; } int CGameInfoCallback::getLocalPlayer() const { return getCurrentPlayer(); } void IGameEventRealizer::showInfoDialog( InfoWindow *iw ) { commitPackage(iw); } void IGameEventRealizer::showInfoDialog(const std::string &msg, int player) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = player; iw.text << msg; showInfoDialog(&iw); } void IGameEventRealizer::setObjProperty(int objid, int prop, si64 val) { SetObjectProperty sob; sob.id = objid; sob.what = prop; sob.val = static_cast(val); commitPackage(&sob); } const CGObjectInstance * IGameCallback::putNewObject(int ID, int subID, int3 pos) { NewObject no; no.ID = ID; //creature no.subID= subID; no.pos = pos; commitPackage(&no); return getObj(no.id); //id field will be filled during applying on gs } const CGCreature * IGameCallback::putNewMonster(int creID, int count, int3 pos) { const CGObjectInstance *m = putNewObject(54, creID, pos); setObjProperty(m->id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_COUNT, count); setObjProperty(m->id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_POWER, (si64)1000*count); return dynamic_cast(m); }