#!/bin/bash -x # # Generated - do not edit! # # Macros TOP=`pwd` PLATFORM=GNU-Linux-x86 TMPDIR=build/Debug/${PLATFORM}/tmp-packaging TMPDIRNAME=tmp-packaging OUTPUT_PATH=dist/Debug/${PLATFORM}/libvcmi_lib.so OUTPUT_BASENAME=libvcmi_lib.so PACKAGE_TOP_DIR=libvcmilib.so/ # Functions function checkReturnCode { rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then exit $rc fi } function makeDirectory # $1 directory path # $2 permission (optional) { mkdir -p "$1" checkReturnCode if [ "$2" != "" ] then chmod $2 "$1" checkReturnCode fi } function copyFileToTmpDir # $1 from-file path # $2 to-file path # $3 permission { cp "$1" "$2" checkReturnCode if [ "$3" != "" ] then chmod $3 "$2" checkReturnCode fi } # Setup cd "${TOP}" mkdir -p dist/Debug/${PLATFORM}/package rm -rf ${TMPDIR} mkdir -p ${TMPDIR} # Copy files and create directories and links cd "${TOP}" makeDirectory ${TMPDIR}/libvcmilib.so/lib copyFileToTmpDir "${OUTPUT_PATH}" "${TMPDIR}/${PACKAGE_TOP_DIR}lib/${OUTPUT_BASENAME}" 0644 # Generate tar file cd "${TOP}" rm -f dist/Debug/${PLATFORM}/package/libvcmilib.so.tar cd ${TMPDIR} tar -vcf ../../../../dist/Debug/${PLATFORM}/package/libvcmilib.so.tar * checkReturnCode # Cleanup cd "${TOP}" rm -rf ${TMPDIR}