/* * abstractsettings.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "abstractsettings.h" #include "../mapcontroller.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGCreature.h" #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGCreature.h" //parses date for lose condition (1m 1w 1d) int expiredDate(const QString & date) { int result = 0; for(auto component : date.split(" ")) { int days = component.left(component.lastIndexOf('d')).toInt(); int weeks = component.left(component.lastIndexOf('w')).toInt(); int months = component.left(component.lastIndexOf('m')).toInt(); result += days > 0 ? days - 1 : 0; result += (weeks > 0 ? weeks - 1 : 0) * 7; result += (months > 0 ? months - 1 : 0) * 28; } return result; } QString expiredDate(int date) { QString result; int m = date / 28; int w = (date % 28) / 7; int d = date % 7; if(m) result += QString::number(m) + "m"; if(w) { if(!result.isEmpty()) result += " "; result += QString::number(w) + "w"; } if(d) { if(!result.isEmpty()) result += " "; result += QString::number(d) + "d"; } return result; } int3 posFromJson(const JsonNode & json) { return int3(json.Vector()[0].Integer(), json.Vector()[1].Integer(), json.Vector()[2].Integer()); } std::vector linearJsonArray(const JsonNode & json) { std::vector result; if(json.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT) result.push_back(json); if(json.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR) { for(auto & node : json.Vector()) { auto subvector = linearJsonArray(node); result.insert(result.end(), subvector.begin(), subvector.end()); } } return result; } AbstractSettings::AbstractSettings(QWidget *parent) : QWidget{parent} { } void AbstractSettings::initialize(MapController & c) { controller = &c; } std::string AbstractSettings::getTownName(const CMap & map, int objectIdx) { std::string name; if(auto town = dynamic_cast(map.objects[objectIdx].get())) { name = town->getNameTranslated(); if(name.empty()) name = town->getTown()->faction->getNameTranslated(); } return name; } std::string AbstractSettings::getHeroName(const CMap & map, int objectIdx) { std::string name; if(auto hero = dynamic_cast(map.objects[objectIdx].get())) { name = hero->getNameTranslated(); } return name; } std::string AbstractSettings::getMonsterName(const CMap & map, int objectIdx) { std::string name; if(auto monster = dynamic_cast(map.objects[objectIdx].get())) { name = boost::str(boost::format("%1% at %2%") % monster->getObjectName() % monster->anchorPos().toString()); } return name; } JsonNode AbstractSettings::conditionToJson(const EventCondition & event) { JsonNode result; result["condition"].Integer() = event.condition; result["value"].Integer() = event.value; result["objectType"].String() = event.objectType.toString(); result["objectInstanceName"].String() = event.objectInstanceName; { auto & position = result["position"].Vector(); position.resize(3); position[0].Float() = event.position.x; position[1].Float() = event.position.y; position[2].Float() = event.position.z; } return result; };