// Defines terrain view/types patterns. // The following table shows the rules for the 3x3 pattern of all terrain types: // I) normal(e.g. grass, lava, ...): // N: Native type // D: Dirt border // S: Sand border // T: Sand OR dirt border(all Ts in the pattern are replaced by dirt OR sand) // ?: D,S or N // II) dirt: // N: Native type or normal type(grass, lava, ...) // S: Sand border // ?: Any border // III) sand: // No rules // IV) water, rock: // N: Native type // S: Sand border // ?: Any border // Additional rule for validiting terrain type: // N!: Native type always(unlike N for dirt) // The order of the patterns is important, do not change! { "terrainView" : [ // Extended mixed transitions { "id" : "x1", "data" : [ "T", "N", "N", "N", "N", "T", "N", "T", "T" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "73,74", "dirt" : "45", "hota" : "118,119" } }, { "id" : "x2", "data" : [ "D", "D", "N", "D", "N", "N", "N", "N", "S" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "75", "hota" : "120" } }, { "id" : "x3", "data" : [ "S", "S", "N", "S", "N", "N", "N", "N", "D" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "76", "hota" : "121" } }, { "id" : "x4", "data" : [ "N", "N", "S", "N", "N", "D", "S", "D", "D" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "77", "hota" : "122" } }, { "id" : "x5", "data" : [ "N", "N", "D", "N", "N", "D", "D", "D", "S" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "78", "hota" : "123" } }, // No transition { "id" : "n1", "data" : [ "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N" ], "decoration" : true, "mapping" : { "normal" : "49-56,57-72", "dirt" : "21-28,29-44", "sand" : "0-11,12-23", "water" : "20-32", "rock": "0-7", "hota" : "77-101,102-117" } }, // Mixed transitions { "id" : "m1", "data" : [ "T", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "T" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "40, 42", "dirt" : "20", "hota" : "68, 70" } }, { "id" : "m2", "data" : [ "D", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "S" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "41", "hota" : "69" } }, { "id" : "m3", "data" : [ "N", "N", "D,N", "N", "N", "D", "S", "D,N", "D,N" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "43", "hota" : "71" } }, { "id" : "m4", "data" : [ "N", "N", "S", "N", "N", "D", "D,N", "D", "D,N" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "44", "hota" : "72" } }, { "id" : "m5", "data" : [ "N", "N", "D", "N", "N", "D", "N", "N", "S" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "45", "hota" : "73" } }, { "id" : "m6", "data" : [ "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "D,N", "D", "S" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "46", "hota" : "74" } }, { "id" : "m7", "data" : [ "N", "N", "?", "N", "N", "S", "D-1,N", "D-1,N", "?" ], "minPoints" : 1, "mapping" : { "normal" : "47", "hota" : "75" } }, { "id" : "m8", "data" : [ "N", "N", "D-1,N", "N", "N", "D-1,N", "?", "S", "?" ], "minPoints" : 1, "mapping" : { "normal" : "48", "hota" : "76" } }, // Standard transitions { "id" : "s2", "data" : [ "?", "N", "N", "T", "N", "N", "?", "N", "N" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "4-7, 24-27", "dirt" : "4-7", "water" : "4-7", "rock": "2D:16-19", "hota" : "6-13, 40-47" } }, { "id" : "s3", "data" : [ "?", "T", "?", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "8-11, 28-31", "dirt" : "8-11", "water" : "8-11", "rock": "2D:20-23", "hota" : "14-21,48-55" } }, { "id" : "s4", "data" : [ "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "s3-1,m7-1,m8-1", "N", "s2-1,m7-1,m8-1", "T" ], "minPoints" : 2, "mapping" : { "normal" : "12-15, 32-35", "dirt" : "12-15", "water" : "12-15", "rock": "4D:24-31", "hota" : "22-27,56-61" } }, { "id" : "s5", "data" : [ "T", "T", "?", "T", "N", "s6-1,m1-1,m2-1,N", "?,x1-1,s1-1", "s6-1,m1-1,m2-1,N", "N" ], "minPoints" : 1, "mapping" : { "normal" : "16-17, 36-37", "dirt" : "16-17", "water" : "16-17", "rock": "4D:32-39", "hota" : "28-30,62-64" } }, { "id" : "s6", "data" : [ "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "s5-1,N", "N", "s5-1,N", "T" ], "minPoints" : 1, "mapping" : { "normal" : "18-19, 38-39", "dirt" : "18-19", "water" : "18-19", "rock": "4D:40-47", "hota" : "31-33,65-67" } }, { "id" : "s1", "data" : [ "?", "?", "?", "?", "N", "N", "T", "N", "N" ], "mapping" : { "normal" : "0-3, 20-23", "dirt" : "0-3", "water" : "0-3", "rock": "4D:8-15", "hota" : "0-5,34-39" } } ], "terrainType" : [ { "id" : "n1", "data" : [ "N!", "N!", "?", "N!", "N!", "?", "?", "?", "?" ] }, { "id" : "n2", "data" : [ "N!", "N!", "D,S", "D,S", "N!", "N!", "D,S", "D,S", "N!" ] }, { "id" : "n3", "data" : [ "D,S", "D,S", "N!", "D,S", "N!", "N!", "N!", "N!", "D,S" ] }, { "id" : "s1", "data" : [ "T", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N,T", "N", "N", "T" ] }, { "id" : "s2", "data" : [ "N", "N,T", "T", "N", "N", "N", "T", "N", "N" ] } ] }