/* * JsonSerializer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "JsonSerializer.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN JsonSerializer::JsonSerializer(const IInstanceResolver * instanceResolver_, JsonNode & root_): JsonTreeSerializer(instanceResolver_, &root_, true, false) { } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, boost::logic::tribool & value) { if(!boost::logic::indeterminate(value)) currentObject->operator[](fieldName).Bool() = (bool)value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, si32 & value, const std::optional & defaultValue, const TDecoder & decoder, const TEncoder & encoder) { if(!defaultValue || defaultValue.value() != value) { std::string identifier = encoder(value); serializeString(fieldName, identifier); } } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, double & value, const std::optional & defaultValue) { if(!defaultValue || !vstd::isAlmostEqual(defaultValue.value(), value)) currentObject->operator[](fieldName).Float() = value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, si64 & value, const std::optional & defaultValue) { if(!defaultValue || defaultValue.value() != value) currentObject->operator[](fieldName).Integer() = value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, si32 & value, const std::optional & defaultValue, const std::vector & enumMap) { if(!defaultValue || defaultValue.value() != value) currentObject->operator[](fieldName).String() = enumMap.at(value); } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, std::vector & value, const TDecoder & decoder, const TEncoder & encoder) { if(value.empty()) return; JsonVector & data = currentObject->operator[](fieldName).Vector(); data.reserve(value.size()); for(const si32 rawId : value) data.emplace_back(rawId); } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(const std::string & fieldName, std::vector & value) { if(value.empty()) return; JsonVector & data = currentObject->operator[](fieldName).Vector(); data.reserve(value.size()); for(const auto & rawId : value) data.emplace_back(rawId); } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(std::string & value) { currentObject->String() = value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeInternal(int64_t & value) { currentObject->Integer() = value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeLIC(const std::string & fieldName, const TDecoder & decoder, const TEncoder & encoder, const std::set & standard, std::set & value) { if(standard == value) return; writeLICPart(fieldName, "anyOf", encoder, value); } void JsonSerializer::serializeLIC(const std::string & fieldName, LICSet & value) { if(value.any != value.standard) writeLICPart(fieldName, "anyOf", value.encoder, value.any); writeLICPart(fieldName, "allOf", value.encoder, value.all); writeLICPart(fieldName, "noneOf", value.encoder, value.none); } void JsonSerializer::serializeString(const std::string & fieldName, std::string & value) { if(!value.empty()) currentObject->operator[](fieldName).String() = value; } void JsonSerializer::serializeRaw(const std::string & fieldName, JsonNode & value, const std::optional> defaultValue) { if(!defaultValue || value != defaultValue.value()) currentObject->operator[](fieldName) = value; } void JsonSerializer::pushStruct(const std::string & fieldName) { JsonTreeSerializer::pushStruct(fieldName); currentObject->setType(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); } void JsonSerializer::pushArray(const std::string & fieldName) { JsonTreeSerializer::pushArray(fieldName); currentObject->setType(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR); } void JsonSerializer::pushArrayElement(const size_t index) { JsonTreeSerializer::pushArrayElement(index); currentObject->setType(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); } void JsonSerializer::resizeCurrent(const size_t newSize, JsonNode::JsonType type) { currentObject->Vector().resize(newSize); if(type != JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_NULL) { for(JsonNode & n : currentObject->Vector()) if(n.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_NULL) n.setType(type); } } void JsonSerializer::writeLICPart(const std::string & fieldName, const std::string & partName, const TEncoder & encoder, const std::vector & data) { std::vector buf; buf.reserve(data.size()); for(si32 idx = 0; idx < data.size(); idx++) if(data[idx]) buf.push_back(encoder(idx)); writeLICPartBuffer(fieldName, partName, buf); } void JsonSerializer::writeLICPart(const std::string & fieldName, const std::string & partName, const TEncoder & encoder, const std::set & data) { std::vector buf; buf.reserve(data.size()); for(const si32 item : data) buf.push_back(encoder(item)); writeLICPartBuffer(fieldName, partName, buf); } void JsonSerializer::writeLICPartBuffer(const std::string & fieldName, const std::string & partName, std::vector & buffer) { if(!buffer.empty()) { std::sort(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); auto & target = currentObject->operator[](fieldName)[partName].Vector(); for(auto & s : buffer) target.emplace_back(s); } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END