# Artifact Format Artifact bonuses use [Bonus Format](../Bonus_Format.md) ## Required data In order to make functional artifact you also need: - Icon for hero inventory (1 image) - Icon for popup windows (1 image, optional) - Animation for adventure map (1 animation) ## Format ```json { // Type of this artifact - creature, hero or commander "type": ["HERO", "CREATURE", "COMMANDER"] // TREASURE, MINOR, MAJOR, RELIC, SPECIAL "class": "TREASURE", // Slot(s) to which this artifact can be put, if applicable // SHOULDERS, NECK, RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND, TORSO, RIGHT_RING, LEFT_RING, FEET, MISC1, MISC2, MISC3, MISC4, // MACH1, MACH2, MACH3, MACH4, SPELLBOOK, MISC5 // MISC, RING "slot": "HEAD", "slot": [ "LEFT_HAND", "RIGHT_HAND ], // Cost of this artifact, in gold "value": 12000, "text": { // Name of the artifact "name": "Big Sword", // Long description of this artifact "description": "Big sword gived +10 attack to hero", // Text that visible on picking this artifact on map "event": "On your travel, you stumble upon big sword. You dust it off and stick in your backpack" }, "graphics": { // Base image for this artifact, used for example in hero screen "image": "BigSword.png", // Large image, used for drag-and-drop and popup messages "large": "BigSword_large.png", //def file for adventure map "map": "BigSword.def" }, // Bonuses provided by this artifact using bonus system "bonuses": { Bonus_1, Bonus_2 }, // Optional, list of components for combinational artifacts "components": [ "artifact1", "artifact2", "artifact3" ], // Optional, by default is false. Set to true if components are supposed to be fused. // When artifact is fused, all its components are removed and hero receives fused artifact in their place. // As result of this, fused artifact: // - can not be disassembled // - does not locks slots of its components, like normal artifact // - does not inherits bonuses from its constituent parts "fusedComponents" : true, // Creature id to use on battle field. If set, this artifact is war machine "warMachine" : "some.creature" // If set to true, artifact won't spawn on a map without water "onlyOnWaterMap" : false, // TODO: document "growing" : { "bonusesPerLevel" : {}, "thresholdBonuses" : {}, } } ```