#include "StdInc.h" #include "inspector.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/CRandomGenerator.h" #include "../lib/mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h" //===============IMPLEMENT OBJECT INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS================ Initializer::Initializer(CGObjectInstance * o) { ///IMPORTANT! initialize order should be from base objects to derived objects INIT_OBJ_TYPE(CGResource); INIT_OBJ_TYPE(CGArtifact); INIT_OBJ_TYPE(CArmedInstance); INIT_OBJ_TYPE(CGMine); INIT_OBJ_TYPE(CGTownInstance); } void initialize(CArmedInstance * o) { if(!o) return; o->tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; } void initialize(CGTownInstance * o) { if(!o) return; o->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::FORT); o->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::DEFAULT); for(auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects) //add all regular spells to town { if(!spell->isSpecial() && !spell->isCreatureAbility()) o->possibleSpells.push_back(spell->id); } } void initialize(CGArtifact * o) { if(!o) return; if(o->ID == Obj::SPELL_SCROLL) { std::vector out; for(auto spell : VLC->spellh->objects) //spellh size appears to be greater (?) { if(/*map.isAllowedSpell(spell->id) && spell->level == i + 1*/ true) { out.push_back(spell->id); } } auto a = CArtifactInstance::createScroll(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(out, CRandomGenerator::getDefault())); o->storedArtifact = a; } } void initialize(CGMine * o) { if(!o) return; o->producedResource = Res::ERes(o->subID); o->producedQuantity = o->defaultResProduction(); } void initialize(CGResource * o) { if(!o) return; o->amount = CGResource::RANDOM_AMOUNT; } //===============IMPLEMENT PROPERTIES SETUP=============================== void Inspector::updateProperties(CArmedInstance * o) { if(!o) return; addProperty("Owner", o->tempOwner); } void Inspector::updateProperties(CGTownInstance * o) { if(!o) return; addProperty("Owner", o->tempOwner, false); addProperty("Town name", o->name, false); } void Inspector::updateProperties(CGArtifact * o) { if(!o) return; } void Inspector::updateProperties(CGMine * o) { if(!o) return; addProperty("Owner", o->tempOwner, false); addProperty("Resource", o->producedResource); addProperty("Productivity", o->producedQuantity, false); } void Inspector::updateProperties(CGResource * o) { if(!o) return; addProperty("Amount", o->amount, false); } void Inspector::updateProperties() { if(!obj) return; table->setRowCount(0); //cleanup table addProperty("Indentifier", obj); addProperty("ID", obj->ID.getNum()); addProperty("SubID", obj->subID); addProperty("InstanceName", obj->instanceName); addProperty("TypeName", obj->typeName); addProperty("SubTypeName", obj->subTypeName); auto factory = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(obj->ID, obj->subID); addProperty("IsStatic", factory->isStaticObject()); UPDATE_OBJ_PROPERTIES(CArmedInstance); UPDATE_OBJ_PROPERTIES(CGTownInstance); UPDATE_OBJ_PROPERTIES(CGArtifact); UPDATE_OBJ_PROPERTIES(CGMine); UPDATE_OBJ_PROPERTIES(CGResource); table->show(); } //===============IMPLEMENT PROPERTY UPDATE================================ void Inspector::setProperty(const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!obj) return; SET_PROPERTIES(CArmedInstance); SET_PROPERTIES(CGTownInstance); SET_PROPERTIES(CGArtifact); SET_PROPERTIES(CGMine); SET_PROPERTIES(CGResource); } void Inspector::setProperty(CArmedInstance * object, const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!object) return; if(key == "Owner") { PlayerColor owner(value.toString().toInt()); if(value == "NEUTRAL") owner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; if(value == "UNFLAGGABLE") owner = PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE; object->tempOwner = owner; return; } } void Inspector::setProperty(CGTownInstance * object, const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!object) return; if(key == "Town name") object->name = value.toString().toStdString(); } void Inspector::setProperty(CGMine * object, const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!object) return; if(key == "Productivity") object->producedQuantity = value.toString().toInt(); } void Inspector::setProperty(CGArtifact * object, const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!object) return; } void Inspector::setProperty(CGResource * object, const QString & key, const QVariant & value) { if(!object) return; if(key == "Amount") object->amount = value.toString().toInt(); } //===============IMPLEMENT PROPERTY VALUE TYPE============================ QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(CGObjectInstance * value) { using NumericPointer = unsigned long long; static_assert(sizeof(CGObjectInstance *) == sizeof(NumericPointer), "Compilied for 64 bit arcitecture. Use NumericPointer = unsigned int"); return new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(reinterpret_cast(value))); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(unsigned int value) { return new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(value)); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(int value) { return new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(value)); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(bool value) { return new QTableWidgetItem(value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(const std::string & value) { return addProperty(QString::fromStdString(value)); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(const QString & value) { return new QTableWidgetItem(value); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(const int3 & value) { return new QTableWidgetItem(QString("(%1, %2, %3)").arg(value.x, value.y, value.z)); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(const PlayerColor & value) { //auto str = QString("PLAYER %1").arg(value.getNum()); auto str = QString::number(value.getNum()); if(value == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) str = "NEUTRAL"; if(value == PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE) str = "UNFLAGGABLE"; return new QTableWidgetItem(str); } QTableWidgetItem * Inspector::addProperty(const Res::ERes & value) { QString str; switch (value) { case Res::ERes::WOOD: str = "WOOD"; break; case Res::ERes::ORE: str = "ORE"; break; case Res::ERes::SULFUR: str = "SULFUR"; break; case Res::ERes::GEMS: str = "GEMS"; break; case Res::ERes::MERCURY: str = "MERCURY"; break; case Res::ERes::CRYSTAL: str = "CRYSTAL"; break; case Res::ERes::GOLD: str = "GOLD"; break; default: break; } return new QTableWidgetItem(str); } //======================================================================== Inspector::Inspector(CGObjectInstance * o, QTableWidget * t): obj(o), table(t) { } /* * Delegates */ QWidget * PlayerColorDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.data().canConvert()) { auto *editor = new QComboBox(parent); connect(editor, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(commitAndCloseEditor(int))); return editor; } return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor(parent, option, index); } void PlayerColorDelegate::commitAndCloseEditor(int id) { QComboBox *editor = qobject_cast(sender()); emit commitData(editor); emit closeEditor(editor); } void PlayerColorDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.data().canConvert()) { PlayerColor player(qvariant_cast(index.data())); QComboBox *ed = qobject_cast(editor); ed->addItem(QString::number(player.getNum())); } else { QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData(editor, index); } } void PlayerColorDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.data().canConvert()) { QComboBox *ed = qobject_cast(editor); model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue(ed->currentText())); } else { QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData(editor, model, index); } }