/* * CGameHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "PlayerMessageProcessor.h" #include "TurnOrderProcessor.h" #include "../CGameHandler.h" #include "../CVCMIServer.h" #include "../TurnTimerHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "../../lib/StartInfo.h" #include "../../lib/entities/building/CBuilding.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/modding/IdentifierStorage.h" #include "../../lib/modding/ModScope.h" #include "../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForClient.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/StackLocation.h" #include "../../lib/serializer/Connection.h" #include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" PlayerMessageProcessor::PlayerMessageProcessor(CGameHandler * gameHandler) :gameHandler(gameHandler) { } void PlayerMessageProcessor::playerMessage(PlayerColor player, const std::string & message, ObjectInstanceID currObj) { if(!message.empty() && message[0] == '!') { broadcastMessage(player, message); handleCommand(player, message); return; } if(handleCheatCode(message, player, currObj)) { if(!gameHandler->getPlayerSettings(player)->isControlledByAI()) { MetaString txt; txt.appendLocalString(EMetaText::GENERAL_TXT, 260); broadcastSystemMessage(txt); } if(!player.isSpectator()) gameHandler->checkVictoryLossConditionsForPlayer(player); //Player enter win code or got required art\creature return; } broadcastMessage(player, message); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandExit(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { bool isHost = gameHandler->gameLobby()->isPlayerHost(player); if(!isHost) return; broadcastSystemMessage("game was terminated"); gameHandler->gameLobby()->setState(EServerState::SHUTDOWN); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandKick(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { bool isHost = gameHandler->gameLobby()->isPlayerHost(player); if(!isHost) return; if(words.size() == 2) { auto playername = words[1]; PlayerColor playerToKick(PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE); if(std::all_of(playername.begin(), playername.end(), ::isdigit)) playerToKick = PlayerColor(std::stoi(playername)); else { for(auto & c : gameHandler->connections) { if(c.first.toString() == playername) playerToKick = c.first; } } if(playerToKick != PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE) { PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = playerToKick; pc.losingCheatCode = true; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); gameHandler->checkVictoryLossConditionsForPlayer(playerToKick); } } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandSave(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { bool isHost = gameHandler->gameLobby()->isPlayerHost(player); if(!isHost) return; if(words.size() == 2) { gameHandler->save("Saves/" + words[1]); broadcastSystemMessage("game saved as " + words[1]); } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandCheaters(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { int playersCheated = 0; for(const auto & player : gameHandler->gameState()->players) { if(player.second.cheated) { broadcastSystemMessage("Player " + player.first.toString() + " is cheater!"); playersCheated++; } } if(!playersCheated) broadcastSystemMessage("No cheaters registered!"); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandStatistic(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { bool isHost = gameHandler->gameLobby()->isPlayerHost(player); if(!isHost) return; std::string path = gameHandler->gameState()->statistic.writeCsv(); broadcastSystemMessage("Statistic files can be found in " + path + " directory\n"); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandHelp(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { broadcastSystemMessage("Available commands to host:"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!exit' - immediately ends current game"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!kick ' - kick specified player from the game"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!save ' - save game under specified filename"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!statistic' - save game statistics as csv file"); broadcastSystemMessage("Available commands to all players:"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!help' - display this help"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!cheaters' - list players that entered cheat command during game"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!vote' - allows to change some game settings if all players vote for it"); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::commandVote(PlayerColor player, const std::vector & words) { if(words.size() < 2) { broadcastSystemMessage("'!vote simturns allow X' - allow simultaneous turns for specified number of days, or until contact"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!vote simturns force X' - force simultaneous turns for specified number of days, blocking player contacts"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!vote simturns abort' - abort simultaneous turns once this turn ends"); broadcastSystemMessage("'!vote timer prolong X' - prolong base timer for all players by specified number of seconds"); return; } if(words[1] == "yes" || words[1] == "no") { if(currentVote == ECurrentChatVote::NONE) { broadcastSystemMessage("No active voting!"); return; } if(words[1] == "yes") { awaitingPlayers.erase(player); if(awaitingPlayers.empty()) finishVoting(); return; } if(words[1] == "no") { abortVoting(); return; } } const auto & parseNumber = [](const std::string & input) -> std::optional { try { return std::stol(input); } catch(std::logic_error &) { return std::nullopt; } }; if(words[1] == "simturns" && words.size() > 2) { if(words[2] == "allow" && words.size() > 3) { auto daysCount = parseNumber(words[3]); if(daysCount && daysCount.value() > 0) startVoting(player, ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ALLOW, daysCount.value()); return; } if(words[2] == "force" && words.size() > 3) { auto daysCount = parseNumber(words[3]); if(daysCount && daysCount.value() > 0) startVoting(player, ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_FORCE, daysCount.value()); return; } if(words[2] == "abort") { startVoting(player, ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ABORT, 0); return; } } if(words[1] == "timer" && words.size() > 2) { if(words[2] == "prolong" && words.size() > 3) { auto secondsCount = parseNumber(words[3]); if(secondsCount && secondsCount.value() > 0) startVoting(player, ECurrentChatVote::TIMER_PROLONG, secondsCount.value()); return; } } broadcastSystemMessage("Voting command not recognized!"); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::finishVoting() { switch(currentVote) { case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ALLOW: broadcastSystemMessage("Voting successful. Simultaneous turns will run for " + std::to_string(currentVoteParameter) + " more days, or until contact"); gameHandler->turnOrder->setMaxSimturnsDuration(currentVoteParameter); break; case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_FORCE: broadcastSystemMessage("Voting successful. Simultaneous turns will run for " + std::to_string(currentVoteParameter) + " more days. Contacts are blocked"); gameHandler->turnOrder->setMinSimturnsDuration(currentVoteParameter); break; case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ABORT: broadcastSystemMessage("Voting successful. Simultaneous turns will end on next day"); gameHandler->turnOrder->setMinSimturnsDuration(0); gameHandler->turnOrder->setMaxSimturnsDuration(0); break; case ECurrentChatVote::TIMER_PROLONG: broadcastSystemMessage("Voting successful. Timer for all players has been prolonger for " + std::to_string(currentVoteParameter) + " seconds"); gameHandler->turnTimerHandler->prolongTimers(currentVoteParameter * 1000); break; } currentVote = ECurrentChatVote::NONE; currentVoteParameter = -1; } void PlayerMessageProcessor::abortVoting() { broadcastSystemMessage("Player voted against change. Voting aborted"); currentVote = ECurrentChatVote::NONE; } void PlayerMessageProcessor::startVoting(PlayerColor initiator, ECurrentChatVote what, int parameter) { currentVote = what; currentVoteParameter = parameter; switch(currentVote) { case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ALLOW: broadcastSystemMessage("Started voting to allow simultaneous turns for " + std::to_string(parameter) + " more days"); break; case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_FORCE: broadcastSystemMessage("Started voting to force simultaneous turns for " + std::to_string(parameter) + " more days"); break; case ECurrentChatVote::SIMTURNS_ABORT: broadcastSystemMessage("Started voting to end simultaneous turns starting from next day"); break; case ECurrentChatVote::TIMER_PROLONG: broadcastSystemMessage("Started voting to prolong timer for all players by " + std::to_string(parameter) + " seconds"); break; default: return; } broadcastSystemMessage("Type '!vote yes' to agree to this change or '!vote no' to vote against it"); awaitingPlayers.clear(); for(PlayerColor player(0); player < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT; ++player) { auto state = gameHandler->getPlayerState(player, false); if(state && state->isHuman() && initiator != player) awaitingPlayers.insert(player); } if(awaitingPlayers.empty()) finishVoting(); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::handleCommand(PlayerColor player, const std::string & message) { if(message.empty() || message[0] != '!') return; std::vector words; boost::split(words, message, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if(words[0] == "!exit" || words[0] == "!quit") commandExit(player, words); if(words[0] == "!help") commandHelp(player, words); if(words[0] == "!vote") commandVote(player, words); if(words[0] == "!kick") commandKick(player, words); if(words[0] == "!save") commandSave(player, words); if(words[0] == "!cheaters") commandCheaters(player, words); if(words[0] == "!statistic") commandStatistic(player, words); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatGiveSpells(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if (!hero) return; ///Give hero spellbook if (!hero->hasSpellbook()) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID::SPELLBOOK, ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK); ///Give all spells with bonus (to allow banned spells) GiveBonus giveBonus(GiveBonus::ETarget::OBJECT); giveBonus.id = hero->id; giveBonus.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::PERMANENT, BonusType::SPELLS_OF_LEVEL, BonusSource::OTHER, 0, BonusSourceID()); //start with level 0 to skip abilities for (int level = 1; level <= GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS; level++) { giveBonus.bonus.subtype = BonusCustomSubtype::spellLevel(level); gameHandler->sendAndApply(giveBonus); } ///Give mana SetMana sm; sm.hid = hero->id; sm.val = 999; sm.absolute = true; gameHandler->sendAndApply(sm); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatBuildTown(PlayerColor player, const CGTownInstance * town) { if (!town) return; for (auto & build : town->town->buildings) { if (!town->hasBuilt(build.first) && !build.second->getNameTranslated().empty() && build.first != BuildingID::SHIP) { gameHandler->buildStructure(town->id, build.first, true); } } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatGiveArmy(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, std::vector words) { if (!hero) return; std::string creatureIdentifier = words.empty() ? "archangel" : words[0]; std::optional amountPerSlot; try { amountPerSlot = std::stol(words.at(1)); } catch(std::logic_error&) { } std::optional creatureId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "creature", creatureIdentifier, false); if(creatureId.has_value()) { const auto * creature = CreatureID(creatureId.value()).toCreature(); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; i++) { if (!hero->hasStackAtSlot(SlotID(i))) { if (amountPerSlot.has_value()) gameHandler->insertNewStack(StackLocation(hero, SlotID(i)), creature, *amountPerSlot); else gameHandler->insertNewStack(StackLocation(hero, SlotID(i)), creature, 5 * std::pow(10, i)); } } } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatGiveMachines(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if (!hero) return; if (!hero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH1)) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID::BALLISTA, ArtifactPosition::MACH1); if (!hero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH2)) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID::AMMO_CART, ArtifactPosition::MACH2); if (!hero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH3)) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID::FIRST_AID_TENT, ArtifactPosition::MACH3); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatGiveArtifacts(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, std::vector words) { if (!hero) return; if (!words.empty()) { for (auto const & word : words) { auto artID = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "artifact", word, false); if(artID && VLC->arth->objects[*artID]) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID(*artID), ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); } } else { for(int g = 7; g < VLC->arth->objects.size(); ++g) //including artifacts from mods { if(VLC->arth->objects[g]->canBePutAt(hero)) gameHandler->giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, ArtifactID(g), ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); } } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatGiveScrolls(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if(!hero) return; for(const auto & spell : VLC->spellh->objects) if(gameHandler->gameState()->isAllowed(spell->getId()) && !spell->isSpecial()) { gameHandler->giveHeroNewScroll(hero, spell->getId(), ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatLevelup(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, std::vector words) { if (!hero) return; int levelsToGain; try { levelsToGain = std::stol(words.at(0)); } catch(std::logic_error&) { levelsToGain = 1; } gameHandler->giveExperience(hero, VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level + levelsToGain) - VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level)); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatExperience(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, std::vector words) { if (!hero) return; int expAmountProcessed; try { expAmountProcessed = std::stol(words.at(0)); } catch(std::logic_error&) { expAmountProcessed = 10000; } gameHandler->giveExperience(hero, expAmountProcessed); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatMovement(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero, std::vector words) { if (!hero) return; SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = hero->id; bool unlimited = false; try { smp.val = std::stol(words.at(0)); } catch(std::logic_error&) { smp.val = 1000000; unlimited = true; } gameHandler->sendAndApply(smp); GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::ETarget::OBJECT); gb.bonus.type = BonusType::FREE_SHIP_BOARDING; gb.bonus.duration = unlimited ? BonusDuration::PERMANENT : BonusDuration::ONE_DAY; gb.bonus.source = BonusSource::OTHER; gb.id = hero->id; gameHandler->giveHeroBonus(&gb); if(unlimited) { GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::ETarget::OBJECT); gb.bonus.type = BonusType::UNLIMITED_MOVEMENT; gb.bonus.duration = BonusDuration::PERMANENT; gb.bonus.source = BonusSource::OTHER; gb.id = hero->id; gameHandler->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatResources(PlayerColor player, std::vector words) { int baseResourceAmount; try { baseResourceAmount = std::stol(words.at(0)); } catch(std::logic_error&) { baseResourceAmount = 100; } TResources resources; resources[EGameResID::GOLD] = baseResourceAmount * 1000; for (GameResID i = EGameResID::WOOD; i < EGameResID::GOLD; ++i) resources[i] = baseResourceAmount; gameHandler->giveResources(player, resources); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatVictory(PlayerColor player) { PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = player; pc.winningCheatCode = true; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatDefeat(PlayerColor player) { PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = player; pc.losingCheatCode = true; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatMapReveal(PlayerColor player, bool reveal) { FoWChange fc; fc.mode = reveal ? ETileVisibility::REVEALED : ETileVisibility::HIDDEN; fc.player = player; const auto & fowMap = gameHandler->gameState()->getPlayerTeam(player)->fogOfWarMap; const auto & mapSize = gameHandler->gameState()->getMapSize(); auto hlp_tab = new int3[mapSize.x * mapSize.y * mapSize.z]; int lastUnc = 0; for(int z = 0; z < mapSize.z; z++) for(int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++) for(int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++) if(!fowMap[z][x][y] || fc.mode == ETileVisibility::HIDDEN) hlp_tab[lastUnc++] = int3(x, y, z); fc.tiles.insert(hlp_tab, hlp_tab + lastUnc); delete [] hlp_tab; gameHandler->sendAndApply(fc); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatPuzzleReveal(PlayerColor player) { TeamState *t = gameHandler->gameState()->getPlayerTeam(player); for(auto & obj : gameHandler->gameState()->map->objects) { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::OBELISK && !obj->wasVisited(player)) { gameHandler->setObjPropertyID(obj->id, ObjProperty::OBELISK_VISITED, t->id); for(const auto & color : t->players) { gameHandler->setObjPropertyID(obj->id, ObjProperty::VISITED, color); PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = color; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); } } } } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatMaxLuck(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if (!hero) return; GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::PERMANENT, BonusType::MAX_LUCK, BonusSource::OTHER, 0, BonusSourceID(Obj(Obj::NO_OBJ))); gb.id = hero->id; gameHandler->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatFly(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if (!hero) return; GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::PERMANENT, BonusType::FLYING_MOVEMENT, BonusSource::OTHER, 0, BonusSourceID(Obj(Obj::NO_OBJ))); gb.id = hero->id; gameHandler->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::cheatMaxMorale(PlayerColor player, const CGHeroInstance * hero) { if (!hero) return; GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::PERMANENT, BonusType::MAX_MORALE, BonusSource::OTHER, 0, BonusSourceID(Obj(Obj::NO_OBJ))); gb.id = hero->id; gameHandler->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } bool PlayerMessageProcessor::handleCheatCode(const std::string & cheat, PlayerColor player, ObjectInstanceID currObj) { std::vector words; boost::split(words, boost::trim_copy(cheat), boost::is_any_of("\t\r\n ")); if (words.empty() || !gameHandler->getStartInfo()->extraOptionsInfo.cheatsAllowed) return false; //Make cheat name case-insensitive, but keep words/parameters (e.g. creature name) as it std::string cheatName = boost::to_lower_copy(words[0]); words.erase(words.begin()); std::vector townTargetedCheats = { "vcmiarmenelos", "vcmibuild", "nwczion" }; std::vector playerTargetedCheats = { "vcmiformenos", "vcmiresources", "nwctheconstruct", "vcmimelkor", "vcmilose", "nwcbluepill", "vcmisilmaril", "vcmiwin", "nwcredpill", "vcmieagles", "vcmimap", "nwcwhatisthematrix", "vcmiungoliant", "vcmihidemap", "nwcignoranceisbliss", "vcmiobelisk", "nwcoracle" }; std::vector heroTargetedCheats = { "vcmiainur", "vcmiarchangel", "nwctrinity", "vcmiangband", "vcmiblackknight", "nwcagents", "vcmiglaurung", "vcmicrystal", "vcmiazure", "vcmifaerie", "vcmiarmy", "vcminissi", "vcmiistari", "vcmispells", "nwcthereisnospoon", "vcminoldor", "vcmimachines", "nwclotsofguns", "vcmiglorfindel", "vcmilevel", "nwcneo", "vcminahar", "vcmimove", "nwcnebuchadnezzar", "vcmiforgeofnoldorking", "vcmiartifacts", "vcmiolorin", "vcmiexp", "vcmiluck", "nwcfollowthewhiterabbit", "vcmimorale", "nwcmorpheus", "vcmigod", "nwctheone", "vcmiscrolls" }; if (!vstd::contains(townTargetedCheats, cheatName) && !vstd::contains(playerTargetedCheats, cheatName) && !vstd::contains(heroTargetedCheats, cheatName)) return false; bool playerTargetedCheat = false; for (const auto & i : gameHandler->gameState()->players) { if (words.empty()) break; if (i.first == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) continue; if (words.front() == "ai" && i.second.human) continue; if (words.front() != "all" && words.front() != i.first.toString()) continue; std::vector parameters = words; PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = i.first; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); playerTargetedCheat = true; parameters.erase(parameters.begin()); if (vstd::contains(playerTargetedCheats, cheatName)) executeCheatCode(cheatName, i.first, ObjectInstanceID::NONE, parameters); if (vstd::contains(townTargetedCheats, cheatName)) for (const auto & t : i.second.getTowns()) executeCheatCode(cheatName, i.first, t->id, parameters); if (vstd::contains(heroTargetedCheats, cheatName)) for (const auto & h : i.second.getHeroes()) executeCheatCode(cheatName, i.first, h->id, parameters); } PlayerCheated pc; pc.player = player; gameHandler->sendAndApply(pc); if (!playerTargetedCheat) executeCheatCode(cheatName, player, currObj, words); return true; } void PlayerMessageProcessor::executeCheatCode(const std::string & cheatName, PlayerColor player, ObjectInstanceID currObj, const std::vector & words) { const CGHeroInstance * hero = gameHandler->getHero(currObj); const CGTownInstance * town = gameHandler->getTown(currObj); if (!town && hero) town = hero->visitedTown; const auto & doCheatGiveSpells = [&]() { cheatGiveSpells(player, hero); }; const auto & doCheatBuildTown = [&]() { cheatBuildTown(player, town); }; const auto & doCheatGiveArmyCustom = [&]() { cheatGiveArmy(player, hero, words); }; const auto & doCheatGiveArmyFixed = [&](std::vector customWords) { cheatGiveArmy(player, hero, customWords); }; const auto & doCheatGiveMachines = [&]() { cheatGiveMachines(player, hero); }; const auto & doCheatGiveArtifacts = [&]() { cheatGiveArtifacts(player, hero, words); }; const auto & doCheatLevelup = [&]() { cheatLevelup(player, hero, words); }; const auto & doCheatExperience = [&]() { cheatExperience(player, hero, words); }; const auto & doCheatMovement = [&]() { cheatMovement(player, hero, words); }; const auto & doCheatResources = [&]() { cheatResources(player, words); }; const auto & doCheatVictory = [&]() { cheatVictory(player); }; const auto & doCheatDefeat = [&]() { cheatDefeat(player); }; const auto & doCheatMapReveal = [&]() { cheatMapReveal(player, true); }; const auto & doCheatMapHide = [&]() { cheatMapReveal(player, false); }; const auto & doCheatRevealPuzzle = [&]() { cheatPuzzleReveal(player); }; const auto & doCheatMaxLuck = [&]() { cheatMaxLuck(player, hero); }; const auto & doCheatMaxMorale = [&]() { cheatMaxMorale(player, hero); }; const auto & doCheatGiveScrolls = [&]() { cheatGiveScrolls(player, hero); }; const auto & doCheatTheOne = [&]() { if(!hero) return; cheatMapReveal(player, true); cheatGiveArmy(player, hero, { "archangel", "5" }); cheatMovement(player, hero, { }); cheatFly(player, hero); }; // Unimplemented H3 cheats: // nwcphisherprice - Changes and brightens the game colors. std::map> callbacks = { {"vcmiainur", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "archangel", "5" });} }, {"nwctrinity", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "archangel", "5" });} }, {"vcmiangband", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "blackKnight", "10" });} }, {"vcmiglaurung", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "crystalDragon", "5000" });} }, {"vcmiarchangel", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "archangel", "5" });} }, {"nwcagents", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "blackKnight", "10" });} }, {"vcmiblackknight", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "blackKnight", "10" });} }, {"vcmicrystal", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "crystalDragon", "5000" });} }, {"vcmiazure", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "azureDragon", "5000" });} }, {"vcmifaerie", [&] () {doCheatGiveArmyFixed({ "fairieDragon", "5000" });} }, {"vcmiarmy", doCheatGiveArmyCustom }, {"vcminissi", doCheatGiveArmyCustom }, {"vcmiistari", doCheatGiveSpells }, {"vcmispells", doCheatGiveSpells }, {"nwcthereisnospoon", doCheatGiveSpells }, {"vcmiarmenelos", doCheatBuildTown }, {"vcmibuild", doCheatBuildTown }, {"nwczion", doCheatBuildTown }, {"vcminoldor", doCheatGiveMachines }, {"vcmimachines", doCheatGiveMachines }, {"nwclotsofguns", doCheatGiveMachines }, {"vcmiforgeofnoldorking", doCheatGiveArtifacts }, {"vcmiartifacts", doCheatGiveArtifacts }, {"vcmiglorfindel", doCheatLevelup }, {"vcmilevel", doCheatLevelup }, {"nwcneo", doCheatLevelup }, {"vcmiolorin", doCheatExperience }, {"vcmiexp", doCheatExperience }, {"vcminahar", doCheatMovement }, {"vcmimove", doCheatMovement }, {"nwcnebuchadnezzar", doCheatMovement }, {"vcmiformenos", doCheatResources }, {"vcmiresources", doCheatResources }, {"nwctheconstruct", doCheatResources }, {"nwcbluepill", doCheatDefeat }, {"vcmimelkor", doCheatDefeat }, {"vcmilose", doCheatDefeat }, {"nwcredpill", doCheatVictory }, {"vcmisilmaril", doCheatVictory }, {"vcmiwin", doCheatVictory }, {"nwcwhatisthematrix", doCheatMapReveal }, {"vcmieagles", doCheatMapReveal }, {"vcmimap", doCheatMapReveal }, {"vcmiungoliant", doCheatMapHide }, {"vcmihidemap", doCheatMapHide }, {"nwcignoranceisbliss", doCheatMapHide }, {"vcmiobelisk", doCheatRevealPuzzle }, {"nwcoracle", doCheatRevealPuzzle }, {"vcmiluck", doCheatMaxLuck }, {"nwcfollowthewhiterabbit", doCheatMaxLuck }, {"vcmimorale", doCheatMaxMorale }, {"nwcmorpheus", doCheatMaxMorale }, {"vcmigod", doCheatTheOne }, {"nwctheone", doCheatTheOne }, {"vcmiscrolls", doCheatGiveScrolls }, }; assert(callbacks.count(cheatName)); if (callbacks.count(cheatName)) callbacks.at(cheatName)(); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::sendSystemMessage(std::shared_ptr connection, const MetaString & message) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; connection->sendPack(sm); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::sendSystemMessage(std::shared_ptr connection, const std::string & message) { MetaString str; str.appendRawString(message); sendSystemMessage(connection, str); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::broadcastSystemMessage(MetaString message) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; gameHandler->sendToAllClients(sm); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::broadcastSystemMessage(const std::string & message) { MetaString str; str.appendRawString(message); broadcastSystemMessage(str); } void PlayerMessageProcessor::broadcastMessage(PlayerColor playerSender, const std::string & message) { PlayerMessageClient temp_message(playerSender, message); gameHandler->sendAndApply(temp_message); }