{ "troglodyte" : { "index": 70, "level": 1, "faction": "dungeon", "abilities": { "blindImmunity" : { "type" : "SPELL_IMMUNITY", "subtype" : "spell.blind", "addInfo" : 1 }, "petrifyImmunity" : { "type" : "SPELL_IMMUNITY", "subtype" : "spell.stoneGaze", "addInfo" : 1 } }, "upgrades": ["infernalTroglodyte"], "hasDoubleWeek": true, "graphics" : { "animation": "CTROGL.DEF" }, "sound" : { "attack": "TROGATTK.wav", "defend": "TROGDFND.wav", "killed": "TROGKILL.wav", "move": "TROGMOVE.wav", "wince": "TROGWNCE.wav" } }, "infernalTroglodyte" : { "index": 71, "level": 1, "faction": "dungeon", "abilities": { "blindImmunity" : { "type" : "SPELL_IMMUNITY", "subtype" : "spell.blind", "addInfo" : 1 }, "petrifyImmunity" : { "type" : "SPELL_IMMUNITY", "subtype" : "spell.stoneGaze", "addInfo" : 1 } }, "graphics" : { "animation": "CITROG.DEF" }, "sound" : { "attack": "ITRGATTK.wav", "defend": "ITRGDFND.wav", "killed": "ITRGKILL.wav", "move": "ITRGMOVE.wav", "wince": "ITRGWNCE.wav" } }, "harpy" : { "index": 72, "level": 2, "faction": "dungeon", "abilities": { "canFly" : { "type" : "FLYING" }, "strikeAndReturn" : { "type" : "RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE" } }, "upgrades": ["harpyHag"], "hasDoubleWeek": true, "graphics" : { "animation": "CHARPY.DEF" }, "sound" : { "attack": "HARPATTK.wav", "defend": "HARPDFND.wav", "killed": "HARPKILL.wav", "move": "HARPMOVE.wav", "wince": "HARPWNCE.wav" } }, "harpyHag" : { "index": 73, "level": 2, "faction": "dungeon", "abilities": { "canFly" : { "type" : "FLYING" }, "strikeAndReturn" : { "type" : "RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE" }, "noRetaliation" : { "type" : "BLOCKS_RETALIATION" } }, "graphics" : { "animation": "CHARPH.DEF" }, "sound" : { "attack": "HHAGATTK.wav", "defend": "HHAGDFND.wav", "killed": "HHAGKILL.wav", "move": "HHAGMOVE.wav", "shoot": "HHAGSHOT.wav", "wince": "HHAGWNCE.wav" } }, "beholder" : { "index": 74, "level": 3, "faction": "dungeon", "upgrades": ["evilEye"], "shots" : 12, "abilities" : { "shooter" : { "type" : "SHOOTER" }, "noMeleePenalty" : { "type" : "NO_MELEE_PENALTY" } }, "graphics" : { "animation": "CBEHOL.DEF", "missile" : { "ray" : [ { "start" : [ 160, 160, 160, 255 ], "end" : [ 160, 160, 160, 64 ] }, { "start" : [ 192, 192, 192, 255 ], "end" : [ 192, 192, 192, 128 ] }, { "start" : [ 224, 224, 224, 255 ], "end" : [ 224, 224, 224, 255 ] }, { "start" : [ 192, 192, 192, 255 ], "end" : [ 192, 192, 192, 128 ] }, { "start" : [ 160, 160, 160, 255 ], "end" : [ 160, 160, 160, 64 ] } ] } }, "sound" : { "attack": "BHDRATTK.wav", "defend": "BHDRDFND.wav", "killed": "BHDRKILL.wav", "move": "BHDRMOVE.wav", "shoot": "BHDRSHOT.wav", "wince": "BHDRWNCE.wav" } }, "evilEye" : { "index": 75, "level": 3, "faction": "dungeon", "shots" : 24, "abilities" : { "shooter" : { "type" : "SHOOTER" }, "noMeleePenalty" : { "type" : "NO_MELEE_PENALTY" } }, "graphics" : { "animation": "CEVEYE.DEF", "missile" : { "ray" : [ { "start" : [ 160, 160, 160, 255 ], "end" : [ 160, 160, 160, 64 ] }, { "start" : [ 192, 192, 192, 255 ], "end" : [ 192, 192, 192, 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"SCRPATTK.wav", "defend": "SCRPDFND.wav", "killed": "SCRPKILL.wav", "move": "SCRPMOVE.wav", "shoot": "SCRPSHOT.wav", "wince": "SCRPWNCE.wav" } }, "redDragon" : { "index": 82, "level": 7, "faction": "dungeon", "doubleWide" : true, "abilities": { "dragon" : { "type" : "DRAGON_NATURE" }, "canFly" : { "type" : "FLYING" }, "twoHexAttackBreath" : { "type" : "TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH" }, "spellImmunity" : { "type" : "LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY", "val" : 3 }, "KING_1" : // Will be affected by Slayer with no expertise { "type" : "KING", "val" : 0 } }, "upgrades": ["blackDragon"], "graphics" : { "animation": "CRDRGN.DEF" }, "sound" : { "attack": "RDDRATTK.wav", "defend": "RDDRDFND.wav", "killed": "RDDRKILL.wav", "move": "RDDRMOVE.wav", "wince": "RDDRWNCE.wav" } }, "blackDragon" : { "index": 83, "level": 7, "faction": "dungeon", "doubleWide" : true, "abilities": { "dragon" : { "type" : "DRAGON_NATURE" }, "canFly" : { "type" : "FLYING" }, "twoHexAttackBreath" : { "type" : "TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH" }, 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