/* * CArtifactsOfHeroMarket.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CArtifactsOfHeroMarket.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" CArtifactsOfHeroMarket::CArtifactsOfHeroMarket(const Point & position, const int selectionWidth) { init(position, std::bind(&CArtifactsOfHeroBase::scrollBackpack, this, _1)); setClickPrassedArtPlacesCallback(std::bind(&CArtifactsOfHeroBase::clickPrassedArtPlace, this, _1, _2)); for(const auto & [slot, artPlace] : artWorn) artPlace->setSelectionWidth(selectionWidth); for(auto artPlace : backpack) artPlace->setSelectionWidth(selectionWidth); }; void CArtifactsOfHeroMarket::clickPrassedArtPlace(CComponentHolder & artPlace, const Point & cursorPosition) { auto ownedPlace = getArtPlace(cursorPosition); assert(ownedPlace != nullptr); if(ownedPlace->isLocked()) return; if(const auto art = getArt(ownedPlace->slot)) { if(onSelectArtCallback && art->artType->isTradable()) { unmarkSlots(); artPlace.selectSlot(true); onSelectArtCallback(ownedPlace.get()); } else { if(onClickNotTradableCallback) onClickNotTradableCallback(); } } }