#include "BattleLogic.h" #include "../../lib/BattleState.h" #include <math.h> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/if.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //excludes rarely used stuff from windows headers - delete this line if something is missing #include <windows.h> HANDLE handleIn; HANDLE handleOut; #endif using namespace geniusai::BattleAI; using namespace boost::lambda; using namespace std; #if _MSC_VER >= 1600 #define bind boost::lambda::bind #endif /* ui8 side; //who made this action: false - left, true - right player ui32 stackNumber;//stack ID, -1 left hero, -2 right hero, ui8 actionType; // 0 = Cancel BattleAction 1 = Hero cast a spell 2 = Walk 3 = Defend 4 = Retreat from the battle 5 = Surrender 6 = Walk and Attack 7 = Shoot 8 = Wait 9 = Catapult 10 = Monster casts a spell (i.e. Faerie Dragons) ui16 destinationTile; si32 additionalInfo; // e.g. spell number if type is 1 || 10; tile to attack if type is 6 */ /** * Implementation of CBattleLogic class. */ CBattleLogic::CBattleLogic(CCallback *cb, const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) : m_iCurrentTurn(-2), m_bIsAttacker(!side), m_cb(cb), m_army1(army1), m_army2(army2), m_tile(tile), m_hero1(hero1), m_hero2(hero2), m_side(side) { const int max_enemy_creatures = 12; m_statMaxDamage.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statMinDamage.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statMaxSpeed.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statDistance.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statDistanceFromShooters.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statHitPoints.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); } CBattleLogic::~CBattleLogic() {} void CBattleLogic::SetCurrentTurn(int turn) { m_iCurrentTurn = turn; } void CBattleLogic::MakeStatistics(int currentCreatureId) { typedef std::vector<const CStack*> vector_stacks; vector_stacks allStacks = m_cb->battleGetStacks(); const CStack *currentStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(currentCreatureId); if(currentStack->position < 0) //turret { return; } /* // find all creatures belong to the enemy std::for_each(allStacks.begin(), allStacks.end(), if_(bind<ui8>(&CStack::attackerOwned, bind<CStack>(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)) == m_bIsAttacker) [ var(enemy)[ret<int>(bind<int>(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret<CStack>(bind<CStack>(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)) ] ); // fill other containers // max damage std::for_each(enemy.begin(), enemy.end(), var(m_statMaxDamage)[ret<int>(bind<int>(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret<int>(bind<int>(&CCreature::damageMax, bind<CCreature*>(&CStack::creature, bind<CStack>(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)))) ); // min damage std::for_each(enemy.begin(), enemy.end(), var(m_statMinDamage)[ret<int>(bind<int>(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret<int>(bind<int>(&CCreature::damageMax, bind<CCreature*>(&CStack::creature, bind<CStack>(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)))) ); */ m_statMaxDamage.clear(); m_statMinDamage.clear(); m_statHitPoints.clear(); m_statMaxSpeed.clear(); m_statDistanceFromShooters.clear(); m_statDistance.clear(); m_statDistance.clear(); m_statCasualties.clear(); int totalEnemyDamage = 0; int totalEnemyHitPoints = 0; int totalDamage = 0; int totalHitPoints = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack *st, allStacks) { const int stackHP = st->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH); if ((st->attackerOwned != 0) != m_bIsAttacker) { int id = st->ID; if (st->count < 1) { continue; } // make stats int hitPoints = st->count * stackHP - (stackHP - st->firstHPleft); m_statMaxDamage.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, st->getMaxDamage() * st->count)); m_statMinDamage.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, st->getMinDamage() * st->count)); m_statHitPoints.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, hitPoints)); m_statMaxSpeed.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, stackHP)); totalEnemyDamage += (st->getCreature()->damageMax + st->getCreature()->damageMin) * st->count / 2; totalEnemyHitPoints += hitPoints; // calculate casualties SCreatureCasualties cs; // hp * amount - damage * ( (att - def)>=0 ) // hit poionts assert(hitPoints >= 0 && "CGeniusAI - creature cannot have hit points less than zero"); //CGHeroInstance *attackerHero = (m_side)? m_hero1 : m_hero2; //CGHeroInstance *defendingHero = (m_side)? m_hero2 : m_hero1; int attackDefenseBonus = currentStack->Attack() - st->Defense(); float damageFactor = 1.0f; if(attackDefenseBonus < 0) //decreasing dmg { if(0.02f * (-attackDefenseBonus) > 0.3f) { damageFactor += -0.3f; } else { damageFactor += 0.02f * attackDefenseBonus; } } else //increasing dmg { if(0.05f * attackDefenseBonus > 4.0f) { damageFactor += 4.0f; } else { damageFactor += 0.05f * attackDefenseBonus; } } cs.damage_max = (int)(currentStack->getMaxDamage() * currentStack->count * damageFactor); if (cs.damage_max > hitPoints) { cs.damage_max = hitPoints; } cs.damage_min = (int)(currentStack->getMinDamage() * currentStack->count * damageFactor); if (cs.damage_min > hitPoints) { cs.damage_min = hitPoints; } cs.amount_max = cs.damage_max / stackHP; cs.amount_min = cs.damage_min / stackHP; cs.leftHitPoints_for_max = (hitPoints - cs.damage_max) % stackHP; cs.leftHitPoint_for_min = (hitPoints - cs.damage_min) % stackHP; m_statCasualties.push_back(std::pair<int, SCreatureCasualties>(id, cs)); if (st->getCreature()->isShooting() && st->shots > 0) { m_statDistanceFromShooters.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, m_battleHelper.GetShortestDistance(currentStack->position, st->position))); } if (currentStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING) || (currentStack->getCreature()->isShooting() && currentStack->shots > 0)) { m_statDistance.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, m_battleHelper.GetShortestDistance(currentStack->position, st->position))); } else { m_statDistance.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(id, m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(currentStack->position, st->position))); } } else { if (st->count < 1) { continue; } int hitPoints = st->count * stackHP - (stackHP - st->firstHPleft); totalDamage += (st->getMaxDamage() + st->getMinDamage()) * st->count / 2; totalHitPoints += hitPoints; } } if ((float)totalDamage / (float)totalEnemyDamage < 0.5f && (float)totalHitPoints / (float)totalEnemyHitPoints < 0.5f) { m_bEnemyDominates = true; DbgBox("** EnemyDominates!"); } else { m_bEnemyDominates = false; } //boost compile hack typedef int const std::pair<int, int>::* IntPtr; typedef int const SCreatureCasualties::* CreaPtr; typedef SCreatureCasualties const std::pair<int, SCreatureCasualties>::* CreaPairPtr; // sort max damage // std::sort(m_statMaxDamage.begin(), m_statMaxDamage.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort min damage // std::sort(m_statMinDamage.begin(), m_statMinDamage.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort max speed // std::sort(m_statMaxSpeed.begin(), m_statMaxSpeed.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort distance // std::sort(m_statDistance.begin(), m_statDistance.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) < bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort distance from shooters // std::sort(m_statDistanceFromShooters.begin(), m_statDistanceFromShooters.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) < bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort hit points // std::sort(m_statHitPoints.begin(), m_statHitPoints.end(), // bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind((IntPtr)&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // // sort casualties // std::sort(m_statCasualties.begin(), m_statCasualties.end(), // bind((CreaPtr)&creature_stat_casualties::value_type::second_type::damage_max, // bind((CreaPairPtr)&creature_stat_casualties::value_type::second, _1)) // > // bind((CreaPtr)&creature_stat_casualties::value_type::second_type::damage_max, // bind((CreaPairPtr)&creature_stat_casualties::value_type::second, _2))); } BattleAction CBattleLogic::MakeDecision(int stackID) { const CStack *currentStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID); if(currentStack->position < 0 || currentStack->getCreature()->idNumber == 147) //turret or first aid kit { return BattleAction::makeDefend(currentStack); } MakeStatistics(stackID); list<int> creatures; int additionalInfo = 0; //? if (m_bEnemyDominates) { creatures = PerformBerserkAttack(stackID, additionalInfo); } else { creatures = PerformDefaultAction(stackID, additionalInfo); } /*std::string message("Creature will be attacked - "); message += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(creature_to_attack); DbgBox(message.c_str());*/ if (additionalInfo == -1 || creatures.empty()) { // defend return BattleAction::makeDefend(currentStack); } else if (additionalInfo == -2) { return BattleAction::makeWait(currentStack); } list<int>::iterator it, eit; eit = creatures.end(); for (it = creatures.begin(); it != eit; ++it) { BattleAction ba = MakeAttack(stackID, *it); if (ba.actionType != action_walk_and_attack) { continue; } else { #if defined PRINT_DEBUG PrintBattleAction(ba); #endif return ba; } } BattleAction ba = MakeAttack(stackID, *creatures.begin()); return ba; } std::vector<int> CBattleLogic::GetAvailableHexesForAttacker(const CStack *defender, const CStack *attacker) { int x = m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(defender->position); int y = m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(defender->position); bool defenderIsDW = defender->doubleWide(); bool attackerIsDW = attacker->doubleWide(); // TOTO: should be std::vector<int> but for debug purpose std::pair is used typedef std::pair<int, int> hexPoint; std::list<hexPoint> candidates; std::vector<int> fields; if (defenderIsDW) { if (defender->attackerOwned) { // from left side if (!(y % 2)) { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 2, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 2, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); } else { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y + 1)); } candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 2, y)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y)); } else { // from right if (!(y % 2)) { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y + 1)); } else { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 2, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 2, y + 1)); } candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 2, y)); } } else { if (!(y % 2)) // even line { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); } else // odd line { // up candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y - 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y - 1)); // down candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x, y + 1)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y + 1)); } candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x + 1, y)); candidates.push_back(hexPoint(x - 1, y)); } // remove fields which are out of bounds or obstacles for (std::list<hexPoint>::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) { if (it->first < 1 || it->first > m_battleHelper.BattlefieldWidth || it->second < 1 || it->second > m_battleHelper.BattlefieldHeight) { // field is out of bounds //it = candidates.erase(it); continue; } int new_pos = m_battleHelper.GetBattleFieldPosition(it->first, it->second); const CStack *st = m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(new_pos); if (st == NULL || st->count < 1) { if (attackerIsDW) { int tail_pos = -1; if (attacker->attackerOwned) // left side { int tail_pos_x = it->first - 1; if (tail_pos_x < 1) { continue; } tail_pos = m_battleHelper.GetBattleFieldPosition(it->first, it->second); } else // right side { int tail_pos_x = it->first + 1; if (tail_pos_x > m_battleHelper.BattlefieldWidth) { continue; } tail_pos = m_battleHelper.GetBattleFieldPosition(it->first, it->second); } assert(tail_pos >= 0 && "Error during calculation position of double wide creature"); //CStack *tailStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(tail_pos); if (st != NULL && st->count >= 1) { continue; } } fields.push_back(new_pos); } else if (attacker) { if (attacker->ID == st->ID) { fields.push_back(new_pos); } } // //++it; } return fields; } BattleAction CBattleLogic::MakeAttack(int attackerID, int destinationID) { const CStack *attackerStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(attackerID), *destinationStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(destinationID); assert(attackerStack && destinationStack); //don't attack ourselves if(destinationStack->attackerOwned == !m_side) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(attackerStack); } if (m_cb->battleCanShoot(attackerStack, destinationStack->position)) // shoot { return BattleAction::makeShotAttack(attackerStack, destinationStack); } else { // go or go&attack int dest_tile = -1; std::vector<int> av_tiles = GetAvailableHexesForAttacker(m_cb->battleGetStackByID(destinationID), m_cb->battleGetStackByID(attackerID)); if (av_tiles.size() < 1) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(attackerStack); } // get the best tile - now the nearest int prev_distance = m_battleHelper.InfiniteDistance; int currentPos = m_cb->battleGetPos(attackerID); for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = av_tiles.begin(); it != av_tiles.end(); ++it) { int dist = m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(*it, m_cb->battleGetPos(attackerID)); if (dist < prev_distance) { prev_distance = dist; dest_tile = *it; } if (*it == currentPos) { dest_tile = currentPos; break; } } std::vector<THex> fields = m_cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(m_cb->battleGetStackByID(attackerID), false); if(fields.size() == 0) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(attackerStack); } BattleAction ba; ba.side = m_side; //ba.actionType = 6; // go and attack ba.stackNumber = attackerID; ba.destinationTile = static_cast<ui16>(dest_tile); //simplified checking for possibility of attack (previous was too simplified) int destStackPos = m_cb->battleGetPos(destinationID); if(THex::mutualPosition(dest_tile, destStackPos) != -1) ba.additionalInfo = destStackPos; else if(THex::mutualPosition(dest_tile, destStackPos+1) != -1) ba.additionalInfo = destStackPos+1; else if(THex::mutualPosition(dest_tile, destStackPos-1) != -1) ba.additionalInfo = destStackPos-1; else return BattleAction::makeDefend(attackerStack); int nearest_dist = m_battleHelper.InfiniteDistance; int nearest_pos = -1; // if double wide calculate tail int tail_pos = -1; if (attackerStack->doubleWide()) { int x_pos = m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(attackerStack->position); int y_pos = m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(attackerStack->position); if (attackerStack->attackerOwned) { x_pos -= 1; } else { x_pos += 1; } // if creature can perform attack without movement - do it! tail_pos = m_battleHelper.GetBattleFieldPosition(x_pos, y_pos); if (dest_tile == tail_pos) { ba.additionalInfo = dest_tile; ba.actionType = action_walk_and_attack; #if defined PRINT_DEBUG PrintBattleAction(ba); #endif assert(m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(ba.additionalInfo, false)); //if action is action_walk_and_attack additional info must point on enemy stack assert(m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(ba.additionalInfo, false) != attackerStack); //don't attack ourselve return ba; } } for (std::vector<THex>::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) { if (*it == dest_tile) { // attack! ba.actionType = action_walk_and_attack; #if defined PRINT_DEBUG PrintBattleAction(ba); #endif assert(m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(ba.additionalInfo)); //if action is action_walk_and_attack additional info must point on enemy stack assert(m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(ba.additionalInfo) != attackerStack); //don't attack ourselve return ba; } int d = m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(dest_tile, *it); if (d < nearest_dist) { nearest_dist = d; nearest_pos = *it; } } string message; message = "Attacker position X="; message += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(nearest_pos)) + ", Y="; message += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(nearest_pos)); DbgBox(message.c_str()); ba.actionType = action_walk; ba.destinationTile = (ui16)nearest_pos; ba.additionalInfo = -1; #if defined PRINT_DEBUG PrintBattleAction(ba); #endif return ba; } } /** * The main idea is to perform maximum casualties. */ list<int> CBattleLogic::PerformBerserkAttack(int stackID, int &additionalInfo) { const CStack * c = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID); // attack to make biggest damage list<int> creatures; if (!m_statCasualties.empty()) { //creature_to_attack = m_statCasualties.begin()->first; creature_stat_casualties::iterator it = m_statCasualties.begin(); for (; it != m_statCasualties.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.amount_min <= 0) { creatures.push_back(it->first); continue; } for (creature_stat::const_iterator it2 = m_statDistance.begin(); it2 != m_statDistance.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->first == it->first && it2->second - 1 <= c->getCreature()->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED)) { creatures.push_front(it->first); } } } creatures.push_back(m_statCasualties.begin()->first); } return creatures; } list<int> CBattleLogic::PerformDefaultAction(int stackID, int &additionalInfo) { // first approach based on the statistics and weights // if this solution was fine we would develop this idea // std::map<int, int> votes; for (creature_stat::iterator it = m_statMaxDamage.begin(); it != m_statMaxDamage.end(); ++it) { votes[it->first] = 0; } votes[m_statMaxDamage.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMaxDamage(); votes[m_statMinDamage.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMinDamage(); if (m_statDistanceFromShooters.size()) { votes[m_statDistanceFromShooters.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForDistanceFromShooters(); } votes[m_statDistance.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForDistance(); votes[m_statHitPoints.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForHitPoints(); votes[m_statMaxSpeed.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMaxSpeed(); // get creature to attack int max_vote = 0; list<int> creatures; for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = votes.begin(); it != votes.end(); ++it) { if (bool(m_cb->battleGetStackByID(it->first)->attackerOwned) == m_side //it's hostile stack && it->second > max_vote) { max_vote = it->second; creatures.push_front(it->first); } } additionalInfo = 0; // list contains creatures which shoud be attacked return creatures; } void CBattleLogic::PrintBattleAction(const BattleAction &action) // for debug purpose { std::string message("Battle action \n"); message += "\taction type - "; switch (action.actionType) { case 0: message += "Cancel BattleAction\n"; break; case 1: message += "Hero cast a spell\n"; break; case 2: message += "Walk\n"; break; case 3: message += "Defend\n"; break; case 4: message += "Retreat from the battle\n"; break; case 5: message += "Surrender\n"; break; case 6: message += "Walk and Attack\n"; break; case 7: message += "Shoot\n"; break; case 8: message += "Wait\n"; break; case 9: message += "Catapult\n"; break; case 10: message += "Monster casts a spell\n"; break; } message += "\tDestination tile: X = "; message += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(action.destinationTile)); message += ", Y = " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(action.destinationTile)); message += "\nAdditional info: "; if (action.actionType == 6)// || action.actionType == 7) { message += "stack - " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(action.additionalInfo)); message += ", " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(action.additionalInfo)); message += ", creature - "; const CStack *c = m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(action.additionalInfo); if (c && c->getCreature()) { message += c->getCreature()->nameRef; } else { message += "NULL"; } } else { message += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(action.additionalInfo); } #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); #else std::string color; color = "\x1b[1;40;32m"; std::cout << color; #endif std::cout << message.c_str() << std::endl; #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes); #else color = "\x1b[0m"; std::cout << color; #endif }