/* * InfoWindows.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "InfoWindows.h" #include "../CBitmapHandler.h" #include "../Graphics.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../CMessage.h" #include "../CMusicHandler.h" #include "../windows/CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "../widgets/CComponent.h" #include "../widgets/MiscWidgets.h" #include "../gui/SDL_Pixels.h" #include "../gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "../battle/CBattleInterface.h" #include "../battle/CBattleInterfaceClasses.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" //for Unicode related stuff #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/MiscObjects.h" void CSimpleWindow::show(SDL_Surface * to) { if(bitmap) blitAt(bitmap,pos.x,pos.y,to); } CSimpleWindow::~CSimpleWindow() { if (bitmap) { SDL_FreeSurface(bitmap); bitmap=nullptr; } } void CSelWindow::selectionChange(unsigned to) { for (unsigned i=0;i<components.size();i++) { CSelectableComponent * pom = dynamic_cast<CSelectableComponent*>(components[i]); if (!pom) continue; pom->select(i==to); } redraw(); } CSelWindow::CSelWindow(const std::string &Text, PlayerColor player, int charperline, const std::vector<CSelectableComponent*> &comps, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, CFunctionList<void()> > > &Buttons, QueryID askID) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; ID = askID; for (int i = 0; i < Buttons.size(); i++) { buttons.push_back(new CButton(Point(0, 0), Buttons[i].first, CButton::tooltip(), Buttons[i].second)); if (!i && askID.getNum() >= 0) buttons.back()->addCallback(std::bind(&CSelWindow::madeChoice, this)); buttons[i]->addCallback(std::bind(&CInfoWindow::close, this)); //each button will close the window apart from call-defined actions } text = new CTextBox(Text, Rect(0, 0, 250, 100), 0, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::WHITE); buttons.front()->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_RETURN); //first button - reacts on enter buttons.back()->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); //last button - reacts on escape if (buttons.size() > 1 && askID.getNum() >= 0) //cancel button functionality { buttons.back()->addCallback([askID]() { LOCPLINT->cb.get()->selectionMade(0, askID); }); //buttons.back()->addCallback(std::bind(&CCallback::selectionMade, LOCPLINT->cb.get(), 0, askID)); } for(int i=0;i<comps.size();i++) { comps[i]->recActions = 255; addChild(comps[i]); components.push_back(comps[i]); comps[i]->onSelect = std::bind(&CSelWindow::selectionChange,this,i); if(i<9) comps[i]->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_1+i); } CMessage::drawIWindow(this, Text, player); } void CSelWindow::madeChoice() { if(ID.getNum() < 0) return; int ret = -1; for (int i=0;i<components.size();i++) { if(dynamic_cast<CSelectableComponent*>(components[i])->selected) { ret = i; } } LOCPLINT->cb->selectionMade(ret+1,ID); } CInfoWindow::CInfoWindow(std::string Text, PlayerColor player, const TCompsInfo &comps, const TButtonsInfo &Buttons, bool delComps) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; type |= BLOCK_ADV_HOTKEYS; ID = QueryID(-1); for(auto & Button : Buttons) { CButton *button = new CButton(Point(0,0), Button.first, CButton::tooltip(), std::bind(&CInfoWindow::close,this)); button->borderColor = boost::make_optional(Colors::METALLIC_GOLD); button->addCallback(Button.second); //each button will close the window apart from call-defined actions buttons.push_back(button); } text = new CTextBox(Text, Rect(0, 0, 250, 100), 0, FONT_MEDIUM, CENTER, Colors::WHITE); if(!text->slider) { text->resize(text->label->textSize); } if(buttons.size()) { buttons.front()->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_RETURN); //first button - reacts on enter buttons.back()->assignedKeys.insert(SDLK_ESCAPE); //last button - reacts on escape } for(auto & comp : comps) { comp->recActions = 0xff; addChild(comp); comp->recActions &= ~(SHOWALL | UPDATE); components.push_back(comp); } setDelComps(delComps); CMessage::drawIWindow(this,Text,player); } CInfoWindow::CInfoWindow() { ID = QueryID(-1); setDelComps(false); text = nullptr; } void CInfoWindow::close() { GH.popIntTotally(this); if(LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->showingDialog->setn(false); } void CInfoWindow::show(SDL_Surface * to) { CIntObject::show(to); } CInfoWindow::~CInfoWindow() { if(!delComps) { for (auto & elem : components) removeChild(elem); } } void CInfoWindow::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { CSimpleWindow::show(to); CIntObject::showAll(to); } void CInfoWindow::showInfoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<CComponent *> *components, bool DelComps, PlayerColor player) { CInfoWindow * window = CInfoWindow::create(text, player, components, DelComps); GH.pushInt(window); } void CInfoWindow::showYesNoDialog(const std::string & text, const std::vector<CComponent*> *components, const CFunctionList<void( ) > &onYes, const CFunctionList<void()> &onNo, bool DelComps, PlayerColor player) { assert(!LOCPLINT || LOCPLINT->showingDialog->get()); std::vector<std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> > > pom; pom.push_back(std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> >("IOKAY.DEF",0)); pom.push_back(std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> >("ICANCEL.DEF",0)); CInfoWindow * temp = new CInfoWindow(text, player, components ? *components : std::vector<CComponent*>(), pom, DelComps); temp->buttons[0]->addCallback( onYes ); temp->buttons[1]->addCallback( onNo ); GH.pushInt(temp); } void CInfoWindow::showOkDialog(const std::string & text, const std::vector<CComponent*> *components, const std::function<void()> & onOk, bool delComps, PlayerColor player) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> > > pom; pom.push_back(std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> >("IOKAY.DEF",0)); CInfoWindow * temp = new CInfoWindow(text, player, *components, pom, delComps); temp->buttons[0]->addCallback(onOk); GH.pushInt(temp); } CInfoWindow * CInfoWindow::create(const std::string &text, PlayerColor playerID, const std::vector<CComponent*> *components, bool DelComps) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> > > pom; pom.push_back(std::pair<std::string,CFunctionList<void()> >("IOKAY.DEF",0)); CInfoWindow * ret = new CInfoWindow(text, playerID, components ? *components : std::vector<CComponent*>(), pom, DelComps); return ret; } std::string CInfoWindow::genText(std::string title, std::string description) { return std::string("{") + title + "}" + "\n\n" + description; } void CInfoWindow::setDelComps(bool DelComps) { delComps = DelComps; for(CComponent *comp : components) { if(delComps) comp->recActions |= DISPOSE; else comp->recActions &= ~DISPOSE; } } CInfoPopup::CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface * Bitmap, int x, int y, bool Free) :free(Free),bitmap(Bitmap) { init(x, y); } CInfoPopup::CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface * Bitmap, const Point &p, EAlignment alignment, bool Free) : free(Free),bitmap(Bitmap) { switch(alignment) { case BOTTOMRIGHT: init(p.x - Bitmap->w, p.y - Bitmap->h); break; case CENTER: init(p.x - Bitmap->w/2, p.y - Bitmap->h/2); break; case TOPLEFT: init(p.x, p.y); break; default: assert(0); //not implemented } } CInfoPopup::CInfoPopup(SDL_Surface *Bitmap, bool Free) { CCS->curh->hide(); free=Free; bitmap=Bitmap; if(bitmap) { pos.x = screen->w/2 - bitmap->w/2; pos.y = screen->h/2 - bitmap->h/2; pos.h = bitmap->h; pos.w = bitmap->w; } } void CInfoPopup::close() { if(free) SDL_FreeSurface(bitmap); GH.popIntTotally(this); } void CInfoPopup::show(SDL_Surface * to) { blitAt(bitmap,pos.x,pos.y,to); } CInfoPopup::~CInfoPopup() { CCS->curh->show(); } void CInfoPopup::init(int x, int y) { CCS->curh->hide(); pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.h = bitmap->h; pos.w = bitmap->w; // Put the window back on screen if necessary vstd::amax(pos.x, 0); vstd::amax(pos.y, 0); vstd::amin(pos.x, screen->w - bitmap->w); vstd::amin(pos.y, screen->h - bitmap->h); } void CRClickPopup::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) return; close(); } void CRClickPopup::close() { GH.popIntTotally(this); } void CRClickPopup::createAndPush(const std::string &txt, const CInfoWindow::TCompsInfo &comps) { PlayerColor player = LOCPLINT ? LOCPLINT->playerID : PlayerColor(1); //if no player, then use blue if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool())//TODO: there must be better way to implement this player = PlayerColor(1); CSimpleWindow * temp = new CInfoWindow(txt, player, comps); temp->center(Point(GH.current->motion)); //center on mouse temp->fitToScreen(10); auto rcpi = new CRClickPopupInt(temp,true); GH.pushInt(rcpi); } void CRClickPopup::createAndPush(const std::string &txt, CComponent * component) { CInfoWindow::TCompsInfo intComps; intComps.push_back(component); createAndPush(txt, intComps); } void CRClickPopup::createAndPush(const CGObjectInstance *obj, const Point &p, EAlignment alignment) { CIntObject *iWin = createInfoWin(p, obj); //try get custom infowindow for this obj if(iWin) GH.pushInt(iWin); else { if (adventureInt->curHero()) CRClickPopup::createAndPush(obj->getHoverText(adventureInt->curHero())); else CRClickPopup::createAndPush(obj->getHoverText(LOCPLINT->playerID)); } } CRClickPopup::CRClickPopup() { addUsedEvents(RCLICK); } CRClickPopup::~CRClickPopup() { } void CRClickPopupInt::show(SDL_Surface * to) { inner->show(to); } CRClickPopupInt::CRClickPopupInt( IShowActivatable *our, bool deleteInt ) { CCS->curh->hide(); inner = our; delInner = deleteInt; } CRClickPopupInt::~CRClickPopupInt() { if(delInner) delete inner; CCS->curh->show(); } void CRClickPopupInt::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { inner->showAll(to); } Point CInfoBoxPopup::toScreen(Point p) { vstd::abetween(p.x, adventureInt->terrain.pos.x + 100, adventureInt->terrain.pos.x + adventureInt->terrain.pos.w - 100); vstd::abetween(p.y, adventureInt->terrain.pos.y + 100, adventureInt->terrain.pos.y + adventureInt->terrain.pos.h - 100); return p; } CInfoBoxPopup::CInfoBoxPopup(Point position, const CGTownInstance * town): CWindowObject(RCLICK_POPUP | PLAYER_COLORED, "TOWNQVBK", toScreen(position)) { InfoAboutTown iah; LOCPLINT->cb->getTownInfo(town, iah, adventureInt->selection); //todo: should this be nearest hero? OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CTownTooltip(Point(9, 10), iah); } CInfoBoxPopup::CInfoBoxPopup(Point position, const CGHeroInstance * hero): CWindowObject(RCLICK_POPUP | PLAYER_COLORED, "HEROQVBK", toScreen(position)) { InfoAboutHero iah; LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroInfo(hero, iah, adventureInt->selection);//todo: should this be nearest hero? OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CHeroTooltip(Point(9, 10), iah); } CInfoBoxPopup::CInfoBoxPopup(Point position, const CGGarrison * garr): CWindowObject(RCLICK_POPUP | PLAYER_COLORED, "TOWNQVBK", toScreen(position)) { InfoAboutTown iah; LOCPLINT->cb->getTownInfo(garr, iah); OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CArmyTooltip(Point(9, 10), iah); } CIntObject * CRClickPopup::createInfoWin(Point position, const CGObjectInstance * specific) //specific=0 => draws info about selected town/hero { if(nullptr == specific) specific = adventureInt->selection; if(nullptr == specific) { logGlobal->error("createInfoWin: no object to describe"); return nullptr; } switch(specific->ID) { case Obj::HERO: return new CInfoBoxPopup(position, dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(specific)); case Obj::TOWN: return new CInfoBoxPopup(position, dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(specific)); case Obj::GARRISON: case Obj::GARRISON2: return new CInfoBoxPopup(position, dynamic_cast<const CGGarrison *>(specific)); default: return nullptr; } }