#define VCMI_DLL #include "JsonNode.h" #include #include #include const JsonNode JsonNode::nullNode; JsonNode::JsonNode(JsonType Type): type(DATA_NULL) { setType(Type); } JsonNode::JsonNode(std::string input): type(DATA_NULL) { JsonParser parser(input, *this); } JsonNode::JsonNode(const JsonNode ©): type(DATA_NULL) { *this = copy; } JsonNode::~JsonNode() { setType(DATA_NULL); } JsonNode & JsonNode::operator =(const JsonNode &node) { setType(node.getType()); switch(type) { break; case DATA_NULL: break; case DATA_BOOL: Bool() = node.Bool(); break; case DATA_FLOAT: Float() = node.Float(); break; case DATA_STRING: String() = node.String(); break; case DATA_VECTOR: Vector() = node.Vector(); break; case DATA_STRUCT: Struct() = node.Struct(); } return *this; } JsonNode::JsonType JsonNode::getType() const { return type; } void JsonNode::setType(JsonType Type) { if (type == Type) return; if (Type != DATA_NULL) setType(DATA_NULL); switch (type) { break; case DATA_STRING: delete data.String; break; case DATA_VECTOR : delete data.Vector; break; case DATA_STRUCT: delete data.Struct; break; default: break; } type = Type; switch(type) { break; case DATA_NULL: break; case DATA_BOOL: data.Bool = false; break; case DATA_FLOAT: data.Float = 0; break; case DATA_STRING: data.String = new std::string; break; case DATA_VECTOR: data.Vector = new JsonVector; break; case DATA_STRUCT: data.Struct = new JsonMap; } } bool JsonNode::isNull() const { return type == DATA_NULL; } bool & JsonNode::Bool() { setType(DATA_BOOL); return data.Bool; } float & JsonNode::Float() { setType(DATA_FLOAT); return data.Float; } std::string & JsonNode::String() { setType(DATA_STRING); return *data.String; } JsonVector & JsonNode::Vector() { setType(DATA_VECTOR); return *data.Vector; } JsonMap & JsonNode::Struct() { setType(DATA_STRUCT); return *data.Struct; } const bool & JsonNode::Bool() const { assert(type == DATA_BOOL); return data.Bool; } const float & JsonNode::Float() const { assert(type == DATA_FLOAT); return data.Float; } const std::string & JsonNode::String() const { assert(type == DATA_STRING); return *data.String; } const JsonVector & JsonNode::Vector() const { assert(type == DATA_VECTOR); return *data.Vector; } const JsonMap & JsonNode::Struct() const { assert(type == DATA_STRUCT); return *data.Struct; } JsonNode & JsonNode::operator[](std::string child) { return Struct()[child]; } const JsonNode & JsonNode::operator[](std::string child) const { JsonMap::const_iterator it = Struct().find(child); if (it != Struct().end()) return it->second; return nullNode; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Helper to write content of map/vector template void writeContainer(const iterator &begin, const iterator &end, std::ostream &out, std::string prefix) { if (begin == end) return; iterator last = end; last--; for (iterator it=begin; it != last; ++it) { writeNode(it, out, prefix); out<<",\n"; } writeNode(last, out, prefix); out<<"\n"; } void writeNode(JsonVector::const_iterator it, std::ostream &out, std::string prefix) { out << prefix; it->write(out, prefix); } void writeNode(JsonMap::const_iterator it, std::ostream &out, std::string prefix) { out << prefix << '\"' << it->first << '\"' << " : "; it->second.write(out, prefix); } void JsonNode::write(std::ostream &out, std::string prefix) const { switch(type) { break; case DATA_NULL: out << "null"; break; case DATA_BOOL: if (Bool()) out << "true"; else out << "false"; break; case DATA_FLOAT: out << Float(); break; case DATA_STRING: out << "\"" << String() << "\""; break; case DATA_VECTOR: out << "[" << "\n"; writeContainer(Vector().begin(), Vector().end(), out, prefix+'\t'); out << prefix << "]"; break; case DATA_STRUCT: out << "{" << "\n"; writeContainer(Struct().begin(), Struct().end(), out, prefix+'\t'); out << prefix << "}"; } } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JsonNode &node) { node.write(out); return out << "\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JsonParser::JsonParser(const std::string inputString, JsonNode &root): input(inputString), lineCount(1), lineStart(0), pos(0) { extractValue(root); //Warn if there are any non-whitespace symbols left if (input.find_first_not_of(" \r\t\n", pos) != std::string::npos) error("Not all file was parsed!", true); //TODO: better way to show errors tlog2<= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') return extractFloat(node); return error("Value expected!"); } } } bool JsonParser::extractWhitespace() { while (true) { while (pos < input.size() && (unsigned char)input[pos] <= ' ') { if (input[pos] == '\n') { lineCount++; lineStart = pos+1; } pos++; } if (pos >= input.size() || input[pos] != '/') break; pos++; if (pos == input.size()) break; if (input[pos] == '/') pos++; else error("Comments should have two slashes!", true); pos = input.find('\n', pos); } if (pos >= input.size()) return error("Unexpected end of file!"); return true; } bool JsonParser::extractEscaping(std::string &str) { switch(input[pos++]) { break; case '\"': str += '\"'; break; case '\\': str += '\\'; break; case '/': str += '/'; break; case '\b': str += '\b'; break; case '\f': str += '\f'; break; case '\n': str += '\n'; break; case '\r': str += '\r'; break; case '\t': str += '\t'; break; default: return error("Uknown escape sequence!", true); }; return true; } bool JsonParser::extractString(std::string &str) { if (input[pos] != '\"') return error("String expected!"); pos++; size_t first = pos; while (pos != input.size()) { if (input[pos] == '\"') // Correct end of string { str += input.substr(first, pos-first); pos++; return true; } if (input[pos] == '\\') // Escaping { str += input.substr(first, pos-first); first = pos++; if (pos == input.size()) break; extractEscaping(str); } if (input[pos] == '\n') // end-of-line { str += input.substr(first, pos-first); return error("Closing quote not found!", true); } if (input[pos] < ' ') // control character { str += input.substr(first, pos-first); first = pos+1; error("Illegal character in the string!", true); } pos++; } return error("Unterminated string!"); } bool JsonParser::extractString(JsonNode &node) { std::string str; if (!extractString(str)) return false; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_STRING); node.String() = str; return true; } bool JsonParser::extractLiteral(const std::string &literal) { if (input.compare(pos, literal.size(), literal) != 0) { pos = input.find_first_of(" \n\r\t", pos); return error("Unknown literal found", true); } pos += literal.size(); return true; } bool JsonParser::extractNull(JsonNode &node) { if (!extractLiteral("null")) return false; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_NULL); return true; } bool JsonParser::extractTrue(JsonNode &node) { if (!extractLiteral("true")) return false; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_BOOL); node.Bool() = true; return true; } bool JsonParser::extractFalse(JsonNode &node) { if (!extractLiteral("false")) return false; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_BOOL); node.Bool() = false; return true; } bool JsonParser::extractStruct(JsonNode &node) { node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT); pos++; if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; //Empty struct found if (input[pos] == '}') { pos++; return true; } while (true) { if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; std::string key; if (!extractString(key)) return false; if (node.Struct().find(key) != node.Struct().end()) error("Dublicated element encountered!", true); JsonNode &child = node.Struct()[key]; if (!extractSeparator()) return false; if (!extractValue(child)) return false; if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; bool comma = (input[pos] == ','); if (comma ) { pos++; if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; } if (input[pos] == '}') { pos++; return true; } if (!comma) error("Comma expected!", true); } } bool JsonParser::extractArray(JsonNode &node) { pos++; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_VECTOR); if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; //Empty array found if (input[pos] == ']') { pos++; return true; } while (true) { node.Vector().resize(node.Vector().size()+1); if (!extractValue(node.Vector().back())) return false; if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; bool comma = (input[pos] == ','); if (comma ) { pos++; if (!extractWhitespace()) return false; } if (input[pos] == ']') { pos++; return true; } if (!comma) error("Comma expected!", true); } } bool JsonParser::extractFloat(JsonNode &node) { assert(input[pos] == '-' || (input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9')); bool negative=false; float result=0; if (input[pos] == '-') { pos++; negative = true; } if (input[pos] < '0' || input[pos] > '9') return error("Number expected!"); //Extract integer part while (input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') { result = result*10+(input[pos]-'0'); pos++; } if (input[pos] == '.') { //extract fractional part pos++; float fractMult = 0.1; if (input[pos] < '0' || input[pos] > '9') return error("Decimal part expected!"); while (input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') { result = result + fractMult*(input[pos]-'0'); fractMult /= 10; pos++; } } //TODO: exponential part if (negative) result = -result; node.setType(JsonNode::DATA_FLOAT); node.Float() = result; return true; } bool JsonParser::error(const std::string &message, bool warning) { std::ostringstream stream; std::string type(warning?" warning: ":" error: "); stream << "At line " << lineCount << ", position "<