#include "CGeniusAI.h" #include #include #include "../../lib/BattleState.h" #include "../../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "AIPriorities.h" #include "../../lib/CGameState.h" using std::endl; using geniusai::CGeniusAI; class LibClasses; #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) || (__MINGW32__) // Excludes rarely used stuff from windows headers - delete this line if // something is missing. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #endif void DbgBox(const char* msg, bool messageBox) { #if defined PRINT_DEBUG #if defined _DEBUG //# if 0 # if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) if (messageBox) { MessageBoxA(NULL, msg, "Debug message", MB_OK | MB_ICONASTERISK); } # endif tlog6 << msg << std::endl; #endif #endif } // TODO: Rewrite those i-s, o-s to something meaningful. bool CGeniusAI::AIObjectContainer::operator<(const AIObjectContainer& b) const { if (o->pos != b.o->pos) return o->pos < b.o->pos; else return o->id < b.o->id; } CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel::HeroModel( const CGHeroInstance* h) : finished(false), h(h) { pos = h->getPosition(false); remainingMovement = h->movement; } CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState::TownModel::TownModel( const CGTownInstance* t) : t(t) { hasBuilt = static_cast(t->builded); creaturesToRecruit = t->creatures; //creaturesInGarrison = t->getArmy(); } CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState::HypotheticalGameState(CGeniusAI& ai) : knownVisitableObjects(ai.knownVisitableObjects) { AI = &ai; std::vector heroes = ai.m_cb->getHeroesInfo(); for (std::vector::iterator i = heroes.begin(); i != heroes.end(); i++) heroModels.push_back(HeroModel(*i)); std::vector towns = ai.m_cb->getTownsInfo(); for (std::vector ::iterator i = towns.begin(); i != towns.end(); i++) { if ( (*i)->tempOwner == ai.m_cb->getMyColor() ) townModels.push_back(TownModel(*i)); } if (ai.m_cb->howManyTowns() != 0) { AvailableHeroesToBuy = ai.m_cb->getAvailableHeroes(ai.m_cb->getTownBySerial(0)); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) resourceAmounts.push_back(ai.m_cb->getResourceAmount(i)); } void CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState::update(CGeniusAI& ai) { AI = &ai; knownVisitableObjects = ai.knownVisitableObjects; std::vector oldModels = heroModels; heroModels.clear(); std::vector heroes = ai.m_cb->getHeroesInfo(); for (std::vector::iterator i = heroes.begin(); i != heroes.end(); i++) heroModels.push_back(HeroModel(*i)); int j; for (int i = 0; i < oldModels.size(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < heroModels.size(); ++j) { if (oldModels[i].h->subID == heroModels[j].h->subID) { heroModels[j].finished = oldModels[i].finished; heroModels[j].previouslyVisited_pos = oldModels[i].previouslyVisited_pos; } } } townModels.clear(); std::vector towns = ai.m_cb->getTownsInfo(); for (std::vector::iterator i = towns.begin(); i != towns.end(); i++) { if ( (*i)->tempOwner == ai.m_cb->getMyColor() ) townModels.push_back(TownModel(*i)); } if (ai.m_cb->howManyTowns()) { AvailableHeroesToBuy = ai.m_cb->getAvailableHeroes(ai.m_cb->getTownBySerial(0)); } resourceAmounts.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) resourceAmounts.push_back(ai.m_cb->getResourceAmount(i)); } CGeniusAI::HeroObjective::HeroObjective(const HypotheticalGameState &hgs, Type t, const CGObjectInstance* object, HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel* h, CGeniusAI* ai) : hgs(hgs), object(object) { AI = ai; pos = object->pos; type = t; whoCanAchieve.push_back(h); _value = -1; } float CGeniusAI::HeroObjective::getValue() const { if (_value >= 0) return _value - _cost; // TODO: each object should have an associated cost to visit IE // (tree of knowledge 1000 gold/10 gems) vector resourceCosts; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) resourceCosts.push_back(0); if (object->ID == 47) // School of magic resourceCosts[6] += 1000; // TODO: Add some meaningful (and not exploitable) number here. float bestCost = 9e9f; HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel* bestHero = NULL; if (type != AIObjective::finishTurn) { for (int i = 0; i < whoCanAchieve.size(); i++) { int distOutOfTheWay = 0; CPath path3; //from hero to object if (AI->m_cb->getPath(whoCanAchieve[i]->pos, pos, whoCanAchieve[i]->h, path3)) { distOutOfTheWay+=path3.nodes[0].dist; } // from object to goal if (AI->m_cb->getPath(pos, whoCanAchieve[i]->interestingPos, whoCanAchieve[i]->h, path3)) { distOutOfTheWay += path3.nodes[0].dist; // from hero directly to goal if (AI->m_cb->getPath(whoCanAchieve[i]->pos, whoCanAchieve[i]->interestingPos, whoCanAchieve[i]->h, path3)) distOutOfTheWay-=path3.nodes[0].dist; } float cost = AI->m_priorities->getCost(resourceCosts, whoCanAchieve[i]->h, distOutOfTheWay); if (cost < bestCost) { bestCost = cost; bestHero = whoCanAchieve[i]; } } // for (int i = 0; i < whoCanAchieve.size(); i++) } else // if (type != AIObjective::finishTurn) bestCost = 0; if (bestHero) { whoCanAchieve.clear(); whoCanAchieve.push_back(bestHero); } _value = AI->m_priorities->getValue(*this); _cost = bestCost; return _value - _cost; } bool CGeniusAI::HeroObjective::operator<(const HeroObjective& other) const { if (type != other.type) return type < other.type; else if (pos != other.pos) return pos < other.pos; else if (object->id != other.object->id) return object->id < other.object->id; else if ((dynamic_cast(object) != NULL) && (whoCanAchieve.front()->h->id != other.whoCanAchieve.front()->h->id)) return whoCanAchieve.front()->h->id < other.whoCanAchieve.front()->h->id; else return false; } void CGeniusAI::HeroObjective::print() const { switch (type) { case visit: tlog6 << "visit " << object->hoverName << " at (" <pos.x << ","<< object->pos.y << ")" ; break; case attack: tlog6 << "attack " << object->hoverName; break; case finishTurn: tlog6 << "finish turn"; // TODO: Add a default, just in case. } if (whoCanAchieve.size() == 1) tlog6 << " with " << whoCanAchieve.front()->h->hoverName; } CGeniusAI::TownObjective::TownObjective( const HypotheticalGameState& hgs, Type t, HypotheticalGameState::TownModel* tn, int Which, CGeniusAI * ai) : hgs(hgs), whichTown(tn), which(Which) { AI = ai; type = t; _value = -1; } float CGeniusAI::TownObjective::getValue() const { if (_value >= 0) return _value - _cost; // TODO: Include a constant stating the meaning of 8 (number of resources). vector resourceCosts(8,0); CBuilding* b = NULL; CCreature* creature = NULL; float cost = 0; // TODO: Needed? int ID = 0; int newID = 0; int howMany = 0; ui32 creatures_max = 0; switch (type) { case recruitHero: resourceCosts[6] = 2500; // TODO: Define somehow the meaning of gold etc. break; case buildBuilding: b = VLC->buildh->buildings[whichTown->t->subID][which]; for (int i = 0; b && ( i < b->resources.size() ); ++i) resourceCosts[i] = b->resources[i]; break; case recruitCreatures: // Buy upgraded if possible. ID = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].second.back(); creature = VLC->creh->creatures[ID]; howMany = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].first; creatures_max = 0; // Max creatures you can recruit of this type. for (int i = 0; i < creature->cost.size(); i++) { if (creature->cost[i] != 0) creatures_max = hgs.resourceAmounts[i]/creature->cost[i]; else creatures_max = INT_MAX; // TODO: Will have to rewrite it. // TODO: Buy the best units (the least I can buy)? amin(howMany, creatures_max); } // The cost of recruiting the stack of creatures. for (int i = 0; creature && (i < creature->cost.size() ); ++i) resourceCosts[i] = creature->cost[i]*howMany; break; case upgradeCreatures: UpgradeInfo ui; AI->m_cb->getUpgradeInfo(whichTown->t,which, ui); ID = whichTown->t->getCreature(which)->idNumber; howMany = whichTown->t->getStackCount(which); newID = ui.newID.back(); int upgrade_serial = ui.newID.size() - 1; // for (std::set< std::pair >::iterator j = ui.cost[upgrade_serial].begin(); j != ui.cost[upgrade_serial].end(); j++) // resourceCosts[j->first] = j->second*howMany; break; } _cost = AI->m_priorities->getCost(resourceCosts, NULL, 0); _value = AI->m_priorities->getValue(*this); return _value - _cost; } bool CGeniusAI::TownObjective::operator<(const TownObjective &other) const { if (type != other.type) return type < other.type; else if (which != other.which) return which < other.which; else if (whichTown->t->id != other.whichTown->t->id) return whichTown->t->id < other.whichTown->t->id; else return false; } void CGeniusAI::TownObjective::print() const { HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel hm; CBuilding* b = NULL; const CCreature* creature = NULL; int ID = 0; int howMany = 0; int newID = 0; // TODO: Needed? int hSlot = 0; // TODO: Needed? ui32 creatures_max; switch (type) { case recruitHero: tlog6 << "recruit hero."; break; case buildBuilding: b = VLC->buildh->buildings[whichTown->t->subID][which]; tlog6 << "build " << b->Name() << " cost = "; if (b->resources.size()) { if (b->resources[0]) tlog6 << b->resources[0] << " wood. "; if (b->resources[1]) tlog6 << b->resources[1] << " mercury. "; if (b->resources[2]) tlog6 << b->resources[2] << " ore. "; if (b->resources[3]) tlog6 << b->resources[3] << " sulfur. "; if (b->resources[4]) tlog6 << b->resources[4] << " crystal. "; if (b->resources[5]) tlog6 << b->resources[5] << " gems. "; if (b->resources[6]) tlog6 << b->resources[6] << " gold. "; } break; case recruitCreatures: // Buy upgraded if possible. ID = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].second.back(); creature = VLC->creh->creatures[ID]; howMany = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].first; creatures_max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < creature->cost.size(); i++) { if (creature->cost[i]) creatures_max = hgs.resourceAmounts[i]/creature->cost[i]; else creatures_max = INT_MAX; amin(howMany, creatures_max); } tlog6 << "recruit " << howMany << " " << creature->namePl << " (Total AI Strength " << creature->AIValue*howMany << "). cost = "; if (creature->cost.size()) { if (creature->cost[0]) tlog6 << creature->cost[0]*howMany << " wood. "; if (creature->cost[1]) tlog6 << creature->cost[1]*howMany << " mercury. "; if (creature->cost[2]) tlog6 << creature->cost[2]*howMany << " ore. "; if (creature->cost[3]) tlog6 << creature->cost[3]*howMany << " sulfur. "; if (creature->cost[4]) tlog6 << creature->cost[4]*howMany << " cristal. "; if (creature->cost[5]) tlog6 << creature->cost[5]*howMany << " gems. "; if (creature->cost[6]) tlog6 << creature->cost[6]*howMany << " gold. "; } break; // case recruitCreatures. case upgradeCreatures: UpgradeInfo ui; AI->m_cb->getUpgradeInfo (whichTown->t, which, ui); ID = whichTown->t->getCreature(which)->idNumber; tlog6 << "upgrade " << VLC->creh->creatures[ID]->namePl; //ui.cost break; } // switch(type) } CGeniusAI::CGeniusAI() : m_generalAI(), m_state(NO_BATTLE) { m_priorities = new Priorities("AI/GeniusAI.brain"); } CGeniusAI::~CGeniusAI() { delete m_priorities; } void CGeniusAI::init(CCallback *CB) { m_cb = CB; m_generalAI.init(CB); human = false; playerID = m_cb->getMyColor(); std::string info = std::string("GeniusAI initialized for player ") + boost::lexical_cast(playerID); m_battleLogic = NULL; DbgBox(info.c_str()); } void CGeniusAI::reportResources() { tlog6 << "Day " << m_cb->getDate() << ": "; tlog6 << "AI Player " <getMyColor()<< " with " << m_cb->howManyHeroes(true) << " heroes. " << endl; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(0) << " wood. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(1) << " mercury. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(2) << " ore. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(3) << " sulfur. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(4) << " crystal. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(5) << " gems. "; tlog6 << m_cb->getResourceAmount(6) << " gold."; tlog6 << endl; } void CGeniusAI::addHeroObjectives(CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel& h, CGeniusAI::HypotheticalGameState& hgs) { int3 hpos = h.pos; int3 destination; int3 interestingPos; CPath path; int movement = h.remainingMovement; int maxInteresting = 0; AIObjective::Type tp = AIObjective::visit; if (h.finished) return; for (std::set::const_iterator i = hgs.knownVisitableObjects.begin(); i != hgs.knownVisitableObjects.end(); i++) { tp = AIObjective::visit; if (h.previouslyVisited_pos == i->o->getSightCenter()) continue; //TODO: what would the hero actually visit if he went to that spot // maybe the hero wants to visit a seemingly unguarded enemy town, // but there is a hero on top of it. // if(i->o->) if (i->o->ID != HEROI_TYPE) {// Unless you are trying to visit a hero. bool heroThere = false; for(int j = 0; j < hgs.heroModels.size(); j++) { if (hgs.heroModels[j].pos == i->o->getSightCenter()) heroThere = true; } if (heroThere) // It won't work if there is already someone visiting that spot. continue; } if (i->o->ID == HEROI_TYPE && // Visiting friendly heroes not yet supported. i->o->getOwner() == m_cb->getMyColor()) continue; if (i->o->id == h.h->id) // Don't visit yourself (should be caught by above). continue; // Don't visit a mine if you own, there's almost no // point(maybe to leave guards or because the hero's trapped). if (i->o->ID == 53 && i->o->getOwner() == m_cb->getMyColor()) continue; if (i->o->getOwner() != m_cb->getMyColor()) { // TODO: I feel like the AI shouldn't have access to this information. // We must get an approximation based on few, many, ... zounds etc. int enemyStrength = 0; // TODO: should be virtual maybe, army strength should be // comparable across objects. // TODO: Rewrite all those damn i->o. For someone reading it the first // time it's completely inconprehensible. // TODO: NO MAGIC NUMBERS !!! if (dynamic_cast (i->o)) enemyStrength = (dynamic_cast (i->o))->getArmyStrength(); if (dynamic_cast (i->o)) enemyStrength = (dynamic_cast (i->o))->getTotalStrength(); // TODO: Make constants of those 1.2 & 2.5. if (dynamic_cast (i->o)) enemyStrength = static_cast((dynamic_cast (i->o))->getArmyStrength() * 1.2); float heroStrength = h.h->getTotalStrength(); // TODO: ballence these numbers using objective cost formula. // TODO: it would be nice to do a battle simulation. if (enemyStrength * 2.5 > heroStrength) continue; if (enemyStrength > 0) tp = AIObjective::attack; } //don't visit things that have already been visited this week. if ((dynamic_cast (i->o)) && (dynamic_cast (i->o)->visited)) continue; //don't visit things that you have already visited OPH if ((dynamic_cast (i->o)) && vstd::contains(dynamic_cast (i->o)->visitors, h.h->id)) continue; // TODO: Some descriptions of those included so someone can undestand them. if (i->o->ID == 88 || i->o->ID == 89 || i->o->ID == 90) { //TODO: if no spell book continue //TODO: if the shrine's spell is identified, and the hero already has it, continue } destination = i->o->getSightCenter(); // Don't try to take a path from the underworld to the top or vice versa. // TODO: Will have to make some calculations so that the AI can enter the // underground. if (hpos.z == destination.z) { //TODO: fix get path so that it doesn't return a path unless z's are // the same, or path goes through sub gate. if (m_cb->getPath(hpos, destination, h.h, path)) { path.convert(0); if (path.nodes[0].dist < movement) { // TODO: So easy to understand... HeroObjective ho(hgs, tp, i->o, &h, this); std::set::iterator found = currentHeroObjectives.find(ho); if (found == currentHeroObjectives.end()) currentHeroObjectives.insert(ho); else { // TODO: Try to rewrite if possible... // A cast to a pointer, from a reference, to a pointer // of an iterator. HeroObjective* objective = (HeroObjective*)&(*found); objective->whoCanAchieve.push_back(&h); } } // Find the most interesting object that is eventually reachable, // and set that position to the ultimate goal position. // TODO: replace random numbers with some sort of ranking system. int hi = rand(); if (hi > maxInteresting) { maxInteresting = hi; interestingPos = destination; } } // if (m_cb->getPath(hpos, destination, h.h, path)) } // if (hpos.z == destination.z) } // for (std::set::const_iterator // i = knownVisitableObjects.begin(); h.interestingPos = interestingPos; // there ought to be a path // if(h.remainingMovement>0&&m_cb->getPath(hpos,interestingPos,h.h,path)) currentHeroObjectives.insert(HeroObjective(hgs, HeroObjective::finishTurn, h.h, &h, this)); } void CGeniusAI::HeroObjective::fulfill(CGeniusAI& cg, HypotheticalGameState& hgs) { cg.m_cb->waitTillRealize = true; HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel* h = NULL; int3 hpos; int3 destination; int3 bestPos; int3 currentPos; int3 checkPos; CPath path; CPath path2; int howGood = 0; switch (type) { case finishTurn: h = whoCanAchieve.front(); h->finished=true; hpos = h->pos; destination = h->interestingPos; if (!cg.m_cb->getPath(hpos, destination, h->h, path)) { tlog6 << "AI error: invalid destination" << endl; return; } destination = h->pos; // Find closest coord that we can get to. for (int i = path.nodes.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO: getPath what?? if ((cg.m_cb->getPath(hpos, path.nodes[i].coord, h->h, path2)) && (path2.nodes[0].dist <= h->remainingMovement)) destination = path.nodes[i].coord; } if (destination == h->interestingPos) break; // ! START ! // // Find close pos with the most neighboring empty squares. We don't want to // get in the way. bestPos = destination; howGood = 0; // TODO: Add a meaning to 3. for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = -3; y <= 3; y++) { currentPos = destination + int3(x,y,0); // There better not be anything there. if (cg.m_cb->getVisitableObjs(currentPos).size() != 0) continue; if ((cg.m_cb->getPath(hpos, currentPos, h->h, path) == false) || // It better be reachable from the hero // TODO: remainingMovement > 0... (path.nodes[0].dist>h->remainingMovement)) continue; int count = 0; int yy; for (int xx = -1; xx <= 1; ++xx) { for (yy = -1; yy <= 1; ++yy) { checkPos = currentPos + int3(xx, yy, 0); if (cg.m_cb->getPath(currentPos, checkPos, h->h, path) != false) ++count; } } if (count > howGood) { howGood = count; bestPos = currentPos; } } } destination = bestPos; // ! END ! // cg.m_cb->getPath(hpos, destination, h->h, path); path.convert(0); break; case visit: case attack: h = whoCanAchieve.front(); //lowest cost hero h->previouslyVisited_pos = object->getSightCenter(); hpos = h->pos; destination = object->getSightCenter(); break; } // switch(type) if ((type == visit || type == finishTurn || type == attack) && (cg.m_cb->getPath (hpos, destination, h->h, path))) path.convert(0); if (cg.m_state.get() != NO_BATTLE) cg.m_state.waitUntil (NO_BATTLE); // Wait for battle end // Wait over, battle over too. hero might be killed. check. for (int i = path.nodes.size() - 2; (i >= 0) && (cg.m_cb->getHeroSerial(h->h) >= 0); --i) { if (!cg.m_cb->moveHero(h->h,path.nodes[i].coord)); { tlog3 << "cannot move hero to " << path.nodes[i].coord << endl; break; } if (cg.m_state.get() != NO_BATTLE) cg.m_state.waitUntil(NO_BATTLE); // Wait for battle end } h->remainingMovement -= path.nodes[0].dist; if (object->blockVisit) h->pos = path.nodes[1].coord; else h->pos = destination; std::set::iterator i = hgs.knownVisitableObjects.find(AIObjectContainer(object)); if (i != hgs.knownVisitableObjects.end()) hgs.knownVisitableObjects.erase(i); const CGTownInstance* town = dynamic_cast (object); if (town && object->getOwner() == cg.m_cb->getMyColor()) { //upgrade hero's units tlog6 << "visiting town" << endl; for (TSlots::const_iterator i = h->h->Slots().begin(); i != h->h->Slots().end(); i++) { // For each hero slot. UpgradeInfo ui; cg.m_cb->getUpgradeInfo(h->h,i->first, ui); bool canUpgrade = false; if (ui.newID.size() != 0) { // Does this stack need upgrading? canUpgrade = true; std::set >::iterator j; for (int ii = 0; ii < ui.cost.size(); ii++) // Can afford the upgrade? { // for (j = ui.cost[ii].begin(); j != ui.cost[ii].end(); j++) // if (hgs.resourceAmounts[j->first] < j->second * i->second->count) // canUpgrade = false; } } if (canUpgrade) { cg.m_cb->upgradeCreature(h->h, i->first, ui.newID.back()); tlog6 << "upgrading hero's " << i->second->type->namePl << endl; } } // Give town's units to hero. int weakestCreatureStack; int weakestCreatureAIValue = 99999; // we will lower it in the process for (TSlots::const_iterator i = town->Slots().begin(); i != town->Slots().end(); i++) { if (i->second->type->AIValue < weakestCreatureAIValue) { weakestCreatureAIValue = i->second->type->AIValue; weakestCreatureStack = i->first; } } for (TSlots::const_iterator i = town->Slots().begin(); i != town->Slots().end(); i++)\ { // For each town slot. int hSlot = h->h->getSlotFor(i->second->type->idNumber); if (hSlot == -1) continue; tlog6 << "giving hero " << i->second->type->namePl << endl; if (!h->h->slotEmpty(hSlot)) { // Can't take garrisonHero's last unit. if ( (i->first == weakestCreatureStack) && (town->garrisonHero != NULL) ) cg.m_cb->splitStack(town, h->h, i->first, hSlot, i->second->count - 1); else // TODO: the comment says that this code is not safe for the AI. cg.m_cb->mergeStacks(town, h->h, i->first, hSlot); } else cg.m_cb->swapCreatures(town, h->h, i->first, hSlot); } // for (std::map< si32, std::pair >::const_iterator ... } // if (town && object->getOwner == cg.m_cb->getMyColor()) } void CGeniusAI::addTownObjectives (HypotheticalGameState::TownModel& t, HypotheticalGameState& hgs) { //recruitHero //buildBuilding //recruitCreatures //upgradeCreatures // Recruit hero. if ( (hgs.heroModels.size() < 3) && (hgs.resourceAmounts[6] >= 2500) ) { bool heroAtTown = false; for (int i = 0; i < hgs.heroModels.size(); i++) { if (hgs.heroModels[i].pos == t.t->getSightCenter()) heroAtTown = true; } // No visiting hero and built tavern. if (!heroAtTown && vstd::contains(t.t->builtBuildings, 5)) { for (int i = 0; i < hgs.AvailableHeroesToBuy.size(); i++) { if ( (hgs.AvailableHeroesToBuy[i] != NULL) && (t.t->subID == hgs.AvailableHeroesToBuy[i]->type->heroType / 2) ) { TownObjective to(hgs,AIObjective::recruitHero, &t, 0, this); currentTownObjectives.insert(to); } } } } // Build a building. if (!t.hasBuilt) { // m_cb->getCBuildingsByID(t.t); bmap > thisTownsBuildings = VLC->buildh->buildings[t.t->subID]; for (bmap >::iterator i = thisTownsBuildings.begin(); i != thisTownsBuildings.end(); i++) { if (m_cb->canBuildStructure(t.t, i->first) == 7) { TownObjective to(hgs, AIObjective::buildBuilding, &t, i->first ,this); currentTownObjectives.insert(to); } } } // Recruit creatures. for (int i = 0; i < t.creaturesToRecruit.size(); i++) { if (t.creaturesToRecruit[i].first == 0 || t.creaturesToRecruit[i].second.empty()) continue; int ID = t.creaturesToRecruit[i].second.back(); // m_cb->getCCreatureByID(ID); const CCreature *creature = VLC->creh->creatures[ID]; bool canAfford = true; for (int ii = 0; ii < creature->cost.size(); ii++) { if (creature->cost[ii] > hgs.resourceAmounts[ii]) canAfford = false; // Can we afford at least one creature? } if (!canAfford) continue; //tlog6 << "town has " << t.t->creatures[i]->first << " "<< creature->namePl << " (AI Strength " << creature->AIValue << ")." << endl; TownObjective to(hgs, AIObjective::recruitCreatures, &t, i, this); currentTownObjectives.insert(to); } // Upgrade creatures. for (TSlots::const_iterator i = t.t->Slots().begin(); i != t.t->Slots().end(); i++) { UpgradeInfo ui; m_cb->getUpgradeInfo(t.t, i->first, ui); if (ui.newID.size()) { bool canAfford = true; int upgrade_serial = ui.newID.size() - 1; // for (std::set< std::pair >::iterator j = ui.cost[upgrade_serial].begin(); j != ui.cost[upgrade_serial].end(); j++) // { // if (hgs.resourceAmounts[j->first] < j->second * i->second->count) // canAfford = false; // } if (canAfford) { TownObjective to(hgs,AIObjective::upgradeCreatures,&t,i->first,this); currentTownObjectives.insert(to); } } // if (ui.netID.size() != 0) } // for (std::map< si32, std::pair ... } void CGeniusAI::TownObjective::fulfill(CGeniusAI& cg, HypotheticalGameState& hgs) { cg.m_cb->waitTillRealize = true; CBuilding * b; const CCreature *creature; HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel hm; int ID, howMany, newID, hSlot; switch (type) { case recruitHero: cg.m_cb->recruitHero(whichTown->t, hgs.AvailableHeroesToBuy[which]); hm = HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel(hgs.AvailableHeroesToBuy[which]); hm.pos = whichTown->t->getSightCenter(); hm.remainingMovement = hm.h->maxMovePoints(true); hgs.heroModels.push_back(hm); hgs.resourceAmounts[6] -= 2500; break; case buildBuilding: b = VLC->buildh->buildings[whichTown->t->subID][which]; if (cg.m_cb->canBuildStructure(whichTown->t,which) == 7) { tlog6 << "built " << b->Name() << "." << endl; if (!cg.m_cb->buildBuilding(whichTown->t, which)) tlog6 << "really tried to build unbuildable building" << endl; for (int i = 0; b && i < b->resources.size(); i++) // use only when certain building was found hgs.resourceAmounts[i] -= b->resources[i]; } else tlog6 << "trying to build a structure we cannot build" << endl; whichTown->hasBuilt=true; break; case recruitCreatures: // Buy upgraded if possible. ID = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].second.back(); creature = VLC->creh->creatures[ID]; howMany = whichTown->creaturesToRecruit[which].first; for (int i = 0; i < creature->cost.size(); i++) amin(howMany, creature->cost[i] ? hgs.resourceAmounts[i]/creature->cost[i] : INT_MAX); if (howMany == 0) { tlog6 << "tried to recruit without enough money."; tlog6 << "recruiting " << howMany << " " << creature->namePl << " (Total AI Strength " << creature->AIValue*howMany << ")." << endl; cg.m_cb->recruitCreatures(whichTown->t, ID, howMany); } break; case upgradeCreatures: UpgradeInfo ui; cg.m_cb->getUpgradeInfo(whichTown->t, which, ui); ID = whichTown->t->getCreature(which)->idNumber; newID = ui.newID.back(); // TODO: reduce resources in hgs cg.m_cb->upgradeCreature(whichTown->t, which, newID); tlog6 << "upgrading " << VLC->creh->creatures[ID]->namePl << endl; break; } } void CGeniusAI::fillObjectiveQueue(HypotheticalGameState & hgs) { objectiveQueue.clear(); currentHeroObjectives.clear(); currentTownObjectives.clear(); for (std::vector ::iterator i = hgs.heroModels.begin(); i != hgs.heroModels.end(); i++) addHeroObjectives(*i, hgs); for (std::vector ::iterator i = hgs.townModels.begin(); i != hgs.townModels.end(); i++) addTownObjectives(*i, hgs); for (std::set::iterator i = currentHeroObjectives.begin(); i != currentHeroObjectives.end(); i++) // TODO: Recheck and try to write simpler expression. objectiveQueue.push_back(AIObjectivePtrCont((CGeniusAI::HeroObjective*)&(*i))); for (std::set::iterator i = currentTownObjectives.begin(); i != currentTownObjectives.end(); i++) objectiveQueue.push_back(AIObjectivePtrCont((CGeniusAI::TownObjective*)&(*i))); } CGeniusAI::AIObjective * CGeniusAI::getBestObjective() { trueGameState.update(*this); fillObjectiveQueue(trueGameState); // TODO: Write this part. // if(objectiveQueue.size()) // return max_element(objectiveQueue.begin(),objectiveQueue.end())->obj; m_priorities->fillFeatures(trueGameState); if (objectiveQueue.empty()) return NULL; // sort(objectiveQueue.begin(),objectiveQueue.end()); // reverse(objectiveQueue.begin(),objectiveQueue.end()); int num = 1; // for(std::vector ::iterator i = objectiveQueue.begin(); i < objectiveQueue.end();i++) // { // if(!dynamic_cast(i->obj)) // continue; // tlog6 << num++ << ": "; // i->obj->print(); // tlog6 << " value: " << i->obj->getValue(); // tlog6 << endl; // } // int choice = 0; // tlog6 << "which would you do? (enter 0 for none): "; // cin >> choice; tlog6 << "doing best of " << objectiveQueue.size() << ": "; CGeniusAI::AIObjective* best = max_element(objectiveQueue.begin(), objectiveQueue.end())->obj; best->print(); tlog6 << " value = " << best->getValue() << endl; if (objectiveQueue.size()) return best; return objectiveQueue.front().obj; } void CGeniusAI::yourTurn() { static boost::mutex mutex; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex); m_cb->waitTillRealize = false; static int seed = rand(); srand(seed); if (VLC->IS_AI_ENABLED) { m_cb->waitTillRealize = true; // if (m_cb->getDate() == 1) //{ // startFirstTurn(); // // m_cb->endTurn(); // return; // } //////////////TODO: replace with updates. Also add suspected objects list.///////// knownVisitableObjects.clear(); int3 pos = m_cb->getMapSize(); int y, z; //don't reallocate them unnecessarily for (int x = 0; x < pos.x; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < pos.y; ++y) { for (z = 0; z < pos.z; ++z) tileRevealed(int3(x,y,z)); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reportResources(); trueGameState = HypotheticalGameState(*this); AIObjective * objective = getBestObjective(); if (objective) //single so far, TODO: restore while objective->fulfill(*this,trueGameState); seed = rand(); } m_cb->endTurn(); m_cb->waitTillRealize = false; } void CGeniusAI::startFirstTurn() { HypotheticalGameState hgs(*this); const CGTownInstance * town = m_cb->getTownBySerial(0); const CGHeroInstance * heroInst = m_cb->getHeroBySerial(0); TownObjective(hgs, AIObjective::recruitHero, &hgs.townModels.front(), 0, this).fulfill(*this, hgs); m_cb->swapGarrisonHero(town); hgs.update(*this); for (ui32 i = 0; i < hgs.townModels.front().creaturesToRecruit.size(); ++i) { if (hgs.townModels.front().creaturesToRecruit[i].first == 0) continue; int ID = hgs.townModels.front().creaturesToRecruit[i].second.back(); const CCreature *creature = VLC->creh->creatures[ID]; bool canAfford = true; for (ui32 ii = 0; ii < creature->cost.size(); ii++) { if (creature->cost[ii] > hgs.resourceAmounts[ii]) canAfford = false; // Can we afford at least one creature? } if (!canAfford) continue; TownObjective(hgs,AIObjective::recruitCreatures,&hgs.townModels.front(),i,this).fulfill(*this,hgs); } hgs.update(*this); HypotheticalGameState::HeroModel* hero; for (int i = 0; i < hgs.heroModels.size(); i++) { if (hgs.heroModels[i].h->id == heroInst->id) HeroObjective(hgs, AIObjective::visit, town, hero = &hgs.heroModels[i], this).fulfill(*this,hgs); } hgs.update(*this); // m_cb->swapGarrisonHero(town); //TODO: choose the strongest hero. } void CGeniusAI::heroKilled(const CGHeroInstance* hero) { } void CGeniusAI::heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance* hero) { } void CGeniusAI::tileRevealed(int3 pos) { std::vector objects = m_cb->getVisitableObjs(pos); for (std::vector ::iterator o = objects.begin(); o != objects.end(); o++) { if ((*o)->id != -1) knownVisitableObjects.insert(*o); } objects = m_cb->getFlaggableObjects(pos); for (std::vector::iterator o = objects.begin(); o != objects.end(); o++) if ((*o)->id != -1) knownVisitableObjects.insert(*o); } // eg. ship built in shipyard void CGeniusAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance* obj) { knownVisitableObjects.insert(obj); } void CGeniusAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance *obj) //eg. collected resource, picked artifact, beaten hero { std::set::iterator o = knownVisitableObjects.find(obj); if (o != knownVisitableObjects.end()) knownVisitableObjects.erase(o); } void CGeniusAI::tileHidden(int3 pos) { } void CGeniusAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero& TMH) { // DbgBox("** CGeniusAI::heroMoved **"); } void CGeniusAI::heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector& skills, boost::function& callback) { callback(rand() % skills.size()); } void geniusai::CGeniusAI::showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance* up, const CGHeroInstance* down, bool removableUnits, boost::function& onEnd) { onEnd(); } void geniusai::CGeniusAI::playerBlocked(int reason) { if (reason == 0) // Battle is coming... m_state.setn(UPCOMING_BATTLE); } void geniusai::CGeniusAI::battleResultsApplied() { assert(m_state.get() == ENDING_BATTLE); m_state.setn(NO_BATTLE); } // TODO: Shouldn't the parameters be made const (apart from cancel)? void CGeniusAI::showBlockingDialog(const std::string& text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID, const int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) { m_cb->selectionMade(cancel ? false : true, askID); } /** * occurs AFTER every action taken by any stack or by the hero */ void CGeniusAI::actionFinished(const BattleAction* action) { std::string message("\t\tCGeniusAI::actionFinished - type("); message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->actionType); message += "), side("; message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->side); message += ")"; DbgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * occurs BEFORE every action taken by any stack or by the hero */ void CGeniusAI::actionStarted(const BattleAction *action) { std::string message("\t\tCGeniusAI::actionStarted - type("); message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->actionType); message += "), side("; message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->side); message += ")"; DbgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * called when stack is performing attack */ void CGeniusAI::battleAttack(const BattleAttack* ba) { DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleAttack"); } /** * called when stack receives damage (after battleAttack()) */ void CGeniusAI::battleStacksAttacked(const std::set& bsa) { DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStacksAttacked"); } /** * called by engine when battle starts; side=0 - left, side=1 - right */ void CGeniusAI::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) { // TODO: Battle logic what... assert(!m_battleLogic); // We have been informed that battle will start (or we are neutral AI) assert( (playerID > PLAYER_LIMIT) || (m_state.get() == UPCOMING_BATTLE) ); m_state.setn(ONGOING_BATTLE); m_battleLogic = new BattleAI::CBattleLogic(m_cb, army1, army2, tile, hero1, hero2, side); DbgBox("** CGeniusAI::battleStart **"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleEnd(const BattleResult* br) { switch (br->winner) { case 0: tlog6 << "The winner is the attacker." << std::endl; break; case 1: tlog6 << "The winner is the defender." << std::endl; break; case 2: tlog6 << "It's a draw." << std::endl; break; }; tlog6 << "lost "; for (std::map::const_iterator i = br->casualties[0].begin(); i != br->casualties[0].end(); i++) tlog6 << i->second << " " << VLC->creh->creatures[i->first]->namePl << endl; delete m_battleLogic; m_battleLogic = NULL; assert(m_state.get() == ONGOING_BATTLE); m_state.setn(ENDING_BATTLE); DbgBox("** CGeniusAI::battleEnd **"); } /* * Called at the beggining of each turn, round = -1 is the tactic phase, * round = 0 is the first "normal" turn. */ void CGeniusAI::battleNewRound(int round) { std::string message("\tCGeniusAI::battleNewRound - "); message += boost::lexical_cast(round); DbgBox(message.c_str()); m_battleLogic->SetCurrentTurn(round); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackMoved(int ID, std::vector dest, int distance) { std::string message("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackMoved ID("); message += boost::lexical_cast(ID); message += "), dest("; message += boost::lexical_cast(dest.size()); message += ")"; DbgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleSpellCast(const BattleSpellCast *sc) { DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleSpellCast"); } /** * called when battlefield is prepared, prior the battle beginning */ // void CGeniusAI::battlefieldPrepared(int battlefieldType, // std::vector obstacles) // { // DbgBox("CGeniusAI::battlefieldPrepared"); // } /** * */ // void CGeniusAI::battleStackMoved(int ID, // THex dest, // bool startMoving, // bool endMoving) // { // DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackMoved"); // } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackAttacking(int ID, int dest) { DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackAttacking"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackIsAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby, bool byShooting) { DbgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackIsAttacked"); } /** * called when it's turn of that stack */ BattleAction CGeniusAI::activeStack(const CStack * stack) { std::string message("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::activeStack stackID("); message += boost::lexical_cast(stack->ID); message += ")"; DbgBox(message.c_str()); BattleAction bact = m_battleLogic->MakeDecision(stack->ID); assert(m_cb->battleGetStackByID(bact.stackNumber)); return bact; } //WTF?!? why is this needed?!?!?! BattleAction CGlobalAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) { BattleAction ba; ba.actionType = BattleAction::DEFEND; ba.stackNumber = stack->ID; return ba; }