#include "ERMInterpreter.h" #include <cctype> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> // for 'operator+=()' #include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> #include "../../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" /* * ERMInterpreter.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #define DBG_PRINT(X) tlog0 << X << std::endl; namespace spirit = boost::spirit; using namespace VERMInterpreter; using namespace boost::assign; typedef int TUnusedType; using namespace boost::assign; ERMInterpreter *erm; Environment *topDyn; namespace ERMPrinter { //console printer using namespace ERM; struct VarPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVarExpNotMacro const& val) const { tlog2 << val.varsym; if(val.val.is_initialized()) { tlog2 << val.val.get(); } } void operator()(TMacroUsage const& val) const { tlog2 << "$" << val.macro << "&"; } }; void varPrinter(const TVarExp & var) { boost::apply_visitor(VarPrinterVisitor(), var); } struct IExpPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(int const & constant) const { tlog2 << constant; } void operator()(TVarExp const & var) const { varPrinter(var); } }; void iexpPrinter(const TIexp & exp) { boost::apply_visitor(IExpPrinterVisitor(), exp); } struct IdentifierPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TIexp const& iexp) const { iexpPrinter(iexp); } void operator()(TArithmeticOp const& arop) const { iexpPrinter(arop.lhs); tlog2 << " " << arop.opcode << " "; iexpPrinter(arop.rhs); } }; void identifierPrinter(const boost::optional<Tidentifier> & id) { if(id.is_initialized()) { tlog2 << "identifier: "; BOOST_FOREACH(TIdentifierInternal x, id.get()) { tlog2 << "#"; boost::apply_visitor(IdentifierPrinterVisitor(), x); } } } struct ConditionCondPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TComparison const& cmp) const { iexpPrinter(cmp.lhs); tlog2 << " " << cmp.compSign << " "; iexpPrinter(cmp.rhs); } void operator()(int const& flag) const { tlog2 << "condflag " << flag; } }; void conditionPrinter(const boost::optional<Tcondition> & cond) { if(cond.is_initialized()) { Tcondition condp = cond.get(); tlog2 << " condition: "; boost::apply_visitor(ConditionCondPrinterVisitor(), condp.cond); tlog2 << " cond type: " << condp.ctype; //recursive call if(condp.rhs.is_initialized()) { tlog2 << "rhs: "; boost::optional<Tcondition> rhsc = condp.rhs.get().get(); conditionPrinter(rhsc); } else { tlog2 << "no rhs; "; } } } struct BodyVarpPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVarExpNotMacro const& cmp) const { if(cmp.questionMark.is_initialized()) { tlog2 << cmp.questionMark.get(); } if(cmp.val.is_initialized()) { tlog2 << "val:" << cmp.val.get(); } tlog2 << "varsym: |" << cmp.varsym << "|"; } void operator()(TMacroUsage const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "???$$" << cmp.macro << "$$"; } }; struct BodyOptionItemPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVarConcatString const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "+concat\""; varPrinter(cmp.var); tlog2 << " with " << cmp.string.str; } void operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const { tlog2 << " \"" << cmp.str << "\" "; } void operator()(TCurriedString const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "cs: "; iexpPrinter(cmp.iexp); tlog2 << " '" << cmp.string.str << "' "; } void operator()(TSemiCompare const& cmp) const { tlog2 << cmp.compSign << "; rhs: "; iexpPrinter(cmp.rhs); } void operator()(TMacroUsage const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "$$" << cmp.macro << "$$"; } void operator()(TMacroDef const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "@@" << cmp.macro << "@@"; } void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const { iexpPrinter(cmp); } void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "varp"; boost::apply_visitor(BodyVarpPrinterVisitor(), cmp.var); } void operator()(spirit::unused_type const& cmp) const { tlog2 << "nothing"; } }; struct BodyOptionVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVRLogic const& cmp) const { tlog2 << cmp.opcode << " "; iexpPrinter(cmp.var); } void operator()(TVRArithmetic const& cmp) const { tlog2 << cmp.opcode << " "; iexpPrinter(cmp.rhs); } void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& cmp) const { tlog2 << cmp.optionCode << "~"; BOOST_FOREACH(TBodyOptionItem optList, cmp.params) { boost::apply_visitor(BodyOptionItemPrinterVisitor(), optList); } } }; void bodyPrinter(const Tbody & body) { tlog2 << " body items: "; BOOST_FOREACH(TBodyOption bi, body) { tlog2 << " ("; apply_visitor(BodyOptionVisitor(), bi); tlog2 << ") "; } } struct CommandPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(Ttrigger const& trig) const { tlog2 << "trigger: " << trig.name << " "; identifierPrinter(trig.identifier); conditionPrinter(trig.condition); } void operator()(Tinstruction const& trig) const { tlog2 << "instruction: " << trig.name << " "; identifierPrinter(trig.identifier); conditionPrinter(trig.condition); bodyPrinter(trig.body); } void operator()(Treceiver const& trig) const { tlog2 << "receiver: " << trig.name << " "; identifierPrinter(trig.identifier); conditionPrinter(trig.condition); if(trig.body.is_initialized()) bodyPrinter(trig.body.get()); } void operator()(TPostTrigger const& trig) const { tlog2 << "post trigger: " << trig.name << " "; identifierPrinter(trig.identifier); conditionPrinter(trig.condition); } }; struct LinePrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(Tcommand const& cmd) const { CommandPrinterVisitor un; boost::apply_visitor(un, cmd.cmd); std::cout << "Line comment: " << cmd.comment << std::endl; } void operator()(std::string const& comment) const { } void operator()(spirit::unused_type const& nothing) const { } }; void printERM(const TERMline & ast) { tlog2 << ""; boost::apply_visitor(LinePrinterVisitor(), ast); } void printTVExp(const TVExp & exp); struct VOptionPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVExp const& cmd) const { printTVExp(cmd); } void operator()(TSymbol const& cmd) const { BOOST_FOREACH(TVModifier mod, cmd.symModifier) { tlog2 << mod << " "; } tlog2 << cmd.sym; } void operator()(char const& cmd) const { tlog2 << "'" << cmd << "'"; } void operator()(int const& cmd) const { tlog2 << cmd; } void operator()(double const& cmd) const { tlog2 << cmd; } void operator()(TERMline const& cmd) const { printERM(cmd); } void operator()(TStringConstant const& cmd) const { tlog2 << "^" << cmd.str << "^"; } }; void printTVExp(const TVExp & exp) { BOOST_FOREACH(TVModifier mod, exp.modifier) { tlog2 << mod << " "; } tlog2 << "[ "; BOOST_FOREACH(TVOption opt, exp.children) { boost::apply_visitor(VOptionPrinterVisitor(), opt); tlog2 << " "; } tlog2 << "]"; } struct TLPrinterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVExp const& cmd) const { printTVExp(cmd); } void operator()(TERMline const& cmd) const { printERM(cmd); } }; void printAST(const TLine & ast) { boost::apply_visitor(TLPrinterVisitor(), ast); tlog2 << std::endl; } } void ERMInterpreter::scanForScripts() { using namespace boost::filesystem; //parser checking if(!exists(DATA_DIR "/Data/s/")) { tlog3 << "Warning: Folder " DATA_DIR "/Data/s/ doesn't exist!\n"; return; } directory_iterator enddir; for (directory_iterator dir(DATA_DIR "/Data/s"); dir!=enddir; dir++) { if(is_regular(dir->status())) { std::string name = dir->path().leaf(); if( boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, ".erm") || boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, ".verm") ) { ERMParser ep(dir->path().string()); FileInfo * finfo = new FileInfo; finfo->filename = dir->path().string(); std::vector<LineInfo> buf = ep.parseFile(); finfo->length = buf.size(); files.push_back(finfo); for(int g=0; g<buf.size(); ++g) { scripts[LinePointer(finfo, g, buf[g].realLineNum)] = buf[g].tl; } } } } } void ERMInterpreter::printScripts( EPrintMode mode /*= EPrintMode::ALL*/ ) { std::map< LinePointer, ERM::TLine >::const_iterator prevIt; for(std::map< LinePointer, ERM::TLine >::const_iterator it = scripts.begin(); it != scripts.end(); ++it) { if(it == scripts.begin() || it->first.file != prevIt->first.file) { tlog2 << "----------------- script " << it->first.file->filename << " ------------------\n"; } tlog0 << it->first.realLineNum << '\t'; ERMPrinter::printAST(it->second); prevIt = it; } } struct ScriptScanner : boost::static_visitor<> { ERMInterpreter * interpreter; LinePointer lp; ScriptScanner(ERMInterpreter * interpr, const LinePointer & _lp) : interpreter(interpr), lp(_lp) {} void operator()(TVExp const& cmd) const { // } void operator()(TERMline const& cmd) const { if(cmd.which() == 0) //TCommand { Tcommand tcmd = boost::get<Tcommand>(cmd); switch (tcmd.cmd.which()) { case 0: //trigger { Trigger trig; trig.line = lp; interpreter->triggers[ TriggerType(boost::get<ERM::Ttrigger>(tcmd.cmd).name) ].push_back(trig); } break; case 3: //post trigger { Trigger trig; trig.line = lp; interpreter->postTriggers[ TriggerType(boost::get<ERM::TPostTrigger>(tcmd.cmd).name) ].push_back(trig); } break; default: break; } } } }; void ERMInterpreter::scanScripts() { for(std::map< LinePointer, ERM::TLine >::const_iterator it = scripts.begin(); it != scripts.end(); ++it) { boost::apply_visitor(ScriptScanner(this, it->first), it->second); } } ERMInterpreter::ERMInterpreter() { erm = this; curFunc = NULL; curTrigger = NULL; globalEnv = new Environment(); topDyn = globalEnv; } void ERMInterpreter::executeTrigger( VERMInterpreter::Trigger & trig, int funNum /*= -1*/, std::vector<int> funParams/*=std::vector<int>()*/ ) { //function-related logic if(funNum != -1) { curFunc = getFuncVars(funNum); for(int g=1; g<=FunctionLocalVars::NUM_PARAMETERS; ++g) { curFunc->getParam(g) = g-1 < funParams.size() ? funParams[g-1] : 0; } } else curFunc = getFuncVars(0); //skip the first line LinePointer lp = trig.line; ++lp; for(; lp.isValid(); ++lp) { ERM::TLine curLine = retrieveLine(lp); if(isATrigger(curLine)) break; executeLine(lp); } curFunc = NULL; } bool ERMInterpreter::isATrigger( const ERM::TLine & line ) { switch(line.which()) { case 0: //v-exp { TVExp vexp = boost::get<TVExp>(line); if(vexp.children.size() == 0) return false; switch (getExpType(vexp.children[0])) { case SYMBOL: { //TODO: what about sym modifiers? //TOOD: macros? ERM::TSymbol sym = boost::get<ERM::TSymbol>(vexp.children[0]); return sym.sym == triggerSymbol || sym.sym == postTriggerSymbol; } break; case TCMD: return isCMDATrigger( boost::get<ERM::Tcommand>(vexp.children[0]) ); break; default: return false; break; } } break; case 1: //erm { TERMline ermline = boost::get<TERMline>(line); switch(ermline.which()) { case 0: //tcmd return isCMDATrigger( boost::get<ERM::Tcommand>(ermline) ); break; default: return false; break; } } break; default: assert(0); //it should never happen break; } assert(0); } ERM::EVOtions ERMInterpreter::getExpType( const ERM::TVOption & opt ) { //MAINTENANCE: keep it correct! return static_cast<ERM::EVOtions>(opt.which()); } bool ERMInterpreter::isCMDATrigger( const ERM::Tcommand & cmd ) { switch (cmd.cmd.which()) { case 0: //trigger case 3: //post trigger return true; break; default: return false; break; } } ERM::TLine &ERMInterpreter::retrieveLine( LinePointer linePtr ) { return scripts.find(linePtr)->second; } ///////// //code execution template<typename OwnerType> struct StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { typedef OwnerType TReceiverType; OwnerType & owner; explicit StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor(OwnerType & _owner) : owner(_owner) {} virtual void operator()(TVarConcatString const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("String concatenation not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("String constant not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(TCurriedString const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Curried string not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(TSemiCompare const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Semi comparison not allowed in this receiver"); } // virtual void operator()(TMacroUsage const& cmp) const // { // throw EScriptExecError("Macro usage not allowed in this receiver"); // } virtual void operator()(TMacroDef const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Macro definition not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("i-expression not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Varp expression not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual void operator()(spirit::unused_type const& cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("\'Nothing\' not allowed in this receiver"); } }; template<typename T> struct StandardReceiverVisitor : boost::static_visitor<> { ERMInterpreter * interp; T identifier; StandardReceiverVisitor(ERMInterpreter * _interpr, T ident) : interp(_interpr), identifier(ident) {} virtual void operator()(TVRLogic const& trig) const { throw EScriptExecError("VR logic not allowed in this receiver!"); } virtual void operator()(TVRArithmetic const& trig) const { throw EScriptExecError("VR arithmetic not allowed in this receiver!"); } virtual void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const = 0; template<typename OptionPerformer> void performOptionTakingOneParamter(const ERM::TNormalBodyOptionList & params) const { if(params.size() == 1) { ERM::TBodyOptionItem boi = params[0]; boost::apply_visitor( OptionPerformer(*const_cast<typename OptionPerformer::TReceiverType*>(static_cast<const typename OptionPerformer::TReceiverType*>(this))), boi); } else throw EScriptExecError("This receiver option takes exactly 1 parameter!"); } template<template <int opcode> class OptionPerformer> void performOptionTakingOneParamterWithIntDispatcher(const ERM::TNormalBodyOptionList & params) const { if(params.size() == 2) { int optNum = erm->getIexp(params[0]).getInt(); ERM::TBodyOptionItem boi = params[1]; switch(optNum) { case 0: boost::apply_visitor( OptionPerformer<0>(*const_cast<typename OptionPerformer<0>::TReceiverType*>(static_cast<const typename OptionPerformer<0>::TReceiverType*>(this))), boi); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong number of option code!"); break; } } else throw EScriptExecError("This receiver option takes exactly 2 parameters!"); } }; ////HE struct HEPerformer; template<int opcode> struct HE_BPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer> { explicit HE_BPerformer(HEPerformer & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer>(_owner) {} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; template<int opcode> void HE_BPerformer<opcode>::operator()( TIexp const& cmp ) const { throw EScriptExecError("Setting hero name is not implemented!"); } template<int opcode> struct HE_CPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer> { explicit HE_CPerformer(HEPerformer & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer>(_owner) {} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<HEPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; template<int opcode> void HE_CPerformer<opcode>::operator()( TIexp const& cmp ) const { throw EScriptExecError("Setting hero army is not implemented!"); } struct HEPerformer : StandardReceiverVisitor<const CGHeroInstance *> { HEPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr, const CGHeroInstance * hero) : StandardReceiverVisitor<const CGHeroInstance *>(_interpr, hero) {} using StandardReceiverVisitor<const CGHeroInstance *>::operator(); void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const OVERRIDE { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'B': { performOptionTakingOneParamterWithIntDispatcher<HE_BPerformer>(trig.params); } break; case 'C': { const ERM::TNormalBodyOptionList & params = trig.params; if(params.size() == 4) { if(erm->getIexp(params[0]).getInt() == 0) { int slot = erm->getIexp(params[1]).getInt(); const CStackInstance *stack = identifier->getStackPtr(slot); if(params[2].which() == 6) //varp { IexpValStr lhs = erm->getIexp(boost::get<ERM::TVarpExp>(params[2])); if(stack) lhs.setTo(stack->getCreatureID()); else lhs.setTo(-1); } else throw EScriptExecError("Setting stack creature type is not implemented!"); if(params[3].which() == 6) //varp { erm->getIexp(boost::get<ERM::TVarpExp>(params[3])).setTo(identifier->getStackCount(slot)); } else throw EScriptExecError("Setting stack count is not implemented!"); } else throw EScriptExecError("Slot number must be an evaluable i-exp"); } //todo else if(14 params) else throw EScriptExecError("Slot number must be an evaluable i-exp"); } break; case 'E': break; case 'N': break; default: break; } } }; struct IFPerformer; struct IF_MPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IFPerformer> { explicit IF_MPerformer(IFPerformer & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IFPerformer>(_owner){} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IFPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; //according to the ERM help: //"%%" -> "%" //"%V#" -> current value of # flag. //"%Vf"..."%Vt" -> current value of corresponding variable. //"%W1"..."%W100" -> current value of corresponding hero variable. //"%X1"..."%X16" -> current value of corresponding function parameter. //"%Y1"..."%Y100" -> current value of corresponding local variable. //"%Z1"..."%Z500" -> current value of corresponding string variable. //"%$macro$" -> macro name of corresponding variable //"%Dd" -> current day of week //"%Dw" -> current week //"%Dm" -> current month //"%Da" -> current day from beginning of the game //"%Gc" -> the color of current gamer in text struct StringFormatter { int pos; int tokenLength; int percentPos; int charsToReplace; std::string &msg; StringFormatter(std::string &MSG) : pos(0), msg(MSG) {} static void format(std::string &msg) { StringFormatter sf(msg); sf.format(); } // startpos is the first digit // digits will be converted to number and returned // ADDITIVE on digitsUsed int getNum() { int toAdd = 0; int numStart = percentPos + 2; int numEnd = msg.find_first_not_of("1234567890", numStart); if(numEnd == std::string::npos) toAdd = msg.size() - numStart; else toAdd = numEnd - numStart; charsToReplace += toAdd; return boost::lexical_cast<int>(msg.substr(numStart, toAdd)); } void format() { while(pos < msg.size()) { percentPos = msg.find_first_of('%', pos); charsToReplace = 1; //at least the same '%' needs to be replaced std::ostringstream replaceWithWhat; if(percentPos == std::string::npos) //processing done? break; if(percentPos + 1 >= msg.size()) //at least one character after % is required throw EScriptExecError("Formatting error: % at the end of string!"); charsToReplace++; //the sign after % is consumed switch(msg[percentPos+1]) { case '%': replaceWithWhat << '%'; break; case 'F': replaceWithWhat << erm->ermGlobalEnv->getFlag(getNum()); break; case 'V': if(std::isdigit(msg[percentPos + 2])) replaceWithWhat << erm->ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(getNum()); else { charsToReplace++; replaceWithWhat << erm->ermGlobalEnv->getQuickVar(msg[percentPos+2]); } break; case 'X': replaceWithWhat << erm->getVar("x", getNum()).getInt(); break; case 'Z': replaceWithWhat << erm->ermGlobalEnv->getZVar(getNum()); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Formatting error: unrecognized token indicator after %!"); } msg.replace(percentPos, charsToReplace, replaceWithWhat.str()); pos = percentPos + 1; } } }; struct IFPerformer : StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType> { IFPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr) : StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType>(_interpr, 0) {} using StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType>::operator(); void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const OVERRIDE { std::string message; //to be shown switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'M': //Show the message (Text) or contents of z$ variable on the screen immediately. performOptionTakingOneParamter<IF_MPerformer>(trig.params); break; default: break; } } void showMessage(const std::string &msg) { std::string msgToFormat = msg; StringFormatter::format(msgToFormat); acb->showInfoDialog(msgToFormat, icb->getLocalPlayer()); } }; void IF_MPerformer::operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const { owner.showMessage(cmp.str); } template<int opcode> void HE_BPerformer<opcode>::operator()( TVarpExp const& cmp ) const { erm->getIexp(cmp).setTo(owner.identifier->name); } template<int opcode> void HE_CPerformer<opcode>::operator()( TVarpExp const& cmp ) const { erm->getIexp(cmp).setTo(owner.identifier->name); } ////MA struct MAPerformer; struct MA_PPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<MAPerformer> { explicit MA_PPerformer(MAPerformer & _owner); using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<MAPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; struct MAPerformer : StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType> { MAPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr) : StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType>(_interpr, 0) {} using StandardReceiverVisitor<TUnusedType>::operator(); void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const OVERRIDE { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'A': //sgc monster attack break; case 'B': //spell? break; case 'P': //hit points { //TODO } break; default: break; } } }; void MA_PPerformer::operator()( TIexp const& cmp ) const { } void MA_PPerformer::operator()( TVarpExp const& cmp ) const { } ////MO struct MOPerformer; struct MO_GPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<MOPerformer> { explicit MO_GPerformer(MOPerformer & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<MOPerformer>(_owner) {} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<MOPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; struct MOPerformer: StandardReceiverVisitor<int3> { MOPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr, int3 pos) : StandardReceiverVisitor<int3>(_interpr, pos) {} using StandardReceiverVisitor<int3>::operator(); void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const OVERRIDE { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'G': { performOptionTakingOneParamter<MO_GPerformer>(trig.params); } break; default: break; } } }; void MO_GPerformer::operator()( TIexp const& cmp ) const { throw EScriptExecError("Setting monster count is not implemented yet!"); } void MO_GPerformer::operator()( TVarpExp const& cmp ) const { const CGCreature *cre = erm->getObjFromAs<CGCreature>(owner.identifier); erm->getIexp(cmp).setTo(cre->getStackCount(0)); } struct ConditionDisemboweler; //OB struct OBPerformer; struct OB_UPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<OBPerformer> { explicit OB_UPerformer(OBPerformer & owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<OBPerformer>(owner) {} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<OBPerformer>::operator(); virtual void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const; virtual void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const; }; struct OBPerformer : StandardReceiverVisitor<int3> { OBPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr, int3 objPos) : StandardReceiverVisitor<int3>(_interpr, objPos) {} using StandardReceiverVisitor<int3>::operator(); //it removes compilation error... not sure why it *must* be here void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'B': //removes description hint { //TODO } break; case 'C': //sgc of control word of object { //TODO } break; case 'D': //disable gamer to use object { //TODO } break; case 'E': //enable gamer to use object { //TODO } break; case 'H': //replace hint for object { //TODO } break; case 'M': //disabling messages and questions { //TODO } break; case 'R': //enable all gamers to use object { //TODO } break; case 'S': //disable all gamers to use object { //TODO } break; case 'T': //sgc of obj type { //TODO } break; case 'U': //sgc of obj subtype { performOptionTakingOneParamter<OB_UPerformer>(trig.params); } break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong OB receiver option!"); break; } } }; void OB_UPerformer::operator()( TIexp const& cmp ) const { IexpValStr val = owner.interp->getIexp(cmp); throw EScriptExecError("Setting subID is not implemented yet!"); } void OB_UPerformer::operator()( TVarpExp const& cmp ) const { IexpValStr val = owner.interp->getIexp(cmp); val.setTo(erm->getObjFrom(owner.identifier)->subID); } /////VR struct VRPerformer; struct VR_SPerformer : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<VRPerformer> { explicit VR_SPerformer(VRPerformer & _owner); using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<VRPerformer>::operator(); void operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE; }; struct VRPerformer : StandardReceiverVisitor<IexpValStr> { VRPerformer(ERMInterpreter * _interpr, IexpValStr ident) : StandardReceiverVisitor<IexpValStr>(_interpr, ident) {} void operator()(TVRLogic const& trig) const OVERRIDE { int valr = interp->getIexp(trig.var).getInt(); switch (trig.opcode) { case '&': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier.setTo(identifier.getInt() & valr); break; case '|': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier.setTo(identifier.getInt() | valr); break; case 'X': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier.setTo(identifier.getInt() ^ valr); break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Wrong opcode in VR logic expression!"); break; } } void operator()(TVRArithmetic const& trig) const OVERRIDE { IexpValStr rhs = interp->getIexp(trig.rhs); switch (trig.opcode) { case '+': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier += rhs; break; case '-': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier -= rhs; break; case '*': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier *= rhs; break; case ':': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier /= rhs; break; case '%': const_cast<VRPerformer*>(this)->identifier %= rhs; break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Wrong opcode in VR arithmetic!"); break; } } void operator()(TNormalBodyOption const& trig) const OVERRIDE { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'C': //setting/checking v vars { //TODO } break; case 'H': //checking if string is empty { //TODO } break; case 'M': //string operations { //TODO } break; case 'R': //random variables { //TODO } break; case 'S': //setting variable { performOptionTakingOneParamter<VR_SPerformer>(trig.params); } break; case 'T': //random variables { //TODO } break; case 'U': //search for a substring { //TODO } break; case 'V': //convert string to value { //TODO } break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong VR receiver option!"); break; } } }; VR_SPerformer::VR_SPerformer(VRPerformer & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<VRPerformer>(_owner) {} void VR_SPerformer::operator()(ERM::TIexp const& trig) const { owner.identifier.setTo(owner.interp->getIexp(trig)); } void VR_SPerformer::operator()(TStringConstant const& cmp) const { owner.identifier.setTo(cmp.str); } ///// struct ERMExpDispatch : boost::static_visitor<> { struct HLP { int3 getPosFromIdentifier(ERM::Tidentifier tid, bool allowDummyFourth) { switch(tid.size()) { case 1: { int num = erm->getIexp(tid[0]).getInt(); return int3(erm->ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(num), erm->ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(num+1), erm->ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(num+2)); } break; case 3: case 4: if(tid.size() == 4 && !allowDummyFourth) throw EScriptExecError("4 items in identifier are not allowed for this receiver!"); return int3(erm->getIexp(tid[0]).getInt(), erm->getIexp(tid[1]).getInt(), erm->getIexp(tid[2]).getInt()); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("This receiver takes 1 or 3 items in identifier!"); break; } } template <typename Visitor> void performBody(const boost::optional<ERM::Tbody> & body, const Visitor& visitor) { if(body.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tbody bo = body.get(); for(int g=0; g<bo.size(); ++g) { boost::apply_visitor(visitor, bo[g]); } } } }; void operator()(Ttrigger const& trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("Triggers cannot be executed!"); } void operator()(Tinstruction const& trig) const { } void operator()(Treceiver const& trig) const { HLP helper; //check condition if(trig.condition.is_initialized()) { if( !erm->checkCondition(trig.condition.get()) ) return; } if(trig.name == "VR") { //perform operations if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier ident = trig.identifier.get(); if(ident.size() == 1) { IexpValStr ievs = erm->getIexp(ident[0]); //see body helper.performBody(trig.body, VRPerformer(erm, ievs)); } else throw EScriptExecError("VR receiver must be used with exactly one identifier item!"); } else throw EScriptExecError("VR receiver must be used with an identifier!"); } else if(trig.name == "DO") { //perform operations if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); if(tid.size() != 4) { throw EScriptExecError("DO receiver takes exactly 4 arguments"); } int funNum = erm->getIexp(tid[0]).getInt(), startVal = erm->getIexp(tid[1]).getInt(), stopVal = erm->getIexp(tid[2]).getInt(), increment = erm->getIexp(tid[3]).getInt(); for(int it = startVal; it < stopVal; it += increment) { std::vector<int> params(FunctionLocalVars::NUM_PARAMETERS, 0); params.back() = it; //owner->getFuncVars(funNum)->getParam(16) = it; ERMInterpreter::TIDPattern tip; std::vector<int> v1; v1 += funNum; insert(tip) (v1.size(), v1); erm->executeTriggerType(TriggerType("FU"), true, tip, params); it = erm->getFuncVars(funNum)->getParam(16); } } } else if(trig.name == "MA") { if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { throw EScriptExecError("MA receiver doesn't take the identifier!"); } helper.performBody(trig.body, MAPerformer(erm)); } else if(trig.name == "MO") { int3 objPos; if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); objPos = HLP().getPosFromIdentifier(tid, true); helper.performBody(trig.body, MOPerformer(erm, objPos)); } else throw EScriptExecError("MO receiver must have an identifier!"); } else if(trig.name == "OB") { int3 objPos; if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); objPos = HLP().getPosFromIdentifier(tid, false); helper.performBody(trig.body, OBPerformer(erm, objPos)); } else throw EScriptExecError("OB receiver must have an identifier!"); } else if(trig.name == "HE") { const CGHeroInstance * hero = NULL; if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); switch(tid.size()) { case 1: { int heroNum = erm->getIexp(tid[0]).getInt(); if(heroNum == -1) hero = icb->getSelectedHero(); else hero = icb->getHeroWithSubid(heroNum); } break; case 3: { int3 pos = helper.getPosFromIdentifier(tid, false); hero = erm->getObjFromAs<CGHeroInstance>(pos); } break; default: throw EScriptExecError("HE receiver takes 1 or 3 items in identifier"); break; } helper.performBody(trig.body, HEPerformer(erm, hero)); } else throw EScriptExecError("HE receiver must have an identifier!"); } else if(trig.name == "IF") { helper.performBody(trig.body, IFPerformer(erm)); } else { tlog3 << trig.name << " receiver is not supported yet, doing nothing...\n"; //not supported or invalid trigger } } void operator()(TPostTrigger const& trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("Post-triggers cannot be executed!"); } }; struct CommandExec : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(Tcommand const& cmd) const { boost::apply_visitor(ERMExpDispatch(), cmd.cmd); std::cout << "Line comment: " << cmd.comment << std::endl; } void operator()(std::string const& comment) const { //comment - do nothing } void operator()(spirit::unused_type const& nothing) const { //nothing - do nothing } }; struct LineExec : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(TVExp const& cmd) const { VNode line(cmd); erm->eval(line); } void operator()(TERMline const& cmd) const { boost::apply_visitor(CommandExec(), cmd); } }; ///////// void ERMInterpreter::executeLine( const LinePointer & lp ) { tlog0 << "Executing line nr " << getRealLine(lp) << " (internal " << lp.lineNum << ") from " << lp.file->filename << std::endl; executeLine(scripts[lp]); } void ERMInterpreter::executeLine(const ERM::TLine &line) { boost::apply_visitor(LineExec(), line); } IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getVar(std::string toFollow, boost::optional<int> initVal) const { IexpValStr ret; ret.type = IexpValStr::WRONGVAL; int initV; bool hasInit = false; if(initVal.is_initialized()) { initV = initVal.get(); hasInit = true; } int endNum = 0; if(toFollow[0] == 'd') { endNum = 1; //TODO: support } if(toFollow.size() == 0) { if(hasInit) ret = IexpValStr(initV); else throw EIexpProblem("No input to getVar!"); return ret; } //now we have at least one element in toFollow for(int b=toFollow.size()-1; b>=endNum; --b) { bool retIt = b == endNum/*+1*/; //if we should return the value are currently at char cr = toFollow[b]; if(cr == 'c')//write number of current day { //TODO } else if(cr == 'd') //info for external env - add i/o set { throw EIexpProblem("d inside i-expression not allowed!"); } else if(cr == 'e') { if(hasInit) { if(retIt) { //these C-style cast is here just to shut up compiler errors if(initV > 0 && initV <= FunctionLocalVars::NUM_FLOATINGS) { if(curFunc) ret = IexpValStr(&curFunc->getFloat(initV)); else throw EIexpProblem("Function context not available!"); } else if(initV < 0 && initV >= -TriggerLocalVars::EVAR_NUM) { if(curTrigger) ret = IexpValStr(&curTrigger->ermLocalVars.getEvar(initV)); else throw EIexpProblem("No trigger context available!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("index " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(initV) + " not allowed for e array"); } else throw EIexpProblem("e variables cannot appear in this context"); } else throw EIexpProblem("e variables cannot appear in this context"); } else if(cr >= 'f' && cr <= 't') { if(retIt) ret = IexpValStr(&ermGlobalEnv->getQuickVar(cr)); else { if(hasInit) throw EIexpProblem("quick variables cannot be used in this context"); else { initV = ermGlobalEnv->getQuickVar(cr); hasInit = true; } } } else if(cr == 'v') //standard variables { if(hasInit) { if(retIt) ret = IexpValStr(&ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(initV)); else initV = ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(initV); } else throw EIexpProblem("standard variable cannot be used in this context!"); } else if(cr == 'w') //local hero variables { //TODO } else if(cr == 'x') //function parameters { if(hasInit) { if(curFunc) { if(retIt) ret = IexpValStr(&curFunc->getParam(initV)); else initV = curFunc->getParam(initV); } else throw EIexpProblem("Function parameters cannot be used outside a function!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("Specify which function parameter should be used"); } else if(cr == 'y') { if(hasInit) { if(initV > 0 && initV <= FunctionLocalVars::NUM_LOCALS) { int &valPtr = curFunc ? curFunc->getLocal(initV) : const_cast<ERMInterpreter&>(*this).getFuncVars(0)->getLocal(initV); //retreive local var if in function or use global set otherwise if(retIt) ret = IexpValStr(&valPtr); else initV = curFunc->getLocal(initV); } else if(initV < 0 && initV >= -TriggerLocalVars::YVAR_NUM) { if(curTrigger) { if(retIt) ret = IexpValStr(&curTrigger->ermLocalVars.getYvar(initV)); else initV = curTrigger->ermLocalVars.getYvar(initV); } else throw EIexpProblem("Trigger local variables cannot be used outside triggers!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("Wrong argument for function local variable!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("y variable cannot be used in this context!"); } else if(cr == 'z') { if(hasInit) { if(retIt) { //these C-style casts are here just to shut up compiler errors if(initV > 0 ) ret = IexpValStr(&ermGlobalEnv->getZVar(initV)); else if(initV < 0) { if(curFunc) ret = IexpValStr(&curFunc->getString(initV)); else throw EIexpProblem("Function local string variables cannot be used outside functions!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("Wrong parameter for string variable!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("String variables can only be returned!"); } else throw EIexpProblem("String variables cannot be used in this context!"); } else { throw EIexpProblem(std::string("Symbol ") + cr + " is not allowed in this context!"); } } ret.name = toFollow; if(initVal.is_initialized()) { ret.name += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(initVal.get()); } return ret; } namespace IexpDisemboweler { enum EDir{GET, SET}; } struct LVL2IexpDisemboweler : boost::static_visitor<IexpValStr> { /*const*/ ERMInterpreter * env; IexpDisemboweler::EDir dir; LVL2IexpDisemboweler(/*const*/ ERMInterpreter * _env, IexpDisemboweler::EDir _dir) : env(_env), dir(_dir) //writes value to given var {} IexpValStr processNotMacro(const TVarExpNotMacro & val) const { if(val.questionMark.is_initialized()) throw EIexpProblem("Question marks ('?') are not allowed in getter i-expressions"); //const-cast just to do some code-reuse... return env->getVar(val.varsym, val.val); } IexpValStr operator()(TVarExpNotMacro const& val) const { return processNotMacro(val); } IexpValStr operator()(TMacroUsage const& val) const { return env->getIexp(val); } }; struct LVL1IexpDisemboweler : boost::static_visitor<IexpValStr> { /*const*/ ERMInterpreter * env; IexpDisemboweler::EDir dir; LVL1IexpDisemboweler(/*const*/ ERMInterpreter * _env, IexpDisemboweler::EDir _dir) : env(_env), dir(_dir) //writes value to given var {} IexpValStr operator()(int const & constant) const { if(dir == IexpDisemboweler::GET) { return IexpValStr(constant); } else { throw EIexpProblem("Cannot set a constant!"); } } IexpValStr operator()(TVarExp const & var) const { return boost::apply_visitor(LVL2IexpDisemboweler(env, dir), var); } }; IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getIexp( const ERM::TIexp & iexp ) const { return boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpDisemboweler(const_cast<ERMInterpreter*>(this), IexpDisemboweler::GET), iexp); } IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getIexp( const ERM::TMacroUsage & macro ) const { std::map<std::string, ERM::TVarExpNotMacro>::const_iterator it = ermGlobalEnv->macroBindings.find(macro.macro); if(it == ermGlobalEnv->macroBindings.end()) throw EUsageOfUndefinedMacro(macro.macro); return getVar(it->second.varsym, it->second.val); } IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getIexp( const ERM::TIdentifierInternal & tid ) const { if(tid.which() == 0) { return getIexp(boost::get<ERM::TIexp>(tid)); } else throw EScriptExecError("Identifier must be a valid i-expression to perform this operation!"); } IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getIexp( const ERM::TVarpExp & tid ) const { return boost::apply_visitor(LVL2IexpDisemboweler(const_cast<ERMInterpreter*>(this), IexpDisemboweler::GET), tid.var); } struct LVL3BodyOptionItemVisitor : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IexpValStr> { explicit LVL3BodyOptionItemVisitor(IexpValStr & _owner) : StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IexpValStr>(_owner) {} using StandardBodyOptionItemVisitor<IexpValStr>::operator(); void operator()(TIexp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE { owner = erm->getIexp(cmp); } void operator()(TVarpExp const& cmp) const OVERRIDE { owner = erm->getIexp(cmp); } }; IexpValStr ERMInterpreter::getIexp( const ERM::TBodyOptionItem & opit ) const { IexpValStr ret; boost::apply_visitor(LVL3BodyOptionItemVisitor(ret), opit); return ret; } void ERMInterpreter::executeTriggerType( VERMInterpreter::TriggerType tt, bool pre, const TIDPattern & identifier, const std::vector<int> &funParams/*=std::vector<int>()*/ ) { struct HLP { static int calcFunNum(VERMInterpreter::TriggerType tt, const TIDPattern & identifier) { if(tt.type != VERMInterpreter::TriggerType::FU) return -1; return identifier.begin()->second[0]; } }; TtriggerListType & triggerList = pre ? triggers : postTriggers; TriggerIdentifierMatch tim; tim.allowNoIdetifier = true; tim.ermEnv = this; tim.matchToIt = identifier; std::vector<Trigger> & triggersToTry = triggerList[tt]; for(int g=0; g<triggersToTry.size(); ++g) { if(tim.tryMatch(&triggersToTry[g])) { curTrigger = &triggersToTry[g]; executeTrigger(triggersToTry[g], HLP::calcFunNum(tt, identifier), funParams); } } } void ERMInterpreter::executeTriggerType(const char *trigger, int id) { TIDPattern tip; tip[0] = std::vector<int>(1, id); executeTriggerType(VERMInterpreter::TriggerType(trigger), true, tip); } void ERMInterpreter::executeTriggerType(const char *trigger) { executeTriggerType(VERMInterpreter::TriggerType(trigger), true, TIDPattern()); } ERM::TTriggerBase & ERMInterpreter::retrieveTrigger( ERM::TLine &line ) { if(line.which() == 1) { ERM::TERMline &tl = boost::get<ERM::TERMline>(line); if(tl.which() == 0) { ERM::Tcommand &tcm = boost::get<ERM::Tcommand>(tl); if(tcm.cmd.which() == 0) { return boost::get<ERM::Ttrigger>(tcm.cmd); } else if(tcm.cmd.which() == 3) { return boost::get<ERM::TPostTrigger>(tcm.cmd); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not a trigger!"); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not a command!"); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not an ERM trigger!"); } template<typename T> bool compareExp(const T & lhs, const T & rhs, std::string op) { if(op == "<") { return lhs < rhs; } else if(op == ">") { return lhs > rhs; } else if(op == ">=" || op == "=>") { return lhs >= rhs; } else if(op == "<=" || op == "=<") { return lhs <= rhs; } else if(op == "==") { return lhs == rhs; } else if(op == "<>" || op == "><") { return lhs != rhs; } else throw EScriptExecError(std::string("Wrong comparison sign: ") + op); } struct ConditionDisemboweler : boost::static_visitor<bool> { ConditionDisemboweler(ERMInterpreter * _ei) : ei(_ei) {} bool operator()(TComparison const & cmp) const { IexpValStr lhs = ei->getIexp(cmp.lhs), rhs = ei->getIexp(cmp.rhs); switch (lhs.type) { case IexpValStr::FLOATVAR: switch (rhs.type) { case IexpValStr::FLOATVAR: return compareExp(lhs.getFloat(), rhs.getFloat(), cmp.compSign); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Incompatible types for comparison"); } break; case IexpValStr::INT: case IexpValStr::INTVAR: switch (rhs.type) { case IexpValStr::INT: case IexpValStr::INTVAR: return compareExp(lhs.getInt(), rhs.getInt(), cmp.compSign); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Incompatible types for comparison"); } break; case IexpValStr::STRINGVAR: switch (rhs.type) { case IexpValStr::STRINGVAR: return compareExp(lhs.getString(), rhs.getString(), cmp.compSign); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Incompatible types for comparison"); } break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong type of left iexp!"); } //we should never reach this place } bool operator()(int const & flag) const { return ei->ermGlobalEnv->getFlag(flag); } private: ERMInterpreter * ei; }; bool ERMInterpreter::checkCondition( ERM::Tcondition cond ) { bool ret = boost::apply_visitor(ConditionDisemboweler(this), cond.cond); if(cond.rhs.is_initialized()) { //taking care of rhs expression bool rhs = checkCondition(cond.rhs.get().get()); switch (cond.ctype) { case '&': ret &= rhs; break; case '|': ret |= rhs; break; case 'X': ret ^= rhs; break; default: throw EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Strange - wrong condition connection (") + cond.ctype + ") !"); break; } } return ret; } FunctionLocalVars * ERMInterpreter::getFuncVars( int funNum ) { if(funNum >= ARRAY_COUNT(funcVars) || funNum < 0) throw EScriptExecError("Attempt of accessing variables of function with index out of boundaries!"); return funcVars + funNum; } void ERMInterpreter::executeInstructions() { //TODO implement me } int ERMInterpreter::getRealLine(const LinePointer &lp) { for(std::map<VERMInterpreter::LinePointer, ERM::TLine>::const_iterator i = scripts.begin(); i != scripts.end(); i++) if(i->first.lineNum == lp.lineNum && i->first.file->filename == lp.file->filename) return i->first.realLineNum; return -1; } void ERMInterpreter::setCurrentlyVisitedObj( int3 pos ) { ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(998) = pos.x; ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(999) = pos.y; ermGlobalEnv->getStandardVar(1000) = pos.z; } const std::string ERMInterpreter::triggerSymbol = "trigger"; const std::string ERMInterpreter::postTriggerSymbol = "postTrigger"; const std::string ERMInterpreter::defunSymbol = "defun"; struct TriggerIdMatchHelper : boost::static_visitor<> { int & ret; ERMInterpreter * interpreter; Trigger * trig; TriggerIdMatchHelper(int & b, ERMInterpreter * ermint, Trigger * _trig) : ret(b), interpreter(ermint), trig(_trig) {} void operator()(TIexp const& iexp) const { IexpValStr val = interpreter->getIexp(iexp); switch(val.type) { case IexpValStr::INT: case IexpValStr::INTVAR: ret = val.getInt(); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Incompatible i-exp type!"); break; } } void operator()(TArithmeticOp const& arop) const { //error?!? } }; bool TriggerIdentifierMatch::tryMatch( Trigger * interptrig ) const { bool ret = true; const ERM::TTriggerBase & trig = ERMInterpreter::retrieveTrigger(ermEnv->retrieveLine(interptrig->line)); if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); std::map< int, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator it = matchToIt.find(tid.size()); if(it == matchToIt.end()) ret = false; else { const std::vector<int> & pattern = it->second; for(int g=0; g<pattern.size(); ++g) { int val = -1; boost::apply_visitor(TriggerIdMatchHelper(val, ermEnv, interptrig), tid[g]); if(pattern[g] != val) { ret = false; } } } } else { ret = allowNoIdetifier; } //check condition if(ret) { if(trig.condition.is_initialized()) { return ermEnv->checkCondition(trig.condition.get()); } else //no condition return true; } else return false; } VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment::ERMEnvironment() { for(int g=0; g<NUM_QUICKS; ++g) quickVars[g] = 0; for(int g=0; g<NUM_STANDARDS; ++g) standardVars[g] = 0; //string should be automatically initialized to "" for(int g=0; g<NUM_FLAGS; ++g) flags[g] = false; } int & VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment::getQuickVar( const char letter ) { assert(letter >= 'f' && letter <= 't'); //it should be check by another function, just making sure here return quickVars[letter - 'f']; } int & VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment::getStandardVar( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_STANDARDS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of standard variable out of bounds"); return standardVars[num-1]; } std::string & VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment::getZVar( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_STRINGS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of string variable out of bounds"); return strings[num-1]; } bool & VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment::getFlag( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_FLAGS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of flag out of bounds"); return flags[num-1]; } VERMInterpreter::TriggerLocalVars::TriggerLocalVars() { for(int g=0; g<EVAR_NUM; ++g) evar[g] = 0.0; for(int g=0; g<YVAR_NUM; ++g) yvar[g] = 0; } double & VERMInterpreter::TriggerLocalVars::getEvar( int num ) { num = -num; if(num < 1 || num > EVAR_NUM) throw EScriptExecError("Number of trigger local floating point variable out of bounds"); return evar[num-1]; } int & VERMInterpreter::TriggerLocalVars::getYvar( int num ) { num = -num; //we handle negative indices if(num < 1 || num > YVAR_NUM) throw EScriptExecError("Number of trigger local variable out of bounds"); return yvar[num-1]; } bool VERMInterpreter::Environment::isBound( const std::string & name, EIsBoundMode mode ) const { std::map<std::string, VOption>::const_iterator it = symbols.find(name); if(mode == LOCAL_ONLY) { return it != symbols.end(); } if(mode == GLOBAL_ONLY && parent) { return parent->isBound(name, mode); } //we have it; if globalOnly is true, lexical parent is false here so we are global env if(it != symbols.end()) return true; //here, we don;t have it; but parent can have if(parent) return parent->isBound(name, mode); return false; } VOption & VERMInterpreter::Environment::retrieveValue( const std::string & name ) { std::map<std::string, VOption>::iterator it = symbols.find(name); if(it == symbols.end()) { if(parent) { return parent->retrieveValue(name); } throw ESymbolNotFound(name); } return it->second; } bool VERMInterpreter::Environment::unbind( const std::string & name, EUnbindMode mode ) { if(isBound(name, ANYWHERE)) { if(symbols.find(name) != symbols.end()) //result of isBound could be from higher lexical env symbols.erase(symbols.find(name)); if(mode == FULLY_RECURSIVE && parent) parent->unbind(name, mode); return true; } if(parent && (mode == RECURSIVE_UNTIL_HIT || mode == FULLY_RECURSIVE)) return parent->unbind(name, mode); //neither bound nor have lexical parent return false; } void VERMInterpreter::Environment::localBind( std::string name, const VOption & sym ) { symbols[name] = sym; } void VERMInterpreter::Environment::setPatent( Environment * _parent ) { parent = _parent; } Environment * VERMInterpreter::Environment::getPatent() const { return parent; } void VERMInterpreter::Environment::bindAtFirstHit( std::string name, const VOption & sym ) { if(isBound(name, Environment::LOCAL_ONLY) || !parent) localBind(name, sym); else parent->bindAtFirstHit(name, sym); } int & VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars::getParam( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_PARAMETERS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of parameter out of bounds"); return params[num-1]; } int & VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars::getLocal( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_LOCALS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of local variable out of bounds"); return locals[num-1]; } std::string & VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars::getString( int num ) { num = -num; //we deal with negative indices if(num < 1 || num > NUM_PARAMETERS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of function local string variable out of bounds"); return strings[num-1]; } double & VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars::getFloat( int num ) { if(num < 1 || num > NUM_FLOATINGS) throw EScriptExecError("Number of float var out of bounds"); return floats[num-1]; } void VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars::reset() { for(int g=0; g<ARRAY_COUNT(params); ++g) params[g] = 0; for(int g=0; g<ARRAY_COUNT(locals); ++g) locals[g] = 0; for(int g=0; g<ARRAY_COUNT(strings); ++g) strings[g] = ""; for(int g=0; g<ARRAY_COUNT(floats); ++g) floats[g] = 0.0; } void IexpValStr::setTo( const IexpValStr & second ) { DBG_PRINT("setting " << getName() << " to " << second.getName()); switch(type) { case IexpValStr::FLOATVAR: *val.flvar = second.getFloat(); break; case IexpValStr::INT: throw EScriptExecError("VR S: value not assignable!"); break; case IexpValStr::INTVAR: *val.integervar = second.getInt(); break; case IexpValStr::STRINGVAR: *val.stringvar = second.getString(); break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong type of identifier iexp!"); } } void IexpValStr::setTo( int val ) { DBG_PRINT("setting " << getName() << " to " << val); switch(type) { case INTVAR: *this->val.integervar = val; break; default: throw EIexpProblem("Incompatible type!"); break; } } void IexpValStr::setTo( float val ) { DBG_PRINT("setting " << getName() << " to " << val); switch(type) { case FLOATVAR: *this->val.flvar = val; break; default: throw EIexpProblem("Incompatible type!"); break; } } void IexpValStr::setTo( const std::string & val ) { DBG_PRINT("setting " << getName() << " to " << val); switch(type) { case STRINGVAR: *this->val.stringvar = val; break; default: throw EIexpProblem("Incompatible type!"); break; } } int IexpValStr::getInt() const { switch(type) { case IexpValStr::INT: return val.val; break; case IexpValStr::INTVAR: return *val.integervar; break; default: throw EIexpProblem("Cannot get iexp as int!"); break; } } float IexpValStr::getFloat() const { switch(type) { case IexpValStr::FLOATVAR: return *val.flvar; break; default: throw EIexpProblem("Cannot get iexp as float!"); break; } } std::string IexpValStr::getString() const { switch(type) { case IexpValStr::STRINGVAR: return *val.stringvar; break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Cannot get iexp as string!"); break; } } std::string IexpValStr::getName() const { if(name.size()) { return name; } else if(type == IexpValStr::INT) { return "Literal " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(getInt()); } else return "Unknown variable"; } void ERMInterpreter::init() { ermGlobalEnv = new ERMEnvironment(); globalEnv = new Environment(); //TODO: reset? for(int g = 0; g < ARRAY_COUNT(funcVars); ++g) funcVars[g].reset(); scanForScripts(); scanScripts(); executeInstructions(); executeTriggerType("PI"); } void ERMInterpreter::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance *visitor, const CGObjectInstance *visitedObj, bool start) { if(!visitedObj) return; setCurrentlyVisitedObj(visitedObj->pos); TIDPattern tip; tip[1] = list_of(visitedObj->ID); tip[2] = list_of(visitedObj->ID)(visitedObj->subID); tip[3] = list_of(visitedObj->pos.x)(visitedObj->pos.y)(visitedObj->pos.z); executeTriggerType(VERMInterpreter::TriggerType("OB"), start, tip); } void ERMInterpreter::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) { executeTriggerType("BA", 0); executeTriggerType("BR", -1); executeTriggerType("BF", 0); //TODO tactics or not } const CGObjectInstance * ERMInterpreter::getObjFrom( int3 pos ) { std::vector<const CGObjectInstance * > objs = icb->getVisitableObjs(pos); if(!objs.size()) throw EScriptExecError("Attempt to obtain access to nonexistent object!"); return objs.back(); } struct VOptionPrinter : boost::static_visitor<> { void operator()(VNIL const& opt) const { tlog1 << "VNIL"; } void operator()(VNode const& opt) const { tlog1 << "--vnode (will be supported in future versions)--"; } void operator()(VSymbol const& opt) const { tlog1 << opt.text; } void operator()(TLiteral const& opt) const { tlog1 << opt; } void operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& opt) const { tlog1 << "--erm command (will be supported in future versions)--"; } void operator()(VFunc const& opt) const { tlog1 << "function"; } }; struct _SbackquoteEval : boost::static_visitor<VOption> { VOption operator()(VNIL const& opt) const { return opt; } VOption operator()(VNode const& opt) const { VNode ret = opt; if(opt.children.size() == 2) { VOption fo = opt.children[0]; if(isA<VSymbol>(fo)) { if(getAs<VSymbol>(fo).text == "comma") { return erm->eval(opt.children[1]); } } } for(int g=0; g<opt.children.size(); ++g) { ret.children[g] = boost::apply_visitor(_SbackquoteEval(), ret.children[g]); } return ret; } VOption operator()(VSymbol const& opt) const { return opt; } VOption operator()(TLiteral const& opt) const { return opt; } VOption operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& opt) const { boost::apply_visitor(ERMExpDispatch(), opt.cmd); return opt; } VOption operator()(VFunc const& opt) const { return opt; } }; struct VNodeEvaluator : boost::static_visitor<VOption> { Environment & env; VNode & exp; VNodeEvaluator(Environment & _env, VNode & _exp) : env(_env), exp(_exp) {} VOption operator()(VNIL const& opt) const { throw EVermScriptExecError("Nil does not evaluate to a function"); } VOption operator()(VNode const& opt) const { //otherwise... VNode tmpn(exp); tmpn.children.car() = erm->eval(opt); VFunc fun = getAs<VFunc>(tmpn.children.car().getAsItem()); return fun(tmpn.children.cdr()); } VOption operator()(VSymbol const& opt) const { std::map<std::string, VFunc::Eopt> symToFunc = boost::assign::map_list_of ("<", VFunc::LT)("<=", VFunc::LE)(">", VFunc::GT)(">=", VFunc::GE)("=", VFunc::EQ)("+", VFunc::ADD)("-", VFunc::SUB) ("*", VFunc::MULT)("/", VFunc::DIV)("%", VFunc::MOD); //check keywords if(opt.text == "quote") { if(exp.children.size() == 2) return exp.children[1]; else throw EVermScriptExecError("quote special form takes only one argument"); } else if(opt.text == "backquote") { if(exp.children.size() == 2) return boost::apply_visitor(_SbackquoteEval(), exp.children[1]); else throw EVermScriptExecError("backquote special form takes only one argument"); } else if(opt.text == "if") { if(exp.children.size() > 4) throw EVermScriptExecError("if statement takes no more than three arguments"); if( !isA<VNIL>(erm->eval(exp.children[1]) ) ) { if(exp.children.size() > 2) return erm->eval(exp.children[2]); else throw EVermScriptExecError("this if form needs at least two arguments"); } else { if(exp.children.size() > 3) return erm->eval(exp.children[3]); else throw EVermScriptExecError("this if form needs at least three arguments"); } } else if(opt.text == "lambda") { if(exp.children.size() <= 2) { throw EVermScriptExecError("Too few arguments for lambda special form"); } VFunc ret(exp.children.cdr().getAsCDR().getAsList()); VNode arglist = getAs<VNode>(exp.children[1]); for(int g=0; g<arglist.children.size(); ++g) { ret.args.push_back(getAs<VSymbol>(arglist.children[g])); } return ret; } else if(opt.text == "print") { if(exp.children.size() == 2) { VOption printed = erm->eval(exp.children[1]); boost::apply_visitor(VOptionPrinter(), printed); return printed; } else throw EVermScriptExecError("print special form takes only one argument"); } else if(opt.text == "setq") { if(exp.children.size() != 3) throw EVermScriptExecError("setq special form takes exactly 2 arguments"); env.bindAtFirstHit( getAs<VSymbol>(exp.children[1]).text, erm->eval(exp.children[2])); return getAs<VSymbol>(exp.children[1]); } else if(opt.text == "defun") { if(exp.children.size() < 4) { throw EVermScriptExecError("defun special form takes at least 3 arguments"); } VFunc f(exp.children.cdr().getAsCDR().getAsCDR().getAsList()); VNode arglist = getAs<VNode>(exp.children[2]); for(int g=0; g<arglist.children.size(); ++g) { f.args.push_back(getAs<VSymbol>(arglist.children[g])); } env.localBind(getAs<VSymbol>(exp.children[1]).text, f); return f; } else if(opt.text == "defmacro") { if(exp.children.size() < 4) { throw EVermScriptExecError("defmacro special form takes at least 3 arguments"); } VFunc f(exp.children.cdr().getAsCDR().getAsCDR().getAsList(), true); VNode arglist = getAs<VNode>(exp.children[2]); for(int g=0; g<arglist.children.size(); ++g) { f.args.push_back(getAs<VSymbol>(arglist.children[g])); } env.localBind(getAs<VSymbol>(exp.children[1]).text, f); return f; } else if(opt.text == "progn") { for(int g=1; g<exp.children.size(); ++g) { if(g < exp.children.size()-1) erm->eval(exp.children[g]); else return erm->eval(exp.children[g]); } return VNIL(); } else if(opt.text == "do") //evaluates second argument as long first evaluates to non-nil { if(exp.children.size() != 3) { throw EVermScriptExecError("do special form takes exactly 2 arguments"); } while(!isA<VNIL>(erm->eval(exp.children[1]))) { erm->eval(exp.children[2]); } return VNIL(); } //"apply" part of eval, a bit blurred in this implementation but this way it looks good too else if(symToFunc.find(opt.text) != symToFunc.end()) { VFunc f(symToFunc[opt.text]); if(f.macro) { return f(exp.children.cdr()); } else { VOptionList ls = erm->evalEach(exp.children.cdr()); return f(VermTreeIterator(ls)); } } else if(topDyn->isBound(opt.text, Environment::ANYWHERE)) { VOption & bValue = topDyn->retrieveValue(opt.text); if(!isA<VFunc>(bValue)) { throw EVermScriptExecError("This value does not evaluate to a function!"); } VFunc f = getAs<VFunc>(bValue); VOptionList ls = f.macro ? exp.children.cdr().getAsList() : erm->evalEach(exp.children.cdr()); return f(VermTreeIterator(ls)); } tlog1 << "Cannot evaluate: \n"; printVOption(exp); throw EVermScriptExecError("Cannot evaluate given expression"); } VOption operator()(TLiteral const& opt) const { throw EVermScriptExecError("String literal does not evaluate to a function"); } VOption operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& opt) const { throw EVermScriptExecError("ERM command does not evaluate to a function"); } VOption operator()(VFunc const& opt) const { return opt; } }; struct VEvaluator : boost::static_visitor<VOption> { Environment & env; VEvaluator(Environment & _env) : env(_env) {} VOption operator()(VNIL const& opt) const { return opt; } VOption operator()(VNode const& opt) const { if(opt.children.size() == 0) return VNIL(); else { VOption & car = const_cast<VNode&>(opt).children.car().getAsItem(); return boost::apply_visitor(VNodeEvaluator(env, const_cast<VNode&>(opt)), car); } } VOption operator()(VSymbol const& opt) const { return env.retrieveValue(opt.text); } VOption operator()(TLiteral const& opt) const { return opt; } VOption operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& opt) const { return VNIL(); } VOption operator()(VFunc const& opt) const { return opt; } }; VOption ERMInterpreter::eval( VOption line, Environment * env /*= NULL*/ ) { // if(line.children.isNil()) // return; // // VOption & car = line.children.car().getAsItem(); tlog1 << "\tevaluating "; printVOption(line); return boost::apply_visitor(VEvaluator(env ? *env : *topDyn), line); } VOptionList ERMInterpreter::evalEach( VermTreeIterator list, Environment * env /*= NULL*/ ) { VOptionList ret; for(int g=0; g<list.size(); ++g) { ret.push_back(eval(list.getIth(g), env)); } return ret; } void ERMInterpreter::executeUserCommand(const std::string &cmd) { tlog0 << "ERM here: received command: " << cmd << std::endl; if(cmd.size() < 3) { tlog1 << "That can't be a valid command...\n"; return; } try { if(cmd[0] == '!') //should be a neat (V)ERM command { ERM::TLine line = ERMParser::parseLine(cmd); executeLine(line); } } catch(std::exception &e) { tlog1 << "Failed executing user command! Exception info:\n\t" << e.what() << std::endl; } } void ERMInterpreter::giveInfoCB(CPrivilagedInfoCallback *cb) { icb = cb; } void ERMInterpreter::giveActionCB(IGameEventRealizer *cb) { acb = cb; } namespace VERMInterpreter { VOption convertToVOption(const ERM::TVOption & tvo) { return boost::apply_visitor(OptionConverterVisitor(), tvo); } VNode::VNode( const ERM::TVExp & exp ) { for(int i=0; i<exp.children.size(); ++i) { children.push_back(convertToVOption(exp.children[i])); } processModifierList(exp.modifier, false); } VNode::VNode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest ) /*merges given arguments into [a, rest] */ { setVnode(first, rest); } VNode::VNode( const VOptionList & cdren ) : children(cdren) {} VNode::VNode( const ERM::TSymbol & sym ) { children.car() = VSymbol(sym.sym); processModifierList(sym.symModifier, true); } void VNode::setVnode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest ) { children.car() = first; children.cdr() = rest; } void VNode::processModifierList( const std::vector<TVModifier> & modifierList, bool asSymbol ) { for(int g=0; g<modifierList.size(); ++g) { if(asSymbol) { children.resize(children.size()+1); for(int i=children.size()-1; i >0; i--) { children[i] = children[i-1]; } } else { children.cdr() = VNode(children); } if(modifierList[g] == "`") { children.car() = VSymbol("backquote"); } else if(modifierList[g] == ",!") { children.car() = VSymbol("comma-unlist"); } else if(modifierList[g] == ",") { children.car() = VSymbol("comma"); } else if(modifierList[g] == "#'") { children.car() = VSymbol("get-func"); } else if(modifierList[g] == "'") { children.car() = VSymbol("quote"); } else throw EInterpreterError("Incorrect value of modifier!"); } } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const VOption & opt ) { switch (state) { case CAR: if(parent->size() <= basePos) parent->push_back(opt); else (*parent)[basePos] = opt; break; case NORM: parent->resize(basePos+1); (*parent)[basePos] = opt; break; default://should never happen break; } return *this; } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const std::vector<VOption> & opt ) { switch (state) { case CAR: //TODO: implement me break; case NORM: parent->resize(basePos+1); parent->insert(parent->begin()+basePos, opt.begin(), opt.end()); break; default://should never happen break; } return *this; } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const VOptionList & opt ) { return *this = opt; } VOption & VermTreeIterator::getAsItem() { if(state == CAR) return (*parent)[basePos]; else throw EInterpreterError("iterator is not in car state, cannot get as list"); } VermTreeIterator VermTreeIterator::getAsCDR() { VermTreeIterator ret = *this; ret.basePos++; return ret; } VOption & VermTreeIterator::getIth( int i ) { return (*parent)[basePos + i]; } size_t VermTreeIterator::size() const { return parent->size() - basePos; } VERMInterpreter::VOptionList VermTreeIterator::getAsList() { VOptionList ret; for(int g = basePos; g<parent->size(); ++g) { ret.push_back((*parent)[g]); } return ret; } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TVExp const& cmd ) const { return VNode(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TSymbol const& cmd ) const { if(cmd.symModifier.size() == 0) return VSymbol(cmd.sym); else return VNode(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( char const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( double const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()(int const& cmd) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& cmd) const { return cmd; } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TStringConstant const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd.str); } bool VOptionList::isNil() const { return size() == 0; } VermTreeIterator VOptionList::cdr() { VermTreeIterator ret(*this); ret.basePos = 1; return ret; } VermTreeIterator VOptionList::car() { VermTreeIterator ret(*this); ret.state = VermTreeIterator::CAR; return ret; } VERMInterpreter::VOption VFunc::operator()( VermTreeIterator params ) { switch(option) { case DEFAULT: { if(params.size() != args.size()) { throw EVermScriptExecError("Expected " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(args.size()) + " arguments!"); } IntroduceDynamicEnv dyn; for(int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) { if(macro) topDyn->localBind(args[i].text, params.getIth(i)); else topDyn->localBind(args[i].text, erm->eval(params.getIth(i))); } //execute VOptionList toEval = body; if(macro) { //first evaluation (in place of definition) toEval = erm->evalEach(toEval); } //second evaluation for macros/evaluation of funcs VOptionList ret = erm->evalEach(toEval); return ret[ret.size()-1]; } break; case LT: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("< special function takes exactly 2 arguments"); TLiteral lhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)), rhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1)); if(lhs < rhs) return lhs; else return VNIL(); } break; case LE: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("<= special function takes exactly 2 arguments"); TLiteral lhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)), rhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1)); if(lhs <= rhs) return lhs; else return VNIL(); } break; case GT: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("> special function takes exactly 2 arguments"); TLiteral lhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)), rhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1)); if(lhs >= rhs) return lhs; else return VNIL(); } break; case GE: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError(">= special function takes exactly 2 arguments"); TLiteral lhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)), rhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1)); if(lhs >= rhs) return lhs; else return VNIL(); } break; case EQ: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("= special function takes exactly 2 arguments"); printVOption(params.getIth(0)); printVOption(params.getIth(1)); TLiteral lhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)), rhs = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1)); if(lhs.type() == rhs.type()) { if(boost::apply_visitor(_opEQvis(lhs), rhs)) return lhs; else return VNIL(); } else throw EVermScriptExecError("Incompatible types in = special function"); } break; case ADD: { if(params.size() == 0) throw EVermScriptExecError("+ special function takes at least 1 argument"); TLiteral par1 = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)); int retI = 0; double retD = 0.0; int used = isA<int>(par1) ? 0 : 1; for(int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i) { if(used == 0) retI += getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(i))); else retD += getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(i))); } if(used == 0) return retI; else return retD; } break; case SUB: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("- special function takes at least 2 argument"); TLiteral par1 = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)); int used = isA<int>(par1) ? 0 : 1; if(used == 0) return getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0))) - getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))); else return getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))) - getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))); } break; case MULT: { if(params.size() == 0) throw EVermScriptExecError("* special function takes at least 1 argument"); TLiteral par1 = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)); int retI = 1; double retD = 1.0; int used = isA<int>(par1) ? 0 : 1; for(int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i) { if(used == 0) retI *= getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(i))); else retD *= getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(i))); } if(used == 0) return retI; else return retD; } break; case DIV: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("/ special function takes at least 2 argument"); TLiteral par1 = getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0)); int used = isA<int>(par1) ? 0 : 1; if(used == 0) return getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0))) / getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))); else return getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))) / getAs<double>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))); } break; case MOD: { if(params.size() != 2) throw EVermScriptExecError("% special function takes at least 2 argument"); return getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(0))) % getAs<int>(getAs<TLiteral>(params.getIth(1))); } break; default: throw EInterpreterError("VFunc in forbidden mode!"); break; } } IntroduceDynamicEnv::IntroduceDynamicEnv() { Environment * nen = new Environment(); nen->setPatent(topDyn); topDyn = nen; } IntroduceDynamicEnv::~IntroduceDynamicEnv() { topDyn->setPatent(topDyn->getPatent()); } bool operator<=(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2) { if(t1.type() == t2.type()) { return boost::apply_visitor(_opLEvis(t1), t2); } throw EVermScriptExecError("These types are incomparable!"); } bool operator>(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2) { if(t1.type() == t2.type()) { return boost::apply_visitor(_opGTvis(t1), t2); } throw EVermScriptExecError("These types are incomparable!"); } bool operator>=(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2) { if(t1.type() == t2.type()) { return boost::apply_visitor(_opGEvis(t1), t2); } throw EVermScriptExecError("These types are incomparable!"); } struct _VLITPrinter : boost::static_visitor<void> { void operator()(const std::string & par) const { tlog4 << "^" << par << "^"; } template<typename T> void operator()(const T & par) const { tlog4 << par; } }; struct _VOPTPrinter : boost::static_visitor<void> { void operator()(VNIL const& opt) const { tlog4 << "[]"; } void operator()(VNode const& opt) const { tlog4 << "["; for(int g=0; g<opt.children.size(); ++g) { boost::apply_visitor(_VOPTPrinter(), opt.children[g]); tlog4 << " "; } tlog4 << "]"; } void operator()(VSymbol const& opt) const { tlog4 << opt.text; } void operator()(TLiteral const& opt) const { boost::apply_visitor(_VLITPrinter(), opt); } void operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& opt) const { tlog4 << "--erm--"; } void operator()(VFunc const& opt) const { tlog4 << "function"; } }; void printVOption(const VOption & opt) { boost::apply_visitor(_VOPTPrinter(), opt); tlog4 << "\n"; } }