#include "../stdafx.h" #include <sstream> #include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> #include <boost/bimap.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <SDL_mixer.h> #include "CSndHandler.h" #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../client/CGameInfo.h" #include "../lib/JsonNode.h" /* * CMusicHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ using namespace boost::assign; static boost::bimap<soundBase::soundID, std::string> sounds; // Not pretty, but there's only one music handler object in the game. static void soundFinishedCallbackC(int channel) { CCS->soundh->soundFinishedCallback(channel); } static void musicFinishedCallbackC(void) { CCS->musich->musicFinishedCallback(); } void CAudioBase::init() { if (initialized) return; if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024)==-1) { tlog1 << "Mix_OpenAudio error: " << Mix_GetError() << std::endl; return; } initialized = true; } void CAudioBase::release() { if (initialized) { Mix_CloseAudio(); initialized = false; } } void CAudioBase::setVolume(unsigned int percent) { if (percent > 100) percent = 100; volume = percent; } CSoundHandler::CSoundHandler() { // Map sound names #define VCMI_SOUND_NAME(x) ( soundBase::x, #define VCMI_SOUND_FILE(y) #y ) sounds = boost::assign::list_of<boost::bimap<soundBase::soundID, std::string>::relation> VCMI_SOUND_LIST; #undef VCMI_SOUND_NAME #undef VCMI_SOUND_FILE // Vectors for helper(s) pickupSounds += soundBase::pickup01, soundBase::pickup02, soundBase::pickup03, soundBase::pickup04, soundBase::pickup05, soundBase::pickup06, soundBase::pickup07; horseSounds += // must be the same order as terrains (see EterrainType); soundBase::horseDirt, soundBase::horseSand, soundBase::horseGrass, soundBase::horseSnow, soundBase::horseSwamp, soundBase::horseRough, soundBase::horseSubterranean, soundBase::horseLava, soundBase::horseWater, soundBase::horseRock; battleIntroSounds += soundBase::battle00, soundBase::battle01, soundBase::battle02, soundBase::battle03, soundBase::battle04, soundBase::battle05, soundBase::battle06, soundBase::battle07; }; void CSoundHandler::init() { CAudioBase::init(); if (initialized) { // Load sounds sndh.add_file(std::string(DATA_DIR "/Data/Heroes3.snd")); sndh.add_file(std::string(DATA_DIR "/Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd"), false); sndh.add_file(std::string(DATA_DIR "/Data/H3ab_ahd.snd")); Mix_ChannelFinished(soundFinishedCallbackC); } } void CSoundHandler::release() { if (initialized) { Mix_HaltChannel(-1); std::map<soundBase::soundID, Mix_Chunk *>::iterator it; for (it=soundChunks.begin(); it != soundChunks.end(); it++) { if (it->second) Mix_FreeChunk(it->second); } } CAudioBase::release(); } // Allocate an SDL chunk and cache it. Mix_Chunk *CSoundHandler::GetSoundChunk(soundBase::soundID soundID) { // Find its name boost::bimap<soundBase::soundID, std::string>::left_iterator it; it = sounds.left.find(soundID); if (it == sounds.left.end()) return NULL; // Load and insert int size; const char *data = sndh.extract(it->second, size); if (!data) return NULL; SDL_RWops *ops = SDL_RWFromConstMem(data, size); Mix_Chunk *chunk; chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(ops, 1); // will free ops if (!chunk) { tlog1 << "Unable to mix sound" << it->second << "(" << Mix_GetError() << ")" << std::endl; return NULL; } soundChunks.insert(std::pair<soundBase::soundID, Mix_Chunk *>(soundID, chunk)); return chunk; } // Get a soundID given a filename soundBase::soundID CSoundHandler::getSoundID(const std::string &fileName) { boost::bimap<soundBase::soundID, std::string>::right_iterator it; it = sounds.right.find(fileName); if (it == sounds.right.end()) return soundBase::invalid; else return it->second; } void CSoundHandler::initCreaturesSounds(const std::vector<ConstTransitivePtr< CCreature> > &creatures) { tlog5 << "\t\tReading config/cr_sounds.json" << std::endl; const JsonNode config(DATA_DIR "/config/cr_sounds.json"); CBattleSounds.resize(creatures.size()); if (!config["creature_sounds"].isNull()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &node, config["creature_sounds"].Vector()) { const JsonNode *value; int id; value = &node["name"]; bmap<std::string,int>::const_iterator i = CGI->creh->nameToID.find(value->String()); if (i != CGI->creh->nameToID.end()) id = i->second; else { tlog1 << "Sound info for an unknown creature: " << value->String() << std::endl; continue; } /* This is a bit ugly. Maybe we should use an array for * sound ids instead of separate variables and define * attack/defend/killed/... as indexes. */ #define GET_SOUND_VALUE(value_name) do { value = &node[#value_name]; if (!value->isNull()) CBattleSounds[id].value_name = getSoundID(value->String()); } while(0) GET_SOUND_VALUE(attack); GET_SOUND_VALUE(defend); GET_SOUND_VALUE(killed); GET_SOUND_VALUE(move); GET_SOUND_VALUE(shoot); GET_SOUND_VALUE(wince); GET_SOUND_VALUE(ext1); GET_SOUND_VALUE(ext2); GET_SOUND_VALUE(startMoving); GET_SOUND_VALUE(endMoving); #undef GET_SOUND_VALUE } } //commented to avoid spurious warnings /* // Find creatures without sounds for(unsigned int i=0;i<creatures.size();i++) { // Note: this will exclude war machines, but it's better // than nothing. if (vstd::contains(CGI->creh->notUsedMonsters, i)) continue; CCreature &c = creatures[i]; if (c.sounds.killed == soundBase::invalid) tlog1 << "creature " << c.idNumber << " doesn't have sounds" << std::endl; }*/ } void CSoundHandler::initSpellsSounds(const std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr<CSpell> > &spells) { const JsonNode config(DATA_DIR "/config/sp_sounds.json"); if (!config["spell_sounds"].isNull()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &node, config["spell_sounds"].Vector()) { int spellid = node["id"].Float(); const CSpell *s = CGI->spellh->spells[spellid]; if (vstd::contains(spellSounds, s)) tlog1 << "Spell << " << spellid << " already has a sound" << std::endl; spellSounds[s] = getSoundID(node["soundfile"].String()); } } } // Plays a sound, and return its channel so we can fade it out later int CSoundHandler::playSound(soundBase::soundID soundID, int repeats) { if (!initialized) return -1; int channel; Mix_Chunk *chunk = GetSoundChunk(soundID); if (chunk) { channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk, repeats); if (channel == -1) tlog1 << "Unable to play sound file " << soundID << " , error " << Mix_GetError() << std::endl; else callbacks[channel];//insert empty callback } else { channel = -1; } return channel; } // Helper. Randomly select a sound from an array and play it int CSoundHandler::playSoundFromSet(std::vector<soundBase::soundID> &sound_vec) { return playSound(sound_vec[rand() % sound_vec.size()]); } void CSoundHandler::stopSound( int handler ) { if (initialized && handler != -1) Mix_HaltChannel(handler); } // Sets the sound volume, from 0 (mute) to 100 void CSoundHandler::setVolume(unsigned int percent) { CAudioBase::setVolume(percent); if (initialized) Mix_Volume(-1, (MIX_MAX_VOLUME * volume)/100); } void CSoundHandler::setCallback(int channel, boost::function<void()> function) { std::map<int, boost::function<void()> >::iterator iter; iter = callbacks.find(channel); //channel not found. It may have finished so fire callback now if(iter == callbacks.end()) function(); else iter->second = function; } void CSoundHandler::soundFinishedCallback(int channel) { std::map<int, boost::function<void()> >::iterator iter; iter = callbacks.find(channel); assert(iter != callbacks.end()); if (iter->second) iter->second(); callbacks.erase(iter); } CMusicHandler::CMusicHandler() { // Map music IDs #define VCMI_MUSIC_ID(x) ( musicBase::x , #define VCMI_MUSIC_FILE(y) y ) musics = map_list_of VCMI_MUSIC_LIST; #undef VCMI_MUSIC_NAME #undef VCMI_MUSIC_FILE // Vectors for helper aiMusics += musicBase::AITheme0, musicBase::AITheme1, musicBase::AITheme2; battleMusics += musicBase::combat1, musicBase::combat2, musicBase::combat3, musicBase::combat4; townMusics += musicBase::castleTown, musicBase::rampartTown, musicBase::towerTown, musicBase::infernoTown, musicBase::necroTown, musicBase::dungeonTown, musicBase::strongHoldTown, musicBase::fortressTown, musicBase::elemTown; terrainMusics += musicBase::dirt, musicBase::sand, musicBase::grass, musicBase::snow, musicBase::swamp, musicBase::rough, musicBase::underground, musicBase::lava,musicBase::water; } void CMusicHandler::init() { CAudioBase::init(); if (initialized) Mix_HookMusicFinished(musicFinishedCallbackC); } void CMusicHandler::release() { if (initialized) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(musicMutex); Mix_HookMusicFinished(NULL); current.reset(); next.reset(); } CAudioBase::release(); } // Plays a music // loop: -1 always repeats, 0=do not play, 1+=number of loops void CMusicHandler::playMusic(musicBase::musicID musicID, int loop) { if (current.get() != NULL && *current == musicID) return; queueNext(new MusicEntry(this, musicID, loop)); } // Helper. Randomly plays tracks from music_vec void CMusicHandler::playMusicFromSet(std::vector<musicBase::musicID> &music_vec, int loop) { if (current.get() != NULL && *current == music_vec) return; queueNext(new MusicEntry(this, music_vec, loop)); } void CMusicHandler::queueNext(MusicEntry *queued) { if (!initialized) return; boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(musicMutex); next.reset(queued); if (current.get() != NULL) { current->stop(1000); } else { current = next; current->play(); } } // Stop and free the current music void CMusicHandler::stopMusic(int fade_ms) { if (!initialized) return; boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(musicMutex); if (current.get() != NULL) current->stop(fade_ms); next.reset(); } // Sets the music volume, from 0 (mute) to 100 void CMusicHandler::setVolume(unsigned int percent) { CAudioBase::setVolume(percent); if (initialized) Mix_VolumeMusic((MIX_MAX_VOLUME * volume)/100); } // Called by SDL when a music finished. void CMusicHandler::musicFinishedCallback(void) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(musicMutex); if (current.get() != NULL) { //return if current music still not finished if (current->play()) return; else current.reset(); } if (current.get() == NULL && next.get() != NULL) { current = next; current->play(); } } MusicEntry::MusicEntry(CMusicHandler *_owner, musicBase::musicID _musicID, int _loopCount): owner(_owner), music(NULL), loopCount(_loopCount) { load(_musicID); } MusicEntry::MusicEntry(CMusicHandler *_owner, std::vector<musicBase::musicID> &_musicVec, int _loopCount): currentID(musicBase::music_todo), owner(_owner), music(NULL), loopCount(_loopCount), musicVec(_musicVec) { //In this case music will be loaded only on playing - no need to call load() here } MusicEntry::~MusicEntry() { tlog5<<"Del-ing music file "<<filename<<"\n"; if (music) Mix_FreeMusic(music); } void MusicEntry::load(musicBase::musicID ID) { currentID = ID; filename = DATA_DIR "/Mp3/"; filename += owner->musics[ID]; tlog5<<"Loading music file "<<filename<<"\n"; if (music) Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = Mix_LoadMUS(filename.c_str()); if(!music) { tlog3 << "Warning: Cannot open " << filename << ": " << Mix_GetError() << std::endl; return; } #ifdef _WIN32 //The assertion will fail if old MSVC libraries pack .dll is used assert(Mix_GetMusicType(music) != MUS_MP3); #endif } bool MusicEntry::play() { if (loopCount == 0) return false; if (loopCount > 0) loopCount--; if (!musicVec.empty()) load(musicVec.at(rand() % musicVec.size())); tlog5<<"Playing music file "<<filename<<"\n"; if(Mix_PlayMusic(music, 1) == -1) { tlog1 << "Unable to play music (" << Mix_GetError() << ")" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } void MusicEntry::stop(int fade_ms) { tlog5<<"Stoping music file "<<filename<<"\n"; loopCount = 0; Mix_FadeOutMusic(fade_ms); } bool MusicEntry::operator == (musicBase::musicID _musicID) const { return musicVec.empty() && currentID == _musicID; } bool MusicEntry::operator == (std::vector<musicBase::musicID> &_musicVec) const { return musicVec == _musicVec; }