/* * LuaCallWrapper.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "api/Registry.h" #include "LuaStack.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace scripting { namespace detail { template<int ...> struct Seq {}; template<int N, int ...S> struct Gens : Gens<N-1, N-1, S...> {}; template<int ...S> struct Gens<0, S...> { typedef Seq<S...> type; }; template <typename R, typename ... Args> class LuaArgumentsTuple { public: using TupleData = std::tuple<Args ...>; using Functor = R(*)(Args ...); TupleData args; Functor f; LuaArgumentsTuple(Functor _f) :f(_f), args() { } STRONG_INLINE int invoke(lua_State * L) { return callFunc(L, typename Gens<sizeof...(Args)>::type()); } private: template<int ...N> int callFunc(lua_State * L, Seq<N...>) { LuaStack S(L); bool ok[sizeof...(Args)] = {(S.tryGet(N+1, std::get<N>(args)))...}; if(std::count(std::begin(ok), std::end(ok), false) > 0) return S.retVoid(); R ret = f(std::get<N>(args) ...); S.clear(); S.push(ret); return 1; } }; class LuaFunctionInvoker { public: template<typename R, typename ... Args> static STRONG_INLINE int invoke(lua_State * L, R(*f)(Args ...)) { LuaArgumentsTuple<R, Args ...> args(f); return args.invoke(L); } }; } template <typename F, F f> class LuaFunctionWrapper { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { return detail::LuaFunctionInvoker::invoke(L, f); } }; //TODO: this should be the only one wrapper type // template <typename U, typename M, M m> class LuaMethodWrapper { }; template <typename U, typename T, typename R, R(T:: * method)()const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, R(T:: *)()const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); S.push(functor(obj)); return S.retPushed(); } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename R, R(T:: * method)()> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, R(T:: *)(), method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); S.push(functor(obj)); return S.retPushed(); } }; template <typename U, typename T, void(T:: * method)()const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, void(T:: *)()const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); functor(obj); return 0; } }; template <typename U, typename T, void(T:: * method)()> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, void(T:: *)(), method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); functor(obj); return 0; } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename R, typename P1, R(T:: * method)(P1)const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, R(T:: *)(P1)const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); S.push(functor(obj, p1)); return S.retPushed(); } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename R, typename P1, R(T:: * method)(P1)> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, R(T:: *)(P1), method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); S.push(functor(obj, p1)); return S.retPushed(); } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename P1, void(T:: * method)(P1)const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, void(T:: *)(P1)const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); functor(obj, p1); return 0; } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename P1, void(T:: * method)(P1)> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, void(T:: *)(P1), method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1,obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); functor(obj, p1); return 0; } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename R, typename P1, typename P2, R(T:: * method)(P1, P2)const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, R(T:: *)(P1, P2)const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1, obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); P2 p2; if(!S.tryGet(3, p2)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); S.push(functor(obj, p1, p2)); return S.retPushed(); } }; template <typename U, typename T, typename P1, typename P2, void(T:: * method)(P1, P2)const> class LuaMethodWrapper <U, void(T:: *)(P1, P2)const, method> { public: static int invoke(lua_State * L) { LuaStack S(L); const U * obj = nullptr; if(!S.tryGet(1, obj)) return S.retVoid(); P1 p1; if(!S.tryGet(2, p1)) return S.retVoid(); P2 p2; if(!S.tryGet(3, p2)) return S.retVoid(); static auto functor = std::mem_fn(method); S.clear(); functor(obj, p1, p2); return 0; } }; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END