/* * SDL_Extensions.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../../lib/Rect.h" #include "../../lib/Color.h" struct SDL_Rect; struct SDL_Window; struct SDL_Renderer; struct SDL_Texture; struct SDL_Surface; struct SDL_Color; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class PlayerColor; class Rect; class Point; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END enum class EScalingAlgorithm : int8_t { NEAREST, BILINEAR, XBRZ_OPAQUE, // xbrz, image edges are considered to have same color as pixel inside image XBRZ_ALPHA // xbrz, image edges are considered to be transparent }; namespace CSDL_Ext { /// creates Rect using provided rect Rect fromSDL(const SDL_Rect & rect); /// creates SDL_Rect using provided rect SDL_Rect toSDL(const Rect & rect); /// creates Color using provided SDL_Color ColorRGBA fromSDL(const SDL_Color & color); /// creates SDL_Color using provided Color SDL_Color toSDL(const ColorRGBA & color); void setColors(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Color *colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors); void setAlpha(SDL_Surface * bg, int value); using TColorPutter = void (*)(uint8_t *&, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &); using TColorPutterAlpha = void (*)(uint8_t *&, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &); void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y, SDL_Surface * dst); void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & pos, SDL_Surface * dst); void setClipRect(SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & other); void getClipRect(SDL_Surface * src, Rect & other); void blitSurface(SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const Point & dest); void blitSurface(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, const Point & dest); void fillSurface(SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Color & color); void fillRect(SDL_Surface * dst, const Rect & dstrect, const SDL_Color & color); void fillRectBlended(SDL_Surface * dst, const Rect & dstrect, const SDL_Color & color); void putPixelWithoutRefresh(SDL_Surface * ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, uint8_t A = 255); void putPixelWithoutRefreshIfInSurf(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, uint8_t A = 255); SDL_Surface * verticalFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot); //vertical flip SDL_Surface * horizontalFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot); //horizontal flip uint32_t getPixel(SDL_Surface * surface, const int & x, const int & y, bool colorByte = false); bool isTransparent(SDL_Surface * srf, int x, int y); //checks if surface is transparent at given position bool isTransparent(SDL_Surface * srf, const Point & position); //checks if surface is transparent at given position uint8_t * getPxPtr(const SDL_Surface * const & srf, const int x, const int y); TColorPutter getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const & dest); template<int bpp, bool useAlpha> int blit8bppAlphaTo24bppT(const SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const Point & dstPoint, uint8_t alpha); //blits 8 bpp surface with alpha channel to 24 bpp surface int blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(const SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const Point & dstPoint, uint8_t alpha); //blits 8 bpp surface with alpha channel to 24 bpp surface uint32_t colorTouint32_t(const SDL_Color * color); //little endian only void drawLine(SDL_Surface * sur, const Point & from, const Point & dest, const SDL_Color & color1, const SDL_Color & color2, int width); void drawLineDashed(SDL_Surface * sur, const Point & from, const Point & dest, const SDL_Color & color); void drawBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, int x, int y, int w, int h, const SDL_Color & color, int depth = 1); void drawBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, const Rect & r, const SDL_Color & color, int depth = 1); SDL_Surface * newSurface(const Point & dimensions, SDL_Surface * mod); //creates new surface, with flags/format same as in surface given SDL_Surface * newSurface(const Point & dimensions); //creates new surface, with flags/format same as in screen surface SDL_Surface * copySurface(SDL_Surface * mod); //returns copy of given surface template<int bpp> SDL_Surface * createSurfaceWithBpp(int width, int height); //create surface with give bits per pixels value // bilinear filtering. Always returns rgba surface SDL_Surface * scaleSurface(SDL_Surface * surf, int width, int height); SDL_Surface * scaleSurfaceIntegerFactor(SDL_Surface * surf, int factor, EScalingAlgorithm scaler); template<int bpp> void convertToGrayscaleBpp(SDL_Surface * surf, const Rect & rect); void convertToGrayscale(SDL_Surface * surf, const Rect & rect); void setColorKey(SDL_Surface * surface, SDL_Color color); ///set key-color to 0,255,255 void setDefaultColorKey(SDL_Surface * surface); ///set key-color to 0,255,255 only if it exactly mapped void setDefaultColorKeyPresize(SDL_Surface * surface); /// helper that will safely set and un-set ClipRect for SDL_Surface class CClipRectGuard: boost::noncopyable { SDL_Surface * surf; Rect oldRect; int getScalingFactor() const; public: CClipRectGuard(SDL_Surface * surface, const Rect & rect): surf(surface) { CSDL_Ext::getClipRect(surf, oldRect); CSDL_Ext::setClipRect(surf, rect * getScalingFactor()); } ~CClipRectGuard() { CSDL_Ext::setClipRect(surf, oldRect); } }; }