/* * StackWithBonuses.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "StackWithBonuses.h" #include #include "../../lib/battle/BattleLayout.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" #include "../../lib/ScriptHandler.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/SetStackEffect.h" #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED using scripting::Pool; #endif void actualizeEffect(TBonusListPtr target, const Bonus & ef) { for(auto & bonus : *target) //TODO: optimize { if(bonus->source == BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT && bonus->type == ef.type && bonus->subtype == ef.subtype) { if(bonus->turnsRemain < ef.turnsRemain) { bonus.reset(new Bonus(*bonus)); bonus->turnsRemain = ef.turnsRemain; } } } } StackWithBonuses::StackWithBonuses(const HypotheticBattle * Owner, const battle::CUnitState * Stack) : battle::CUnitState(), origBearer(Stack->getBonusBearer()), owner(Owner), type(Stack->unitType()), baseAmount(Stack->unitBaseAmount()), id(Stack->unitId()), side(Stack->unitSide()), player(Stack->unitOwner()), slot(Stack->unitSlot()), treeVersionLocal(0) { localInit(Owner); battle::CUnitState::operator=(*Stack); } StackWithBonuses::StackWithBonuses(const HypotheticBattle * Owner, const battle::Unit * Stack) : battle::CUnitState(), origBearer(Stack->getBonusBearer()), owner(Owner), type(Stack->unitType()), baseAmount(Stack->unitBaseAmount()), id(Stack->unitId()), side(Stack->unitSide()), player(Stack->unitOwner()), slot(Stack->unitSlot()), treeVersionLocal(0) { localInit(Owner); auto state = Stack->acquireState(); battle::CUnitState::operator=(*state); } StackWithBonuses::StackWithBonuses(const HypotheticBattle * Owner, const battle::UnitInfo & info) : battle::CUnitState(), origBearer(nullptr), owner(Owner), baseAmount(info.count), id(info.id), side(info.side), slot(SlotID::SUMMONED_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER), treeVersionLocal(0) { type = info.type.toCreature(); origBearer = type; player = Owner->getSidePlayer(side); localInit(Owner); position = info.position; summoned = info.summoned; } StackWithBonuses::~StackWithBonuses() = default; StackWithBonuses & StackWithBonuses::operator=(const battle::CUnitState & other) { battle::CUnitState::operator=(other); return *this; } const CCreature * StackWithBonuses::unitType() const { return type; } int32_t StackWithBonuses::unitBaseAmount() const { return baseAmount; } uint32_t StackWithBonuses::unitId() const { return id; } BattleSide StackWithBonuses::unitSide() const { return side; } PlayerColor StackWithBonuses::unitOwner() const { return player; } SlotID StackWithBonuses::unitSlot() const { return slot; } TConstBonusListPtr StackWithBonuses::getAllBonuses(const CSelector & selector, const CSelector & limit, const std::string & cachingStr) const { auto ret = std::make_shared(); TConstBonusListPtr originalList = origBearer->getAllBonuses(selector, limit, cachingStr); vstd::copy_if(*originalList, std::back_inserter(*ret), [this](const std::shared_ptr & b) { return !vstd::contains(bonusesToRemove, b); }); for(const Bonus & bonus : bonusesToUpdate) { if(selector(&bonus) && (!limit || limit(&bonus))) { if(ret->getFirst(Selector::source(BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT, bonus.sid).And(Selector::typeSubtype(bonus.type, bonus.subtype)))) { actualizeEffect(ret, bonus); } else { auto b = std::make_shared(bonus); ret->push_back(b); } } } for(auto & bonus : bonusesToAdd) { auto b = std::make_shared(bonus); if(selector(b.get()) && (!limit || !limit(b.get()))) ret->push_back(b); } //TODO limiters? return ret; } int32_t StackWithBonuses::getTreeVersion() const { auto result = owner->getTreeVersion(); if(bonusesToAdd.empty() && bonusesToUpdate.empty() && bonusesToRemove.empty()) return result; else return result + treeVersionLocal; } void StackWithBonuses::addUnitBonus(const std::vector & bonus) { vstd::concatenate(bonusesToAdd, bonus); treeVersionLocal++; } void StackWithBonuses::updateUnitBonus(const std::vector & bonus) { //TODO: optimize, actualize to last value vstd::concatenate(bonusesToUpdate, bonus); treeVersionLocal++; } void StackWithBonuses::removeUnitBonus(const std::vector & bonus) { for(auto & one : bonus) { CSelector selector([&one](const Bonus * b) -> bool { //compare everything but turnsRemain, limiter and propagator return one.duration == b->duration && one.type == b->type && one.subtype == b->subtype && one.source == b->source && one.val == b->val && one.sid == b->sid && one.valType == b->valType && one.additionalInfo == b->additionalInfo && one.effectRange == b->effectRange; }); removeUnitBonus(selector); } } void StackWithBonuses::removeUnitBonus(const CSelector & selector) { TConstBonusListPtr toRemove = origBearer->getBonuses(selector); for(auto b : *toRemove) bonusesToRemove.insert(b); vstd::erase_if(bonusesToAdd, [&](const Bonus & b){return selector(&b);}); vstd::erase_if(bonusesToUpdate, [&](const Bonus & b){return selector(&b);}); treeVersionLocal++; } std::string StackWithBonuses::getDescription() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << unitOwner().toString(); oss << " battle stack [" << unitId() << "]: " << getCount() << " of "; if(type) oss << type->getJsonKey(); else oss << "[UNDEFINED TYPE]"; oss << " from slot " << slot; return oss.str(); } void StackWithBonuses::spendMana(ServerCallback * server, const int spellCost) const { //TODO: evaluate cast use } HypotheticBattle::HypotheticBattle(const Environment * ENV, Subject realBattle) : BattleProxy(realBattle), env(ENV), bonusTreeVersion(1) { auto activeUnit = realBattle->battleActiveUnit(); activeUnitId = activeUnit ? activeUnit->unitId() : -1; nextId = 0x00F00000; eventBus.reset(new events::EventBus()); localEnvironment.reset(new HypotheticEnvironment(this, env)); serverCallback.reset(new HypotheticServerCallback(this)); #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED pool.reset(new scripting::PoolImpl(localEnvironment.get(), serverCallback.get())); #endif } bool HypotheticBattle::unitHasAmmoCart(const battle::Unit * unit) const { //FIXME: check ammocart alive state here return false; } PlayerColor HypotheticBattle::unitEffectiveOwner(const battle::Unit * unit) const { return battleGetOwner(unit); } std::shared_ptr HypotheticBattle::getForUpdate(uint32_t id) { auto iter = stackStates.find(id); if(iter == stackStates.end()) { const battle::Unit * s = subject->battleGetUnitByID(id); auto ret = std::make_shared(this, s); stackStates[id] = ret; return ret; } else { return iter->second; } } battle::Units HypotheticBattle::getUnitsIf(const battle::UnitFilter & predicate) const { battle::Units proxyed = BattleProxy::getUnitsIf(predicate); battle::Units ret; ret.reserve(proxyed.size()); for(auto unit : proxyed) { //unit was not changed, trust proxyed data if(stackStates.find(unit->unitId()) == stackStates.end()) ret.push_back(unit); } for(auto id_unit : stackStates) { if(predicate(id_unit.second.get())) ret.push_back(id_unit.second.get()); } return ret; } BattleID HypotheticBattle::getBattleID() const { return subject->getBattle()->getBattleID(); } int32_t HypotheticBattle::getActiveStackID() const { return activeUnitId; } void HypotheticBattle::nextRound() { //TODO:HypotheticBattle::nextRound for(auto unit : battleAliveUnits()) { auto forUpdate = getForUpdate(unit->unitId()); //TODO: update Bonus::NTurns effects forUpdate->afterNewRound(); } } void HypotheticBattle::nextTurn(uint32_t unitId) { activeUnitId = unitId; auto unit = getForUpdate(unitId); unit->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilGetsTurn); unit->afterGetsTurn(); } void HypotheticBattle::addUnit(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data) { battle::UnitInfo info; info.load(id, data); auto newUnit = std::make_shared(this, info); stackStates[newUnit->unitId()] = newUnit; } void HypotheticBattle::moveUnit(uint32_t id, BattleHex destination) { std::shared_ptr changed = getForUpdate(id); changed->position = destination; } void HypotheticBattle::setUnitState(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data, int64_t healthDelta) { std::shared_ptr changed = getForUpdate(id); changed->load(data); if(healthDelta < 0) { changed->removeUnitBonus(Bonus::UntilBeingAttacked); } } void HypotheticBattle::removeUnit(uint32_t id) { std::set ids; ids.insert(id); while(!ids.empty()) { auto toRemoveId = *ids.begin(); auto toRemove = getForUpdate(toRemoveId); if(!toRemove->ghost) { toRemove->onRemoved(); //TODO: emulate detachFromAll() somehow //stack may be removed instantly (not being killed first) //handle clone remove also here if(toRemove->cloneID >= 0) { ids.insert(toRemove->cloneID); toRemove->cloneID = -1; } //TODO: cleanup remaining clone links if any // for(auto s : stacks) // { // if(s->cloneID == toRemoveId) // s->cloneID = -1; // } } ids.erase(toRemoveId); } } void HypotheticBattle::updateUnit(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data) { //TODO: } void HypotheticBattle::addUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector & bonus) { getForUpdate(id)->addUnitBonus(bonus); bonusTreeVersion++; } void HypotheticBattle::updateUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector & bonus) { getForUpdate(id)->updateUnitBonus(bonus); bonusTreeVersion++; } void HypotheticBattle::removeUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector & bonus) { getForUpdate(id)->removeUnitBonus(bonus); bonusTreeVersion++; } void HypotheticBattle::setWallState(EWallPart partOfWall, EWallState state) { //TODO:HypotheticBattle::setWallState } void HypotheticBattle::addObstacle(const ObstacleChanges & changes) { //TODO:HypotheticBattle::addObstacle } void HypotheticBattle::updateObstacle(const ObstacleChanges& changes) { //TODO:HypotheticBattle::updateObstacle } void HypotheticBattle::removeObstacle(uint32_t id) { //TODO:HypotheticBattle::removeObstacle } uint32_t HypotheticBattle::nextUnitId() const { return nextId++; } int64_t HypotheticBattle::getActualDamage(const DamageRange & damage, int32_t attackerCount, vstd::RNG & rng) const { return (damage.min + damage.max) / 2; } std::vector HypotheticBattle::getUsedSpells(BattleSide side) const { // TODO return {}; } int3 HypotheticBattle::getLocation() const { // TODO return int3(-1, -1, -1); } BattleLayout HypotheticBattle::getLayout() const { return subject->getBattle()->getLayout(); } int32_t HypotheticBattle::getTreeVersion() const { return getBonusBearer()->getTreeVersion() + bonusTreeVersion; } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED Pool * HypotheticBattle::getContextPool() const { return pool.get(); } #endif ServerCallback * HypotheticBattle::getServerCallback() { return serverCallback.get(); } void HypotheticBattle::makeWait(const battle::Unit * activeStack) { auto unit = getForUpdate(activeStack->unitId()); resetActiveUnit(); unit->waiting = true; unit->waitedThisTurn = true; } HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::HypotheticServerCallback(HypotheticBattle * owner_) :owner(owner_) { } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::complain(const std::string & problem) { logAi->error(problem); } bool HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::describeChanges() const { return false; } vstd::RNG * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::getRNG() { return &rngStub; } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(CPackForClient & pack) { logAi->error("Package of type %s is not allowed in battle evaluation", typeid(pack).name()); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(BattleLogMessage & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(BattleStackMoved & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(BattleUnitsChanged & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(SetStackEffect & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(StacksInjured & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(BattleObstaclesChanged & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } void HypotheticBattle::HypotheticServerCallback::apply(CatapultAttack & pack) { pack.applyBattle(owner); } HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::HypotheticEnvironment(HypotheticBattle * owner_, const Environment * upperEnvironment) : owner(owner_), env(upperEnvironment) { } const Services * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::services() const { return env->services(); } const Environment::BattleCb * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::battle(const BattleID & battleID) const { assert(battleID == owner->getBattleID()); return owner; } const Environment::GameCb * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::game() const { return env->game(); } vstd::CLoggerBase * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::logger() const { return env->logger(); } events::EventBus * HypotheticBattle::HypotheticEnvironment::eventBus() const { return owner->eventBus.get(); }